England's Last War Against France

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England's Last War Against France Page 70

by Colin Smith

  Household Cavalry (Tin Tummies), 174-5, 188, 246, 255-6

  Hudson, river, 275

  Hull, Cordell, 90-2

  Huntziger, Général Charles, 2-5, 46, 107, 110, 138, 141, 154-5

  Hussein, Saddam, 180n

  Huxley, leading Seaman, 129–30

  Ikopa, river, 343

  Ile d’Yeu, 429

  Ilot de la Marine, 390, 393

  India, 164-5, 171, 225, 274, 288–9, 330-1, 338, 340

  Indian Army, 45, 166, 176, 198n, 220, 225, 237–8, 268, 311

  Indian Ocean, 282, 284, 288, 290, 315, 332

  Indians, 22, 26, 32, 175, 220-5, 237–43, 256–7, 271

  Indochina 67, 166–7, 285-5, 340

  Iraq, 163–7, 169–85, 187, 189, 193, 224, 245-6, 250, 260, 272, 346

  Irgun Zvei Leumi, 193, 262

  Irwin, Major General Noel, 117, 131, 133

  Ishizaki, Commodore, 335-6

  Iskenderun, 194-5

  Isle of Arran, 198, 210

  Ismail, Khedive, 12

  Ismay, General ‘Tug’, 356

  Istanbul, 184

  Italian 10th Army, 146–7

  Italian fleet, 36–7, 45, 146

  Italy, 3, 15, 31, 35-6, 45-6, 58–9, 61, 139, 150, 166–7, 404, 416, 419, 420

  J’ Accuse (Zola), 14

  Jackson, Thomas ‘Stonewall’, 219

  Jaffrey, Premier-maître électricien Francis, 100

  Jammu and Kashmir State Forces, 264

  Japan and Japanese submarines 35-6, 166, 274-5, 285, 299, 315, 331-6

  Jaquinet, Capitaine de frégate, 80

  Jean Bart, 46, 410, 414

  Jeanne d’Arc, 106, 142

  Jebel Druse, 224-5

  Jebel Madani, 237

  Jebel Mazar, 261, 264-6

  Jenin, 254

  Jersey, 5, 119, 381

  Jerusalem, 171, 191, 218, 250, 260, 262, 265, 267, 271

  Jewell, Lieutenant Norman, 361

  Jewish Agency, 192

  Jews, 113, 174, 187, 425

  in France, 13–14, 28, 30, 104, 106, 108, 156, 397

  Russian, 104

  Zionist, 192-3, 196

  Jezzine, 232, 234, 263, 268

  Jisr Bennet Yacoub, 221, 230

  Joffre, Maréchal Joseph, 18, 22, 291, 310

  Joffre line, 291, 296, 300-2, 306–9, 312–13, 316, 322-4, 326–7, 329, 341, 344, 349, 435

  Johnson, Captain Adrian, 263

  Jones, Henry, 326

  Jones, Major Ken, 339n

  Jones, Colonel Lionel, 237–42

  Jordan, 165, 247, 253, 346

  Jordan, river, 220-1, 230

  Juin, Général Alphonse Pierre, 362-3, 369–73, 388–9, 391-3, 397, 401-2

  Junck, Oberst Werner, 182-3, 193

  Junon, 355

  Jura Mountains, 141

  Jutland, Battle of, 4, 38

  Kafr Badda bridge, 202, 207, 212, 217

  Kalgoorlie, 204

  Karachi, 166

  Karanja, 115

  Karlsruhe, 107

  Kaye, Lieutenant Alders, 148–9

  Keats, John, 27

  Keitel, Feldmarschal Wilhelm, 3, 107

  Kennedy, Joseph, 91

  Kennedy, Captain, 230

  Kenya, 251, 283, 338, 340

  Kenya, 115

  Kerensky, Alexander, 19

  Kersaint, 58, 418

  Keyes, Geoffrey, 197, 202–8, 210–11, 214–18, 274–5

  Khaldé, 258, 262

  Khan Arembeh, 224, 226

  Khiam, 234

  King’s African Rifles, 338–9, 343, 348

  King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, 166, 176, 180, 187, 261, 264–6, 274

  KingCol, 174–5, 180, 188, 247–50, 253–7

  Kingstone, Brigadier Joseph, 174, 246–50, 255

  Kingston-upon-Thames, 361

  Kirkuk, 164, 169, 175, 188

  Kissoué, 222, 237, 241

  Kitchener, Lieutenant General Sir Horatio, 11–12, 14

  Kleist, General von, 337

  Klopper, General, 337

  Knatchbull-Hugesse, Sir Hugh, 98

  Knight, Captain Bill, 293–4, 313

  Knowles, Flying Officer, 265

  Knox, Sergeant, 309

  Koenig, Général de brigade, Marie-Pierre, 345–6

  Koenigsberg, 40, 82

  Königstein, 350–1, 366, 369

  Koran, 363

  Kordt, Erich, 144–5

  Koshonofski, Lieutenant, 231

  Kroll Opera House, 109

  Krugg von Nidda, Baron, 396, 416, 420

  Kuneitra, 191, 221–32, 236, 240, 271

  Kurds, 164, 176

  Kuwait, 180n

  La France enchaînée, 109

  La Galissonière, 422–3

  ‘La Marseillaise’, 11, 13, 98, 273

  La Scama, 307, 310, 312, 314–16

  La Sénia, 387–8

  La Suisse, 93

  La Surprise, 378, 382, 400

  La Valette police post, 421

  Laborde, Contre-amiral Jean de, 417–23

  Laconia, 432, 434

  Lafayette, Marquis de, 91, 106

  Lafond, Contre-amiral Gervais de, 411–12

  Lake Maracibo, 311

  Lamb, Lieutenant Colonel David, 242

  Lamond (Free French officer), 115

  Lancelot, Capitaine de corvette Pierre, 130, 134–5, 137

  Land’s End, 387

  Landévennec, 70

  Landriau, Amiral, 120–1

  Langer, William L., 91

  Langsdorff, Captain Hans, 39

  Languedoc, 152

  Latakia, 259

  L’Audacieux, 124, 126, 128, 137

  Laure, Général, 157–8

  Laurin, Capitaine de frégate Paul, 378, 383–4, 397–400

  Laval, Eugénie, 274, 429–30

  Laval, Pierre, 30–1, 105–10, 137–44, 146–7, 169

  assassination attempt, 273–5, 277

  dismissal, 155–9

  and French neutrality, 428

  and German victory, 395–6, 405–6

  and Giraud, 350, 394

  and Madagascar, 344–5

  meetings with Hitler, 139–40, 142, 145, 395–7, 400–1, 403–4

  reinstatement, 277–8, 360, 362

  and total occupation, 416, 420

  trial and execution, 429–32

  Lavarack, Major General John, 189, 260–4

  Lawrence, Lieutenant George, 385

  Lawrence, T.E., 188, 220

  Lawson, Piper, 199, 218

  Layard, Lieutenant Commander Arthur, 376–7, 386

  Laycock, Colonel Robert, 198–9

  ‘Le Boudin’, 23

  Le Bourget, 28, 246

  Le Gall, Pierre, 78

  Le Gloan, Sous-Lieutenant Pierre, 213–14, 253, 434

  Le Glorieux, 296, 421

  Le Guillaumet, Frère, 117

  Le Havre, 2

  Le Héros, 296, 326–7

  Le Malin, 124

  Le Moigne, Gendarme, 421

  Le Moniteur du Puy-de-Dôme, 105

  Le Nistour, Dr Bernard, 1–2, 50–1, 53–6, 100–2, 148–9, 274

  Le Pivain, Capitaine de vaisseau, 66–7, 80

  Le Souffleur, 258, 262

  Le Terrible, 58, 80

  League of Nations, 32, 165

  Leahy, Admiral, 275, 277, 360–1, 373, 394, 406

  Lebanon, 165, 172, 191, 193–4, 201, 223, 232, 261, 268–9, 345–6

  Lebrun, Albert, 24, 105

  Leclerc, Général Philippe (Viscomte de Hauteclocque), 112, 428, 430

  Lecoulteux, Colonel, 227, 229, 231

  Lee, General Raymond E., 93

  Lee, Robert E., 93, 219, 269

  Lefebre, Abbé Philippe-Michel, 15

  Legentilhomme, Major General Paul Louis, 191, 220, 222–3, 225, 237, 243, 269, 355

  Légion d’Honneur, 14, 19, 63, 114

  Légion des Volontaires Français contre le Bolchevisme, 274, 396

  Legrand, Lieutenant,

  Lejay, Pierre, 258

  Lemaigre-Duibreuil, Jacques, 402

  Leonor Fresnel, 421

  Lequerica, José Felix de, 430

  Les Invalides, 19, 155–7

  Les Nouveaux Temps, 108, 277

  Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 12

  Libreville, 116, 150

  Libya, 46, 112, 139, 166, 170, 186, 189, 198n, 199, 238, 253, 255, 345–6, 364

  Liebling, A.J., 424–5

  Liechtenstein, 430

  Life magazine, 405

  Life Guards, 254

  Lille, 119, 369

  L’Illustration, 137

  Lindi, 296–7, 328

  Linz, 430

  Lisbon, 90, 141, 152

  Litani river crossings, 191, 195–7, 200–12, 220, 223, 267, 274, 286, 434

  Littorio, 146

  Liverpool, 100–1, 115–16, 148, 150–1, 218, 288–9, 294, 399

  Livingstone, Pilot Officer Tommy, 434

  Lloyd, Brigadier, 221–3, 225–6, 228, 235–7, 239, 241–2

  Lloyd George, David, 24

  Loire, river, 139, 276

  London, 3, 30, 44, 142, 146, 159, 186–7

  London Gazette, 164

  London Missionary Society, 283

  London Naval Conference, 35–6

  L’Oran Républicain, 425–6

  L’Oréal cosmetics, 30

  Lorfevre (French officer), 120–1

  Lorraine, 13, 16, 24, 120, 396

  Lorraine, 46, 59

  Lottman, Henri, 18

  Loubet, Émile, 9

  Louis XIV, King, 105

  Louis XVI, King, 27

  Lourenço Marques, 285

  Louw, Squadron Leader James, 366

  Lowe, Major, 325

  Luchaire, Corinne, 108

  Luchaire, Jean, 108, 277

  Ludendorff, Erich, 22, 26–7

  Luftwaffe, 41, 62, 103–4, 106–7, 111, 113, 355, 395

  Condor Legion, 167

  and Crete, 185–6

  and Greece, 170

  and Iraq, 167, 169, 179–82

  raids on Britain, 142, 146, 159, 169

  and Syria, 183–4, 188, 360, 362

  Lützow, 43

  Lynch, Pilot Officer, 214

  Lynx, 58

  Maccia, Sergent-chef, 257

  MacDonald, Lieutenant Colonel Alan, 195

  McGonigal, Lieutenant Eoin, 217

  Mackenzie, Compton, 238, 240

  Maclise, Daniel, 35

  Macnab, Colonel John, 343–4

  Macpherson, Lieutenant Tommy, 207, 209, 212, 215–16, 274–5

  Madagascar, 16, 281–91, 293–45, 348, 432

  air battle, 298–9, 326

  attack on HMS Ramillies, 331–2

  casualties, 328, 354

  landings, 293–4, 298–9, 364, 387, 409

  occupation and administration, 338–45, 348–9, 354–6

  tank action, 300–6

  Madn Lal Vaid, Lieutenant Raizada, 265–6

  Madrid, 5, 92, 107, 135, 139, 141–3, 168, 277, 405

  Maerten, Capitaine de vaisseau Paul, 295, 297, 326–7

  Maginot, André, 22, 28

  Maginot line, 28–9, 62, 306

  Magrin-Verneret, Colonel Raoul Charles (Monclar), 114, 123, 241

  Mahout, 315

  Mainz, 24

  Maitland Wilson, Lieutenant General Sir Henry (‘Jumbo’), 170–2, 174, 191, 218–20, 222–3, 232, 242, 250, 260–2, 267, 269–71

  Majunga, 285, 338, 340–1, 343–5, 354

  Malan, Navigator ‘Bull’, 339n

  Malan, ‘Sailor’, 339n

  malaria, 320, 329, 338, 345, 376

  Malaya, 285–6, 313, 315, 340, 411

  Maldives, 334–5

  Malta, 60, 146, 169, 186, 245, 290, 320, 346, 368, 370, 395

  Manchester Guardian, 27, 430–1

  Marchand, Commandant Jean-Baptiste, 11–14

  Marchandeau Law, 104, 109

  Marie-Louise, Empress, 155

  Marne, river, 27, 90

  Marquis, Amiral André, 419, 421

  Marseilles, 37, 45, 145, 167, 270–1, 364, 411, 419, 426

  Marshall, Lieutenant Colonel George F., 379–80, 382–5

  Martin, Capitaine de corvette Paul, 47–51, 55, 100, 325

  Martinique, 63, 74–5, 435

  Martins, Colonel Didier, 343

  Masami, Petty Officer Takemoto, 333–6

  Mason-MacFarlane, General Sir Noel, 368

  Massicot, Enseigne de vaisseau, 52, 149

  Mast, Général Charles, 350–2, 359, 362, 367–8, 371, 377, 388, 390, 393, 402, 406, 410

  Masters, Captain John, 257–60

  Mata Hari, 430

  Mauritius, 1, 281–2, 284–5, 339

  Maximilian, Emperor, 23

  Mayer, Berthe, 281–2, 284, 290, 296, 337

  Mayer, Percy, 281, 284, 290, 294–7, 301, 322, 324, 326, 330, 337

  Mayne, Lieutenant Blair ‘Paddy”, 197–8, 203, 208, 215, 217–18

  Mein Kampf (Hitler), 167, 247

  Meknes, 102–3

  Melbourne, 124, 194

  Melin, Commandant, 297, 324

  Menelik, Emperor, 11

  Mercier, Capitaine de vaisseau Léon, 411–12

  Merjayoun, 191, 202, 220, 223–4, 232–5, 263, 268

  Mersah Matruh, 146, 189

  Mers-el-Kébir, 46, 48, 57–9

  air attacks, 82–3, 97–8, 146

  battle, 76–88, 185, 383

  British ultimatum, 62–71, 73–6, 96, 120

  casualties, 87–8, 114, 116, 283, 348, 378, 412

  Churchill and, 93–4

  escape of Strasbourg, 80–7, 398, 422

  and Free French recruitment, 101–3, 111

  French reactions, 92, 141

  funerals and cemetery, 89, 435

  harbour mines, 68, 73–4, 80–1

  and Laconia sinking, 432, 434

  Mesopotamia, 163, 165

  Metaxas, Yanni, 145

  Metulla salient, 191, 233

  Metz, 29

  Meuse, river, 17

  Meyrick, Lieutenant Commander Peter, 380–1, 383

  Mezze House, siege of, 239–42, 271

  MI6, 152, 379

  Michelier, Amiral François, 410–11, 415

  Michelin company, 167

  Milan, 411–12

  Milice, 418, 428–9

  Millot, Monsieur, 339, 341

  Ministry of Information, 94–5

  Minnesota, 375

  Mogador, 57–8, 70, 79–80, 87, 398

  Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, 159

  Mombasa, 330, 340–1

  Monaghan, Lieutenant Colonel Robert, 232

  Monarchists, 425–6

  Monge, Gaspard, 327

  Monge, 296, 327

  Monibeaux, Pierre, 430

  Monrondava, 341, 343

  Montcalm, 124, 134

  Montélimar, 15

  Montgomery, General Bernard, 340, 349, 355–6

  Montoire-sur-le-Loire, 139–45, 147, 155–7

  Moorhead, Alan, 220

  More, Captain George, 202, 207–8, 212, 214–18

  Moreau, Contre-amiral Jacques, 370, 397

  Moreau, Capitaine, 221, 230

  Morgan, Berthe, 34, 36

  Morison, Lieutenant Commander Samuel, 411

  Mornet, André, 430–2

  Morning Post, 12

  Morocco, 10, 16, 46, 112, 132, 139, 258, 351, 362, 346, 363, 367, 369, 387–9, 393, 405, 409, 413, 415, 423, 434

  Morton, Major Sir Desmond, 354–5

  Moscow, 31, 350

  Mosley, Sir Oswald, 30

  Moss, Catherine, 289

  Moss, Corporal Roland, 289, 316

  Mosul, 169, 181–2, 184

  Mott, Chief Petty Officer Herbert, 52–3

  Mouaddamiya, 238–9

  Moulin de Labarthete, Henri du, 158

  Mozambique Channel, 282, 285, 289, 296, 331, 333, 336, 339

  Muir, Second Lieutenant William L.,US Army, 376

  Munich, 4, 271, 395–7

  Munich Agreement, 28–9, 32, 394

  Murphy, Robert, 92, 106, 110, 145–6, 156, 347–8, 350–1, 353, 359–62, 367, 370–3, 375, 387–9, 391, 393, 395, 400–3, 405–7, 409

  Murray, Captain Adam, 220

  Muselier, Amiral Émile, 50

  Mussolini, Benito, 3–4, 28, 36, 45, 59, 140, 142, 166, 169–70, 188–9, 346, 417, 420

  Nagle, Lieutenant Jack, 232–3

  Nairobi, 337

  Nantes, 273, 277

  Napoléon Bonaparte, 15, 24, 92, 126, 128, 154–5, 232, 269

  Napoléon III, 12, 23

  Napoléon, Prince Imperial, 13

  Narvik, 40–5, 99, 114, 122, 241

  Naturalization Act, 104

  Naval Intelligence, 379

  Nelson, Admiral Lord, 34–5, 46, 131, 213, 319, 400

  Nérac, 35, 406

  Netherlands, 114; see also Holland

  New Brunswick, 359

  New Guinea, 282

  New Hebrides, 16

  New York, 156, 275

  New York Times, 45, 273, 277

  New Yorker, 90, 424, 429–30

  New Zealand, 22, 171

  News Chronicle, 95

  Newfoundland’s cod, 16

  Newtonards, 198

  Nice, 404, 417

  Nicolson, Harold, 95

  Nicosia, 198–9, 208

  Nigeria, 154

  Nile, Battle of and river, 46, 12, 16, 198

  Nivelle, Robert, 18–19

  Noguès, Général Auguste, 405, 409–11, 415

  Norfolk, Virginia, 363

  Norfolk county jail, 414

  Normandie dock, 275–6

  Normandy, 298, 426, 428

  North, Admiral Sir Dudley, 59–60, 62–5, 74, 135

  North Africa, 169–70, 178, 272, 274–5, 304; see also French North Africa

  North Sea, 20, 35, 40, 42, 48

  North Staffordshire Regiment, 26

  Northcote, Major, 308

  Norway, 3, 6, 44, 288, 419

  Norwegian campaign, 40–5, 62, 66, 82, 94, 99, 137, 378, 390, 410

  Nosi Fati shoal, 297

  Notre Temps, 108

  Nouailhetas, Governor Pierre, 336, 420

  Noyes, Colonel Edward, 48

  Nusaybin, 184

  Nyasaland, 338

  Nyon Agreement, 36–7

  Observer, 95

  Ocean Viking, 340

  O’Connor, Major General Richard, 146–7, 170, 219

  Oeuvre, 156

  Office of Strategic Services, 426

  Officers and Gentlemen (Waugh), 199

  oilfields and pipelines, 164–5, 169, 172, 175, 193, 246–7, 255–6

  Old Guard, 128

  Omdurman, Battle of, 11–12, 19

  Onslow, Acting Rear Admiral Rodney, 96–7

  Ontario, 39, 202

  Operation Anton, 416

  Operation Battleaxe, 236

  Operation Boatswain, 193

  Operation Catapult, 63–4, 93

  Operation Cordite, 199

  Operation Crusader, 274

  Operation Exporter, 191, 194, 200

  Operation Ironclad, 286, 288–9, 298, 331

  Operation Jubilee, 337


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