Marked For You: The X-Perience Series

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Marked For You: The X-Perience Series Page 10

by C. G Miller

  “I don’t understand why you even care.” She lashed.

  “You don’t need to. Let’s go.” I grabbed her hand pulling her hard behind me.

  Eve was resting against the bar, sipping her martini, watching me like a hawk. She raised her glass up towards me with threatening eyes. I ignored her, storming out of the hall.

  Kyle’s heals thud hard against the pavement trying to keep up with me. “You’re going to break my ankle.” Kyle screamed from behind me. I came to a sudden stop, turning to her I quickly picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

  “Big tough guy huh?” Kyle said sarcastically. Her fists beat on my back, “Put me down.” Ignoring her, my strides got bigger trying to get out of this hotel lot as fast as I could.

  I opened the passenger door and shoved her in. “So, you’re kidnapping me?” She mused. I let out a huff and slammed the car door.

  There was no control left in me. Seeing her all dolled up like that on display pushed any sense I had left out of me. There was something between us and if she wasn’t going to tell me, I would make her.

  Kyle was staring at me with intensity, her face hard like she was ready to pummel me. She didn’t scare me. There was nothing she could do or so I told myself.

  When I looked over again, her face was softer looking at my hands.

  “I always wondered what yours was.” Her voice was a whisper as she relaxed back into the seat. “ A cage. What does that mean to you?”

  Her head rested on the head rest looking like sex watching me with smoldering eyes. My nerves calmed quickly at ease from just the sight of her.

  The tattoo meant a lot to me in an ownership kind of way. Would that scare her though? “It’s a symbolism of the bird to be able to go free. The cage symbolizes with the door open as protection. While some people believe cages are intended to trap, they can also be interpreted as a safe haven.”

  Kyle stayed quiet contemplating the meaning before speaking, “ In a sense, you saw me as a free bird, but you wanted to make sure your free bird was always able to come back for protection, like a home?”

  I nodded in agreement at her analogy. I saw a spark in her eye and a sinful smile on her face. Kyle was coming to a conclusion that I was ready to hear.

  Chapter 17 Kyle

  Cree was still a mystery to me. My weekend with him had proved that, all he was, was a stone of a man hiding behind his armor to not be swallowed by love. His control really showed tonight. He gave in to his deeper desires letting his thoughts take control of his actions. It really had been all I was looking for before. Cree presented himself as organized and thought out. He lived on an act with a precise schedule never letting himself go off script.

  I wanted him to fall for me. I wanted him and only him. By working for The X-Perience, he wouldn’t be able to hide from me. Cree would have to come to the realization that there was something more between him and I. Never in a million years had I thought the realization would come so quick. I had been prepared to pay out my debt for months until our paths crossed. But, it only took a few weeks and a few days of being employed with The X-Perience.

  His confession behind the tattoo had my heart pumping faster because, at the time not even Cree had realized how much impact we together would be. Cree seeing me all made up in that party was a force that made him recognize his own feelings that he tried so hard to hide. Cree wasn’t fooling me anymore.

  Cree sat patiently in the kitchen while I put some ice in a zip lock bag for his face. His eyes never left me as he watched me comfortably move around his kitchen.

  “Here. Put that on your face. It will ease the swelling.” He just watched the ice bag resisting my help. “Enough with the act. I’m here aren’t I? You can put your brooding away.” I forced the ice bag into his hand.

  While he sat there patiently in detest, I went to get Chula from outside. Her big body came to a stance jumping up on me licking my face.

  “Nice to see you too Chula.” I talked in a baby voice before I pushed her down and gave her some scratches behind her ears. “Come.”

  Chula followed close at my heels heading back towards the kitchen. Filling her water and food bowl, I eased them gently to the ground where she dug in.

  Looking at Cree, his body had begun to relax more slumped over the kitchen island holding the ice to his face.

  Walking over to him, I caressed his bicep. “Could you love me?”

  Cree’s head shot up quickly, looking deep into my eyes stunned, unable to fully answer so I repeated, “Could you love me?”

  Softly closing his eyes to blind him from me, I brought my hand to his chin bringing it up to open his eyes. It was my turn to be in control.

  I saw shame. Shame for thinking about loving me, disgust for wanting to own me, and so much love hidden behind. I had cracked his armor, but I had so much more to say before it would finally break falling away from him.

  “I had no idea what to expect when I came here the first time. Even more so, I had no idea walking away would hurt as much as it did. You can’t own me and not be with me. It doesn’t work like that. There is no having it both ways. You’re a hard book to crack. Unable to really read you, I thought it best I just walk away. To make it easier on us. There is no lying, for me, it was really hard to keep a light face. Believe me Cree, if you give this a chance,” I pointed from him to me and back again, “ You might just be surprised at how much we could work. After all, I am marked for you.”

  I brought my hand to his, locking our tattoos together signaling that this free bird was flying home. “What do you say?”

  Cree remained silent as he peered at our locked hands. In an instant he became a ravenous beast lifting me up, claiming my mouth with his. His touch was rough as he gripped onto me holding me tighter than ever before.

  Trapping me between his bed and body, my hips grinded against him wanting what only he could give me.

  Cree’s force came to a pause, brushing my hair back, he lifted his head watching me. I was lost in his beauty waiting for him to continue watching him back.

  “Little One, I’m a very bad man. Maybe not even a man but a monster. I’ve done horrible things and I like what I do. But you, you make me question everything.”

  Cree let out a shaky breath as if his round about confession changed any feeling I had for him. So, using no words, I brought my head up softly kissing his lips with no return kiss from him.

  “Kyle, you asked if I could love you. But, I can’t love you until I put it all behind me. I can’t dive headfirst into your pool of love until I kill all the demons that lay in my cesspool. Do you understand?”

  “I don’t care. I already know, no matter what you say, did, or ever will do, would never change how I feel about you.”

  Cree’s face turned painful when my words left my lips. He seemed disappointed that I would go in blind.

  His expression was still pained forcing himself to deep dive with me planting kisses all over my body. His groans were tortured engulfing our every need into one another.

  His every touch to my body was tortured with purpose as if this was the end. All the while easing my clothes from my body. When I was finally bare, he stood letting out a trembling breath. Slowly, Cree eased his shirt off pausing, intensely eyeing me.

  Another trembling breath left his lips moving closer to me and laying on top of me. Our mouths became one, my legs opened wider with nothing between us, he slowly eased into me.

  The intimacy he was creating between us made me wetter because this time wasn’t like before. This time, he was making love to me. Each moan we let out was the desperation of us finally breaking everything down as we entered our own undying love to one another.

  Cree slept soundly beside me. I watched his chest rise and fall with every breath just amazed at how beautiful he was. My thoughts couldn’t help but go back to what he said about the man or monster he was. It still didn’t change anything but, left me uneasy wondering what obstacles were to come which revolved
around The X-Perience. We needed out.

  Chapter 18 Cree

  Desperation was on my mind when I woke the next morning. I was desperate to be with Kyle. There was a longing inside me hoping that her word was true as I readied myself to let my secrets unfold. Because, I had to tell her. She needed the whole truth from me. That scared me.

  She slept so deep that the rise and fall of her bare back were the only movements that came from her. I needed to see Eve.

  After getting dressed for the day, I scribbled a note for Kyle that I was going to see Eve and that I would be back shortly. I placed it on her pillow since she was now spread out across the entire bed clinging to my pillow. She was picture perfect. Making me want her even more. I couldn’t imagine not waking up every morning to see her sprawled across my bed.

  Eve sat at the heart of The X-Perience which was a black cold metal desk that took up most of her pristine white painted office. Her choice of design really spoke true to what kind of leader she was. White was neutral and welcoming, but the black desk was the heart of where all transactions took place.

  Eve watched me closely as I sat in the red chair in front of the desk. The bad boy chair I told myself. Her stone-cold demeanor never let up as she waited for me to explain myself.

  “Eve, I want to clear the air if I may?”

  Her jaw tightened waving me to continue, “By all means.”

  “Eve, you opened my eyes to unruly things. And for the last five years I have been an investor as well as a companion. But, in the last few months, I have realized after being placed with Kyle that it’s time for me to start an actual life.” I let out the breath I was holding hoping this would go easy.

  “Cree, you're knowledgeable of the law, you should know, contracts are binding.”

  “I am aware. I did read what I signed five years ago. But, I pulled my contract back out to reread with a finer comb. Now, you are a money woman Eve. You also hold your secrets close.” Eve’s attention was full listening closely. “Now, I am a man of my word, never would I speak to any dealings The X-Perience has nor would you the CEO of The X-Perience ever divulge information about an investor or companion. That would without a doubt put you in a sticky position for your company.”

  “Where are you going with this Cree?” Eve said exasperated.

  “I want myself and Kyle out of the companion contract. In return all information of what we have done will stay hidden and we will then turn to 100% silent investors. I will increase the equity in The X-Perience three times fold the minimum investor rate.”

  Eve’s eyes went wide at my offer. While she made a lot of money with me acting as both investor and companion, I would essentially be walking away continuing to pay my investor fee, Kyle’s investor fee, plus what she would make off me as a companion. The question was, would she take the offer to make a clean break?

  “That’s a very compelling offer Cree. Tell me, what is it about this girl? How has she been able to make you change the color of your stripes when so many other women have failed?” Eve was now leaning forward with both arms out in front of her with her hands locked together tightly turning her knuckles white.

  “She’s different. Kyle sees past everything offering only the truth. She’s real. There are no games, only life.”

  “Okay Cree. I’ll take your offer, add in another ten percent to make up for what revenue Kyle may have brought in, which is the bare minimum, seeing as we will never know if she would have worked out or not and I’d like you to be my lawyer. You know the most about this organization and seeing as you are paying your way out, we will need to add in a clause to our contracts to reflect any others wishing to walk away with no profit lost on our side.” Her smile was wide, silently patting herself on the back with her remarkable rebuttal. I had to give it to Eve, coming from nothing like she says, she does know how to run a business even if she can be a snake.

  “Deal.” I stood and we shook hands sealing the deal. “Oh, and Cree, you will be hearing from my other lawyer to get the paperwork started and once you and Kyle have signed, you will get my retainer. Now for the hard part.” She flashed a smile.

  “What’s that?”

  “You have to tell Kyle who you really are.” I nodded my head and took my leave.

  It was still somewhat early, so I headed over to the Summerlin park. I walked aimlessly thinking about Kyle and how I was going to tell her what kind of monster she fell in love with. I consciously preparing the conversation I would have with her while looking at every outcome and focusing that the probability of her staying was most likely none.

  The grass was still green even though the night air was getting colder, the late morning was still relatively hot for this time of year in Vegas. I came up on a bench nuzzled under a tree, so I sat letting the shade cool me.

  Children laughed and ran through the jungle gym. It was lightning to my mood making me realize how closed off from the world I’ve been. I watched as a child fell, scraping his knees. He let out a wail that screeched ears, but it didn’t last long when I saw a woman come rushing to his side.

  With a few short words, he was running back up the jungle gym with a smile on his face. I looked over towards the swings spotting a man and woman swinging in unison. Every time they would swing back down, they looked over at each other laughing in bliss with pure love in their eyes.

  It gave my stomach a warm type of feeling and I began picturing Kyle and I in place of every person here. They each had their own kind of love story. I began adding us in as the main characters.

  How I would like to feel free with Kyle on a swing set. I looked at the mothers picturing Kyle mothering our own children. It looked exhausting, fun, and very much intriguing. Another couple walked the path hand in hand cuddling their shoulders to one another making me wish Kyle was here. I wanted more. I wanted so much more and watching the everyday reality of life made me want it with her.

  I was ready. I could do this. We could do this. Putting my monster away started to seem a small price to pay if that meant keeping Kyle forever. One conversation stood in the way, I thought as I hurried home.

  Kyle was sitting on the island counter in one of my white t-shirts eating a bowl of cereal while Chula rested beneath her eating her dog food.

  Her head perked up at the sound of my feet against the wood floor, with a bright smile she sang, “Hey you.”

  “Hey.” Strolling over to her, I rested my hand on her knee. She happily smiled as she brought the spoon to my mouth. Opening wide I let her feed me a spoonful, then gave her a sugary milk kiss mumbling, “Get dressed.”

  If we were to get through this conversation we didn’t need the distraction of sex. Fully clothed was the best solution even though I’d rather we were both naked.

  “So bossy always telling me what to do.” She pouted her lips before flashing a smile and gracefully jumping off the counter heading upstairs.

  While I waited for her, I knelt down giving Chula some scratches. In return she gave me some sloppy kisses and before too long, Kyle was back. She still wore my white T-shirt crinkled up making a knot as it hugged her waist, too tight short jean shorts, and her long black hair pulled back tight in a pony high on her head ready to follow me anywhere.

  Grabbing a champagne glass, I filled it with some champagne and orange juice. I then grabbed a short glass putting a couple shots of bourbon in it. I motioned for Kyle to join me on the couch. She had a hop in her step with curiosity all over her face. Handing her, her glass, she laughed, “We are going to expose the demons?”

  I gave her a slight nod gripping my glass tight. When I brought the glass to my lips, she stopped me, taking the glass from my hand, and placing hers’ and mine on the coffee table, she said, “We don’t need these for this conversation. Everything will be fine.” She reassured me.

  I wanted to give her this, but I also knew this conversation would have been easier if the heat of a small sip of liquid ran through my veins. Looking at the still brown liquid in my glass, I
let it sit there turning my attention to Kyle.

  Letting out a wobbly breath, I began by telling her the conversation I had with Eve. I explained to her that getting out wouldn’t be a problem. She listened closely, keeping any bad feelings aside. So, unable to read her I let it out.

  “When I graduated college, I went on to work at a firm and there, I fell in love. Well, I thought I did. Long story short, I proposed, she cheated, I left. Well, ran. I was so lost I ran to Vegas. Looking for an escape, I found Eve. Being lost and angry, I was just what she was looking for. She showed me a way to let things go. Which, looking at it now, she showed me how to release my anger while hiding. I was mad at life. I never realized how unfair it could be. To Eve, I had money and that was what she needed so we struck a deal.”

  Kyle remained silent as she listened to my story. Still unable to read her, I continued, “I invested my money in her company, in return, she let me do some experimenting as a companion. She showed me many scenarios. From BDSM relationships, which I do enjoy, to the boyfriend experience, which we did. But, there is another extreme I took part in.” My voice got lower and Kyle shivered, some of her neck hairs raised. “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “I’m fine. Go on.” She gave my hand a comforting squeeze.

  “There is a companion package that offers the tortured relief. There are a lot of unhappy people in the world. Many want a way out. If they have the money, then, I could offer that.”

  Kyle began to recoil, “What exactly more could there be?”

  Chapter 19 Kyle

  Cree’s forehead accumulated a glisten of sweat the more he spoke further into his dealings with The X-Perience. My stomach began to twist and turn with uneasiness. My gut felt like something was wrong and I shouldn’t be here. Not listening to my gut, I tried to remain focused on Cree. Cree had me on edge with his nervous toned words.


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