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Necrofairies Page 2

by Shane Griffin


  Neen hung up her enviro-coat and followed Sliver into the night club. Fade was a very popular fairy hangout in the centre of the city. Like any other Friday night it was packed with hundreds of fairies intent on drinking and dancing the night away, as well as other carnal activities. Off to the sides in small anterooms and mini bars shady deals were being done by equally shady characters. It was not a place to let your guard down. More than one contract had been accepted and fulfilled on the same night at Fade.

  “Who are we here to see?” asked Neen keeping one eye on Sliver and the other on the crowd around them as they made their way to the main bar.

  “You will see soon enough, for now just watch my back would you. If anyone even gets wind of what we are up to we might both end up with contracts dropped on us before we leave.”

  “You know it might be helpful if I actually knew what it is we were doing, especially if I am putting my neck on the line.”

  Sliver ignored her and they reached the bar. He beckoned the bartender while Neen concentrated on watching the crowd. Sliver said something to the bartender that she did not catch, but less than a minute later there was a large granite golem standing over them both. It was a good three feet tall and its stone arms were completely covered in various lewd engravings.

  “Follow,” it rumbled in a voice that sounded like grinding rocks.

  It led them to the back of the club and into a private anteroom where it shut and locked the door behind them.

  “Weapons,” it rumbled.

  Neen shot Sliver a sideways glance. He did not look happy and she could see him scanning the room and assessing the situation. She tensed ready for action just in case.

  “Weapons!” repeated the golem.

  Sliver looked back at her and shook his head slightly then unclipped his guns from his belt and handed them over. Neen relaxed and was able to breathe normally again, fortunately Sliver had come to the same conclusion she had. Fighting a granite golem in such a confined space was going to be messy and very probably the last thing they both did.

  Neen reluctantly un-holstered her own pistols and passed them to the golem. She felt so naked without them and her heart raced not knowing what they were about to walk into.

  The golem gestured for them to go through a door at the back of the room. On the other side was a large lavishly decorated office. Sitting behind a large ornately carved wooden desk, with inset minotaur horns, was an elderly fairy whose long grey mane of hair was tied back into a long pony tail.

  He leapt up and hovered behind the desk on very well kept wings when they entered. He watched Sliver warily and edged towards another closed door at the rear of the office.

  “Relax Clix if I was here for that you would be dead already,” said Sliver as he produced a silver blade hidden in his sleeve and hurled it at the door, only narrowly missing Clix’s hand as he went to grab the doorknob and make an escape.

  “Very funny,” replied Clix as he pulled the blade out of the door then settled back down into the chair behind the desk, still holding it like some strange security blanket.

  “If you don’t want people bringing weapons in here then don’t leave security up to a golem.”

  “If you are not here to kill me then what is it that you want Sliver?”

  “I am after a favour.”

  “I don’t do favours. Whatever you want is going to cost you.”

  “I want to borrow your Dex.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about, even if I did have a Dex you couldn't afford it. Now get out, you are wasting my time and I have other business to attend to,” said Clix dismissively.

  “That’s funny Clix because my employer said to me that they already made a deal with you to loan me your Dex and that this should meet their end of the bargain,” countered Sliver as he produced a single gold coin from his pants pocket and flicked it through the air at Clix.

  Clix caught the coin eagerly and grabbed a magnifying glass from his desk draw to closely examine the coin. From where she was standing Neen could see that it was covered in runes inlaid with platinum. It was an ancient coin and very probably magical.

  “Looks like you’ve moved up in the world Sliver,” said Clix with genuine amazement. “Follow me.”


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