Unfortunately, there is no prospect for compromise on the horizon on immigration. Democrats will continue to demonize Trump and his “deplorable” supporters as heartless Nazis because they defend America’s sovereignty, rule of law, and what is left of its uniqueness and exceptionalism. They will remain intransigent because the issue is a major weapon to cast Republicans as racist and is a ticket for millions of new Democratic voters.
As I was contemplating a fitting close for this book, I looked back at my conclusion for the first of my two books on the Obama presidency, Crimes Against Liberty, and was struck by its opening paragraph, which I had forgotten. I referenced a distressing post on a conservative forum by an everyday patriot grieving for the loss of our nation as we know it. The author wrote,
In the 55 years of my life as a proud citizen of the United States of America, this is the first time I’ve felt that a president of our country holds his fellow Americans and the United States in contempt. I don’t think I’ve ever felt such an overwhelming feeling of rejection as I do with this administration. It’s as though everything that I was raised so proudly to hold dear and true has been denigrated. Every single day we hear something else that is a slap in the face of every patriot. I pray that we will see relief in November because I know that I’m not the only American who feels the frustration. It is unimaginable to me what might happen if we cannot find some relief in November.
Obama is a leftist who attained the highest office in our land and was committed to fundamentally transforming America away from its founding principles. Regrettably, he made great strides toward his goal. He popularized leftism and emboldened Democrats to brazenly advocate their extremist policies. Through Obama’s presidency the nation shifted leftward at warp speed, especially on cultural issues, and we are seeing the fruits of that seismic shift today, from abortion to transgenderism.
We have also witnessed a regressive cultural shift on race relations. One would have thought that with the election of an African-American president the nation would recognize it had made abundant progress in race relations, but Obama could not appreciate or acknowledge this evolution. Instead of using his position to bring racially diverse Americans closer together, he used race as a political cudgel to demonize conservatives and advance his own agenda. Following his lead, the left and most of the Democratic Party exploited race in every conceivable context for political gain. The divisive issue of race—along with gender—is now everywhere, and the left is bludgeoning conservatives every day with accusations of racism on multiple fronts—from academia, to Hollywood, to corporate ad campaigns. It would seem that a charge so cheaply and frequently made would lose its effectiveness, but if that’s the case the left and its media echo chamber haven’t received the message. If anything, they are ratcheting up the attacks.
In addition, Obama accelerated America’s slow march to socialism to a rapid gallop, enabling the previously unthinkable and inspiring his fellow leftists to emerge from the shadows and unabashedly promote this utterly discredited ideology. Wide swaths of the Democratic Party are openly advocating socialism and the rest of the party essentially supports it in principle.
Now please return to the quote above and focus on these words: “I don’t think I’ve ever felt such an overwhelming feeling of rejection as I do with this administration. It’s as though everything that I was raised so proudly to hold dear and true has been denigrated. Every single day we hear something else that is a slap in the face of every patriot.… I know that I’m not the only American who feels the frustration.”
Fast-forwarding to today, let’s apply these words to the left’s fevered war against everything we hold dear. They have taken the baton from Obama and are sprinting to the finish line. With startling zeal, leftists denounce this country and every American who is trying to preserve what has made it glorious. As we’ve seen, the left ferociously demonizes people simply for wearing caps evincing support for President Trump, who is fighting for them and the America they love.
It’s sobering that this book contains hundreds of examples of the left’s reckless extremism yet barely scratches the surface. No one can reasonably deny that extremism is a feature, not a bug, infecting the Democratic Party. We can safely assume that once the Democratic primary process is complete their candidate will be far less candid about his or her leftism, but we must not fall for such deception or allow our fellow voters to do so.
If Trump’s policy successes were sure to be the determining factor, we would have nothing to fear in 2020, but the left will distract voters from the objective evidence and terrify them with false projections of race- and gender-infused totalitarianism under a second Trump term. The left will distort his record and deny that his policies are benefiting all groups, especially minorities. Additionally, beware of those who might grudgingly concede Trump’s triumphs but argue that America’s prosperity is not worth the polarization he has allegedly caused. Just remember that on that score Trump and conservatives did not draw first blood. The left is relentlessly assaulting our constitutional system and traditional values and viciously attacking those who resist. We are not the ones causing the division, and we mustn’t be chased from the political battlefield by false, malicious charges of racism and sexism or because we value phony harmony over America’s freedom tradition. You can be sure the left will never quit for a moment and that a Democratic victory in 2020 would usher in far more divisiveness and radicalism than we see today.
The 2020 election will be a referendum on capitalism versus socialism, on life versus infanticide, on gender sanity versus insanity, on equal opportunity versus forced equal outcomes, on color blindness versus race-baiting, on free speech versus censorship, on freedom of thought versus political correctness, on American sovereignty versus open borders and globalism, and on liberty versus authoritarianism.
Many even on the right downplayed the danger Obama represented to the Republic, and this blind complacency arguably led to the Tea Party and eventually to the rise of President Trump. Those who continue to dismiss or underestimate the designs and determination of the left do so at their own peril and ours.
We must remain vigilant and rise up and fight the left with greater force and perseverance than they are exerting, and that is no small order. Be encouraged that we are fighting for what is right and for the unique American idea, which has produced the freest, most prosperous and benevolent nation in history, and let us fortify one another with our mutual resolve.
God bless President Trump and all patriots who cherish this nation as a shining city on a hill and who have dedicated themselves to the cause of its continued greatness.
This is my tenth book—every one of them with Regnery Publishing, with which I’ve had a wonderful and gratifying relationship. I sincerely appreciate Marji Ross for her loyalty, support, and flexibility. She is a consummate professional at the top of her game and Regnery’s continued success bears witness to it. My friend Harry Crocker has been with me from the beginning, and there is no one better in this industry. I can always rely on him to answer any questions or handle any issues at all stages of the process. Thanks again to Tom Spence in contracts and to Alyssa Cordova and her excellent team of publicists. Special thanks, also, to the art department for their amazing cover art.
Profuse thanks to my friend, Jack Langer, for editing this book, which makes this the seventh book we’ve worked on together. Jack has been a joy to work with and has made every one of my books read more clearly and smoothly. I marvel at his uncanny ability to strip unnecessary words from the manuscript, even when I think I’ve already purged them all through many rounds of self-editing. Jack is simply gifted—a brutal hunter of superfluous words—and I am blessed that he uses his gift to enhance all my books, and I pray he remains my editor for as long as I’m privileged to write books. Jack also challenges me to elaborate when a passage needs further explanation and to substantiate points when necessary. The resul
t is a much cleaner and more cogent text. Jack’s work ethic is extraordinary, and he is invariably responsive to any questions or concerns I have. It’s been a joy to work with him and I can’t thank him enough for making these books immeasurably better.
Thanks, as always, to my wife, and life partner, Lisa, for always being supportive, patient, and understanding in this demanding process.
My longtime friend Sean Hannity has always been supportive of all my books and other professional endeavors. As I’ve said many times, Sean remains a humble, kind, and generous man despite his celebrity and phenomenal success. I am proud to call him my very close friend and eternally appreciative of his encouragement. I couldn’t have a more loyal ally.
I greatly appreciate the strong friendship and steadfast support of Mark Levin, upon whom I can always depend. I am extremely grateful for his support of this project—as always.
I must emphasize that my brother Rush is always at the top of my list. Rush is, above all, a loving brother—the best brother one could have. Again, sincere thanks to him for inspiring me, for opening up doors for me directly and indirectly, and for doing wonderful work for this nation we both love from the bottom of our hearts. He has always supported me and my career pursuits, unfailingly encouraging and cheering me on. I am blessed and grateful to have such a generous, caring, and thoughtful brother, who makes a difference every day in working to keep this nation true to its founding principles. He doesn’t get nearly the credit he deserves and takes way more heat than anyone should have to endure. From the beginning of his national radio show, Rush has been the tip of the spear for the modern conservative movement and remains so today, persevering through it all and always at the top of his field.
Thanks, also, to my lifelong friend, Peter Kinder, for thoughtfully sending me relevant articles in the final few weeks of the process to make sure I didn’t miss the latest examples of leftist insanity.
Most of all, I am grateful to God—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—for His countless blessings.
About the Author
DAVID LIMBAUGH is a lawyer, nationally syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate, political commentator, and author of nine national bestsellers, including the #1 bestseller Crimes Against Liberty. The brother of radio host Rush Limbaugh, he lives in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, with his wife and children. Follow him on Twitter: @DavidLimbaugh.
1. Niv Elis, “Ocasio-Cortez: $10 Trillion Needed for Effective Climate Plan,” The Hill, June 5, 2019; Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Dan Bosch, Ben Gitis, Dan Goldback, and Philip Rossetti, “The Green New Deal: Scope, Scale, and Implications,” American Action Forum, February 25, 2019, https://www.americanactionforum.org/research/the-green-new-deal-scope-scale-and-implications/.
2. Joshua Caplan, “PHOTOS: Democrats Stuck on Bus after Donald Trump Cancels Foreign Trip,” Breitbart, January 17, 2019, https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/01/17/photos-democrats-stuck-bus-donald-trump-cancels-foreign-trip/.
3. President Donald J. Trump, “President Donald J. Trump’s State of the Union Address,” The White House, February 5, 2019, https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trumps-state-union-address-2/.
4. Leah Barkoukis, “Here’s What Dems Refused to Stand for during SOTU Address,” Townhall, February 6, 2019, https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2019/02/06/heres-what-dems-refused-to-stand-for-during-sotu-n2540831.
1. William Cummings, “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib Fire Back at Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Twitter World’ Quip,” USA Today, July 8, 2019.
2. Rod Thomson, “What That Gallup Poll Actually Found: Democrats Don’t Like America,” The Revolutionary Act, July 3, 2019, https://therevolutionaryact.com/about-that-gallup-poll-on-low-american-pride-headlines-were-wrong/.
3. Adam Shaw, “Top 2020 Democrats Under Fire for ‘Collective Bashing of America’ After Cuomo Gaffe,” Fox News, August 18, 2018, https://www.foxnews.com/politics/top-2020-democrats-under-fire-for-collective-bashing-of-america-after-cuomo-gaffe.
4. Stephen Schlesinger, “Obama: Every Country Is Exceptional,” Huffington Post, November 23, 2013.
5. Robin Abcarian, “Michelle Obama Criticized for Remarks,” Los Angeles Times, February 20, 2008.
6. Shaw, “Top 2020 Democrats Under Fire.”
7. Ian Schwartz, “Eric Holder to Trump: ‘Exactly When Did You Think America Was Great?’ ” RealClearPolitics, March 27, 2019, https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/03/27/eric_holder_to_trump_exactly_when_did_you_think_america_was_great.html.
8. Ryan Saavedra, “Ocasio-Cortez: State of America Is ‘Garbage,’ Reagan Pitted Whites Against Minorities,” Daily Wire, March 9, 2019, https://www.dailywire.com/news/44467/ocasio-cortez-state-america-garbage-reagan-pitted-ryan-saavedra.
9. 347 U.S. 483 (1954).
10. Richard Vedder, “Racial Segregation on American Campuses: A Widespread Phenomenon,” Forbes, November 15, 2018.
11. 410 U.S. 113, 93 S. Ct. 705, 35 L. Ed. 2d. 147 (1973).
12. 317 U.S. 111, 63 S. Ct. 82, 87 L. Ed. 122 (1942).
13. Breck Dumas, “ABC, CBS, and NBC Announce They Will Snub President Trump’s ‘Salute to America’ Celebration,” The Blaze, July 3, 2019, https://www.theblaze.com/news/networks-will-snub-trump-salute-to-america.
14. Andrew O’Reilly, “Flag burned in front of White House as tensions mount ahead of Trump’s ‘Salute to America’,” Fox News, July 4, 2019, https://www.foxnews.com/politics/flag-burned-in-front-of-wh-as-tensions-mount-ahead-of-trumps-salute-to-america; Quin Hilyer, “Don’t Let Unpatriotic Ingrates Mar Your Fourth of July,” Washington Examiner, July 3, 2019.
15. Michael Medved, “Reject the Lie of White ‘Genocide’ Against Native Americans,” Townhall, September 19, 2007.
16. Thomas Sowell, “Twisted History,” Townhall, December 17, 2003.
17. Terry LaBan, “Did America Steal Its Land from the Native Americans?” Quora, April 3, 2018.
18. Allen C. Guelzo, “The Constitution Was Never Pro-Slavery,” National Review, April 18, 2019.
19. Guelzo, “The Constitution Was Never Pro-Slavery.”
20. Ibid.
21. Mark J. Perry, “Thomas Sowell on Slavery and This Fact – There are More Slaves Today than Were Seized from Africa in Four Centuries,” Carpe Diem (blog), AEI, October 18, 2017.
22. Perry, “Thomas Sowell on Slavery and This.”
23. Ibid.
24. Michael Barone, “Will Black Voters Keep Democrats from Going Too Far to the Left?” Townhall, April 5, 2019.
25. Stephanie Akin, “Black Voters Propelled Blue Wave, Study Finds,” Roll Call, November 19, 2018.
26. Jake Tapper, “A Biden Problem: Foot in Mouth,” ABC News, January 7, 2007, https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=2838420&page=1&page=1.
27. Joe Weisenthal, “Racist Comments from Harry Reid Mean, Yep, Another Democratic Loss in the Senate,” Business Insider, January 10, 2010.
28. Shelby Steele, “Why the Left Is Consumed with Hate?” Wall Street Journal, September 23, 2018.
29. James Piereson, “A Not-So-Great Society,” Weekly Standard, September 30, 2016.
30. Ronald Pestritto, “Woodrow Wilson: Godfather of Liberalism,” The Heritage Foundation, July 31, 2012, https://www.heritage.org/political-process/report/woodrow-wilson-godfather-liberalism.
31. Robert Higgs, “How FDR Made the Depression Worse,” The Free Market 13, no. 2, Mises Institute, February 1, 1995; Thomas Sowell, “FDR’s Policies Prolonged Great Depression,” Rapid City Journal, November 3, 2010; Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian, “How Government Prolonged the Depression,” Wall Street Journal, February 2, 2009.
32. James Piereson, “A Not-So-Great Society,” Weekly Standard, September 30, 2016.
33. Francis Whitney, An Outline of American History, United States Information Agency.
34. Piereson, “A Not-So-Great Society.”
35. Bradford Richardson, “Race Relations Reach All-time Low Under Obama: Poll,” Washington Times, July 19, 2016.
36. John Nolte, “Nolte: Academic Study Shows Donald Trump Has Made America Less Racist,” Breitbart, May 20, 2019.
37. Ben White, “Trump Inherits Obama Boom,” Politico, July 8, 2019.
38. Nigel Barber, “Why Liberal Hearts Bleed and Conservatives Don’t,” Psychology Today, October 8, 2012.
39. Barber, “Why Liberal Hearts Bleed and Conservatives Don’t.”
40. Matt Grossman, “U.S. Policy Has Gone Liberals’ Way for 70 Years,” Washington Post, April 8, 2014.
41. Grossman, “U.S. Policy Has Gone Liberals’ Way for 70 Years.”
42. Ibid.
43. Ibid.
44. Carlos Garcia, “Nike Cancels Fourth of July Shoe, Because Colin Kaepernick Said It Was Offensive,” The Blaze, July 1, 2019, https://www.theblaze.com/news/kaepernick-nixes-patriotic-nike-shoe.
45. “Colorado targets Christian baker again despite Supreme Court’s cake ruling,” Daily Signal, August 15, 2018, https://www.dailysignal.com/2018/08/15/colorado-targets-christian-baker-again-despite-supreme-courts-cake-ruling/.
46. “Oberlin helped students defame a bakery, a jury says. The punishment: $33 million,” New York Times, June 19, 2019.
47. Ronald Reagan, “A Time for Choosing,” speech presented during the 1964 U.S. presidential election campaign on behalf of Republican candidate Barry Goldwater, October 27, 1964.
48. Niall Ferguson, “The Democrats Will Commit Political Suicide by Embracing Socialism,” Globe and Mail, February 11, 2019.
49. Robert B. Charles, “Progressive Democrats are Lost – More Each Day,” Association of Mature American Citizens, May 21, 2019, https://amac.us/progressive-democrats-are-lost-more-each-day/.
Guilty by Reason of Insanity Page 44