Straight After the Bend

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Straight After the Bend Page 39

by S M Mala

  ‘I don’t know. Can you tell me what that means?’ asked Bea, glaring back at the teenager and seeing Chloe raise her eyebrows. ‘Do you have any idea?’

  ‘Bea,’ Mylo said, forcing a smile.

  ‘He’s a bit rude,’ said Chloe, eating a scone.

  ‘Who are you?’ River asked, giving her a filthy look. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘Well, whoever I am, I have better table manners than you!’ she retaliated. ‘Bea has made an effort to make you feel welcome and you’re being vile.’

  ‘I think manners are extremely important, especially in families where things are not of the normal balance,’ her father said, making everyone turn to look at him. ‘Your upbringing might have been challenging therefore you lack certain elements in good breeding.’

  ‘What did you say?’ snapped Cole, as her father looked blankly at him. ‘Are you implying something?’

  ‘I’m just pointing out that without a woman’s input sometimes children can be wilful.’

  They were all stunned into silence except Kayden who didn’t seem to understand.

  ‘Are you homophobic?’ asked River, who was starting to get angry. ‘That’s pretty backwards but that’s expected from someone like you.’

  ‘Like me?’ Bernie replied, shaking his head. ‘Can you elaborate?’

  ‘An Indian.’

  ‘My ethnicity means that I am not as well-heeled as others?’

  ‘You said it!’ Then River turned up his nose at Bea then glanced at Kayden. ‘That’s bad breeding, if you ask me.’

  ‘Are you saying what I think you’re saying?’ asked Mylo, shaking his head and throwing a glance at Cole. ‘Your father is Puerto Rican. In the States, they’re not even thought of as white so you better be careful what you’re implying.’

  ‘Fuck off Mylo!’ River shouted out and stood up. ‘What’s it got to do with you? I don’t want to be in this shitty place with you and your new found tribal family. This sucks!’

  ‘I think Mylo’s sucking is probably what your father liked,’ said Bernie straight faced as Bea didn’t know where to look.

  ‘You guys are really dysfunctional. I feel at home,’ Chloe said, looking at all of them and starting to giggle. ‘Why don’t you sit down, River. Is that your name? Apologise to Mylo for being rude as you’re a guest. I sense there’s some bad karma in this room.’

  ‘Unconventional karma,’ Bernie added in a rather cold manner.

  All the time, Bea watched Bligh stare at Kayden as if waiting to challenge him.

  They carried on eating in stony silence before Cole decided to speak.

  ‘And we’re taking Kayden back with us to the hotel,’ he said, as the little boy clung on harder to Mylo, burying his face in his side. ‘I don’t care what you say but you can’t keep him.’

  ‘I’m sorry, the reason I got you guys to come here is we need to speak openly about this. Something is going on and we need to know what,’ replied Mylo.

  Again Bligh looked at Kayden, who peeked at him then hid.

  ‘No-one is going to get into trouble,’ Bea said, realising the situation could take a turn for the worse. ‘Kayden, if you don’t mind, could you please let daddy lift up your shirt and show everyone what we mean?’

  He shook his head furiously to refuse and she could see he was scared.

  ‘You did nothing wrong,’ Jessica added. ‘They need to see.’

  ‘What are you all talking about?’ asked her father, sneakily eating a prawn mayonnaise sandwich. ‘Why should Kayden lift up his shirt? Is this some sort of ritual I’m not aware of?’

  ‘Someone is using my grandson as a punch bag and I need to know who?’ hissed Jessica, glaring at River.

  ‘Daddy!’ Kayden said, starting to cry as Bea leaned over to touch the child’s head. He turned to her, flinging himself into her arms. ‘Everyone is angry at me!’

  ‘No-one is angry at you,’ she said gently, kissing him. ‘But we need to sort this out as we’re worried.’

  ‘They’ll be mean to me again.’

  ‘I don’t think so.’ Closing her eyes, she didn’t want to look at Bligh so glanced at Cole. ‘If this is the start of a modern family connection, we need to be honest.’

  ‘About what?’ barked Cole. ‘This alleged bruising on Kayden. He might have made it up.’

  ‘I am not a liar!’ the little boy said, turning to shout. ‘I don’t lie! You don’t care! You let him hurt me!’

  ‘Just lift up your top and show them what’s happened,’ Bea gently said. ‘Then you can play games on the console afterwards. I’m sure Chloe won’t mind playing against you.’

  ‘I’m quite good,’ she said, partially stunned by what was going on.

  ‘I can play with you,’ Bligh said sweetly.

  ‘Oh no, I think it’s best you stay here.’ Bea smiled. ‘We might need your help.’ The child blinked at her in confusion as Kayden turned to face her. ‘Quickly flash your side then you can go.’

  ‘Okay,’ he said, wiping his face with the back of his hand. Slowly he looked at Cole. ‘I don’t lie! See!’

  When he pulled up his top Bea hadn’t realised how dark the bruise was. It was shocking against his little body.

  ‘Oh my God!’ exclaimed Chloe and Jessica in unison.

  ‘Who did this?’ her father asked, getting to his feet. ‘This is outrageous! He is a small child! How could you let this happen, Mylo? You must report it to the authorities.’

  ‘Kayden?’ Cole said, trying to compose his breathing. ‘I’m so sorry and-.’

  ‘I wasn’t lying!’ he whispered, starting to cry. ‘It hurts, it really does.’

  Chloe stood and picked Kayden up, carrying him up the stairs. She was aware it was all going to kick off and realised the most vulnerable needed to be extracted from the room.

  It was too late to ask her to grab Bernie at the same time.

  ‘Why are you hitting Kayden?’ Mylo asked, staring at the table. ‘What has that child ever done to you, River?’

  ‘Me?’ the older boy said, pushing his chair away so it screeched against the floor. ‘You think I did it? I push him around as he’s irritating but I’d never punch him.’

  ‘Who else is it then?’

  ‘Don’t go making accusations,’ said Cole defensively, eyeballing Bea. ‘How do we know you didn’t do it?’

  ‘Because I would never hit a child.’ Swallowing hard, Mylo looked at Cole. ‘Would you?’

  ‘Don’t you dare accuse me of that? I would never hurt him.’

  ‘Someone is and it’s not right, it really isn’t,’ Bernie said, staring at Bea. ‘And you want to get involved in this sort of family? A bunch of child abusers?’

  ‘Oh daddy, please?’ she said, putting her hand on her forehead. ‘Someone is hurting Kayden and he is scared, really scared. Mylo is at a loss on what to do because at this rate, the wedding won’t happen.’

  ‘Yeah and your wedding’s a joke!’ sniffed an angry River. ‘He’s only doing it so he can get Kayden. Even uncle Dean said that’s his plan. To get some stupid, thick bitch and make her believe he’s straight, when he’s not!’

  ‘Enough!’ shouted Jessica, standing up and shaking her head furiously. ‘If we cannot be civil together then what are the chances that we will ever sort it out? I think you’re a vile young man, do you know that?’

  ‘And you’re mutton dressed as lamb,’ he blasted back.

  ‘Don’t you dare speak to my mother like that!’ snapped Mylo, making them all jump. ‘You have no manners!’ Then he looked at Cole. ‘Can’t you control him?’

  While this was happening Bea examined Bligh, who looked like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth, as he ate happily away and observed the commotion.

  ‘Bea, you will not marry into this family!’ her father barked. ‘What awful people!’

  ‘Yes, yes, daddy,’ she said wearily and smiled at Bligh. ‘How many times does River hit Kayden? Is it an everyday occurrence?’ He stopped to look at her, s
hrugging his shoulders. ‘Didn’t you tell me weeks ago that he did?’

  ‘I can’t remember,’ he blankly replied. ‘I’m sure I never said that.’

  ‘I think you did.’

  ‘See, she’s making up lies to cause a problem!’ River snapped, walking away. ‘I don’t have to listen to this shit!’

  ‘You will do,’ Bea calmly interjected. ‘Because you brother Bligh told me that you were giving Kayden a hard time. Whether he can remember or not is another thing all together. What I can’t figure out, really figure out, is why Bligh would lie when it’s him hitting and beating the child.’ The boy stopped eating and looked straight at her. ‘Your sweet and polite act had me fooled but you are a dangerous creature aren’t you?’

  ‘Bea, Bligh would never hurt Kayden,’ said Mylo, shaking his head. ‘They get on and-.’

  ‘No, they don’t. And Cole is aware the bullying and beating Kayden receives but I expect he turns a blind eye, doesn’t he? Because Bligh is his flesh and blood after all.’

  ‘Uncle Dean’s right about you,’ Bligh said, putting down his cake on the plate. ‘You’re not a very nice person.’

  ‘At least I don’t beat up children because I’m jealous that they might have a happier and better life, do I?’

  ‘I don’t know what the fuck you’re implying,’ said Cole, standing up and looking threateningly at Bea. ‘But this is all down to you.’

  ‘No, this is all down to you and your wayward children.’

  ‘You’ll have to prove it.’

  ‘I have and I will.’ Bea cleared her throat, then looked at her father’s angry face. ‘Thanks to my lovely daddy who has unknowingly helped Jacob Kearney contact a private investigator.’

  ‘Pardon me?’ her father asked, looking confused.

  ‘The investigator advised of a few problems back at home, including regular bruising on Kayden. He could have easily said it was River, he was even told to by Bligh to say it was, but he spoke the truth and that’s good enough for me.’ Bea stood as the only person sitting was Mylo. ‘An injunction is being delivered to your lawyer giving Mylo temporary custody over Kayden, which means you can’t take him off these shores without Mylo’s permission. We aim to go for full custody as it is clear to see that you are not in a fit state to look after the child.’

  Right then Cole went to lunge for Bea but it was her father that went flying forward and pushed the large man back.

  ‘You don’t touch my daughter!’ Bernie said, threateningly. ‘I might be small but I know how to fight.’

  ‘Kayden!’ shouted out Cole. ‘Can you come here?’

  ‘No, you don’t,’ said Bea, running towards the staircase. ‘Don’t frighten the child. But see what Bligh has to say for himself, as if you didn’t know!’

  ‘Can you all leave?’ asked Mylo, slowly getting up. Then he turned to Bligh. ‘I don’t know what Kayden ever did to you, other than love you like a brother.’

  ‘He’s not my brother,’ the boy replied coldly. ‘River is. Kayden’s just a kid that came into our home because dad wanted you to feel part of the family.’

  ‘You horrible child!’ hissed Jessica.

  ‘So you admit hitting him?’ asked Mylo, who was on the verge of tears. ‘Bligh, he adores you.’

  ‘I hate him and wish he’d go away,’ replied Bligh, matter of fact. ‘I’m happy that he’s not coming home. He gets all the attention and he doesn’t deserve it. His real mum and dad didn’t want him and neither do we.’

  Looking up the stairs, Bea checked that Kayden couldn’t hear as she knew it would break his heart.

  ‘Cole, take your children and get out of my house right now. Never come back again and if you want to contact me, do it through lawyers from now on. My kid is not spending another day in a family that are intent on hurting him both emotionally and physically.’ Then he stood up and walked closer to his ex-lover. ‘And if you ever try to lay a hand on Bea or any one of my family members, I won’t hold back, okay? Now get out!’

  He didn’t have to ask twice as all three stomped out of the house, slamming the door shut.

  ‘If my sisters were here, they’d give him a run for his money,’ said Bernie, shrugging his shoulders and sitting at the table, this time munching on an egg sandwich. ‘That poor, poor boy!’

  ‘I need a drink!’ said Jessica, marching to the kitchen.

  Bea looked at Mylo, shaking his head in disbelief.

  ‘I think,’ he said, walking up to her and then looking at Bernie. ‘You both owe me an explanation, don’t you?’

  ‘That’s how you see me?’

  Mylo was watching Kayden play in the park with Jessica as Bea sat next to him on a bench. ‘It was a dossier of my love life.’

  ‘Sex life,’ she added, looking up at the trees and seeing the sunshine try to break through the clouds. ‘Do you think it’s going to rain on Saturday?’

  After the guests had left, he had been on the phone to his father regarding all the legal paperwork. Chloe had been a godsend, playing with Kayden and keeping him happy. The look of relief when the child came back downstairs and saw everyone had left was plainly evident.

  A few hours later, they were trying to get some fresh air and let Kayden have some fun but it seemed Mylo wasn’t in the mood, wanting to speak about her father’s commissioned report on his life.

  ‘Every single woman I’ve been with.’ He didn’t look happy. ‘And your father read it then gave it to you?’

  ‘I asked for it on Monday evening to see if there was any information on Cole. The other stuff, well, that was part of the research. I told you he was going to do this and you laughed. Remember?’

  ‘But you read it!’ he said accusingly, looking over his shoulder at her. ‘All of it.’

  ‘I don’t know why you’re getting upset. I’d be very proud to have a back catalogue like that. Your dad said-.’

  ‘Jesus!’ Mylo slapped his hand on his forehead, turning away.

  ‘I had to show him everything to make sure he got the information on Cole and the kids.’ Bea noticed Kayden had scurried up a climbing frame, much to the annoyance of his grandmother who was yelling at him to get down. The child just laughed. ‘You would have never known what was going on back in the States and the concern over Kayden. That was pretty much covered up.’

  ‘Has my mother read it?’

  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘Why don’t you publish for all the wedding guests to see?’

  This time he sounded pissed off and she got the distinct impression it was with her.

  ‘Why are you getting upset?’ she gently asked, watching him stare at his son. ‘I know you’ve had an enjoyable life.’

  ‘Enjoyable!’ he laughed out, shaking his head.

  Then he stood up and walked towards the climbing frame as Jessica shook her head at Kayden before coming over and sitting down.

  Bea didn’t know what to think of Mylo’s mood and wondered if everything was coming to a head. She saw Jessica smile but couldn’t return the same gesture.

  ‘He seems a little stressed,’ his mother said, smiling at Bea. ‘Is everything okay?’

  ‘We’re fine but as for my daddy, who knows what he thinks and if Mylo will ever receive an apology.’ She watched Mylo play with Kayden. ‘Do you think we should cancel the wedding?’

  ‘Don’t you dare!’

  ‘Daddy’s not coming and with Kayden’s welfare now in question, it’s irrelevant.’ Mylo gave her a disgruntled glance. ‘And he’s pissed off with me about my father’s report which happened to help his cause in the past twenty four hours.’

  ‘Ah.’ Jessica turned to look at her, pulling Bea’s chin towards her face. ‘That little gem. My, my, even I didn’t know how much fun my baby got up to. Some of the women I’d never heard of and others, I met.’

  ‘You read it.’ She shook her head knowing that would incense Mylo more. ‘I told him what my father was going to do. I warned him but he didn’t seem bothered. Now it�
�s in black and white, he’s not happy.’

  ‘Aren’t you a little concerned that he might be wondering what you think?’ Jessica gently asked.

  ‘I think he had an enjoyable time and I wouldn’t expect anything less! He’s gorgeous and women flock to him. In Ibiza I had to practically beat them off with a stick, both girls and boys.’ Bea let out a little laugh. ‘Even now, those mothers are eyeing him up.’

  ‘He thinks you’re getting cold feet.’ She looked as Jessica frowned. ‘The pressure is on you, not him. If you call the wedding off he doesn’t think you’ll marry him. And the comment about the wedding dress? Can’t you see it makes him think you’re going to find an excuse?’

  ‘You saw me in the sari. Do you expect me to wear that? I’d prefer we do the registry bit, bin the Indian part and have a party.’ Bea sat back and watched Mylo having fun with his child as she heard Kayden scream with laughter. ‘Will Kayden like living with us? Do you think he’ll get homesick?’

  ‘One step at a time,’ laughed Jessica, touching her shoulder. ‘You know I’ve never said but you’re good for Mylo.’

  ‘I don’t think he thinks that right now.’

  ‘Shall I take Kayden for some ice cream then back to my hotel? You can go back to the house and cheer him up.’ She let out a loud laugh. ‘Now we know what really brings a smile to his face based on that dossier.’

  ‘I certainly do!’

  ‘You’re playing hard to get.’

  Bea was stood in front of him as he pretended to look at his laptop. ‘You need to keep your hands in good shape so why don’t you use them on me?’ There was still no response. ‘I don’t know why you’re sulking. You should be proud of your numbers.’

  ‘Seriously?’ He looked at her and shook his head. ‘What are people going to think?’

  ‘That you’re a lucky bastard?’ She cleared her throat. ‘Obviously, there is a little part of me that is jealous of all the other women and-.’

  ‘I am not a womaniser, first and foremost. I sowed my wild oats so to speak.’

  ‘You’re very good in bed so you must have learnt from somewhere and I’m not complaining.’ All the response she got was a grunt. ‘I’m going upstairs. Do you want to join me?’


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