The Evil Headmaster

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The Evil Headmaster Page 20

by Dora Blume

  “No, there are way too many possessed to go in. Bryant and Magnus are sending help, but they won’t be here until tomorrow. Bryant was going to check with Magnus to see if they can get here sooner. Nick is making a few calls to friends in this area, but we can’t just charge in.” Erik explained.

  “I agree, Sloane is trying to get that exact point across. I think we should rendezvous at Caroline’s before we go to school. Figure out who can aid us and how to strategically go in, so we don’t all end up possessed or dead.” Mike huffed into the phone.

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll follow you there,” Erik said.

  “Ten-four,” Mike said.

  Erik hung up the phone and looked to Jessie. “We’re heading to Caroline’s. Caroline’s daughter suddenly went off Mike’s radar. We don’t want to go to the school without a plan.” Erik brushed his hand through his hair.

  “Yeah, I heard most of what you said. I think it’s a good idea to go back and figure out what we are going to do. Now, how in the hell are they going to get Caroline to go along with us when it’s her daughter?” Jessie shook her head and reached over to take Erik’s hand.

  “No idea, let’s just hope they can.” He looked back in the mirror to Nick who was talking on the phone to someone behind him, not paying attention to their conversation. Erik knew that if it were his child, he wouldn’t be going to make a plan. He’d be charging in guns blazing. He also knew he’d probably get himself dead. He glanced back in the mirror again. He was pretty sure Nick was a reasonable guy. He’d probably listen to them and go with them to the house. Erik wanted to listen in on his thoughts but refrained. He looked over to Jessie. She had her hair pulled up into a high ponytail. He wanted to pull it out and watch her hair fall past her shoulders. He hated when she wore her hair up. He shook his head and focused on the road, following Mike.

  They pulled into Caroline’s driveway. Erik put it in park and watched as Caroline bolted out of the car, slamming the door.

  “Oh shit, I gotta go. I’ll call you back soon or better yet, just come to Caroline’s house. We need all the help we can get.” Nick hung up the phone and rushed out of the car after Caroline.

  Erik looked to Jessie. “Well, this should be fun.”

  “Come on, Erik. It’s her daughter we’re talking about. We just brought her home instead of to the school where her daughter is. Wouldn’t you be pissed off?” Jessie slid out of the car, closing the door before Erik could respond. She hurried after Nick and Caroline into the house.

  Erik got out and walked up to Mike and Sloane. “So, I take it she didn’t want to come here.”

  “No, she’s pissed off that we didn’t drive straight to the school. I didn’t want even to chance driving by, for fear she might jump out of the car. She’s not all that pleased with us, right now. I’m hoping Nick can calm her down.” Mike wrapped his arm around Sloane’s waist.

  “I tried talking sense into her, but she didn't hear it. We can’t go in there without more people. Even I can see that. Usually, I wouldn’t care, but there’s no way we’d even have a chance at the school without help. They already know Caroline and me. We’d be spotted and taken before we could even locate Nicole.” Sloane rested her arm over Mike’s on her waist. She leaned back into him and closed her eyes a moment. Erik was happy to see his sister with Mike. He hoped this meant she might stick around. Although, they were close when they were young, and that didn’t stop her from leaving. Erik shook his head, trying to dislodge the thought. The fear she would leave was always there. He wasn’t sure he’d ever been free of it. Everyone around him left eventually. The only constant he had was his father.

  “Well, we better get in there.” Sloane huffed and walked toward the house. Mike shrugged, took a step, patted Erik on the shoulder and followed Sloane inside.

  “This could get interesting,” Erik said before following them inside. When he walked through the door, Caroline was pacing frantically around the room. Jessie threw her hands up, “Caroline, can you stay here until we have some plan and more help? We need you. You’re the head of this area. Call others, get help before you race in and get killed. You know, it’s in the best interest of Nicole to wait.” Jessie took a step toward Caroline and put her hand on her shoulder. “Please, Caroline. We need you.”

  She stopped and looked into Jessie’s eyes. “Okay, Jessie. I’ll try.”

  “Alright, Nick, who have you already called?” Jessie looked to Nick.

  “I called the Steele’s and Carrie and Jon. They’ll be on their way here shortly. I didn’t call Brett. I figured I’d leave that call up to you, Caroline.” He stormed into the kitchen, hitting the door open on his way.

  “Ah, okay. Caroline, who else should we be calling?” Jessie looked to Caroline.

  “I’ll take care of it.” She picked up her purse and strode into the kitchen behind Nick.

  “What was that about?” Sloane asked.

  “Probably, why they’re divorced. Let’s give them a few minutes. Erik, when was Bryant getting back to you?” Jessie asked.

  “I’m not sure. He said he would call as soon as he talked to Magnus.”

  “Okay, can we start making a plan for how we’ll enter the building. How many people would be ideal for that? Erik, any idea how many possessed we’re talking about. You were listening to their thoughts. I figure you’ve got about as good an idea as any of us for how many we’re up against.” Jessie studied him.

  “Jess, we’re looking at about forty, maybe more. I’m not sure exactly, but there were quite a few. We have no way of knowing how many they’ve added since we were there last.” Erik bent his head looking grim.

  “I’ll go grab the blueprints of the school. I had Magnus get these for me before I left Denver. They’re in the car. I’ll be back.” He strode out to the car.

  “Sloane, any chance you can try to get a vision? I know they can suck, but we could use a bit of supernatural help right now.” Jessie looked to Sloane.

  “I can try. I’ll need to focus all of my energy on it. I’ll be up in my room. If you need me to come to find me.” She flew up the steps.

  Mike walked through the door. “Where’d Sloane go?”

  “She’s upstairs working on getting a vision,” Erik said.

  Jessie bent to move the crystal bowl from the coffee table. “Here lay those out here.” She stood up and wobbled a little on her feet. Erik was next to her in a second, placing his hands on either side of her waist.

  “Jessie, I know you think your superwoman, but you were shot a few hours ago. You’re not ready to go running into another fight. We’re not going to be able to go to the school today, anyway. Maybe you should go rest.” Erik cupped her cheek with his hand. He gazed into her eyes. She closed her eyes and nodded.

  “Okay, maybe you’re right. How about I sit here for a little while and help you guys plan? Then, I promise, I’ll go get some rest.” She placed her hand over Erik’s on her face.

  “Okay, here sit.” Erik sat next to her on the sofa.

  Mike spread the plans onto the table. “Okay, there are four different buildings. There’s a courtyard between them. There’s a parking lot for each building and a road that wraps around each building. The headmaster’s office is the first building you see when you drive up the hill. That’s where I suspect many of the possessed adults congregate, so we’ll want a team going in there first.” Mike pointed to the first building. “Okay, so there’s six entrances, two each on the North and South ends and one each on the West and East ends. We won’t be able to cover all the entrances, but I believe if we want to go in unnoticed, we should take the West entrance, it’s near the janitorial and loading dock. It might even be a good idea to go in disguised as one of the delivery drivers. We could manage it with a little help from Magnus. That guy has connections like no one I’ve ever met. I think it might have something to do with his side weed business, but it’s to our advantage, so hey.” Mike shrugged.

  “I think that could work.” Er
ik leaned forward studying the plans before them. Jessie had lounged back against the couch. Her eyes drooped, but she nodded her head as Mike spoke. Erik turned toward her. “Jess, babe, please go up and get some rest. I’ll come and get you the minute I know anything new. I can fill you in on anything when I get up there.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. “Come on; I’ll walk you up.” Erik stood and pulled her up with him.

  “Ouch,” Jessie said.

  “Oh, sorry babe,” Erik blanched, his eyes were wide as he dropped her arm.

  “It’s just my bad arm. I’ll be fine.” She wobbled. Erik reached his hands out to steady her.

  “Yes, you will come after rest. Come on.” He wrapped his arms around her and guided her up the stairs. She flopped down onto the bed. Erik bent and slipped off each of her shoes. He reached his hands to unbutton her jeans. Her eyes flitted open, “Oh, I thought I was supposed to rest?”

  “You are going to rest, babe. You’ll be more comfortable resting if you’re not wearing jeans. Besides, it’s not like you’re going to come back downstairs without pants on.” He winked at her. He unbuttoned her pants and started sliding them down her hips. He bent to kiss her thighs, her calves; then he nibbled her toes after he pulled her jeans off. He crawled up next to her and captured her lips with his. He pulled the elastic band from her hair, letting her blonde hair fall back onto the pillow. He sighed, “Much better.” He kissed her again, lingering gently massaging her tongue with his own. “Okay babe, get some rest.” She reached her hand and twined her fingers in his hair. She pulled his lips back to hers.

  She whispered, “Stay a minute longer.” She kissed him, sucking his bottom lip before dropping back down to the pillow.

  “Get some rest. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He bent to kiss her forehead before he glided out of the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

  Chapter 19

  Sloane relaxed back against the pillows she propped against the headboard. She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate. She heard the door open and was enveloped in the familiar Sandalwood smell she loved. Her lips curved into a smile. She felt his weight on the bed, and his lips met hers. She moaned at the softness of his lips. She brushed her hands through his curls and clutched the back of his head in her fingers as her passion grew. She gripped his shirt with her hand and pulled him to her. He swung a leg over her and cupped her breast in his hand, rubbing his thumb over her nipple. It peaked through the thin fabric of her shirt. She pushed him away a moment to catch her breath.

  “You know I’m supposed to be up here getting a vision. How am I supposed to concentrate with you here?” She opened her eyes to gaze into his. She still gripped his shirt in her hands. He leaned back straddling her on the bed. He looked so hot, his tight jeans. Sloane bit her lip as she assessed him. “Oh, fuck it.” She pulled him back to her mouth and ravaged his tongue with hers. She reached her hand to unbutton his shirt. When she reached the last one, she slipped the shirt off him, feeling the contours of his shoulders. Relishing in his hard pecs. She pinched his nipple, and he smiled against her mouth. He backed away, and her mouth followed, hungry for more.

  “Love, I’m not sure we have time for what you have in mind.” Mike slid his shirt back onto his shoulders.

  Sloane stuck her lip out in a pout. “We always have time for us. Besides, I need to relax. I can think of nothing better than you to help me with some relaxation.” She rubbed her hand over his pecs, sliding them down to his abdomen, stopping at his waistband. She gazed into his eyes, biting her bottom lip as she pulled the button of his jeans free. She looked up through her lashed before slowly sliding the zipper down. She licked her lips and watched his gaze alight with a hungry desire.

  “Dammit, Sloane.” He captured her mouth with his. His kiss was hungry, and she knew he wouldn’t stop her. She slipped her hand beneath his waistband. She wrapped her fingers around him and his breath caught against her mouth. His hands moved to grab the headboard on each side of her head.

  “Sloane, I’m yours,” he breathed against her mouth in desperation and desire.

  “Always,” she breathed.

  “Always,” he repeated against her lips.

  After they were satiated, Sloane rolled back onto the pillows, “Oh Mike, you always know just how to help me relax.” She placed her hand on her chest and felt her heart race beneath her palm. She placed her hand over Mike’s chest, to feel his racing heart. Mike placed his hand over hers.

  “Always, happy to oblige, love.” He gazed down into her eyes. He brushed his fingers down her cheek. She gazed up into his eyes, brushing her fingers through his curls. She loved his black spirals that fell in different angles around his face. They were never the same. His dark eyes were locked on hers. She leaned up to kiss him tenderly. She wasn’t sure when she fell in love with Mike, but at that moment she knew she loved him. She was happy. She turned her back on her old life to embrace what she’d always known she would return to. She had thought she loved Mike when they were young, but that was nothing compared to what she felt for him now. Her lips moved so easily against his. She sucked on his soft lips, slid her tongue along his, relishing in his gentle caresses as they kissed.

  Suddenly, she was someplace else entirely. What the hell, she thought. Looking around, she could tell she was outside of the school. The same girl from before was leaning against the building. She looked right at Sloane.

  “Well it’s about time you got here,” she said, eyeing Sloane.

  “What do you mean, I’m not late?” She looked down at her phone.

  “I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to Sloane.” She studied her.

  “What are you talking about?” the voice asked.

  “Sorry Katie, I used you to bring Sloane here. She needs to be warned before they come to the school.”

  “Ah okay,” the girl said.

  “Sloane, you guys can’t come to the school, yet. They know about Mullen. They’re planning for you. There are too many of them, and they’ve possessed too many students who have powers. There has to be another way. We need to separate the students who are possessed from the ones who aren’t. I can help you. I go to school here, and many of us know what’s happening. I’m going to meet with everyone tonight. We’re going to plan to divide and conquer. We don’t want to see our friends hurt. Meet me at the Cariboo off Woodman road; eight am sharp. We need to discuss our next move. You have to stop everyone from coming. It will be bad, really bad.” The look she gave Sloane was grave.

  “Ah okay, Chloe are you done now, cause I’m starting to get a headache,” Katie said.

  “Yes, remember, eight am. Sloane.” Then she was gone.

  Mike stared back at her, eyes full of concern. “There you are, love. Where did you go?”

  “I think I got pulled into someone else’s head by another Shikari. The girl's name is Chloe, and she goes to school here. She warned me not to let anyone go in until we meet. The demons know about Mullen, and they are preparing for us to go there next. She said the students have a plan to divide and conquer. She wants me to meet her tomorrow morning at Cariboo.” Sloane yawned. “I wish my visions weren’t so exhausting.”

  “It’s okay, love. You got us what we need. I’ll go down and tell everyone. Stay here, rest. I’ll be back shortly.” Sloane yawned again. Mike’s mouth turned up at the corner as he looked at her.

  “Okay, babe. Don’t be gone too long.” She sighed.

  Mike bent to kiss her after he’d gotten dressed. “I wouldn’t dream of making you wait too long.” He swiped a few stray hairs from her forehead. Sloane sighed, happily. She heard the door close softly, and she drifted off to sleep.


  “Hey, it’s about time. Sloane get a vision or something?” Erik asked.

  “Yeah, actually, she did. A girl from the school sent it to her. She wants Sloane to meet her at Cariboo tomorrow morning. The girl said they know we’re coming, and she needs to meet with us before we go in.
She has a plan to divide and conquer, I guess.” Mike shrugged.

  “A girl sent her a vision? That’s new. Do you think we can trust her? How do we know she’s not possessed?” Erik asked.

  “I don’t know. I guess we go with her tomorrow to check her out. If she’s legit, we trust her, and they help us dispossess the demons at the school. It’s a win, win from our standpoint.” Mike sat on the couch next to Erik. “You come up with any ideas, yet?”

  “Not really, I keep staring at this map. I heard Caroline and Nick argue for a bit. Now, it’s crickets. I don’t know where they went, but I didn’t hear a car leave. They’re still in the house somewhere. I was hoping to hear from them about how many people would be able to help. I still haven’t heard from Bryant. I texted him a few minutes ago with no response.” Erik brushed a hand through his hair.

  “Stalemate, then. Maybe, we call it a night. Wake up early and be ready to fight. It’s already been a long day. We could use the rest.” Mike stood.

  “Whatever, you just want to get back to whatever you and Sloane were doing.” Erik narrowed his gaze.

  “Oh yeah, like you don’t want to go join Jessie.” Mike side-eyed Erik. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Have a good night, brother.” Mike patted Erik on the back and hurried up the stairs.

  Erik shook his head. He wanted to at least check on Caroline before he disappeared. He didn’t think she was going to just go to bed when demons possessed her daughter. He wasn’t sure what they were doing, but he doubted they were sleeping. He walked into the kitchen, but it was empty. A glass of water was on the counter next to the sink. It was the only sign anybody had been in here. Walking down the hall toward the study, he stopped at the closed door. He wanted to walk in but thought better of it. When he turned to walk back to the kitchen, the door opened.

  Nick was coming out of the room. “Oh hey, what are you doing out here?”


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