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Into the Storm: On the Ground in Iraq

Page 83

by Tom Clancy

  Center for Army Tactics

  Center of gravity

  Center for Lessons Learned

  Central Europe

  Central Intelligence Agency

  Central selection boards


  CH-47 Chinook helicopters

  Chain of command

  Challenger tanks


  engine for

  ideas for

  in organizations

  Chaos in battle


  Charlton, Darryl

  "Chateau generals"

  Checkpoint B

  Chemical protection

  Chemical protective masks

  Chemical warfare

  Cheney, Dick

  briefings for

  in chain of command

  on residual force

  in selection of Franks for TRADOC command

  Cherrie, Stan

  and early attack

  on fourth day

  on leaders' reconnaissance to Saudi Arbia

  in planning for Desert Storm

  reports to Third Army

  second day

  at the TAC CP

  on third day

  Cheyenne program

  Chicken plate

  Chicom potato masher grenades

  Chinook helicopters

  Chobham armor

  Christian, Gus

  CINCs. See Commanders in chief

  Civilian control of military


  atrocities committed on soldiers and civilians by Iraq

  in Cambodia

  in Germany

  in Kuwait City

  Civil War (U.S.)

  Clark, Debra

  Clark, Robert

  Clarke, Bruce

  Clausewitz, Carl Von, On War

  Cleared and marked lanes through the obstacle systems

  Close air support (CAS)

  See also Air support

  Close battle

  Close-combat skills

  CMMI. See Command Maintenance Management Inspection


  Coalition Communication Coordination Integration Center (C3I)

  Coalition forces

  air attacks by

  in decision-making process


  officially at war with Iraq

  at Safwan cease-fire talks

  strategic objectives of

  Coalition operations

  Cobb, Sergeant Major

  Cobra attack helicopters

  Cold War

  Army manpower levels during

  end of

  equipment of VII Corps during

  memorial to end of

  See also NATO; Soviet Army; Warsaw Pact

  Collins, Lighting Joe

  Combat air support (CAS)

  Combat discipline

  Combat lifesavers

  Combat loading ships

  Combat power

  as principle of war


  Combat service support

  Combat-support hospitals

  Combat training

  Combat zones

  Combined arms

  Combined-arms services and staff school (CAS3)

  Combined Arms Training Board (CATB)

  Combustible-case ammunition

  "Come-as-you-are war"

  Command climate


  in battle command

  building a team

  and combat discipline

  and combat power

  and command posts

  command styles of

  focus of

  and the human dimension

  intent statement of

  knowing the enemy

  loyalty to friends by

  and map skills


  and soldiers

  training of

  training soldiers to fight

  See also Senior commanders

  Commanders in chief (CINCs)

  Commander's SITREP to Third Army

  Commander and General Staff College

  Franks on staff of

  Command of ground forces

  Command and leadership in combat power

  Command Maintenance Management Inspection (CMMI)

  Command posts

  Command styles

  Command team seminars


  innovations in


  problems with

  See also Radios


  Computer-assisted simulations


  CONEX containers

  Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)

  Congress and resources for the Army


  CONPLAN Ridgeway

  CONPLAN Saddle

  Conservatism of military

  Continental Congress

  Contingency corps

  Contingency plans

  Conventional forces, buildup of

  Convoy operations


  Conway, Command Sergeant Major

  Cooper, Ardon

  Corbett, Bob

  Corder, John

  Cordingly, Patrick



  organization of

  tailoring of

  Corps support units



  Crew-machine interaction

  Cross-country traffic ability

  Cruise missiles


  Cruz, Angel

  CSCE. See Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe

  Cuban missile crisis (1962)

  Culminating point


  Dallas, Mike

  Dammam, port of

  Daniel, Gene

  Davidson, John

  in planning for Desert Storm

  on second day

  "The 100-Hour Ground War: How the Iraqi Plan Failed"

  Davis, Dan

  DCUs, See Desert battle dress uniforms

  Death in combat

  De Billiere, Sir Peter

  Deceiving the Iraqis

  Decentralized leadership

  Deep battle

  See also Depth in maneuver

  Defensive firepower

  Deffer, Phil


  Dehlin, Jim

  Deliberate attacks

  Demilitarized line (DML)

  Demilitarized zone in Safwan talks

  Department of the Army

  Department of Defense

  Department of Defense Dependent School System (DODDS)

  Depth in maneuver

  in Desert Storm

  See also Deep battle

  Depth and simultaneous attack

  DePuy, Bill

  in Army's first generation

  an Assistant Vice Chief of Staff of the Army

  and the FM 100-5,

  and the MICV

  and nested concepts

  Desert battle dress uniforms (DCUs or BDUs)

  "Desert Fax" program

  Desert navigation and driving

  Desert One

  Desert Shield

  "Desert-smart and desert-tough"

  Desert Storm

  on 1st day

  on 2nd day

  on 3rd day

  on 4th day

  on 5th day

  airspace boundaries in

  air war in

  attack of Seventh Corps

  battle destruction in

  battle plans for ground offensive of

  battle theater of

  and boundary restrictions

  cease-fire in

  CENTCOM plan for

  the day before

  deceiving the Iraqis

  depth of leadership in

  early attack

  end o
f first day

  end-state of war

  enemy forces on third day

  false alerts in

  final attacks in

  flank contacts in

  friendly fire in

  identification of vehicles in

  intelligence of Coalition forces

  isolating the enemy with air attack

  as "Janus War"

  and Jedi Knights

  joint operations in


  M1A1 Abrams tanks in

  misrepresentations of combat

  mission in

  navigation in desert

  NCOs in

  operational pauses in

  phases of campaign in

  plans for

  reporting in

  restraints and constraints on Franks

  Riyadh higher headquarters

  Schwarzkopf 's mission briefing on

  Seventh Corps plan for

  strategic objectives in

  support for at home

  tactical maneuvers in

  theater outside of Seventh Corps on 1st day

  theater outside of Seventh Corps on 2nd day

  theater outside of Seventh Corps on 3rd day

  theater outside of Seventh Corps on 4th day

  Third Army plan for

  video legacy of

  and Vietnam

  See also Enemy prisoners of war (EPWs); specific units

  Desert terrain

  boulder fields and soft sand

  and navigation features


  Desert warfare preparations

  Destruction of Iraqi equipment

  Di An, Vietnam

  Dickenson, Paul

  Dienstag, Joe

  Digitized communications

  Diplomatic maneuvering

  Disabled American Veterans

  Discipline, combat versus parade-ground

  DISCOM. See Division support command

  Disease non-battle injury (DNBI)

  See also Casualties

  Disobeying an order

  Disorganizing effects of victory

  Dispersal versus physical mass

  Division artillery (DIVARTY)

  Division formations

  Division support command (DISCOM)

  DML. See Demilitarized line

  DNBI. See Disease non-battle injury


  as engine of change

  See also Army (U.S.), doctrine

  DODDS. See Department of Defense Dependent School System

  Dogden, Larry

  Donaldson, Sam

  Dotson, Mike

  Double envelopment

  Doughty, Bob, Seeds of Disaster

  Dowden, Russ

  DPICM artillery rounds

  DPICMs. See Dual-purpose improved conventional munitions

  Draft law


  in U.S. Army

  zero-tolerance policy on

  Drurie, Ian

  Dual-purpose improved conventional munitions (DPICMs)


  Dunn, Bernie

  Duty in Iraq

  Early entry, lethality, and survivability

  East Germans

  Easting lines


  Eberle, John

  Echelonment doctrine of attack

  Echelons of command

  Economy of force as principle of war

  Egyptian Corps

  and early attack

  on 4th day

  on 2nd day (G+1)

  Eighteenth Corps (U.S.)

  on 1st day

  on 2nd day

  on 3rd day

  on 4th day

  Al-Busayyah as logistics base for

  in Desert Storm

  liaison link with

  mission in Desert Storm

  One hundred and first Airborne Division in

  pulling out of Iraq

  and Seventh Corps

  terrain orientation in Desert Storm

  Eighty-second Airborne Division (U.S.)

  in Desert Storm

  on 2nd day

  sent to Saudi Arabia

  Eisel, Bill

  Eleventh Armored Cavalry Regiment (U.S.), the "Blackhorse"

  and close air support

  in Germany

  Greg Bozek in

  mission to take Snoul

  replacing residual force

  in Vietnam and Cambodia

  See also Second Squadron of the Blackhorse

  Eleventh Aviation Brigade (U.S.)

  in Desert Storm

  in Israel

  occupation duties of

  E-mail system

  Emergency first aid

  Emergency food and water

  Empty battlefield


  creating chaos for

  in Desert Storm

  "Find, fix, and finish"

  knowledge of

  Enemy prisoners of war

  condition of

  In EPW compounds

  inaccuracy of numbers of

  moving to rear

  processed during occupation

  questioning of

  releases of

  taken by British

  taken by First CAV

  taken by Marines

  Enemy rear

  EN (Engagement Base) Thomas

  Engine of change

  Engineer brigades

  Enveloping force

  Envelopment as form of maneuver

  EOD personnel. See Explosive ordnance disposal personnel

  EPWs. See Enemy prisoners of war; Prisoners of war

  Equal opportunity policies


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