Assassins & Mob Wives: Couples Retreat

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Assassins & Mob Wives: Couples Retreat Page 31

by Posey Parks

  “We could’ve died. Me at the reception hall and you at the warehouse.” She sighed. “You’re right. I’ll be careful.” Carmen pushed me against the bed and snuggled into me.

  “Can we lay here for a little while?” Her nose brushed along my neck.

  Inhaling her mango scented hair, I exhaled. “Yes, I’d love that.”

  SITTING IN JACOB’S hotel suite, I sat on the second bed eating lasagna. “This isn’t the best I’ve had, but it will do.”

  Brandon shook his head, shoving forkfuls of the cheesy goodness into his mouth.

  I peeked into the guys faces. “Brandon likes it.”

  Tony pointed his fork at his plate. “You’re solely judging this dish based on the restaurant's location.”

  I shrugged. “You got me. When I think of lasagna, I think of Jersey or New York.”

  “I get that.” Jacob dug into the heaping serving of pasta. The herbs mixed with cheese filled the air.

  “The perks of being a movie star. You can find great food anywhere.” He raised his eyebrows twice.

  “Where’s Dillon?” My eyes gravitated to the huge half eaten pan of lasagna. “He better get in here before I pile seconds on my plate.”

  “Seconds,” Marco laughed. “Says the man who said the food is just ok.”

  Sebastian pecked away on the laptop keys in the corner. His food sat on the desk, barely eaten.

  “Hey man, what’s going on over there?”

  “Sydney’s phone keeps going to voicemail.”

  “Maybe her ringer is off.”

  He glanced at me, then back at his screen. “That’s possible after the shit they pulled earlier today.”

  I placed my plate on the nightstand, then grabbed my phone. There was an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  “I’ll call Carmen.” Staring at her name, I pressed the speaker button.

  “You’ve reached Dr. Carmen Magarelli.” The tiny hairs stood all over my body and my heart plummeted. Terrible thoughts struck my brain. “Straight to voicemail. Twice in one day, shit.”

  The guys retrieved their devices and called their wives.

  “Wait till I see Nadine. They can’t be mixed up in bullshit again,” Tony yelled.

  “Sebastian, where are they?”

  “They’re at the bar like they said they’d be.” Worry consumed his brooding features.

  What happened this time?

  I called Dillon to find out if he’d heard from Sierra.

  “What’s up, Dom?”

  “Hey have you spoken to Sierra?”

  “No, why?”

  “The wives aren’t answering their phones.”

  “What the fuck,” he shouted. His voice pierced my ears.

  “We need to move.” I heard his fist bang against something. Guess he was pissed and tired like the rest of us.

  “Where are you?”

  “Outside in the truck.”

  I stood, yanked a Glock from my holster, and checked the clip. “We’re coming.”

  The guys followed suit, ensuring they had full clips.

  Stuffing my phone in my front jeans pocket, I stalked toward the door.

  Still gripping his laptop, Sebastian ran past me. My stomach dropped again.

  “Sebastian, can you get a visual?” I peeked at his screen. There were dots everywhere. What was he looking at?

  “Yeah, the moment we get in the truck.”

  Jacob walked ahead of us, peering at his laptop screen too.

  “I’m pulling their footage again,” Jacob growled.

  He found the wives earlier today at the park on their secret mission. I felt relieved he was there as backup.

  The six of us stalked down the hall toward the exit.

  The second we were outside; I ordered our men to gather our luggage and the girls.

  “I’ve had enough of Tulsa for one day. I hope we have better luck in Dallas.” I climbed behind the steering wheel. Sebastian and Marco hopped in the backseat.

  I peeked in the side driver's mirror. Tony waved his hand forward. Dillon sat beside him in the passenger seat. He was eager to get the hell out of there. Brandon and Jacob were in the backseat. Syncing my phone with the truck, I typed in the wives location then peeled out of the parking lot.

  “I’ve brought up a split screen so I can access the video footage Jacob pulled from the bus. They look happy walking into the bar. I don’t understand. Maybe nothing’s wrong,” Sebastian sighed.

  Ten minutes later Sebastian’s phone rang.

  “Sweetheart, we’re on the way.” His voice wavered.

  My entire body shook as I peeked at his face through the rear-view mirror.

  Fear and panic-struck Sebastian’s face as he gripped his phone.

  “They’re in danger. I’ll FaceTime Jacob.”

  The bottom fell out from under me. I wasn’t in control. Felt like my feet were dangling in the air and I didn’t have a chance of reaching the ground.


  “They left the bar. But I show they’ve stopped again.” His deep voice filled the truck.

  “I know. They need our help. Brandon, get eyes on the wives.”

  “I’m activating the drone now. Shit,” he muttered.

  “What does he see?” My eyes widened as I glared through the rearview mirror again.

  Marco’s head fell into his hands.

  “Are they alive?” My heart was on the verge of bursting out of my chest. Tightening my fingers around the steering wheel, I tried to hold it together.

  “We need to create the element of surprise. Dominic, they’re being held at gunpoint by men in white hoods. A hate group.”

  All I saw was red. “I will gut every one of them.”

  “We all will,” Marco gritted out.

  “There’s a road parallel to the one they’re on. Remember, Dominic, the element of surprise that’s our only chance of getting them out alive,” Sebastian stated, calmly.

  How could he be calm in a situation like this?

  I was ready to burn everything down around me. Gaining control of my anger, I barreled down the road.




  ONCE WE ARRIVED, THE urge to grab an AK and light their asses up plagued my thoughts. Dominic, you can do this for her.

  I dug down deep as we approached. The girls stood strong, pointing their guns toward the assholes.

  The moment I knew the evil bastards were outnumbered, a calmness fell over me and it was show time.

  “Dominic, Dominic.”

  Dillon’s voice brought me back from my memories. Covered in Diego’s blood, I peeked at my brother. “Yeah?”

  “Are you done? We need to get their body parts wrapped and on the plane.”

  “Right, Rémy?” I waved him over.

  He stepped between Dillon and me.

  “Bring Sergio up to speed on our current situation. He needs to shut shit down.”

  “No problem, Dillon. It’s done.”

  “Rémy, put them on ice until we return. Once we find out who’s after us, I’d like to send them a welcoming gift...”

  I glanced between Dillon and Marco. “ know a hand or head.”

  Our sick laughter echoed through the building.

  “Thanks for allowing us to join the party. I had every intention of killing Diego once I returned home. But Marco, you obtained the space, didn’t make sense to wait any longer.”

  “I agree with Dominic. I would’ve preferred to kill this piece of shit at home, but it worked out better than I thought.”

  “We look out for each other.” Marco leaned his head on the seat behind him.

  Body parts were scattered across the floor. Looked like a human chop shop.

  “Let me get this straight. Dominic, your men were carrying Diego around in the Limo bus?”

  “Yeah, the spacious vehicle provided a nice level of comfort. Then Dillon found out. Once he caught this bitch.” I kick
ed dude’s limb.

  “He threw him in the bus with Diego.”

  “The bus served as the perfect mobile torture chamber,” Dillon snickered.

  Marco peeked behind him. “Where’s Tony?”

  “He’s with the rest of the group.” Dillon stood and stretched his hands toward the ceiling. “Jasper, bleach wipes,” he ordered. “I need Sierra to massage my back.”

  He cracked his neck. “And something else too.”

  “We all need our wives after this tonight,” I stated.

  “True. Let’s get back,” Marco rose.

  Standing on the dance floor amongst our friends, I puffed a cigar, then sipped a glass of whiskey while Carmen shook her ass against my cock.

  Good fucking times. The neon disco lights swept across the floor.

  I swiped at the beads of sweat streaming down my forehead. Clouds of cigar smoke hung in the warm air.

  “Who the fuck turned off the air conditioning unit?”

  I waved Romeo over. “What’s up, Dom?”

  “Here. My fucking shirt is sticking to my body.”

  I placed my drink and cigar in his hands. Shrugging off my jacket, I glanced at my friends. Jacob and Brandon were the only two dancing. Sebastian sat at the table pecking away on his laptop as always.

  We brought him up to speed, and he insisted on helping us. I didn’t want to drag my cousin into our world again. Yes, his mother was the original mafia queen, I understood, but she didn’t want him in this life. Who were we to continue sucking him in? Our life was fast paced and intriguing to those on the outside, and I guess the inside too. Maybe deep down he was built for this world. Bet his mom knew killing was in his blood. Aunt Violet was a straight savage. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.

  “Dominic.” Carmen slammed her palm against my chest.

  Her wide eyes roved my frame. “What’s all this?”

  I draped my tan blazer across Romeo’s arm.

  Patting the Glocks in my chest holster, waist, and the small of my back, I grinned. “Just extra precaution.”

  She removed the drink and cigar from Romeo’s hands, then she studied our surroundings.

  I was the only guy who removed their jacket. We were trained to wear suits in uncomfortable weather conditions. But fuck, I was on vacation.

  “Romeo, check the air conditioning unit. It’s blazing hot.”

  He nodded before stepping away.

  Carmen glared at me as she puffed the cigar.

  “Babe, spit it out.”

  ‘What’s Poppin’ by Jake Harlow blared through the speakers and she abandoned her question, shoving the drink into my hand. I exhaled as she shook her ass again. My wife wasn’t aware the other husbands were strapped like me. They concealed their weapons. I on the other hand didn’t.

  Carmen gravitated toward the girls in the middle of the floor. I wrapped my arm around her waist and whisper yelled against her ear, “My cigar.”

  “Oh,” she laughed.

  Carmen placed the cigar between my lips, then darted over to the girls.

  Great, I was off the hook for now. “Fellas,” I yelled. “Drinks.” I motioned toward the table.

  Sitting across from Sebastian, I sipped the whiskey. Tony whacked my neck. “What the fuck?” He raised his hands, sinking in the chair beside me.


  “Who are you supposed to be, Tony Montana?”

  Laughter erupted around the table.

  “That’s funny. I’m protective over our family.”

  Dillon blew smoke in my face, staring at me questionably.

  “We’re inside. Relax. I’ll have my blazer on before we leave.”

  He nodded, then hooked his arm around my neck. “Love you, little bro.”

  Three years later, and it was still hard to believe my brother was back from the dead.

  “Sebastian, take a break. Let’s at least enjoy the next two days before we focus on the issue at hand.”

  He closed the laptop. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  I told Sebastian what he needed to hear to unwind. Behind my drink my eyes moved about the room, I was alert. Vacation ended the second I learned we were at war. The mafia men at this table all shared the same gift. Pretending to be engaged in conversations, yet focused on our surroundings.

  Later that night, I sat in bed resting my arm on my knee, gripping the handle of my Glock thirty-four. The darkness surrounded me, snuffing out all rational thoughts. We were at war again. This time in the middle of my campaign. Swaying my hand over my wife’s back, I pondered on what to tell her.

  Then it clicked. Not only did they want our territories, they didn’t want me in office either.


  “Dominic, wake up. Dominic,” Carmen growled.

  I felt her straddling me.

  Peeking at her contorted pretty face under my arm, I rubbed her ass. She swatted my hand.

  “Good morning, baby. What’s up?”

  “That’s what’s up.” Carmen pointed at the nightstand.

  I sat straight up, gripped her ass, then placed her on the bed.

  Rustling my fingers through my unruly mane, I walked into the bathroom. There wasn’t any need to look at the nightstand. I didn’t put my Glock away.

  I added toothpaste to my toothbrush. “Carmen, can you turn on the water in the shower?”

  She was on my heels, the second I walked across the room.

  Carmen stood on the threshold a second longer before making a move.

  “What time did you wake up?”


  “What time is it?”


  I glanced at her shorts and tank.

  “Did you leave?”

  “Yes, I ate breakfast with our group.”

  The toothbrush glided across my teeth as I stared at her in the mirror.

  I spit. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “The gun on the nightstand is concerning, Dominic. You’re withholding information.”

  After I goggled, I shed my boxers and dipped into the shower. There wasn’t a chance I could hide from her. Floor to ceiling glass surrounded me.

  “Are you coming in?”

  “No.” Carmen hopped up on the counter.

  “What did you guys talk about at breakfast?”

  “How much fun we had last night. The guys were quiet. They barely talked about sports.”

  “They we’re probably fatigued. Maybe they should’ve slept in.”

  “Jacob wasn’t there either this morning.”

  I nodded as I turned my face upward. Water from two of the six shower heads pounded my skin.

  “We can address your concern once I’m out of the shower.”

  Carmen didn’t move. My wife knew how to get me to crack. I lathered soap all over my body.

  “Do you plan to help or just watch?”

  “The view’s nice from here,” she smirked.

  “Babe, come in. I want to massage that pussy with my dick.” I licked my lips and stroked my cock.

  Carmen’s thighs rubbed together like two sticks and her fingers wiggled through her curly hair.

  She had no intentions of giving in. The suds rolled off my body and gathered around the drain.

  I stepped out of the shower and yanked a plush blue towel off the rack.

  “I think we should go water skiing.”

  Carmen continued the silent approach and plopped on the bed, nostrils flaring.

  Standing before her, I slipped into one of the five pairs of swim trunks she packed.

  “All right, we’ll talk to our son, then we’ll have that conversation.”

  “Dominic, after that call if you don’t spill your guts, I’ll hang out alone today,” she bit out.

  “You’re so sassy.” I leaned in, planting a kiss on her cheek. “We’ll talk.”

  She nodded.

  I grabbed my phone off the nightstand.

  Sitting beside Carmen, I Face
Timed my mother.

  “Dominic, Carmen, how are you guys?” Her smile lit up her face.

  She walked through the atrium en route to the kitchen.

  “You look good. I see the kids haven’t driven you crazy.”

  She laughed. “Not yet.”

  “How are you feeling, Fran?”

  “Carmen, I’m fine. The kids keep me young. I don’t remember running around this much after Dominic and Dillon.”

  “Nine kids can be challenging. Especially when there are four children under five.” Carmen smiled.

  “True.” Mom leaned over the kitchen counter.

  “Uh oh, someone attacked my legs right now. Who’s down there?”


  I heard our little guy blurt out. His voice was cheerful.

  Seeing his face would definitely make my day brighter.

  “Nana, will place you in the highchair so you can talk to mommy and daddy.”

  “Mommy, daddy,” he repeated.

  A head full of dark curls came into view as he grabbed the phone.

  “Hi, baby. Mommy misses you.”

  He wailed.

  “No, crying.” I pointed at him.

  “Mommy.” Dominic tossed the phone on the counter.

  “Don’t miss behave like you did yesterday,” Mom said firmly.

  In that moment you feel bad you left your child so you could enjoy yourself on vacation.

  “Dom, you said you’d be a good boy.” I frowned.

  He shook his head.

  “Dominic, speak. Are you going to behave?” I stared at his angry face.


  “Give mommy a big kiss.”

  The tears flowed again. Dom was a spoiled child. I babied him. We were attached at the hip. The second his mother spent more time with him, he didn’t want daddy anymore. I didn’t care. He’s my boy, no matter what.

  “Give your mommy a kiss,” I smiled.

  Gripping the phone, he brought it to his lips, laying a wet one on the screen.

  “Love you, baby.” Carmen’s eyes watered.

  “Fran, is that Dominic on the phone?” Dad’s deep voice carried through the room.

  “Yes, honey.”

  He kissed mom’s lips. “I need to have a word with him.”


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