Ty (The Boundarylands Omegaverse Book 2)

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Ty (The Boundarylands Omegaverse Book 2) Page 10

by Callie Rhodes

  It was hard for her to believe.

  But it was also so tempting.

  That was the truly strange thing. For the first time, Mia really wanted to believe that something like what Paige had described could be real. That happiness really was an option for her. That all she had to do was reach out and grab it.

  Mia was so lost in these thoughts that, after a few more minutes of walking, she suddenly realized they were deep in the forest. Too deep. She couldn't see the road leading to the cabin anymore. She couldn't spot the curl of smoke from the fireplace rising in the sky.

  All around her, there was nothing but the dense forest, the sound of birdsong, the slight breeze rustling through the fern groves.

  A thread of worry made the hair on her arms stand up.

  She'd been so intent on the conversation with Paige that she hadn't paid attention to how far they'd walked. Over one gently sloping hill? Or was it two?

  All she knew was, based on the dread settling into her body, she had wandered too far away from Ty.

  She squeezed Paige's hand. "I think we should go back."

  At first Mia thought the other omega hadn't heard her. Paige's eyes were scanning the tree line at their left side—almost as if she was looking for something.

  Some small sound she'd heard out there.

  Something out of place.

  Mia's dread grew stronger.

  Paige spun on her heel and tugged Mia back up the path the way they'd come. "Yeah, I think you might be right."

  They didn't get far.

  Mia had only gone a few steps when she heard the unmistakable sound of a branch cracking under a foot. Her heart thundered in her chest as she turned around to see a man completely dressed in camouflage step out on to the path.

  Mia froze in terror.

  Her father's soldiers had found her.

  Chapter Ten

  "You should have found some other way. One that didn't involve death threats."

  Ty bristled at his friend's not-so-constructive criticism. He hadn't gone to the trouble of rehashing the last week of his life in painstaking detail to hear Kian tell him what a shitty job he'd done. He didn't need any help figuring that one out.

  "Easy for you to say," Ty growled. "All you had to do to coax Paige into claiming you was take her to a hot spring."

  Kian shot him a look that was far from amused. "It was a little more complicated than that."

  Ty raised an eyebrow. "Really? How?"

  Kian shrugged but didn't meet Ty's gaze.

  "I've been at this for a week," Ty continued. "A whole fucking week. I seem to remember you thought you'd go crazy after having to wait a few minutes."

  Kian raised his hand in surrender. "You're right. I'm not trying to give you shit. I'm just saying you can't be surprised that you landed in a pile of it when you threatened to kill her friends."

  Ty shot up from his seat, his anger getting the best of him. "These little shits aren't her friends! They're the bastards that dragged her here, tossed her in a ditch, and left her to die. Killing them wouldn't be murder. It would be justice."

  Kian crossed his arms in front of his chest and nodded slowly at every word that Ty said.

  "I agree with you," he said. "But what I think doesn't matter. I'm not Mia."

  Kian was right about that, at least. Nothing mattered but Mia.

  It was true now. It would be true forever. Until the day they died.

  Ty didn't need any claiming bite to be bound to her. Even now, he could feel her in his blood, pulsing through him, giving him a reason to live, to breathe, for his heart to keep beating.

  But she was also the reason for the burning pain in the center of his chest. The longing for completion that he couldn't deny. Only Mia could satisfy it. Only by giving every part of herself over to him and letting him give himself in return.

  Until she did that, he'd continue to burn.

  So, let Kian blame him for using threats to get what he wanted.

  What he needed.

  Ty wrapped his hands around the porch railing and drew in a deep breath. Fresh air filled his lungs but didn't do a damned thing to temper his blood. If anything, it only made his fever worse.

  He could smell her out there. Faint and distant.

  Too distant.

  Mia and Paige and wandered too far. He could still make out the faint hum of their words and the soft patter of their steps, but not much else.

  But he could also sense something else, something that froze his blood: another set of footsteps, even lighter than the omegas'. More careful. Deliberately silent.


  The fever in Ty's blood turned to ice in an instant.

  It couldn't be.

  Maybe it wasn't. Maybe he was just on edge, his vigilance heightened to the point of misleading him.

  Ty sniffed the wind. Again he only scented the omegas. No other people.

  Just a foreign… sharpness that he struggled to put his finger on. Something new. Something he'd never smelled before.

  Kian must have sensed something out of place, too. The wooden porch groaned as the alpha pushed to his feet.

  "What is that?" Kian asked, sniffing the air.

  Ty shook his head. "I don't know, but it's near the girls."

  "We should go. Now."

  Ty nodded.

  He was halfway down the stairs when Mia's scream echoed through the trees.

  * * *

  Mia didn't run as her scream echoed through the forest. It didn't matter that her knee had healed, that her physical condition was excellent, and that she might be able to outrun the soldier.

  The only thing that mattered was Paige could not.

  The very pregnant omega at her side wouldn't be able to outrun a snail right now. Much less defend herself against an armed soldier.

  So instead of running, Mia positioned herself between Paige and the soldier and stretched her arms out wide.

  "Don't touch her," she said as forcefully.

  The soldier didn't blink. His cold expression didn't change at all beneath the thick paint smeared across his face.

  "I'm not here for her," he said.

  Of course he wasn't. But Mia wasn't taking chances.

  "Stay away from both of us," she snarled.

  "Mia Baird, I have orders to pull you from the Boundarylands."

  Mia shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

  "Yes, you will." The beta made a show of pulling a handgun from the holster at his hip. "My orders are to bring you in dead or alive."

  Mia swallowed hard. Fear surged inside her, but she'd be damned if she'd let him see it. "You going to kill me?"

  "I will if you don't comply," the soldier said flatly.

  Mia strutted to swallow past the fear clogging her throat. The soldier's eyes were cold as ice. It was clear he'd killed before had no reservations about doing it again.

  She slowly raised her hands as the man stepped toward her, careful not to make any sudden moves. She was afraid of being shot, sure, but she was far more scared of a stray bullet lodging itself in Paige's belly.

  The soldier cocked his chin toward a radio strapped to his shoulder. "I have the package."

  He probably thought he was too quiet to be heard by the alphas back at the cabin, but Mia knew differently.

  "What's her condition?" a crackling voice on the other end asked.

  "Currently alive and defiant."

  Currently. Mia wondered which one of those conditions he was planning on changing.

  "We're detecting another heat signature."

  "A second female," the soldier said. "Omega. Pregnant. Beyond redemption. Advise."

  Advise? On what? Whether or not to let Paige live?

  "Fuck you, asshole," Mia snarled. "Do whatever you want with me, but leave her alone."

  Apparently, the soldier didn't like being talked to like that. He drew his fist back and slammed the butt of the pistol into Mia's cheekbone.

  Lights burst in fron
t of her eyes. She stumbled, but before she could crumple the soldier wrapped an arm around her waist and hoisted her up over his shoulder.

  "Package is incapacitated," the beta said as he started to run through the trees in the direction of the Central Road. "Evacuating now."

  Mia opened her mouth, trying to scream again, but nothing came out. With every stride the soldier took, Mia's middle slammed against the unforgiving ledge of his shoulder, forcing the air from her lungs.

  She knew she needed to do something—anything—to get away from him, but her brain was still reeling from the blow. She desperately to focus her thoughts, but she couldn't. With every step, Mia's stomach churned, jostled and jolted, made worse by the searing and disorienting pain in her head. Hot bile rose up in her throat.

  "I'm going to be sick," she tried to say, but the words came out mangled and slurred.

  Not that it mattered. Mia had a feeling she could have screamed them to the heavens, and her captor still wouldn't have responded.

  Eventually, she couldn't fight the waves of nausea any longer and let go down his back, heaving painfully.

  Just like she thought, the soldier didn't slow, let alone stop.

  He had other things to worry about. Like trying to get off an alpha's land alive.

  What would happen to her if he succeeded?

  The question ricocheted around her dazed brain. Would he shoot her? Or worse, would he take her out of the Boundarylands?


  When did that become the worse option?

  Mia had no idea. All she knew was that it was true. Either way, she wouldn't survive. Not with a bullet in her head. And not without Ty by her side.

  The only mercy was that a bullet would be faster.

  Suddenly, Mia knew with perfect clarity what she wanted.

  To stay here in the Boundarylands. With Ty.

  That was her choice.

  Her choice.

  And this son of a bitch was trying to take it away from her. She wasn't about to let that happen. Not without a fight.

  Fighting through waves of nausea and pain, Mia began to struggle, kicking her legs and pummeling the soldier's back with her fists, but he didn't show any signs of feeling the blows.

  Of course, he didn't. She doubted he could feel a thing through all his body armor.

  Mia zeroed in on the arm that wasn't wrapped around her legs. The one that pumped at his side with each step. It didn't look like it had any protective padding.

  On the next step, Mia twisted herself hard to the side and seized his bicep. Wrenching her head over, she brought her mouth down and bit as hard as she could. His flesh split under the fabric of his shirt, and the sharp tang of blood filled her mouth. Mia fought through the waves of disgust and willed herself to bite even harder.

  A howling scream filled her ears, and her captor stumbled. Momentum took hold, and he crashed to the ground.

  Mia went right along with him, slamming into the forest floor. The second she was free, she tried to scramble to her feet, but her head spun. Her vision spun, growing black along the edges, and a second later, she found herself back on her hands and knees, retching into a pile of leaves.

  "You little bitch," an angry voice snarled close to her ear. "You'll pay for that. We were supposed to make it look one of these rabid dogs tore you apart, but fuck that. I'll just tell them there wasn't enough of you left to drag home."

  She heard the metallic click of a pistol hammer locking. Then the unforgiving pressure of the barrel pressing against her scalp. Then…

  The massive force came out of nowhere. She heard the rush of wind, felt the concussive wave of pressure, and then it was gone.

  He was gone.

  There was no more soldier. No more gun pressed against her head. No more threat of immediate death.

  Mia tried to right herself, but her legs refused to comply. Weakly, she turned her head to focus on a blur dark colors and shapes rushing in front of her. Slowly her vision came into focus. She was able to make out the shape of a giant man—an alpha—crouching with his muscles coiled, his body radiating pure animal rage.


  He'd come for her. He'd made it in time. He'd saved her life.

  The soldier lay before him, groaning with his eyes rolling up into his head. His limbs were splayed at awkward angles. The force of Ty's body crashing into him must have broken several of his bones.

  "No one trespasses on my land," Ty snarled at him. "No one touches my omega."

  "I had orders," her captor tried, his voice now sniveling and desperate. "I was only following them."

  Ty sat back on his haunches and let out a roar, making it clear what he thought of the beta's orders. "Who told you to kill her?"

  The soldier cowered, tears leaking from his eyes, unable to speak.

  Ty grabbed him by the collar of his flak jacket. Without any apparent effort, he lifted him up with one hand. The beta's broken legs dangled helplessly below.

  "Who?" Ty demanded again.

  "Th-the senator. Senator Baird."

  Mia sucked in a breath and found herself retching again, bringing up nothing but bile.

  Her own father gave the order to have her killed.

  Not just killed—torn apart.

  Deep down, Mia knew she shouldn't be shocked. After a week in the Boundarylands, he no doubt considered her a lost cause.

  But to give his men the order to kill her? To put her down like a dog? Stupidly, she had held onto hope that there were lines her father wouldn't cross. That there was some shred of decency left inside him.

  The knowledge that he really was a monster hurt worse than his fists ever had.

  Ty let the soldier fall from his grip. The beta cried out in pain as his limbs snapped anew when they hit the ground.

  Ty ignored the man's screams and turned his attention to Mia. His gorgeous face was distorted with rage and worry. In his eyes, Mia could see the truth behind Paige's words—the agony Ty felt seeing her like this, battered and weak.

  It wasn't figurative pain. He was in real, physical agony. Mia could the evidence in his face, feel it in the energy pouring off his body.

  "Mia…" His voice broke.

  "I'm all right," she tried to tell him, struggling to stand, only to teeter and fall again.

  He rushed to her side.

  "You're hurt." He ran his fingers down the curve of her cheek. His hand was so big, but his touch was tender. Far gentler than any touch she'd ever known. "Again."

  "I'm fine," she assured him. "Everything's fine now that you're here."

  Ty grimaced, baring his teeth as something rustled behind them. They both turned to find the beta had managed to prop himself up on his one good elbow. In his hand, he held the pistol he'd whipped Mia with. The one he'd pressed into the back of her skull.

  Ty roared, making the soldier's already shaky hand tremble even more as his finger squeezed the trigger. The shot went wide, and a spray of sawdust burst from a tree trunk several feet to the side.

  Mia winced, knowing the man would not get another chance.

  Ty took one step forward and pulled the man off the ground by the neck. He twisted his fingers around hard, and an unholy cracking sound carried through the forest.

  This time when the soldier fell to the ground, there wasn't a flicker of life in his limp body.

  Relief washed over Mia. No one was going to hurt her. No one was going to kill her. No one was going to take her away from Ty.

  She watched as Ty bent down low and drew in a deep breath above the man's body.

  "Shit," he muttered.

  "What's wrong?" Mia asked.

  "The beta authorities must have developed new scent blockers. That's why I Kian and I didn't sense anything was wrong until it was almost too late."

  "You mean you couldn't smell him?"

  Ty grimaced. It was clear he didn't like the idea of having a weakness. "I caught the scent of…something. But it wasn't a beta."

  "Proctor, do you copy?"r />
  Ty snarled at the radio on the beta's shoulder crackling to life.


  Bending down, he tore the radio from the strap on the dead man's jacket and pressed the button.

  "Your man is gone," he growled. "You can pick up his body on the Central Road. Send any more men, they'll meet the same fate. Understood?"

  The only response was static.

  Chapter Eleven

  It didn't take Mia long to recover from her injuries. Maybe it was her newfound omega nature, but her body seemed to heal faster than ever before.

  Her dizziness had receded within an hour of Ty carrying her home. Her headache was gone before sunset. She fell asleep before the sun had fully set and woke up after it was high in the sky the next day.

  The next morning, she was all but recovered. Her face and core still felt tender and bruised, but not nearly as bad as she'd feared.

  More importantly, Ty was there. Somehow she knew he'd been there all night, cradling her against him. Just like she could tell that something had changed between them.

  Now there was no talk about claiming bites. There were no threats or ultimatums. No words at all, actually.

  It was almost as if they were so relieved to be in each other's arms, alive and whole, that nothing else mattered.

  Mia was sure of that now.

  When the beta soldier had grabbed her, her greatest fear was being taken away from Ty. Of never seeing him again. Never touching him, or kissing him, or welcoming him inside her body.

  It hurt just to think about it.

  Mia knew it hurt him just as badly. She could sense the ache in the hammering of his heart as she rested her head on his hard chest. The beat was so strong, she wondered if it was what had roused her from sleep.

  That wasn't all it roused.

  The heat in her veins couldn't be ignored. Before she was fully awake, Mia was already kissing Ty, desperate for the taste of him. She nuzzled hungrily at his bare chest, running her tongue across his taut nipple.

  Ty's hands swept up her back and plunged into her hair, pressing her closer, urging her on.

  Mia didn't need the encouragement. She already knew what she wanted.


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