Ty (The Boundarylands Omegaverse Book 2)

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Ty (The Boundarylands Omegaverse Book 2) Page 8

by Callie Rhodes

  When would she learn that she couldn't hide from him? He'd known she was eavesdropping from the moment the floorboards in their bedroom squeaked. He'd sensed her delicate scent moving closer with every step.

  Claiming bite or no, she was his omega, and he was aware of her presence every damn moment of the day. No tiptoeing was going to change that.

  Still, he had to admit that her guilty blush was sexy as hell.

  "I'm sorry," she muttered, gazing down at her feet.

  "For what?" Ty asked. "This is your house. You can go where you please."

  Her eyes flashed up, brows knit together over the bridge of her nose. Her confusion wasn't surprising. It was apparent she still didn't think of this place as her home.

  But it was.

  Their home.

  Now and forever. If only she would get that through her stubborn head.

  "You're not mad?" she asked.

  "No, I'm fucking furious," he said. "But not about you peeking through keyholes."

  "Then what?"

  "You wouldn't understand."

  She blinked, and her eyes widened in offense.

  "I see," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm just a stupid little omega. I couldn't possibly understand."

  Ty dragged his hand over his chin. A few days' growth of coarse hair bristled against his palm as he lifted his gaze up to the sky. "You don't see a goddamn thing."

  "Really? Then you're not angry about soldiers invading the Boundaryland?" She spat the questions at him. "Or that my father is likely behind it?"

  Sure, that was part of it. A big part. But not all.

  "Or that I still haven't given you some weird bite…" she went on.

  He snapped his gaze back to her. "There's nothing weird about the bite that binds us together. I've seen you battle the urge to share it with me as my knot pulses inside of you."

  The blush reappeared in her cheeks. Lighting her up bright…but this time the flush had nothing to do with shame. At the mere suggestion of his knot, he could sense the heat rising in her blood.

  She seemed determined to ignore it.

  "So, that is what this is really about," she said. "You think that this whole thing—Dustin, the government, my father—will all go away if I bite you."

  "I don't think it," Ty said. "I know it."

  She crossed her arms, and the blanket fell off her shoulders. The fabric puddled around her ankles, exposing her slender legs. She was wearing one of his T-shirts, and it was far too big on her. The hem hung down to the middle of her thighs; the neckline barely clung to her shoulders. It would only take a second for him to tear it clean off.

  The thought made Ty's cock surge, pressing painfully against the front of his jeans.

  Mia's mouth tightened. The look in her eyes changed, shifting from angry to apologetic in an instant. She shook her head slowly.

  "That's because you don't know my father or what he's capable of," she said. "It's a mistake to underestimate him."

  Ty caught her gaze and held it as he brushed his hands off on his thighs. Slowly, he stood up. It only took him a single step to bridge the space between them. She tilted her chin up.

  "It's a mistake to underestimate me," he said.

  Her body reacted to the promise. The sweet scent of slick pooling between her legs filled the air, and his cock stirred.

  But she refused to reach out to him.

  Instead, she stumbled back a step…back into the house. Shaking her head, she turned her back to him.

  As if she could escape the pull of their bond so easily.

  "That's not what I mean," she said in a rush. "What I'm trying to tell you is that my father is ruthless. He doesn't care about the law. Only what he can get away with."

  "So I've heard," Ty said.

  That got Mia's attention. She spun back around, her brows raised. "Heard from who?"

  "The lead FBI agent assigned to your case," Ty answered. "He doesn't have a great opinion of your father either."

  "He sounds like a smart man," Mia said, raising her hands. "If you won't listen to me, you should at least listen to him."

  "I did," Ty conceded. "He seems to think that he can get the government to call off the investigation if he can prove that you're properly claimed."

  Mia rolled her eyes. "Well, then I change my mind. He's an idiot."

  "Or you're too stubborn for your own good."

  Mia let out a humorless laugh. "That's funny, coming from you."

  Ty bristled. It had been years since anyone had dared to talk to him that way. Not since he was a helpless child, when no one knew he knew would grow up to be a powerful alpha. Back then, even his own family had felt safe ridiculing and abusing him.

  But not anymore.

  "Everything I have done was to protect you." What she called stubbornness, he called amazing restraint.

  Didn't she know what he was capable of? Nothing was off-limits to him.

  Especially when it came to her.

  She must not have, because the steel in her eyes didn't falter at all as she met his gaze. If anything, it strengthened.

  "And what do you think I'm trying to do right now?" she asked. "My father isn't just some run-of-the-mill corrupt politician, Ty. He doesn't give a shit about the law. Once he decides he wants something, he'll stop at nothing to get it."

  "Neither will I."

  Mia threw up her hands and let out a frustrated cry. "Why won't you listen to me?" she demanded. "I'm trying to tell you that this claiming bite doesn't mean a goddamned thing."

  That was it. She had pushed him too far.

  Ty ground his back teeth together. Mia wasn't the only one who was out of patience. He'd indulged her long enough, waiting for her to see reason, but now it was clear that wasn't going to happen.

  He grabbed her arm and pulled her hard against his chest. Defiance shone in her eyes as she glared up at him, but Ty only saw a challenge.

  "And I'm telling you it means everything," he growled. "I don't give a rat's ass about your father, or your boyfriend, or the goddamned army. This isn't about them. This is about you being my omega and taking your place at my side."

  Mia struggled to pull away from his grasp, but he held her tight. She wasn't getting away from him. Not her body, and as sure as hell not her soul.

  "And you really think that this alpha-hole move is going to sway me to claim you?" She spat the question up at him.

  Her indignation would have been a hell of a lot more convincing if the scent of her desire wasn't already filling his nostrils. Ty knew that all he'd have to do was reach down between her legs, and his fingers would be covered in proof of her arousal.

  Maybe then he'd dip them into her mouth and force her to taste her lies.

  Ty's groin tightened at the thought, and he let out a growl that echoed off the walls.

  "No," he admitted with a snarl. "But I know what will."

  Her eyes narrowed. She tilted her chin up a notch. There was still plenty of resistance shining in her gaze, but now there was also a healthy dose of fear.

  "I doubt it," she said, shaking her head. "You're not the first man who's tried to break me. Josh, Dustin, my father—none of them succeeded. I'm not as weak people think I am."

  "I know exactly how strong you are." Of course he did. He'd seen it with his own eyes. "But everyone has their breaking point."

  "So, what's your plan?" she said. The direct look in her eyes turned to a glare. "Let me guess. Beat me until I give you what you want? Lots of guys have tried it before you. It didn't work then, and it won't work now. I promise you that."

  Rage flared inside Ty at the thought of anyone striking his omega. The hospital reports Agent Christie had talked about flashed through his mind, adding fire to the flames.

  Ty did his best to tamp down his anger. Those bastards would pay for what they'd done to Mia. Every single one of them would pay…in time.

  But before he could do any of that, he had to make her his…in every possible way

  "No, Mia," he said, dropping his voice down to a whisper. "I will never raise my hand against you. I'll never have to. There are other ways to get what I want."

  Her lips turned down in disgust. She shook her head. "You should have learned by now that you're not going to be able to seduce me into biting you."

  "That's a shame," he said, meaning every word. Life would have been so much easier—so much more pleasurable—if he could have coaxed her bite with his cock.

  But fate has made his omega a stubborn one.

  Fortunately, he knew he was right about there being other ways.

  Unfortunately, neither of them was going to like it.

  "You might be strong when it comes to your own pain and suffering," Ty said. "But you're weak when it comes to others'."

  Her expression turned wary. "What are you talking about?"

  "I'll never hurt you," he said. "But I have no problem hurting others. Especially those who have harmed you in the past."

  It only took a second for Mia's eyes to widen in understanding. Horror filled their blue depths. "You can't."

  "I can, and I will." He didn't bother to temper the cold menace running through his words. He needed her to hear it. Needed Mia to know that he meant every word. That he'd follow through with every threat.

  And she believed him.

  That much was clear. Her heart pounded like a hammer in her chest. The scent of fear rose from her skin. A tight look of horror lined her eyes.

  Still, Ty felt the need to drive his point home.

  "If you don't give me the claiming bite, I will go back to the bar and kill Dustin and Josh. I will do it slowly and painfully."

  "You're bluffing," Mia said, but there was no conviction in her voice. Hell, she couldn't even look him in the eye. Her face was pointed down at her feet as she shook her head.

  "You know that's not true." Ty ran the back of his fingers down her cheek—the tenderness of the gesture at odds with the threat in his words. He didn't want to do this, but there were times when cruelty was kindness in disguise.

  Mia might not see that now.

  But she would.

  In time.

  "You've already seen their blood on my hands," he continued "You know I want revenge for how they treated you. The only thing that's held me back is your desire for mercy. But if you refuse to give yourself over to me completely, then I don't see why I should care."

  The muscles of her jaw flexed beneath his fingers. Angry eyes flashed up at him.

  "I was wrong," she spat the words. "You are a monster."

  "No," Ty whispered. There was no need for him to shout. Not now that he could see her resolve slipping away. "I'm an alpha. Your alpha. And I will do anything to protect my omega."

  Even if it meant that she would hate him for the rest of their lives.

  Strained silence stretched between them as moments ticked by. Ty didn't move or make a sound.

  Patience was something every alpha learned in the Boundarylands. Their lives as hunters depended on it. If there was one thing he knew, it was how to wait out his prey.

  "All right," Mia finally said, defeated. "You win. If you promise not to lay another finger on Dustin or Josh, I will give you everything you want."

  Ty's lips lifted in victory. But he felt no joy.

  Mia was wrong. He wasn't getting everything. Not even close. What he wanted was all of her, body and soul. He wanted her to need him with the same ferocity as he needed her. To know the satisfaction of an omega who craved his touch, his cock, and his protection.

  But Ty had learned early that life wasn't about getting what you wanted. It was about making the best of what you got.

  He had no right to complain. Only a handful of alphas ever found their omegas. He was one of the lucky ones. That wouldn't change even if Mia cursed his name every time she lay down beside him.

  "Good," he said with a nod. "Take off your clothes."

  Her eyes widened again. "What? Right now?"

  "Of course." There was no point in waiting any longer. He'd already learned she wasn't the type to be warmed up with time.


  "No buts," Ty snapped. "You've made your deal, now take off your clothes. Or were you hoping I would rip them off you?"

  "No." She turned her eyes away, her gaze sliding down to the floor. "I just…"

  Her words trailed off.

  It was just as well.

  Ty lifted his head. Far away—still more than a couple miles off—he'd caught the sound of an engine pulling onto the dirt road that led to his house. As if the driver feared he might miss the sound—or more likely, feared he might be busy—he gave two taps of his horn.

  Only one alpha did that.


  Ty's closest friend.

  He heaved a heavy sigh. He wasn't sure if he was relieved Kian was finally coming or pissed at his timing. After a second, he settled on the former.

  Kian was one of the very few alphas who was bonded to an omega. Even now, his mate, Paige, was heavy with his pup. Which was the main reason Ty didn't blame his friend for his absence.

  In just a couple of months, Kian would become the first Boundarylands father in over fifty years. The alpha had far more important things to worry about than his friend's relationship problems.

  Ty understood that, but still, Kian was the only alpha who could relate to what he was going through. Kian and Paige's claiming had also been complicated.

  Not as complicated as his and Mia's but close.

  Ty let out a long breath and looked back down at Mia.

  "You can stop looking so nervous," he said. "Your prayers for reprieve have been answered."

  Little lines creased the skin above her nose. "What do you mean?"

  "There's a truck coming up the drive," he said.

  Mia's already face paled. "Is it—"

  Her voice broke with fear.

  She was so afraid. Why was she fighting so hard against his protection?

  Ty shook his head. "It's not the FBI…or the army."

  Not this time, at least.

  "Then who is it?" she asked.

  "A friend of mine," Ty said.

  He walked to the door and leaned against the open frame as the Kian's truck continued up the dirt road. His friend must have had the windows rolled down because, even from here, Ty could make out the scent of a pregnant omega being carried toward him by the wind.

  "And it seems that you're in luck," he said, sparing a glance toward Mia, who was still cowering in the middle of the room. "He's brought a friend for you too."

  Chapter Nine

  She was beautiful...and happy.

  Mia wasn't sure which shocked her more as she watched the omega step down from the truck that was parked in front of Ty's cabin.

  Okay, waddle down was a better description.

  The omega was pregnant. Very pregnant.

  Mia stepped back, away from the open front door and deeper into the concealing shadows of the cabin's front room.

  A part of her felt guilty for staring, but she couldn't seem to help herself. The omega was nothing like she expected.

  Paige—Ty had told Mia her name just before they'd rolled up—was lovely. Her hair was pulled back, and loose curls dusted the nape of her neck. Her maternity dress was modern and stylish. But what surprised Mia the most was the sparkle of true joy in her eyes.

  Mia felt an unexpected stab of jealousy at seeing the other woman's happiness. It had been a long time since she'd felt that emotion.

  Not since she'd been left behind in the Boundarylands.

  Maybe not even before then, if she were totally honest.

  Something in the omega's smile called out to Mia. Made her long to share in that joy.

  But it seemed that fate had other plans for her. Instead of radiant smiles and happiness, her reality was filled with threats and forced compromises.

  Mia's jealousy only grew when Paige's alpha—Kian—rushed over to her side.

  But it was the tender yet possessive look in the alpha's eye that really pressed the dagger of envy all the way into Mia's chest.

  That was the look of love.

  Real love—undying and passionate.

  It was everything Mia had ever wanted.

  And was never going to have.

  Mia let out a long breath as the two alphas briefly embraced. Ty nodded his head respectfully toward Paige, and she said something that Mia couldn't quite make out. Whatever it was, it made Ty smile.

  Mia blinked away the hot sting of tears threatening behind her eyes.

  Ty never smiled that way at her. Most of the time, he looked like he was holding back a growl. Who was this woman who could wrap alphas around her finger?

  "Mia," Ty didn't even look back at the house as he called her name.

  For a moment, Mia didn't move. Suddenly, it didn't matter how lonely she'd been. She didn't want to go out there. What was the point? It was obvious she didn't fit in with these people who smiled so easily when she wasn't around.

  As if to confirm her suspicion, the smile on Ty's face fell away as he turned toward the front door. "Mia, I know you're there. Come out and say hello."

  Pushing her hair back from her face and behind her ears, Mia shuffled toward the front door. There was no point in trying to stay hidden. Not when she knew Ty would just storm in, toss her over his shoulder, and haul her out where he wanted her.

  At least this way, she could retain a modicum of dignity.

  Clasping her hands behind her back, she stepped out onto the patio.

  Both Kian and Paige turned toward her. The alpha's eyes widened, and Mia could feel his assessing gaze sweeping over every inch of her, judging her.

  Strangely though, she didn't feel threatened. She wasn't frightened. Her instincts didn't scream in alarm like they had when she'd first encountered Ty.

  Kian might be an alpha, but as far as her instincts were concerned, he was just a man—massive, muscular, and gigantic, sure, but not a physical threat. Mostly, the alpha seemed content to stand back and judge her from afar.

  The omega's face, on the other hand, didn't show even a flicker of judgment. When she caught sight of Mia, her smile grew wider, and she started waddling up the path.

  "Paige, take it easy," her alpha called after her, but she waved off his concern with a toss of her hand.


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