The Beth Papadakis Thriller Box Set

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The Beth Papadakis Thriller Box Set Page 25

by Cara Alexander

  ‘Beth,’ I reply, feeling slightly uncomfortable, ‘Beth Papadakis.’

  She lowers her head and speaks in a hushed voice into a phone. The minutes pass, I can tell she’s holding on because she’s no longer speaking, maybe he’s not here? I turn to leave.

  ‘Mr Panikos will see you now,’ she says, raising her head and pointing to a door. ‘Go through that door, the one on the right, then go straight through, he’s waiting for you.’

  Following her directions, I walk over to the door and push it open. The room is luxuriously furnished and dimly lit. I pass through an alcove into an even darker room where there are lots of round tables, set around a stage. It’s like a cabaret club, but where is the singer? The air is heavy with the scent of perfume - on my right is a well-stocked bar where men sit drinking. A girl sporting a thong with tiny tassles and a long black plait, tied to the top of her head, walks over to me.

  ‘Can I help?’ she asks in a sickly sweet voice.

  ‘Yes, I've come to see Mr Panikos.’

  ‘Follow me.’ She turns and leads me round the side of the room and into another room. We pass more alcoves - too dark to see inside as no lights are on. Some even have curtains drawn - maybe for those not wanting to be recognized?

  After a while my eyes adjust to the dark - Theo’s sitting at a dimly lit table in one of the alcoves, the curtain is half drawn and in front of him is a young well-rounded girl with short blond hair, gyrating around a pole, totally naked.

  I know nightclubs are sometimes sleazy, but this is Helen’s husband.

  The girl who brought me here goes over to him, bends down and talks to him. His hand is in between her legs, I turn to leave.

  ‘Beth, what a surprise, how nice to see you.’

  I swing round, he has a wide smile on his face. Without showing any sign of embarrassment, he points to the chair next to him. Then he beckons to the waitress. ‘Bring some champagne.’

  ‘I came here to talk,’ I say, amazed that he expects me to sit with him here. ‘Is there somewhere we can go?’

  ‘Of course.’ He turns and claps his hands as if to dismiss the girl who’s still gyrating on the pole. She bends, picks up her tiny thong from the stage and runs from the room.

  ‘We will go to the bar. What will you drink?’

  ‘Nothing,’ I reply, watching him closely. He’s behaving as if nothing’s wrong, as if he does this every day. What about Helen? What about the casino - the hotel - the woman he was with who tried to kill us?

  He turns to the bar, I follow, glad to get out of the dimly lit room.

  ‘Two coffees,’ he calls as we pass the bar and head over to one of the tables. He sits on a red velvet chair and pats the chair next to him. Does he really think I’m going to sit next to him?

  ‘Is there a toilet in here?’ I ask, looking around.

  ‘Just behind you,’ he replies, pointing to a room with the figure of a naked woman embossed in gold on the door.

  The toilet is large, dimly lit with bottles of perfume and other things women might need. There are about six cubicles lining the room. I go into one and check for CCTV and bugging. There’s nothing here so I perch on the closed seat and call Dev. No reply so I send him a text saying I’m at the Up All Night Club, just off Omonia Square, with Helen’s husband and to call me asap.

  Taking a deep breath, I open the door. Theo is leaning back in his chair, legs crossed, his black eyes glint as he watches me walk towards him. A shiver runs down my spine, I hug my woolly cardigan around me, walk around the table and sit on the edge of the red velvet chair opposite him. I always had a bad feeling about him, and I was right. He’s watching me with an amused look on his face, his lips curl into a smile, but it looks more like a sneer.

  Leaning forward I look directly into his eyes. ‘Your girlfriend attacked Helen outside the casino today, then she tried to kill me in my hotel.’

  He sits watching me his black eyes dead, like pools of darkness. Gone is the smile. His lips are set in a thin line as he drums his slim fingers impatiently on the top of the table. Raising his eyebrows he slowly shakes his head, as if in disbelief. ‘I have no idea what you are talking about, I have no girl-friend.’

  ‘Oh, cut the crap Theo, you’re talking to me. I know exactly what you've been up to, for once in your life be honest, the police have a photo of you with her, and they also have CCTV footage, so don't deny you were with her.’

  ‘How dare you,’ he hisses, thumping the table with his fist.

  Those at nearby tables turn and stare, this infuriates him even more.

  Trembling with rage he stands and leans forward, I instantly lean back, his breath stinks of whisky. ‘I have friends, friends in high places, so be careful, be very careful you stupid woman.’

  I want to laugh, he’s so pathetic. ‘What’s the name of the woman you were with at the casino?’ I ask, glaring back at him. He stares at me for a minute then grabs my arm and pushes me out of the room.

  ‘Take your hands off me,’ I yell, trying to push him away, but he’s stronger than he looks.

  I’m frog-marched out of the room then down a small corridor into a luxuriously decorated room. It looks like an office - probably his with soft furnishings, a chandelier in the centre of the ceiling and low lights at the sides.

  ‘Now you stupid bitch, I...’

  Then he stops and starts to chuckle. His breathing is heavy, he looks drunk. His eyes are on my body, then with a quick flick of his wrist he hauls me across his desk and begins pulling at my trousers.

  ‘You bastard,’ I scream, trying to kick him in the balls. But I can’t reach him. He’s pulling my trousers off. Then with all his weight on me, he puts one of his hands inside my pants and pulls them down. He’s squeezing my butt and mumbling disgusting words in Greek. His breath quickens as he slips his hand between my legs.

  In a desperate attempt to get some leverage, I pull my body upwards as far as I can away from him. He laughs and takes his weight off me and flicks me over. ‘You have a fat little ass which I am going to enjoy spanking, but first…’

  With all the strength I can muster, I pull up my knee and kick him in the face. He screams with pain and clutches his face. Another kick, this time to his groin sends him flying across the room. He lays stunned, blood pouring from his nose.

  ‘That'll teach you,’ I hiss. My pants and trousers are on the floor where he threw them, I quickly pull them on, I must get out of here fast.

  He starts shouting in Greek.

  If I don't do something quick, he’ll call for his henchmen, then God help me.

  Avoiding his outstretched hand, I stand over him and kick him.

  He screams in pain and hunches over.

  Shaking with fury, I quickly leave the room. I walk down the corridor, until I can see the club entrance. Nobody sees me. The girl’s busy talking to the heavy-set man, so I very quietly slip out of the front door, then run as fast as I can down the street. I must get away I must hide, but where? He’ll have his strong men out looking for me.

  A car draws up beside me, I run faster, I can’t breathe, my chest hurts. How can he have alerted his men so quickly?

  I spot a bar. I’m just about to go charging in when I hear a familiar voice.

  ‘Beth! Stop. It's me, Dev.’


  I turn and see him getting out of his car then he runs towards me.

  ‘What's wrong,’ he shouts, grabbing my arm and pushing me into the front seat of his car. ‘What happened? Why did you go to that club?’

  ‘First, let’s get out of here,’ I say, staring at the street ahead.

  He puts the car into gear and ten minutes later we arrive at my hotel.

  ‘Well, are you going to tell me what happened?’ he asks, staring ahead, not looking at me.

  I relay the events of the past hour and feel him stiffen when it comes to the bit about Theo dragging me into his office.

  A few minutes pass then he turns and looks at me.

‘How’s your head.’

  ‘It's alright, I'm okay.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  I nod.

  Without looking at him I slide out of the car.

  ‘I'll call you later,’ he says, as I slam the door shut. ‘And get some sleep.’

  I walk into the hotel, he waits till I’m inside then drives off.

  A few seconds later I’m in my room, the adjoining door’s open, I can see Helen asleep in bed.

  Tiptoeing into the bathroom I turn on the shower.

  Ten minutes later, with a towel wrapped around me I grab a couple of miniature brandies from the small fridge, gulp them down and fall into bed.



  Plaka Hotel - 7.30 am

  Theo is chasing me through dark, dank tunnels under the streets of Athens. Then I wake up, the hotel phone is ringing. My face and body are covered in sweat, I sit staring at the phone. Shall I pick it up? Who is it? Maybe it’s Dev?

  I grab it. ‘Yes.’

  It’s not Dev, it’s Theo.

  ‘I’ve contacted my lawyer and he is contacting the police. I know what you’re up to, so expect a visit from them soon.’

  ‘What the hell are you talking about, I should be the one contacting the police, you assaulted me.’

  ‘I did what? You stupid, stupid woman, you came to me, I didn't ask you to come.’ He hesitates for a minute then carries on. ‘You think you get away with this?’

  I’m just about to put the phone down when he says…

  ‘It’s very strange, you went back to London and so quick, and you her best friend. You probably paid someone to cut the brakes of her car. You think you are clever, you get her to change her will.’ He stops for a second then carries on. ‘I heard my wife talking to the lawyer telling him to change benefactor to you. To you…’ he shrieks, his voice shakes with rage.

  I leap out of bed, knock my leg on the bedside table and scream with pain. ‘How dare you,’ I hiss. ‘You...’ Then I remember Helen, she’s asleep.

  I tiptoe over, close the door then in a low voice say. ‘You cut her brakes and when that didn't work, you tried again. That women at the casino, she could have killed her, if I hadn't been there...’

  ‘Idiot, the woman works for me, she is not my girlfriend.’ His voice is heavy with disgust. ‘She left me in the casino, so I found another girl and took her to my club, we...’

  I want to scream, but say nothing.

  He starts laughing. ‘You stupid woman, I have a video of me with this girl. I show it to the police this morning.’ Then he stops laughing. ‘Next time we meet I teach you a very good lesson.’

  I switch off my phone, go onto the balcony, close the door and call Dev.

  ‘I was going to call you later,’ he mutters sleepily. ‘How are you?’

  ‘Dev, Theo just called me.’

  He’s silent for a few seconds. ‘I'll be at your hotel in a few minutes.’

  As he puts down his phone, I’m sure I can hear a woman talking. Well, well, well - I wonder who she is. Did I interrupt something? For some reason I didn’t think Dev was seeing anyone.

  After a quick shower, I throw on a pair of jeans and a jumper. I make my way to the terrace where breakfast is being served.

  A few minutes later I’m sipping a strong black coffee thinking about Theo.

  ‘Good morning!’

  Dev sits in the chair opposite me. As always, he looks clean and fresh. I inhale his soft clean fragrance and look at his serious face.

  ‘Why did you go to the club without telling me?’ he asks, frowning.

  ‘I was angry, I wanted to have it out with him.’

  ‘The man is getting his lawyer to build a case against you. He's a nasty piece of work and could be very dangerous, you should never have gone there.’

  ‘It’s easy to say that now,’ I say, peering at him sideways. ‘How was I to know what a degenerate he is?’

  ‘So, what did he say?’ he asks, slightly impatiently.

  ‘He said I paid someone to cut the brakes on Helen's car, then went back to London so I would have an alibi.’

  He gets up, walks over to the bar, gets a coffee and comes back.

  ‘Anything else?’

  ‘He said he heard Helen telling her lawyer to change her will, he said I’m her benefactor. The man's obviously insane, he should be locked up.’

  Dev sits staring at his coffee, then picks it up and drinks it. ‘Can you think of anyone, other than Theo, who would want to kill Helen?’

  ‘No, I've racked my brain. I have no idea who would want to hurt her.’

  I’m missing something but what is it? Then I think of the CCTV footage in Helen’s car park. Dev said someone was standing next to her car, acting suspiciously.

  ‘What about the CCTV footage?’ I ask, turning to look at him. ‘Have you found out who it was?’

  ‘No, we're working our way through all the mug-shots.’

  Suddenly he pushes his chair back and stands up. ‘Let me know if you think of anything, and don't go anywhere or do anything until I speak to you. Stay here.’

  He gives me a last penetrating look with his blue eyes, then leaves.

  I wonder if he does have someone stashed away in his apartment, wherever that may be. I must ask Helen where he lives.

  Leaning over the balcony I watch as he walks towards his car. Suddenly he turns and looks up at me, he stays like this for a couple of seconds then gets in his car and drives off.

  I have no intention of staying in the hotel and go downstairs.

  After walking around Ermou Street and the surrounding area for a while I return to my room, Helen’s still asleep.

  With my laptop on my knees I make a list of everything I’ve done from the time I arrived in Athens, to the present.

  What am I missing?

  I feel on edge I want to do something. I can’t stop thinking that I’ve missed something, but what? Then my phone rings. It’s Dev, he doesn’t sound happy.

  ‘Theo has reported you, he says you attacked him and accused him of attempted murder.’


  I stand shaking with rage, I want to… ‘He assaulted me, he should be locked up, he’s...’

  Dev cuts me off sharply. ‘He does have friends in high places, and he knows about Helen's lawyer. What he doesn't know is that we have evidence of his infidelity, and he doesn't know about me.’

  ‘What are you going to do?’

  ‘It’s not so bad,’ Dev continues, softening his tone. ‘We also have friends in high places. They’re working right now to get him to drop this case, if they succeed, you must leave Athens for a while.’

  I sit holding my phone, thinking how much I loathe Theo.

  ‘Did you hear me?’ he snaps.

  ‘Yes, let me know what happens.’

  Helen’s sitting up in bed, did she hear what I said? I get up and walk over to her. ‘I'm making you a coffee you can have it on the balcony with some of those Greek biscuits you like.’

  She sits rubbing her eyes then crawls out of bed. ‘Okay, I’ll just have a quick shower.’

  For some reason I feel very alert and focused. What Dev said about Theo made me so angry.

  A few minutes later the coffee’s ready. Helen’s still in the shower so I give her friend David a call, he might be able to help, maybe she can stay with him for a couple of weeks?

  ‘David - it's Beth, Helen’s friend.’

  ‘Beth, how lovely to hear from you, I'm just a block away from your hotel.’

  ‘Great, I'll meet you downstairs, I'll be at the entrance.’ Now to tell Helen.

  I tap on the bathroom door. ‘David’s coming to see you, I’m meeting him downstairs, then I’ll bring him up here.’

  The door opens, she looks startled. ‘You can’t, I’m having a shower!’

  ‘Don't worry. I'll keep him downstairs for a while, don’t forget your coffee’s on the balcony.

  At the entrance to the hotel th
ere’s a tall slim man with dark blond hair. Shit. I forgot to ask her what he looks like, but he’s the only man here so it must be him.

  ‘David?’ I ask, walking over to him.

  He swings round and looks at me, a glint of amusement in his dark eyes. ‘Yes, you must be Beth.’

  I nod. ‘Helen’s getting ready so shall we have a quick coffee first?’

  ‘Of course, lead the way.’

  He follows me into the downstairs café to a table by the window. I glance sideways, taking in his fine Spanish features, blondish brown hair and subtle cologne. We order coffee and sit chatting about Athens.

  ‘So, are you on holiday now?’ I ask. ‘Or is this a business trip?’

  He leans back in his chair and looks at me. ‘I was visiting a friend when I read about Helen’s accident. We met a few years ago at a travel conference in Athens, we’ve been friends ever since.’

  ‘Are you still in travel?’

  ‘Yes, travel runs in the family, my parents have a small hotel on the Costa del Sol.’

  ‘How nice,’ I murmur, smiling to myself. It couldn’t be better, maybe Helen can stay with him for a while.

  He grins, leans forward, props his elbows on the table and looks at me with his dark mischievous eyes. ‘It sounds nice, but it’s hard work. When I finished university, I returned to Spain and helped them, this is where I spend most of my time.’

  ‘So, your parents are Spanish?’ Of course, they are - what else can they be - smooth olive skin, lovely dark eyes.

  ‘Actually, I’m half English,’ he says, leaning back and watching me. ‘My dad's Spanish, my mother’s English, what about you?’

  ‘Same as you, but my dad's Greek.’

  ‘I thought there was something Mediterranean about you,’ he replies, looking at me closely.

  Strange, most people think I look English - blonde hair, green eyes.

  I shrug. ‘Do you speak Spanish and English?’

  He laughs. ‘Yes, I went to school in Spain, what about you?’

  ‘My Greek was good when I lived here, but since I've been back in London, I feel I'm losing it.’

  ‘Yes, I know what you mean. I'm going to London tomorrow for a few days, then back to Spain. Are you staying long in Athens?’


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