Straight After the Bend

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Straight After the Bend Page 42

by S M Mala

  ‘Bea, Miss Mayon,’ Chloe said, stepping away and turning to her mum. ‘Is it okay if I invite someone to the wedding reception. A friend?’

  ‘A friend?’ Bea asked. Rachel Dewhurst got the hint and walked away while wiping her tears. ‘Of course you can. Who is it? I need to write their name on the guest list as my wedding organiser is being quite territorial about gate crashers.’

  ‘Bruno,’ Chloe said then went bright red. ‘We’ve been talking over the past few week. I told him about you and Mylo.’

  ‘Oh.’ Bea forced a grin, knowing what she meant.

  ‘And he said you had a word with him months ago, telling him to let me do my exams and if he was sure he could break away from what his gang of friends wanted, he should.’ Then she let out the biggest grin ever. ‘He asked me out and he’s not gay.’

  ‘You better not have-.’

  ‘No, we’ve been talking and it’s been great. Really great.’

  ‘I’m happy for you.’ She gave her a massive hug. ‘And I think everything’s going to work out for the best, I really do.’

  Though she was a little uncertain if her wedding day would.

  Even Bea knew there were a few large hurdles before she could become Mrs Kearney.

  And one very large one which was over six foot tall and had a penis he used to share with Mylo.


  Bea did a double take seeing him stood on her doorstep. Kayden has just been picked up by Jacob to take him to the wedding venue and Mylo was checking something on his tablet. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I want to talk to you both.’

  ‘We’re in a bit of a rush.’

  ‘I know, I won’t keep you.’

  ‘What’s wrong?’ she asked, seeing something was troubling him as he walked into the house. ‘Are you feeling better after last night? I told Mylo it was down to a kebab.’

  ‘And that’s it?’ he asked, looking at her with deep suspicion then glancing at Mylo.

  ‘I said you were missing mummy as well as me.’

  Her father cleared his throat and looked straight at Mylo.

  ‘I did you a great disservice the other day when I was rude,’ Bernie began. ‘I am not an ignorant man. I have many forward thinking views,’ he said but all Bea could do was picture him in the dress, trying her hardest not to laugh. ‘When your child marries, you want it to be perfect but you don’t want the man to be better than you. I found a flaw, a chink in your armour, and I needed to let her know.’

  ‘It’s not a chink,’ she replied, glancing at Mylo. ‘Just a little bend.’

  ‘Whatever it is, I am sorry,’ her father said, offering his hand to Mylo. ‘I am certain you will make the perfect husband and son-in-law a man could ever want. And she loves you very much so that’s all I need to know.’

  Mylo grinned and embraced her father.

  ‘Thank you Bernie. You don’t know how much that means to me,’ he said, a bit emotional. ‘If Bea doesn’t mind, maybe you could escort her on the car journey to the venue?’

  ‘Are you sure?’ Bernie asked, starting to smile. ‘That’s if you don’t mind.’

  ‘I don’t mind,’ she said, letting out a sigh. ‘Mylo, you’re going to have to get a lift with your mother then.’

  ‘And I have arranged for all three of you to go away for a fortnight, all on me. The hotel has a lovely play area and a children’s club so you can spend some time together. Knowing it is your honeymoon, there is an adjacent door to the bedrooms so you can get some alone time.’ Her father then turned to Bea. ‘And I would be honoured to walk you down the aisle, if you’d let me.’

  She hugged him tightly, burying her head in his familiar smell, knowing that’s what she wanted.

  ‘I’d love that,’ Bea whispered.

  ‘And that way I know your mother will be there at the wedding,’ he whispered in her ear. ‘Because she lives on in you.’

  That was all Bea really needed to know.

  ‘You look.’

  She couldn’t speak. All she did was gawp. ‘You’re going to show me up.’

  He grinned in response.

  Mylo had on dark blue trousers and a white shirt, looking gorgeous and sexy. He had flung the jacket and tie on the chair.

  Bea was sat in her dressing gown on the bed, waiting for Jessica to arrive with her dress. She kept glancing at the sheet and wondered if she could wrap that around her body as a makeshift garment.

  ‘What time is the car coming?’ she asked, looking at the clock.

  ‘Two thirty.’

  ‘She needs to get here soon as it’s nearly two o’clock.’

  ‘It’ll be fine,’ he replied, looking at himself in the mirror and smiling. ‘If she’s late, just put something else on and you can get changed in the hotel room.’

  ‘But what if she can’t find something to wear?’

  ‘Don’t panic,’ he calmly replied. ‘It’s all going to be good.’

  ‘That’s easy for you to say. You’ve got clothes!’ The doorbell rang. ‘She’s here!’

  ‘I’ll get it.’ Mylo looked at her and grinned. ‘You should put some underwear on as she is going to watch you try the dress and fuss. It’s a pain but let her do it, okay?’

  ‘Well, better her than my dad! He’s got shocking taste in outfits let alone make-up,’ she laughed out as he glanced quizzically at her. ‘You know, for a man.’

  Then she felt her face get very hot as Mylo stepped closer.

  ‘Why’ve you gone red?’

  ‘You can’t see it as I’ve got dark skin.’

  ‘I can see it and I know when you’re doing it. What happened last night? I keep asking but you’re not saying.’

  The doorbell rang again.

  ‘You better not keep her waiting,’ she replied, pushing him out. ‘We need to go.’

  Realising she nearly landed her father in it, Bea took a calm breath before putting on her bra and knickers then the pull up stockings. She examined her underwear and smirked.

  This would put a smile on Mylo’s face.

  It was then she heard raised voices in the living room.

  And it didn’t sound like Jessica.

  Opening the door, she realised it was Cole and he sounded very upset. The man who yearned for his prick to be with Mylo’s was in her home.

  Bea didn’t expect anything less.

  ‘You can’t do this. You can’t go ahead with it,’ Cole said, his voice distraught. ‘It’s not right and you know it.’

  ‘You shouldn’t be here,’ Mylo calmly replied. ‘Can you go?’

  ‘I know you can’t be in love with her. I can tell it’s a knee jerk reaction to us. Please don’t do it, it will make you unhappy. And Kayden? Why are you pulling him into this?’

  ‘He’s my son. I looked after him since he was a few weeks old. I’m really concerned about what’s going on behind closed doors and…’ He hesitated. ‘Why didn’t you stop Bligh? If you knew he was hurting him, why didn’t you tell him to stop?’

  ‘I tried but-.’

  ‘I don’t think you did. All the times Kayden has been upset and told me, I said you would look after him but you didn’t. He must have been so scared when he was left alone with Bligh. At least River doesn’t hide his contempt, but your son? He’s sly.’

  ‘I’ve not come here to talk about Bligh,’ Cole sharply replied. ‘And whatever he did or didn’t do isn’t the problem. You getting married to that woman is.’

  Bea was in two minds whether to go down and slap him. His intention was to stop the wedding.

  No surprise there.

  ‘Do you know what Dean told me?’ continued Cole and now his tone lifted. ‘That when you were in Ibiza and the night you went out, you were still checking guys out. What does that say?’

  ‘I wouldn’t listen to a word your friend utters,’ replied Mylo, starting to laugh. ‘I knew exactly what he was up to and gave him fodder for your gossip. When he stole my mobile phone and tried to get me to
come back to his room, I refused. I might have been half cut but I’m not stupid. Was that your plan? To see if I could stray? Did he tell you he tried to kiss me and I pushed him away?’

  Something snapped in Bea and she couldn’t hold back, as she stormed down the stairs.

  ‘How dare you come into our home to try and cause a problem?’ she barked angrily, seeing Cole’s shocked expression. ‘If it works out or not between Mylo and me, it’s really none of your business.’ Then she turned to Mylo. ‘And why didn’t you tell me Dean made a pass at you?’

  ‘It’s not important,’ replied Mylo, looking at her up and down.

  ‘Cole, I know you think you know what’s best for Mylo but I put that down to you caring about him. The thing is, he wants to move on. Whether it be with me or a six foot male stripper, it’s up to him. But it’s not up to you!’

  ‘It won’t work and you’re fooling yourself,’ replied Cole, forcing a smile. ‘And you must be really stupid to believe him.’

  ‘You’re jealous,’ she said, letting out a long sigh before putting her hands on hips. ‘You can’t stand the idea of him moving on and would do anything to stop him. I think that’s sad.’

  ‘And I think you’re pathetic!’

  ‘Maybe I am but I’m the one he’s marrying, not you.’

  Cole looked at her, his jaw clenched, then at Mylo. The man was physically shaking and she wondered if he was going to hit her in response.

  ‘I hate the way people think they can form an opinion about something they have no idea about.’ She looked up and swore she felt her mother by her side, as if egging her on. ‘It really bugs me that I’m not allowed to make comments regarding your relationship with Mylo but you can judge me and him. Who are you to do that? I’m sick and tired of the assumptions people seem to have about him. It’s rude but most of all, it’s insulting. We’re adults. It’s our lives and if it’s a mistake, then so be it. But if it isn’t, then that’s a wonderful thing, don’t you think?

  There was this warm feeling in her heart, which felt a little odd and her skin broke out into goose bumps.

  ‘Don’t judge him and really don’t judge me,’ she continued, looking at Mylo who was staring at her. ‘I was unsure when I found out about him. I was worried that I couldn’t be the person he wanted. A man. But slowly and I mean really slowly, I realised it wasn’t the gender of the person he wanted to be with, it was the person. So as he fell for you, he then fell for me. That’s what people do. Fall in and out of love. It’s human nature.’

  Cole wiped away the tear falling down his face as he looked at Mylo, pleadingly. She could see the look of love and fear of losing it all.

  Losing Mylo.

  ‘I’d like Kayden to be with us, not to break up your home but so he can have a sense of family. It’s got nothing to do with me being a woman or him calling someone mummy but he needs a happy and safe environment. The aim isn’t to hurt you over this but maybe for you to find out why Bligh was hurting him. River has just got anger issues but Bligh? There’s something much deeper that you’re not seeing. And that’s your responsibility as a parent, to find out why and make it better. I don’t think you can do that if Kayden is around because it simply won’t work.’

  ‘I’m not going to hand over my son to you! You’re taking everything,’ he said, his voice breaking with emotion. ‘And I won’t let you take the last thing I have of Mylo’s.’

  And that was exactly what she suspected.

  Kayden was the last string attached to Mylo and Cole didn’t want it cut.

  ‘No-one’s taking him away,’ Mylo said, stepping closer to Cole. ‘I want to help bring him up. You wouldn’t let me do it when we split but I am going to do it now. It broke my heart to leave him but you knew that, didn’t you? I couldn’t just turn my back and let Kayden go.’

  ‘But you let me go, didn’t you?’ Cole shook his head with bitter disappointment. ‘You did that easily enough and now you’re with her.’

  ‘I don’t want to be with you, Cole,’ Mylo said and glanced at Bea. ‘I’m in love with Bea and I don’t know how many times I have to convince everyone around me, I want to be with her for the rest of my life. If you care for me, you’ll let me go and be happy. I’m really sorry if this is upsetting you but it’s what I want.’

  ‘I can’t do that,’ Cole said, trying to hold back the tears.

  ‘You have no choice. Can’t you see?’ He suddenly hugged Cole and kissed him on the cheek. ‘I know what I want and I’m going to marry her.’

  She stood there, watching the embrace and realised Cole must have felt demoralised and heartbroken. There was the opportunity to shout at him but it would be wasted.

  The man was hurting and he was losing the love of his life to her.

  There was no point being cruel.

  It wasn’t the time or place.

  But Bea realised it was never going to go away, Cole’s love for Mylo.

  She could live with it.

  Suddenly there was an inner strength that made her realise anything was possible, when it came to love.

  ‘Right, where was I?’

  Running back up the stairs, Bea realised Jessica was late and the idea of wearing a sheet was now turning into a reality. Bea pondered on ringing her father to borrow his Hari Krishna get up as a stop gap.

  As soon as the door was closed shut, she knew one more obstacle had gone.

  The biggest one.


  The day was turning into a steeplechase; lots of high fences to jump over and she hadn’t even galloped to the wedding venue yet.

  ‘Oh no, you don’t!’ Mylo put his hand around her waist as she got to the top. ‘You were on fire.’

  ‘What are you doing? Where’s your mother?’ she replied, trying not to look shocked when he pushed her up against the wall. ‘You’re creasing my knickers. And make sure no-one else rings that bloody doorbell!’

  He wasn’t listening because Mylo’s hands were all over her body.

  ‘Can you stop? We have to leave soon.’

  ‘I love you Bea. And you look really sexy, giving what for, in your underwear.’

  ‘I don’t think your ex-boyfriend thought so.’ Mylo stopped and looked at her with a gentle smile. ‘He didn’t make a strong case for you to leave me, other than I have a vagina.’

  ‘I love the fact you understand. I will never let you down, you know that, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes, I do,’ she said, meaning it. ‘I’m not sure about many things right now but I am about you.’

  He kissed her and she let him but before she could stop what he was doing, Mylo had pulled down her knickers and held her against the wall, as he undid his fly.

  ‘This isn’t the right time!’ she laughed out, seeing the wicked glint in his eye. ‘You’ll make a mess on your trousers.’

  ‘No, I won’t,’ he replied, letting them drop to the floor. ‘I want you so much.’

  And with immediate effect, she felt him push inside while holding her up.

  She closed her eyes and felt his tongue in her mouth, kissing him back passionately. His hips were working fast and she felt his groan vibrate in her mouth.

  Then he shoved her higher up the wall, pulling down her bra and sucking her nipple.

  The orgasm was very quick and surprising as she started to laugh then he came, grinning all the way through.

  They stopped and looked at each other.

  ‘It’s going to be okay,’ she whispered, kissing his cheek.

  ‘I love you,’ Mylo said. ‘I love you. I love you.’

  ‘So you love her! For goodness sake! Couldn’t you have waited?’ Jessica exclaimed, standing at the bottom of the stairs. ‘You’re getting married in an hour!’

  ‘Oh shit!’ Mylo said, looking over his shoulder at his mother before carrying Bea into the bedroom and putting her in the bathroom.

  The pair looked guiltily at each other before breaking out into giggles. Quickly Bea cleaned herself up and helped her h
usband-to-be while kissing his neck. He looked sexy and was readjusting himself, all the time smiling.

  ‘Here!’ Jessica said, opening the door and throwing her knickers in. ‘You’re going to need these, or not, so the case may be.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Bea said meekly, picking them up and putting them on.

  Mylo was looking at her.

  ‘You’re not going to get a surprise on your wedding night,’ she said, looking down at her underwear.

  ‘It’s what is underneath I care more about.’

  ‘Really?’ She went to lunge at him but not before the bathroom door was flung open.

  ‘Enough!’ said Jessica, her arms folded as she leant against the door frame. ‘You need to get dressed, young lady, and you need to keep it in your pants, baby boy.’

  ‘I’m sorry about that,’ she mumbled, putting her hand over her face.

  ‘I’ve seen worse, believe me! Plus it’s nice to get a look at his backside from time to time.’ Jessica let out a little laugh. ‘Could you please finish getting dressed?’

  ‘Sure,’ replied Mylo, walking out of the bathroom.

  ‘Now you need to try on this dress.’

  ‘What if it doesn’t fit?’

  ‘It will.’

  Bea followed Mylo out as he grabbed his jacket and tie.

  ‘I’ll leave you to it,’ he said, walking out and winking at Bea. ‘Stay here until I leave with mum. Your dad is turning up in the car.’

  ‘Okay,’ she said, still grinning stupidly at him. ‘See you later.’

  ‘I’ll see you first.’

  He then stopped and turned.

  ‘Bea, you know I love you very much, don’t you?’

  ‘You keep on saying. The poor girl is getting overdosed on your love hormone.’ Jessica sighed then looked at Bea. ‘He loves you very much, just in case you didn’t know.’

  ‘I do. And I love him too.’

  Mylo blew her a kiss and walked out, running down the stairs.

  She swore he shouted ‘Yippee!’ but wasn’t quite sure.

  Jessica burst out laughing.

  ‘Amazing!’ she said, walking the to the dress carrier. ‘I wonder if I should have bothered at all. He blatantly likes you in your underwear.’


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