Straight After the Bend

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Straight After the Bend Page 25

by S M Mala

‘No!’ he laughed out, sipping his bottle of beer. ‘Certainly not but I’ve been known to experiment.’ Then he glanced over at Mylo. ‘Which I probably think that demonic man wants to do to your boyfriend from the look on his face. Would you like a drink?’ Before she could refuse, he had ordered another one from a passing waiter. ‘Dance with me as we celebrate our common denominator.’

  ‘I can’t-.’

  ‘You can.’

  Bea didn’t really have much choice as she grabbed her drink and bag while being dragged out onto the decking which led to the beach.

  ‘What better way to celebrate coming here!’ he sighed and banged his glass against hers. ‘Welcome to Ibiza!’

  Bea laughed and danced and when they were handed their refills, she was deliriously happy. Even though her leg felt sore she had taken enough pain killers to stop the ache as she danced away.

  ‘Can I interrupt?’ she heard Mylo ask from behind, wrapping his arm around her waist. ‘Good to see you again, Henry.’

  ‘Good to see you,’ he replied, smiling brightly. ‘That’s my cue to leave.’ Henry bent down, kissing her cheek before whispering. ‘I’ll be around if you need my help. You only have to whistle but don’t take any crap.’

  Then he wiggled off into the crowd as she smiled before turning to Mylo.

  ‘Was he coming onto you?’ Mylo forced a smile as he pulled her closer.

  ‘And why not?’ She glanced over at Dean. ‘What did he say?’

  ‘Henry has been checking you out since we got here.’ He frowned. ‘I’m not a jealous man but I can tell.’

  ‘Like those two women you were frolicking in the sea with, yesterday and today?’

  ‘I was not frolicking,’ he sighed, taking a sip of his drink. ‘Being friendly.’

  ‘You’re a friendly sort of guy, aren’t you?’

  ‘I think so. Let’s go back to the hotel and I can get really friendly.’ He smiled and moved closer. ‘I want to get very friendly with you.’

  ‘I never realised how much a flirt you were.’

  ‘Me a flirt? What were you doing just now?’


  ‘Am I interrupting something?’ she heard and didn’t have to turn to know Dean was standing close by.

  ‘Yes,’ Bea replied, feeling a shooting pain in her leg. ‘After your trick the other day I don’t want you within a mile of me.’

  Instinctively, she touched her handbag strapped across her chest.

  ‘You have to listen to what she says,’ Mylo added, starting to grin as he kissed her cheek. ‘Let’s not make a scene.’

  ‘I don’t mind.’ Bea wasn’t going to let Dean think he got the upper hand. ‘I need to point a few things out, just so we’re clear.’

  ‘Go ahead,’ Dean replied, looking her up and down as if she smelt awful.

  ‘I don’t give a shit what you think about me. You can bend my ear as much as you like but make sure Mylo’s in spitting distance to deny or admit.’

  ‘Is that it?’

  ‘When I speak to you, have the good manners to acknowledge me. I don’t think you’re in a position to look down your nose, because when I’m wearing heels, I’m taller.’

  ‘Ouch!’ Mylo said, trying not to laugh which seemed to incense Dean.

  ‘One thing I’m not, is nobody’s fool. Next time you want to play a childish prank, be rude or act like a tramp with no class, then go ahead. You’re the one who’s making a fool of yourself, not me.’ She took a deep breath. ‘Now sling your nasty little hook and leave me in peace. You want to meet with Mylo, fine. I’m not stopping him but keep away from the hotel. You’re not an invited guest and I could say you’re pestering him.’

  It was blatant that Dean hadn’t expected her to say anything as he sharply turned, looking furious and walked away through the dancing crowd.

  That’s when she spotted Henry grinning at her as he placed his glass in the air and nodded.

  Mylo grabbed her face, kissing her passionately.

  ‘I think you can handle yourself perfectly well,’ he said, pulling away. ‘Now come back to the hotel and manhandle me.’


  Mylo was shouting from the pool as she lay on the bed, watching television after breakfast. It was far too hot and she wanted to cool down. ‘Bea, come out here.’

  They had two days left of their holiday which had turned out to be wonderful, once she knew Dean had left the country. All pain had now gone from her leg.

  Slowly she walked out, the sun glaring in her face.

  And there he was.

  Floating on a lilo, all tanned and gorgeous, looking at his tablet.

  ‘How can you see the screen in the sun?’ she asked, putting her hands on her hips.

  ‘Take off your bikini and come in the pool.’

  ‘I’m preparing to go into the sea. Anyway, what do you want?’ She grinned as he lifted up his shades and looked at her.

  ‘The wedding invitations.’

  She stood still, having forgotten about it. The feeling of sorrow wrapped her chest as she waited for it to subside.

  ‘What about them?’

  ‘Your dad has changed the wording.’

  Bea walked around the pool and sat on the side. He pushed himself closer and smiled.

  ‘What has he put down?’ Bea frowned because she knew it was going to be something which will make Mylo ask questions.

  ‘Your dad has changed his name.’


  ‘He has put down Bali Bernard Mayon.’ Mylo laughed. ‘I thought Bernard was his first name.’

  ‘So did I.’ Bea bit her lip. ‘He has taken another name to find his inner Indian. Is that it?’

  He put down the tablet to the side of the pool and slid off the lilo to stand in front of her. She wrapped her legs around his thighs but noticed he was staring.

  ‘Has your daddy upset you?’ he asked, bending down to look in her eyes. ‘Why’s he called Bali as well?’

  ‘Someone told him it meant mighty warrior and that’s what he thinks he is. Thing is, Mayon means Black God, which he takes offence to. He says he’s not black but brown.’ She watched Mylo start to laugh as she buried her head in his neck. ‘It’s one of his new things.’

  ‘We’ll post them six weeks before the wedding but I’ve emailed people to keep the date. I think Erio has done it on your behalf. He says you will want limited invited guests.’

  ‘That’s because I have a close knit circle of friends that consist of Anne-Marie, him and me.’ Then she let out a sigh. ‘And your list is probably phenomenal.’

  ‘I didn’t know your mother’s name was Iris. It’s pretty. He previously wrote the late Mrs Mayon.’

  Closing her eyes, she squeezed the tears that immediately sprang.

  ‘Mylo,’ she said, wrapping her arms around him and not wanting to talk about it. ‘Can we go to the beach?’

  As if he knew what to do, she felt him wrap his arms around her body.

  ‘I want it to be a happy day. I know your father has ambushed it but you do have a say. Tell me what you want,’ Mylo said, kissing her head. ‘Anything.’

  ‘He won’t come to the wedding if he doesn’t get his own way.’

  ‘I can talk him into it.’

  ‘Only my mummy could ever do that.’

  Bea knew that mentioning her name in conjunction to the wedding was painful.

  She wasn’t going to be there and that’s all Bea really wanted.

  ‘There’s something holding you back, isn’t there?’

  Mylo asked, kissing her face as he picked her up in his arms while they were in the sea. ‘An uncertainty. Do you still really think I’m going to go off with a man?’

  An hour later the sun was gloriously hot but there was a slight wind that cooled the air around them. Bea let out a happy sigh and noticed he was staring quizzically at her while the waves lapped around them.

  ‘No,’ she honestly replied, then shamefully turned away. ‘It’s my dad’
s opinion which is going to hurt the most. I don’t want him to judge you unfairly. He never makes my life choices easy. He says because he can see it’s wrong and wants to stop me from failing.’

  ‘He’s protective. I’d feel the same way if my child came to me and told me things that made me worry.’

  ‘I have to explain Kayden to him as it’s unfair on you.’

  ‘Don’t you think I knew this was going to happen? Explaining to the person I fell in love with that I adopted a child with a man.’ Mylo moved closer so he was eye level with her. ‘Are you ashamed of me?’

  ‘I’m ashamed that I’m worried about my daddy’s reaction. The rest of the family won’t bat an eye lid but him? I’m not sure what it will take to tip him over. You see, I don’t think he’s thinking straight about lots of things. You know, going straight after the bend.’

  She laughed at the comment as Mylo smiled and shook his head.

  ‘The last thing I want to happen is for him to think he can sabotage the wedding.’ Bea kissed his nose.

  ‘Do you want it as much as I do?’

  Running her hands through his hair and watching him close his eyes, she knew all she wanted was him.

  ‘And children,’ said Mylo, startling her. ‘We haven’t discussed that.’

  ‘You have a son who lives with your ex-partner in Chicago, Illinois, United States of America. You’re one up ahead of me.’

  ‘Our children.’

  ‘We haven’t got any unless you count my father.’

  ‘Do you want kids with me?’

  She held her breath, unable to answer before thinking hard.

  ‘I thought we would.’ Bea whispered. ‘Unless you don’t want to.’

  ‘I want to.’ Mylo kissed her very gently on the lips. ‘I mean, I don’t know if I can as I’ve never got anyone pregnant.’

  ‘And I’ve never got pregnant, mainly because my mother made it perfectly clear she would not accept it outside wedlock.’ She laughed then stopped. ‘I’d like kids. More than one. One is a lonely number.’

  ‘I’ve got one already so it will be two onwards.’ He pulled her closer to kiss. As Mylo pulled away he stared into her eyes. ‘And he’s very much your child too, if you want him to be.’

  ‘One step at a time.’ Bea closed her eyes and put her forehead against his. ‘Let’s go back home and see what happens.’

  ‘I love you Bea, don’t forget that when you’re having doubts. Promise me?’

  ‘I promise.’

  ‘Let’s go soak up some more rays,’ he said, pulling her back to the beach. ‘And your number two fan is waiting for us.’


  Looking up, she saw Henry on the sand with the waves lapping his feet, smoking a cigarette.

  ‘Do you think you’ll keep in contact?’ he asked and she noticed he flicked her a sideways glance.

  ‘He mixes in Erio’s more elegant social circles. They are quite similar, you know. Carefree and irresponsible.’ She waved to him. ‘Henry makes me laugh.’

  ‘I thought that was my job.’

  ‘You make me happy.’

  ‘He fancies you.’

  ‘No, he doesn’t,’ she laughed, splashing his face. ‘He’s a chilled out dude, as one might say. And he’s mature beyond his years but not when it comes to women, though he does like them older.’

  Being released from Mylo’s arms, she strode up to a laughing Henry.

  ‘And don’t you look gorgeous?’ he said, putting out his hand so she’d grab it. ‘I’m talking to Mylo not you. You’re all right.’

  Bea laughed and walked to her sun lounger. One thing she noticed about Henry is that he was a bit of a player. Most evenings, when she had spotted him, he was with various women.

  She wondered what sort of a relationship he had with his older lady.

  Open from the look of it.

  ‘No female company today or are you behaving because your mentor is coming this weekend?’

  ‘I’m chilling out before meeting with some friends in the afternoon. Do you want to come? It’s up a mountain somewhere and they have lots of booze and food.’

  ‘That’s very sweet of you but we’ve only got two days and nights left. I thought we’d hang out here,’ answered Mylo as he walked towards Henry.

  ‘I’m heading off tomorrow morning for a few days on a friend’s boat. I won’t see you before you leave.’ He shook Mylo’s hand and shrugged. ‘Which means I’ll have to buy you lunch.’

  Bea noticed Mylo watching Henry look at her. It was obvious Henry was out to cause mischief.

  Whether Mylo could see it was another thing all together.

  ‘Can I borrow your woman to rub lotion on my shoulders?’ asked Henry, quite sweetly. ‘She rubs well.’

  Mylo lay down on his stomach as Bea watched Henry do the same thing. She got hold of his bottle, which was ice cold due to being in the fridge, then squirted it on his back.

  ‘Stop teasing him,’ she hissed, hearing Henry laugh. ‘He doesn’t know what to think.’

  ‘I disagree. He does know, he’s just not sure what you think about me.’

  ‘I like you.’

  ‘And I like you in a completely platonic way.’

  Mylo’s phone started to ring. He looked at it before turning around to take the call.

  ‘Secrecy, aye?’ mumbled Henry as she massaged the lotion into his skin. ‘I have to say, Bea, I like your man. Not only is he good looking, well-mannered and sociable, he is a doctor. You’ve done all right there. And as you know, I like you.’ She pinched him so as not to utter one of his chat up lines. ‘In a motherly sort of way. Obviously.’


  ‘You stare at him like a lecherous, confused old sow but his is out of concern. Are you unstable?’

  Bea laughed out loudly, shaking her head in disbelief.

  ‘And last night, when you couldn’t handle your drink and went to bed early, he mentioned that you still missed your mum.’

  Her laughter stopped as did her massaging. Henry turned his head to look at her.

  ‘It takes time, no matter how old you are. You can’t rush these things. When I lost my mum, I felt completely alone. No-one could replace her.’ For the first time, she saw true sadness. ‘And my grandma was heartbroken as it was her only child.’

  Bea looked at Henry and didn’t know what to say.

  She couldn’t speak and carried on massaging his back.

  ‘I’d like to keep in contact with you both. I’m not into all these pretend holiday friendships, never have been. I like Mylo, though I prefer you, and we both know Erio.’

  ‘You like older women, don’t you?’ she asked, as he decided to lie on his back and put his arms behind his head. ‘And you’re not into keeping to just the one.’

  ‘I’m a free spirit but I’d never hurt any woman I was with. My lady knows that she can’t keep me in a cage as I’ll go stir crazy.’ Then he frowned. ‘She can be hard work. You know, the insecurities women have.’

  Getting the bottle, she sprayed his chest and grinned.

  ‘I’m not massaging your front, you can do that on your own,’ she said, getting up and going to sit on her lounger. ‘Everyone has insecurities.’ Bea glanced at Henry. ‘Other than you.’

  ‘I’m incredibly insecure. When I was little, I was worried that my penis would never grow large. It was smaller than a peanut but low and behold, it grew and it grew. Would you like to take a look?’ He started to laugh as she shook her head in dismay. ‘Your loss.’

  Lying back on her towel she let out a happy sigh, thinking about how peaceful things were and what she was going to have for lunch. Then she thought for a moment, as she looked up at Henry, before asking.

  ‘Do you actually work?’

  ‘What a thing to say! Do I work?’

  ‘Well, do you? What is it you exactly do, other than being a painter? Unless you make loads of money from it.’

  ‘I sell some pieces,’ he sniffed then grinned
. ‘To some people I have not only been blessed with good looks but a gifted lifestyle.’

  ‘How?’ Mylo asked, propping himself up on his elbow. ‘You’re a self-made man at twenty eight?’

  ‘Not exactly.’

  And for the first time, she saw Henry blush which made him more endearing.

  ‘I inherited some money when my mum passed away which means that I don’t have to look for a full time career.’ He shrugged. ‘Sounds like shit, doesn’t it?’

  ‘You’re very lucky!’ laughed out Mylo. ‘Don’t knock it.’

  ‘But I feel out on a limb sometimes. My friends have to work and then I rock up from my latest adventure and feel bad. It’s a lonely life not working and doing whatever you want, it really is.’

  ‘Henry, you are funny!’ She sat up and gave him a kiss on the forehead. ‘I shall expect you to buy me lots of cocktails before you leave, if you’re that loaded, just to make you feel better about life.’

  ‘Is that all?’ he laughed before nodding then flicking her a flirtatious little glance.

  Bea knew he did it to wind up Mylo and she didn’t mind, one little bit.

  ‘I’m sitting in the company of two attractive men.’

  Over lunch Bea laughed a lot. ‘I can’t help but be happy.’

  ‘I agree we are both gorgeous guys,’ Henry said, touching her hand.

  ‘And thank you for being kind to me,’ she whispered to Henry before looking at Mylo. ‘And you, Dr Kearney, for being wonderful.’

  ‘Ah, true love!’ sighed Henry, sinking back into his chair. ‘How lovely!’

  ‘Excuse me,’ Mylo said, getting up and walking into the hotel.

  Henry was looking at her, mulling something over for a few moments.

  ‘Thing is Bea, why didn’t you mention you were getting married to Mylo when we first met?’

  ‘It’s a bit complicated,’ she replied and looked at her glass. ‘I want to get married but there are so many things going on in my head. Seven months together I moved in and now we’re planning to wed in October.’

  ‘He loves you and you love him, any fool can see.’ Henry moved closer. ‘So what’s the problem?’

  ‘I was upset and he suggested these things probably to placate me. And that makes me unsure.’


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