Retribution: Skulls Renegade MC Book #10

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Retribution: Skulls Renegade MC Book #10 Page 10

by Knox, Elizabeth

  “Thank you for explaining this to me.” I say, looking at my watch I see the time and rise, looking for my brother. “Gianni, stay here and help the girls with whatever it is they might need. I’ll be back in a while.” I walk past Zoya and head into church, seeing the room is almost filled. From the looks of it, we’re just waiting on Chaos.

  “Did you have a safe trip?” Reed asks.

  I take a seat in my chair and nod, “Yes. It wasn’t too bad. The worst part about it was the family drama.” I chuckle at the end of my sentence.

  “It couldn’t have been that bad.” Reed states, and I let out a heavy laugh.

  “Brother, you have no idea. My mother was telling Ksenia she needed to marry me, or our child will be eternally damned.”

  Instead of sitting, Dmitri opts to stand against the outskirts of the room, leaning against the wall with his arm crossed. As soon as I speak, everyone looks to Dmitri. They’re probably shocked I’m still alive. It’s not a secret that he’s never really liked me too much.

  “I’ll be damned, we all had our assumptions . . . But we didn’t know until you just told us.” Seamus speaks up. Chaos slips in the door, takes a look around the room and shuts the door. He takes a seat besides his blood brother, Pain.

  Kyle slams his hand down on the table, “I fuckin’ knew it was you. You always had the hots for her.”

  I half expect Dmitri to make some smartass remark, but he doesn’t. “Is Elena going to be coming in on this?” I ask Reed, who shakes his head back and forth.

  “No, she’s with River.”

  “Seems it’s baby season.” Pain speaks up. He gets a warning glare from Pain, but continues speaking. “Maria is pregnant.”

  Reed smiles widely, but I don’t miss the look that Pain and Chaos are sharing. They’re hiding something, but truth be told, I don’t care to get in the middle of family shit. “This is a time for celebration, brought to us in the middle of a war. I am so happy for the three of you, Pain, Chaos and Maria. When all is said and done, we will have to celebrate properly.” Reed looks to me, “Congratulations on your addition as well, Enzo. It seems we will have tons of rug rats running around here soon.”

  “Shit, y’all are lucky. Michelle and I are having three rug rats.” Kyle chuckles, shaking his head. He may act like it’s a lot, but if anyone wanted to be a father. It’s Kyle. A few moments of silence pass us by before Reed stands up abruptly.

  “This day has been a long time coming. Today, we’ll discuss how we’re going to track down Max and finally put an end to his life. But before that, we will talk about tomorrow. As you all know, tomorrow we will say goodbye to a few women who were as much part of the club as we are. Malvina, Nonna, Olga, Svetlana, Tamara and Polina – Russian Dolls who came to us under the worst circumstances. I like to think that they lived a full life of happiness while they were with us, and that they would have suffered if we hadn’t purchased them from Sergei.”

  “They would have – given the type of men who purchase slaves.” Dmitri states.

  “We have lost six of our own, brothers. Not only that, but the town of Gainesville has lost a few people as well. Thanks to Elena, she was able to pull some jurisdictional shit being that she’s still technically with the FBI. She was able to get prying eyes out of our problem, and it’s better for them this way. We don’t need anyone else getting hurt. I think we can all agree that enough have been harmed.”

  Every brother either nods or grumbles out an agreement with our Prez.

  He places his hands on the table and leans over it. “We’re all tired of this shit, brothers. Max has been under our noses for years now, causing us an immeasurable amount of misery. It’s high time that his torment ends, and we have an ally who is willing to help.” Reed looks to me, “Enzo, would you please bring your brother in.”

  I rise from my seat and open the door to church, exiting and grab Gianni. I bring him back and when we enter the room, I make sure the door shuts behind us.

  “This is Gianni, Enzo’s brother. Some of you may not be aware, but Lorenzo’s full name is Lorenzo Donatello Esposito – Moretti. His step-father is the owner of the Arcane, and I know I don’t need to tell you more than that.”

  “Are you shitting me right now? On your license it says Lorenzo Esposito. You bastard!” Kyle chuckles loudly. “I’ve never been happier that someone’s lied to me in my entire life.”

  “This Max fellow doesn’t know what’s coming for him.” Gianni snickers. “So, I was able to get a pretty nifty amount of information about this guy. Sounds like he’s a real sleazebag. The diggers we have are still looking into his background, but so far, here’s the good stuff.” Gianni pulls out a manila folder from the inside of his suit jacket and slides it across the table to Reed.

  “What’s a digger?” Reed asks as he’s opening the folder.

  I opt to answer instead of my brother. “Diggers are people who look for information, in places where most wouldn’t be able to find it.”

  “So, like a super special PI?” Chaos asks.

  Gianni immediately nods. “Yes, exactly like that. Except we have access to certain systems that PI’s don’t. If you know what I mean.”

  Reed pulls photos out of the folder. He furrows his brows and squints his eyes as he overlooks everything. “He has all these fake ID’s?”

  “Sure does. That can only mean one thing – he’s up to no good. I’m sure we’ll have better information on his whereabouts tomorrow, but from what we’ve found out, his last location was a small town in Kentucky.”

  “Kentucky?” Dmitri mutters out. “That’s not far. What was he doing there?”

  “It’s hard to say at this point. It’s why we have the diggers, so they can do some digging. Do keep looking through those photos, Reed.” Gianni tells him, and I watch as Reed moves through them. He overlooks each carefully, and even though I can’t tell what he’s seeing, I know that it can’t be good.

  “Max knew Dwayne.” Oh shit . . . The man who was responsible for Reed’s ex-fiancée, Celine. I don’t know why I say ex. They were engaged when she was murdered. Max knowing Dwayne changes the game entirely. This new discovery makes it so much more personal.

  “I thought you’d like to know who you’re really dealing with.”

  “The nastiest scumbag on the planet.” Kyle speaks up, getting grumbles of agreement behind him.

  “Damn right about that.” Reed hisses out. “We knew he was a piece of shit before. This doesn’t change much.

  “We’re gonna get this fucker. He’s closer than we think . . . And I doubt he knows anything about us teaming up with, you sick fucks.” Seamus says to Gianni.

  “He’s about to get a rude awakening pretty soon.” Gianni snickers.

  “Church is adjourned for now. We’ll meet back up tomorrow evening after the funeral services. Do you think your diggers will have information by then?”

  “Yes. I have no doubt about it.” Gianni says, looking around the room. I can tell he sees the smug faces across all the men. “Don’t worry, boys. We’re getting him.”


  “She was one of those girls who breathed fire when confronted but loved so gently that it made you forget she could.”



  In the last day, emotions have flooded over me. There was a good bit of time where I believed Enzo would forbid me from coming here today. It would make sense, considering all of the danger that surrounds us . . . but he knew I needed to say goodbye to these women. They are just as important to me as they were to the Skulls, if not more.

  I sit at the picnic table outside the front of the clubhouse. The cool breeze hits my face and reminds me that soon we’ll be in the peak of spring. The flowers aren’t blooming yet, but they’re starting to bud. I prefer this weather, where it’s not too cold, but isn’t too warm either. It’s perfect and I wish it stayed this way for eons.

  “We have missed you.” Alena says, walking up to me. She wraps her arms arou
nd me in a tight hug and I return the embrace, holding onto her for a few moments.

  “The feeling is mutual.” I respond, looking past her to a couple of the others. Zoya and Nadia are sitting at another table, talking to one another in hushed whispers. Samara, Alla and Sascha stand against the railing, each of them looking lost in their minds. I can understand it. We’re all a little lost right now. To my right are Yevka and Matrina, two of the quietest dolls. They’re younger than most of us, now in their early twenties. I can’t imagine what all of this has been like to them.

  This is only a handful of dolls, but there are many more inside. “How are the others doing?”

  “They are managing . . . but they do not want to stay here any longer. They want to move away from all the danger, afraid that this will happen again.”

  “There is always risk in life, Alena. You need to remind them of this.”

  She looks at me with those sad eyes. “I have done my best, but I am not you or Polina. They do not listen to me the way that they do with you. Jenna hasn’t been around in a long time . . . and I doubt they will listen to her any longer. Maria still holds some influence with them, but she’s so absorbed in whatever is going on in her life at the moment. What I am saying, Ksenia, is that I need your help.”

  “I don’t know how I am supposed to help.” I speak with certain honesty. What does Alena expect me to do? I was not here when all of this happened. I can’t change the opinions, or fear that these women hold.

  “You need to explain to them, what you just did to me. That there is always risk in life. Even if you do say it to them, I am afraid most will still leave. Samara and Alla want to leave with Yevka and the others. The only ones willing to stay are myself, Nadia, Zoya, Sascha and Matrina.”

  Wow. I had no idea that they’ve all been prepared to abandon the one safe haven they’ve had for the first time in their lives. Of course, they don’t feel that it’s a safe place for them to live any longer. “What does Reed know of this?”

  Alena shakes her head, biting her bottom lip. “He knows nothing. I do not have the courage to tell him this.” I take in a sharp breath and stand up, heading for the clubhouse door. “What are you doing?” Alena asks, a fearful look spread across her face.

  “Changing things.” I put my hand on the door and walk inside, seeing many dolls in corners crying. The service was a couple of hours ago, and as is our custom, we made a feast to celebrate their lives. Reed had their graves dug up on a hillside, overlooking a creek. It was actually a place that the girls would come to in the summer to take a dip in the water, and I know they will be happy with their final resting place.

  The girls and I had cooked many authentic dishes, even making a honey cake. It’s something sweet that most of us enjoy. Katya baked a few goodies as well, and I’ll admit, I was nervous about her attending. Some women still resent her for the choices she had made when she was married to Sergei, but I have been supporting her from the shadows. I told them that she had to make certain choices. It was only a few months ago that Katya confessed to me she sent some of the youngest girls in this shipment because she knew where they were headed. She was trying to give them a better life. The fact that some of them died anyway . . . I think it fucks with her head. Katya may seem like an iron-horse of a strong woman, but she is so self-critical.

  I spot Reed in the corner, standing with Elena and their newborn daughter, River. She’s holding the baby who has curly red hair that matches her mother’s fiery locks. I approach them and immediately start to speak. “The Dolls don’t feel safe here and want to leave. I don’t want that to happen and I don’t think you do either.” I state, looking straight into Reed’s eyes. Instead of stopping, I continue. “They will leave unless we do something. They have lived in fear their entire lives, and you can’t blame them for not wanting to live in it now.”

  I expect Reed to speak, but it’s not him who does. Instead, it’s his wife, Elena. She hands River to her husband and whistles, causing everyone to avert their attention. “Can someone please get the girls to come in from outside, please?”

  Trick gets up from the couch and goes outside. The door shuts behind him, but no sooner as he was gone, he’s back. He holds the door open for a few women who walk inside, and we now have a full house. Enzo is staring at me from across the room, wearing a smirk. There’s no doubt he knows I’m up to something.

  “I know everyone is living in fear right now. The truth is that we all are. We are all grieving. We are all in pain, and we are all terrified beyond belief. I understand your fear because I feel it too, not just only for myself or my husband, but my daughter as well. We are doing everything that we can to catch the disgusting man who did this – the man who took the ones we loved from us, and we will get him. Rest assured, dolls, we will get him. It will take time, but it will happen. Ksenia told me that some of you are afraid and want to leave. I can’t fault you for feeling that way given the circumstances, but the truth is that we don’t want you to leave. You are as much part of the club as we are. This is your home, and even if you choose to leave, you will always have a place to come back to. There was a meeting yesterday on how to start tracking down the man that committed this atrocious act of violence, and the men will be on the move soon.”

  I tap on Elena’s shoulder, causing her to look back at me. “If you don’t mind, I would like to bring something up. I don’t think Enzo had the opportunity, and if he did, I didn’t hear about it.”

  “Sure, sweetheart. I know how men are, forgetting shit all the time.”

  “I want every woman and child here to come to Russian Manor while the men are away to track down Max. The club will be exposed, and none of us want anything bad happening during that time. It’s no secret that every able man is needed to be on this trip, and with that, we can’t leave anyone defenseless. So, please, accept our invitation and come to stay with us. My sister has provided us with guards and will be providing us with many more.”

  Elena nods as soon as I finish speaking. “You heard Ksenia. This is what will happen when the guys leave. I expect Wrath, Crimson and Hound to stay behind to watch over the club while almost everyone else is gone.” Elena speaks up, then looks to her husband for approval. He nods, agreeing with everything she’s said. The three old timers nod, understanding the importance of their task.

  “When are you leaving?” Elena turns to Reed.

  “Most likely within the next couple days. I’m gonna have the brothers come into church with me in a twenty minutes. We all have to talk about some shit Gianni just told me.”

  “Alright, well, can some of the girls head over tonight?” Elena looks to me, Dmitri and then Katya.

  Katya takes a step forward, in front of Slasher. “Yes. We’ll just need someone to help transport these cots over to the house. We can take as many girls as the cots can fit. We have enough beds for your ol’lady’s and your children.”

  “Thank you,” Elena tells Katya, but turns to the group of Dolls. “Those of you who want to leave tonight, raise your hand and make sure Seamus, Slasher and Dmitri know how many cots to load. I’m sure the three of you can get them in the back of the trucks before church?”

  “Shit.” Seamus grumbles out.

  “Yeah, shouldn’t be a problem.” Slasher responds, going over to two cots, he picks them up like they don’t weigh a thing.

  I watch as most of the girls raise their hands. If anything, this just proves that they are terrified. Honestly, I don’t think that they will change their minds. I think most will end up leaving, even though I really don’t want them to.


  We don’t grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges.


  It makes me smile to see Ksenia is becoming more of herself. Since the moment I met her, I knew she was stronger than she looked, and she’s showing everyone just that. Who would’ve thought that she would be speaking to Elena like this. I can see the baffled look ac
ross some of my brother’s faces. There’s no doubt that they’re still trying to wrap their heads around the fact that I’m with her and she’s carrying my child. It must’ve been the best kept secret in Skulls Renegade MC history.

  I’ve never seen Ksenia as a docile woman. She has always been more than that to me, and she always will be. I truly see great things happening with her. After Elena finishes speaking, I opt to help Dmitri, Slasher and Seamus help load the cots into the trucks. I figure if I help, it will get me brownie points when it comes to Dmitri and the three of them might not be such bitches when we walk into church in a few minutes.

  I stay outside for a few more minutes, rearranging the cots so that we don’t have to haul a crap ton more tomorrow. As I slam the tailgate, I notice the time on my watch and dart in. Fuck! I’m late to church. Weaving my way in through the crowd, I go down the hall and walk into the room where we hold church. My assumptions are right and I’m the last man in here.

  “About damn time.” Gianni mutters, standing beside Reed.

  Reed rolls his eyes, huffing his words out. “Now that everyone is here. We can talk about the pressing matters.” I shut the door behind me and take my seat at the table. His glare burns right through me as he speaks. “Everyone was made aware that Max knew Dwayne. It’s infuriating and makes me want his blood so much more. I don’t just want his head, brothers. I want a fucking blood bath for everything this fucker has done to us. Gianni’s diggers have found that Max is laying low in Louisville. We’re going to be hauling ass to get there. I don’t want all of us going at once, though. Solely based on the fact that some of the girls still need to get to the Russian Manor after tonight. Half of us will leave tonight, and the other half will leave tomorrow after all of the girls are safely at Dmitri’s. For those of us who get there early, we will be conducting surveillance and making sure the bastard doesn’t slip by us. I’m no fool. We’re going to need every man on this. Max is a snake, one that has slithered under the radar for far too long and I won’t let it happen anymore.”


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