Reclusive: Skulls Renegade MC

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Reclusive: Skulls Renegade MC Page 8

by Knox, Elizabeth

  I finish speaking and both look at me like I’m either batshit crazy, or the smartest bitch they’ve ever met. “Holy fuck. How long have you been keeping that locked up in your mind?” Kyle laughs,

  I shrug lightly, “I just came up with that in the last minute and a half.” Honestly, it isn’t that hard for me to think about this kinda stuff.

  “You wanna help us with creative… aspects of the studio? Like… a creative director?” Enzo asks me and I think about it for a minute before I nod. This could be a really good thing for me. I’ll cook for the club, and then I’ll just help out at the studio too. It’ll be the best of both worlds, and just another way to keep me busy. Well, another way to keep my mind off of wanting a hit.

  “Yeah, I can help out.”

  Chaos walks into the kitchen, heading straight for the cupboard and pulls his usual box of cereal out. Ever since I’ve been cooking, he’s refused to eat anything in the fridge. “What’re you helping with?” It’s obvious by his tone that he doesn’t think I’m helping at all. I really don’t understand why Chaos has such a problem with me, and why he won’t just give me the benefit of the doubt. I might have made mistakes in the past, but that doesn’t mean I’ll continue to do so. While I’ll admit I’m not perfect… I would… gosh, I can’t even think about where my mind is going here.

  “Angel is going to help us with some ideas for the videos at the studio.” Enzo tells him, wearing a sly smirk.

  Chaos raises his eyebrows, “You mean she’s going to be in the videos?”

  What the fuck?! Did he say that? Chaos has said a lot of things to me, but never something like this.

  “I don’t know what you think I am, but I’m not a fucking slut!” I scream at him, starting to charge my body towards him.

  Enzo grabs me by the elbow and shakes his head. “It’s not worth it, Angel. Don’t let him get to you.”

  I rip my arm free of Enzo’s grasp and head straight for my brother, needing to say something that I’ve needed to for a long time. “I’ve done a lot of shit that I regret, and you know that. But what I have never been is a slut, and for you to keep making jabs at me like I am hurts. I haven’t been the best sister and I’m sorry for that. I’m only human. I’m not some robotic thing that can be programmed in the way that you deem fit. If I was, you might even love me. But, I’m not. Instead, I’m just your little failure of a drug addict sister. I’m sorry that I’m so fucking disappointing to you, Chaos.” I snarl it out, trying to stay as sincere as I can before I charge back to Trick and I’s room. There’s only one place I want to be right now, hiding under our comforter, trying not to think about how much my older brother hates me.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Don’t trust everything you see. Even salt looks like sugar.”

  - YourTango


  Reed sent out a group text to all of the brothers about twenty minutes ago, telling us all that we needed to haul ass back to the club for an emergency session of church. In all the years that I’ve known him, there’s only been a handful of time that he’s called a session so short notice. It just tells me that whatever we’re about to find out is a big fuckin’ deal.

  We’re all in the room, most of us standing because he told everyone that we had to be here. Even some older Nomad’s who don’t normally come around these parts are sitting in on this. With every moment that I’m here, I just know a bomb is about to be dropped. There’s no way this is gonna be something light and fluffy. The door comes blazing open and it shuts just as quickly as it opened. Reed keeps his hand on the closed door for a moment before he directs his attention at the group of us. “I was just made aware of some very… concerning news,”

  This is the first time he’s been away from Elena since he’s made her ass stay in the hospital. Even if she wanted to come home, she can’t. I don’t really know the details of what’s wrong with her, but I don’t need to. “I’m sure you all remember Trick went away for a while because of me. He took the fall for a crime I committed, and showed us that he’s a true brother, willing to make any sacrifice for the better of the club. Trick lost much more than any of us did, though. His sister, Janine and her two boys were murdered as retaliation. A few of you in this room should remember that day. How we couldn’t fathom what was happening. How we needed to find out who was behind it. Today, I put all of the pieces together.” Reed’s stare is focused on me. “I’m so sorry, Trick. I should have seen this years ago, before anything else happened.”

  I take in a deep breath, never thinking that this day would come. Fuck! “Well, spit it out.” I urge him, needing to know whatever information he knows.

  “We had a snake in our club…for a very long time. One who we just recently discovered is nothing but a traitorous, vile snake.”

  Kyle shoots up from his seat, spitting out a name we all recognize. “Max,” His voice is more of a territorial growl than anything. I know Max has crossed a few people as of late, Kyle and Michelle being one of them, but that was before I came back.

  Reed doesn’t nod, or even so much as confirm Kyle’s assumption. By the stressed look Reed’s wearing, I know Kyle’s right. “Max isn’t just a traitor. He was a planted spy who never gave up on his mission to rip our club apart, even when his commander died all those years ago. Trick, I killed his brother. Max killed your sister and nephews as retaliation for something I did, and I cannot apologize enough for that. I want to make it up to you, but I know that nothing I do will ever make up for it.”

  I want to say something. Somehow deep inside me, I know that I do. I just don’t know how to feel right now. Should I be relieved that there is a name finally associated with what happened to my family? Or should I be angry at Reed for allowing such a monster into our club, a monster who pretended for years to be friends with all of us. Max visited me in prison for fucks sake!

  “What the actual fuck…” Enzo blurts out into the silent room. I couldn’t have said it better myself.

  “So, what was the deal? His brother told him to come here all those years ago, and then you axed him and Max didn’t know what to fuckin’ do after that shit so he just stayed here and pretended to be our friend when he was really blowing shit up?” Seamus hisses out, nostrils flaring in a bout of rage.

  I stay quiet, wanting to see everyone else’s reactions to this bullshit. “He fucking framed me! He raped Michelle… he killed Trick’s family…what the fuck else did he do!?” Kyle roars out into the room, slamming both of his fists down onto the table.

  “Who knows. At this point, I don’t think I know anything anymore. Everything I thought I knew has gone down the drain.” Reed says to the group of us.

  “I see a lot of shit coming, but I never saw any of this.” Enzo says, shaking his head in a state of disbelief. “I knew he was fucked up…but this.”

  “I wish I could say I was surprised. Hated him since the moment I met him.” Dmitri speaks up.

  Suddenly, everyone is speaking at once. Everyone’s voices mesh together in a dysfunctional mess, talking so loud that I can’t even think. “Shut up!” I scream, bringing the room to a complete standstill, no one daring to use their vocal cords. I stare at Reed, trying to hold my anger back. “What’s your plan, Prez? Cause you’ve got one, don’t you? We’re not letting him get away with this. I want blood, Reed and by God, I’m going to get it.”

  Retribution has long awaited me, and I refuse to wait another minute longer.

  Max has caused us all a great deal of harm, and I think it’s past time that he pays for everything he’s done to us.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.”



  “Holy crap! Oh my fudge-sticks!” I whip my head around to see Daisy jumping up and down for joy. She’s a little bit off the wall to begin with, but never have I seen her like this. She mostly keeps to herself.

; I rub the pot that I’m cleaning in and out with a sponge, watching Daisy stare at her phone sporting the biggest grin I’ve ever seen from her. “Everything okay over there?”

  She eagerly nods, “Hell yeah! Elena just had the baby.” At that, shock takes over my entire body. I’m not a doctor or anything, but I know she isn’t at full term.

  My heart races in my chest as I ask the question that I need an answer to. “What? Are they okay?”

  “Elena is fine. River is in the NICU,” She mutters it out as she leaves the kitchen. All I want to do is press her for more answers, but the reality is that all I can do right now is wonder about if the baby is okay. For some reason, the fight with Jenna keeps coming to my mind. I just feel like if we had never gotten into that stupid fight, Elena wouldn’t have been in the hospital in the first place. She wasn’t stressed or anything before that happened, and…oh god.

  If anything happens to that baby, it’s only going to be one person’s fault.


  I finish scrubbing the pot, probably cleaning it extra well as my mind overtook me, and wash it under cold water before I set it on the drying rack. “Look at you hard at work,” Trick says upon his arrival in the kitchen.

  I give him a soft smile, “Even though I’m helping out in the studio, I still need to do the cooking around here. Otherwise, y’all will just end up eating those nasty little chocolate cakes again.”

  “I happen to like those nasty chocolate cakes,” He teases. I don’t know why he does. They’re disgusting, and even worse for you.

  He crosses his arms, leaning his body against the island in the center of the kitchen and surveys me. “What’s up with you? Something’s wrong.”

  “Nothing is wrong,” I tell him, trying my hardest to convince myself of what I’ve just said to him.

  “Yeah, that’s bullshit if I’ve ever heard it.”

  I let out a deep breath, tossing my hands up in the air. “You always think that something is wrong with me. Have you ever considered that something isn’t wrong and maybe I’m just thinking… or something? Nothing has to be wrong, Trick!”

  “Okay, now I know you’re hiding some shit cause you never get this testy with me unless you are. What’s buggin’ you?”

  I yell at him in response, “Nothing!” He cocks his head back and takes a good look at me. Dammit, I know I’ve proven his point. Fuck! “Okay. Maybe I’m thinking that if anything happened to the baby it would be my fault.”

  “Why in the hell would you think something like that?” The way he asks it is like he doesn’t remember how Elena got into the hospital in the first place. She’s there because of me.

  I sigh, crossing my own arms, hoping that they’ll offer me some sort of comfort. “Elena went into the hospital after that fight, and if anything happens, it’s going to be my fault.”

  Trick cackles, and I know that laugh. It’s the one he lets out when he’s annoyed or can’t believe something. “Do you realize how crazy you sound? Elena going into pre-mature labor is in no way, shape, or form your fault. You can’t control all that woman mumbo-jumbo down there.” He points to my vagina as he says it and while I want to laugh, I can’t.

  “You just don’t get it,” I mumble, walking past him into the hallway. I head towards our room, not wanting to be near Chaos right now, who is no doubt in the club playing pull. He’s just going to make me feel even worse than I already do.

  Just as I’m opening the door to our bedroom, I’m being grabbed by the back of the wrist and twirled around. My back is slammed against the doorframe and Trick is staring me down like I’ve lost my damn mind. When in fact, I think it’s the exact opposite. What the hell has gotten into him? “I get everything you tell me. Every single thing I understand. There’s not anything you will ever say to me that I don’t understand, even if I’m actin’ like it doesn’t make a lick of sense to me. You shouldn’t be worryin’ about shit you can’t control, Angel. It’s not gonna do you any good and will just eat away at you and make you feel worse about yourself. Trust me, I’ve been there so many times and I’m still tryin’ to figure out how to deal with it.”

  His words confuse me. Trick is many things, but never would I take him for the type of man who is critical on himself. If he is, he’s hiding it so well. “What do you mean?” I ask, allowing my curiosity to get the best of me. Trick and I are still getting to know one another, and I’m betting that we’ll be doing this for a pretty long fucking time. It’s only been a few weeks, but we’ve already learned so much about the other. Truthfully, I want to keep learning more. I want to know him on the inside as well as I know his body on the outside.

  I run my fingers along his face, his thick unshaved hairs scratching against my skin. “You can tell me anything, Trick.” I can see the dilemma flashing across his face, fighting the urge to want to keep whatever this secret is from me.

  “You and I have a habit of beating ourselves up more than necessary. You’re doin’ it about Elena and the baby, and I torture myself thinkin’ about my sister and nephews.”

  Sister and nephews? I didn’t even know he had any family. This doesn’t make an ounce of sense. “I don’t understand.”

  “My family died because of me. I’m responsible for their deaths and the weight of that is heavy on my shoulders every day. Not to mention, it’s a constant headfuck.”

  “Oh my god… Trick, I’m so sorry.” Emotion floods through me. I hurt for him. I hurt because he’s hurting every single day and I can’t even imagine how it’s destroying him bit by bit. I just want to take every ounce of his pain and give it to me, for him to never feel it again.

  I’ve always wondered why he’s appeared to be so reclusive, and now I finally understand why.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Instead of trying to control every aspect of your life, give your life the chance to surprise you from time to time.”

  - Anonymous


  I wake up out of a dead sleep, feeling the shift of weight on me. For some reason the past couple of nights I’ve been getting shit sleep. Lately, if there’s so much as a clicking clock hand that’s moving out of synchrony, I’m awake. I’ve been like this ever since I was a kid. Angel and I had a long day of chatting, and even went out into town for a steak. For once, it was nice to get away from the club and do something for ourselves.

  The feel of her soft hand palming my cock jolts me into the moment. I look over to take a quick glance at my bedside clock, and it reads just past one in the morning. I’m startin’ to think now I should start calling Angel my midnight minx. “Someone’s in a mood,” I growl at her, barely seeing her silhouette in the darkness of our room. If I squint my eyes closed enough, I can see the outline of her body.

  She lets out a soft giggle, “You’ve been neglecting me lately,” Angel wants to tease me right now, and lord I will let her.

  I could be a dick and remind her of how busy we’ve both been. It’s not easy being part of this club. There’s always a load of shit to be doing. But I don’t say any of it, instead I shut my fuckin’ mouth and let the girl keep her tight grip on my cock. She leans down and I feel a bit of wetness spilling over me. She keeps the same grasp on me, her movements growing stronger and faster.

  “You’re so sweet…I might just lick you up and down.”

  This is only the second time we’ve had sex, and I say had because that’s straight where this shit is leading. The first time, I might’ve scared her a good bit. Using my cock as a weapon to destroy her inside and out. Now, she’s turning all sexual goddess on me.

  Don’t think I mind, cause I sure as hell don’t. “You’re going to lick my cock clean after I cum in that pretty little cunt of yours, but first, you’ll ride.” I inform her, my dominant side coming out full force.

  Since the beginning I’ve had training wheels on my relationship with Angel, because quite frankly we needed them. After knowing her these few weeks, even with them flying by and not knowing her for an extended period
of time, I know her. Or at least, I know part of her. She’s not the sensitive girl everyone thinks that she is. She’s much stronger than that, even if she doesn’t fully believe it.

  The feel of her pussy sliding over my cock is enough to pull me back in the moment. Her wet walls encase me, offering a syphoning grip. I’ve been with a lot of women, and I can say that none of them have ever taken me the way Angel does. She doesn’t bitch or complain. She trusts that her body will adjust to me, and it does.

  “Jesus!” She moans, flipping her hair in my face. I place my arm behind her head and pull her hair closer to me, clutching her locks between my fingers.

  I yank her down to me, hissing out my words. “The only name you call when you’re riding my cock is mine.”

  A sinister giggle is all I get in return as she rotates her hips on me, doing something I’ve never felt before. Fuck! This girl knows how to use her body. I swear, she’s a seductive witch. Her lips graze over mine lightly in a teasing manner, but just as she pulls away I tug her back in my direction, biting her bottom lip with ferociousness.

  I smile as I do it, feeling the way her pussy tightens even further around me. My little Angel loves a bit of pain. I’ll make a note of that. Quickly, I rock myself in and out of her, both of our movements matching the other. Letting go of her lip, I slide my hand down between her legs and rub that pearled over clit of hers. “Such a sensitive girl,” I tell her, feeling her legs shake over mine.

  I know she’s cumming sooner rather than later, so I rub her pearl as quickly as I can, needing to feel herself spill over me. “Tr-ick…Trick!” She screams out, her nails dig into my shoulders as she stops moving her body. I continue slamming myself into her, pulling out and trying to fit my entire cock inside her. I know it’ll never happen. I’m far too big for her tiny cunt.


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