The Beth Papadakis Thriller Box Set

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The Beth Papadakis Thriller Box Set Page 37

by Cara Alexander



  Thursday Evening

  On the road overlooking the hotel Miguel sits in his car watching Helen talking to David, he really likes this woman, but she's probably just like all the other stupid tourists. After a few minutes he switches on the engine and heads the car down the hill towards the port of Malaga, he has someone to meet and things to arrange, Helen can wait till later.

  The port of Malaga is where some of the best flamenco clubs are located, not like the touristy places in Granada, Miguel has many friends in the port.

  He stops the car outside a seedy looking club and quickly closes the door. He walks slowly down a side alleyway then up some steps to an old wooden door and gives one tap.

  Without even looking he knows the blind has moved to check who it is.

  Hassan opens the door in his underwear - a pair of black pants and nothing else.

  'You caught me at it,' he laughs, holding his crotch. ‘You’re just in time.’

  Miguel pushes past him into the small hall, then into a kitchen which sports the latest top end equipment. 'This is urgent,' he whispers. ‘Stop thinking about your dick for a minute, we have urgent things to discuss.'

  The spicy scent of hashish wafts over to him from the bedroom. Flamenco music drifts up to the small apartment from the club downstairs. Red silk curtains on the long open windows rustle in the breeze ushering in the soft warm night air and scent of jasmine. Through the bedroom door Miguel can see a young naked woman laying on the bed, she has a well-rounded ass and long black hair. He turns to go into the living room.

  ‘Come on mate.’ Hassan pulls him into the bedroom and slides his hand over the girl’s ass, then between her legs.

  ‘For fucks sake Hasan, this is important!’

  ‘So is this,’ laughs Hassan, taking out his dick.

  Miguel walks out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, takes a coke from the fridge, walks into the living room, and sits flicking through his phone, waiting for Hassan.

  A little later Hassan comes in and plonks himself down on the black soft leather couch opposite Miguel. ‘She’s getting dressed,’ he mumbles.

  Miguel sits waiting for the girl to leave.

  Two minutes later the girl comes out of the bedroom wearing a short red satin dress. She looks sulkily at Miguel then at Hassan. He gets up and walks with her to the door then returns to the living room.

  'So, are you ready for the shipment,' Miguel asks, looking at him sharply.

  Hassan nods.

  'What time does the ferry arrive, Hassan?'

  'You worry too much,’ Hassan murmurs, tipping his beer into his mouth. ‘It's all going according to plan, they have papers, it's all been arranged, we meet them as usual, don't worry.’

  Miguel always likes to make sure everything is on time. No slip-ups, there have been too many recently. 'Do they know where to go when they get off the ferry? Do they know you will be waiting for them? You have the bus of course – yes?’

  ‘Yes, of course,’ Hassan snaps. ‘It was only that stupid girl last week, but we found her later, didn't we?’ He smiles remembering the beating he gave her before he fucked her.

  Hassan walks barefoot into the kitchen and returns with another beer. He slumps back onto the sofa, tips the beer into his mouth and looks at Miguel. ‘What about the boat, are you meeting it tonight?’

  Miguel nods.

  Hassan leans forward and peers at Miguel. 'We've come a long way mate, you worry too much.'

  Miguel stands up. 'I’ll see you tomorrow.' Then he disappears through the arched doorway into the warm night air of the Costa del Sol.



  Hotel Costa Tropical

  Thursday Evening

  I climb out of the car, inhale the scent of jasmine and the salty sea air, then sniff. ‘That smells good, what is it?'

  Helen laughs. ‘It’s torrijas, they're cooking them in the kitchen, you can have some if you like, it’s a tradition in Spain to eat them during Easter.'

  Jamie’s eyes grow big. 'Wow, they smell good can we have some, Mum?'

  'Of course, go with Helen, I'll get our luggage from the car and take it to our room.'

  As I go to take the luggage from the boot of the Fiat, a young guy comes running over. ‘Please, let me.’

  I turn to look at him, then see David waving and walking over to me.

  ‘Beth, don’t do that. Manuel will take the luggage to your room.’ He walks over and gives me a kiss on both cheeks, then holds me at arms distance. ‘How was the journey and how are you?’

  ‘It was good, everything went very smoothly. Mum dropped us off at Gatwick airport and then Helen was at Malaga to meet us. I just need to get things sorted in our room, then I’ll come and have a chat. I think Helen took Jamie to the restaurant.’

  ‘Okay, I’ll see you in a minute.’

  I follow Manuel into the elevator, and then into our room. It’s just gone 10.30 in the evening in Spain, so it’s 9.30 in London - not so much of a difference as Greece which is two hours ahead.

  ‘Thanks Manuel.’

  He takes the change I hand him and smiles. ‘Thank you, I hope you enjoy your stay with us.’

  It’s a lovely room, everything is modern - now for the beds – Helen was right, very comfortable.

  I was up early this morning, so after a quick snack, I think I’ll turn in for the night. Jamie’s tired, although he pretends he isn’t.

  The crystal white net curtains sway in the breeze from the slightly open windows, I slide them open and walk out onto the balcony. The view must be wonderful in the daytime from here. I stand inhaling the scent of the sea and the flowers, it’s all so fresh after London.

  I go back into the room and start unpacking the things we’ll need for this evening. A quick change from my jeans into a knee length summer dress, take off my boots and change into a pair of sandals, and I’m ready.

  When I get downstairs, I’m amazed to see so many people, it’s so busy. The swimming pool is all lit up making it look very inviting. I’ll get up early tomorrow and go for a swim.

  As I near the restaurant I can see Jamie enjoying a huge burger and chips, I quickly walk over to join them.

  Helen calls a waiter over; he hands me a menu.

  ‘I’d like one of those please,’ I say, pointing to Jamie’s veggie burger. ‘And a large lemon drink.’ I look around then at Helen. ‘Where’s David?’

  ‘Oh Beth, it’s so busy here, I told you his father’s gone to Tenerife on business with his mother, so he’s on his own. Some of the staff called in sick so …’ She shrugs and looks around. ‘At least they’re busy, he doesn’t mind working, he just feels bad that he can’t take me out.’

  ‘Does he know what you’ve been doing?’

  She shrugs and looks at me. ‘I do feel bad, I really do, but it’s better than sitting here all by myself, isn’t it?’

  I can’t help but smile, she looks so full of life and happy, she definitely deserves it after what she’s been through. It’s just a shame David’s not the one enjoying it with her.

  Suddenly David comes over and sits down with us. ‘Have you had the torrijos?' he asks. ‘I had some this morning and they’re very good.’

  Just then the waiter arrives with my burger and drink. ‘Not yet,’ I mumble, taking a bite of my burger. ‘I’ll have some in the morning for breakfast. I used to make them in Athens. They're a bit like French toast, but I make them without using eggs.

  He laughs. 'What do you use?'


  He frowns. ‘What’s that?’

  ‘It’s the water from a can or jar of chickpeas. I mix the aquafaba and soya milk together, dip in the bread, fry them in dairy free butter, then cover with cinnamon and sugar.’

  Suddenly the reception manager comes over to our table looking very flustered.

  ‘Sorry, I think I’m needed,’ David murmurs. ‘Enjoy your evening, I’m sure Helen will look after you.�

  ‘Of course,’ Helen says, giving him a big smile. ‘But I think Beth’s tired, so we’ll start the sightseeing tomorrow.’

  ‘Yes, I am tired, we were up early, weren’t we Jamie?’

  He nods, his plate is empty, he can hardly keep his eyes open.

  ‘Well, if I don’t see you tonight I’ll see you in the morning.’ David glances over at Helen, she’s looking at her phone, a puzzled look on her face. ‘Everything all right?’ he asks.

  She looks up. ‘Yes, I just received a text from Tula, she isn’t feeling well, she might not be in tomorrow.’

  David’s face is full of concern. ‘That’s a shame, what will you do.’

  ‘I was lucky she managed to do a couple of days for me, I was going to close for Greek Easter anyway. It’s just a couple of days earlier than I thought it would be.’ Helen shrugs. ‘It doesn’t really matter, Tula said it’s not busy.’

  David walks back to the hotel with the reception manager.

  Ten minutes later, Jamie and I decide to head up to our room.

  ‘Are you staying here, Helen?’ I ask, feeling bad to leave her on her own.

  She sighs and stretches her slightly tanned legs in front of her. ‘Don’t worry about me, ‘I’ll have a nightcap then turn in also. See you in the morning.’

  Jamie and I walk towards the elevator, I turn to give Helen a wave, but she’s on her phone talking to someone.



  Later that night

  ‘Miguel, this is Helen. Do you still want to go to Granada to see the procession?’

  ‘What about your friend and David,’ Miguel asks, sounding concerned. ‘Do they mind you going out?’

  ‘Beth and Jamie are tired and David’s busy working so…’

  'I’ll meet you outside the hotel, and bring something with you to keep warm.’

  ‘Great, I’ll be there in ten minutes.’

  I quickly take the stairs to my room, go inside and change. I can hear Beth and Jamie getting ready for bed. I haven’t unlocked the adjoining door yet, we can do that tomorrow.

  I change into black underwear and slip on a black silky shift dress. For some reason I feel guilty not telling Beth where I’m going, but she’ll only worry. I smile to myself, it reminds me of when I was very young, before I met my ex Theo. It’s so exciting, like starting a new life.

  I spray perfume all over me then hurry downstairs. I don’t want to bump into David, so take the back stairs that lead into the garden, then I’m outside the hotel.

  Two minutes later Miguel pulls up in his car alongside me. He's changed, he’s wearing a black shirt and beige trousers.

  I slide in, he turns on the ignition and the car heads towards Granada. The pulsating sound of flamenco music whirls around us, I sigh happily. ‘What time does the procession start?’

  ‘Soon, we can have a drink in a place I know and watch the procession from there if you like.’

  The car purrs along the mountain road so dark and mysterious, Miguel sings along with the music, he has a good voice.

  In no time at all we’re parking in a new part of town, it’s nothing like where we were the other day, it’s old and the streets are narrow. Miguel seems at home here, of course he is, this must be where he lives, I wonder where he’s taking me.

  Suddenly we’re inside a beautiful Andalusian style hotel, then taking the elevator to the top terrace. Miguel seems to know the owner. They chat and laugh as he orders drinks and snacks for us to nibble on from the bar.

  ‘Can we see the procession from here?’

  ‘Of course.’

  Miguel hands me a large cocktail.

  ‘Wow, what a lovely taste, what is it?’

  ‘It’s a mixture of fruits and brandy, mango, pomegranate, do you like it?’

  ‘It’s delicious,’ I murmur. ‘Is it strong?’

  He raises an eyebrow and smiles.

  Suddenly, there’s the sound of a drum.

  I walk over and lean over the rails of the terrace and gasp at the sight below, it looks so sad and so beautiful. People at a nearby balcony start throwing rose petals at the procession below.

  ‘Why is it so quiet?’ I murmur, hardly daring to speak.

  ‘It’s the procession of "el Silencio” nobody makes a sound, some walk barefoot.’ He leans over and stares at the procession, then his dark eyes come to rest on me.

  A lone voice suddenly starts singing sending a shiver down my spine.

  His arm is suddenly around me, he pulls me to him. 'You will hear this often during Semana Santa, it's called a saeta, it’s a flamenco lament.’

  We stand like this for a while watching the procession against the stunning backdrop of the moonlit Alhambra.

  ‘Let’s go over there,’ he suddenly murmurs, glancing over to a large couch with flowers cascading over it. ‘It’s more comfortable and more private.’

  He’s right, the couch is soft and comfortable, the stars twinkle above us, I feel so happy and relaxed. I sigh and look at him, ‘You’re very lucky to live in such a lovely city.’

  He nods in agreement. ‘Another drink?’ he asks.

  I nod.

  A dark-haired young waitress brings a jug over with two more glasses and small plates of food, she smiles at Miguel then disappears.

  ‘I thought you’d like this, here try some of this food it’s really good.’ He leans forward and places a forkful of baked aubergine and other vegetables into my mouth. ‘Do you like it?’

  ‘It’s delicious, I must get the recipe for it.’ I feel so relaxed and lean back against the white silky couch that is enclosed with white drapes. It slowly tips back till it’s almost flat, there’s a rustle of silk and curtains surround us. For a second I’m surprised, and then I laugh, this drink must be getting to me.

  Sensuous flamenco music plays in the background, Miguel’s arm brushes against mine, his dark eyes bore into mine.



  Hotel Costa Tropical

  Good Friday

  Jamie and I are just finishing breakfast when David walks into the restaurant, he glances over at Jamie and smiles.

  ‘Did you enjoy your torrijos?’

  ‘Yes,’ Jamie exclaims, wiping sugar from his mouth. ‘They’re really good.’

  He pulls out a chair next to me and sits down. ‘Where’s Helen?’

  ‘Oh, she’s probably still upstairs.’

  He looks worried but says nothing.

  ‘David, can you keep an eye on Jamie while I go upstairs,’ I ask. He looks at me questioningly. ‘It’s just that I need something from my room.’

  Jamie frowns. ‘I’m okay Mum.’

  David looks at Jamie and smiles. ‘My nephew Jose is looking forward to meeting you, he’s sitting over there with his mum, shall we go and see them?’

  Jamie nods.

  ‘I’ll introduce you to my sister when you come back, Beth.’

  I get up and grab my phone and key for the room. ‘Thanks David, I’ll be back soon.’

  ‘Are you sure everything’s alright, Beth,’ he asks, giving me a worried look.

  ‘Yes, I’m fine, I just forgot something, I’ll be back in a minute.’

  Where the hell is Helen? She’s always up early for breakfast.

  I race over to the elevator, push the button for the top floor, there are five floors in the hotel so it takes some time getting there.

  Five minutes later I’m knocking on Helen‘s door, no answer. Now I’m getting worried. I wonder if the interconnecting door from our room is locked, I never thought to check it last night.

  I quickly go inside and immediately notice there’s a catch on the door. Very gently I open it and peek through. The room is empty. The bed looks as if Helen hasn’t even slept in it. I’m just about to go back into our room when the door swings open, it’s Helen.

  ‘Beth,’ she gasps. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I was worried Helen, I haven’t seen you this morn
ing and you’re always up early, I thought you…’

  ‘I’m fine,’ she snaps. ‘You worry too much, I was up early, I had breakfast a long time ago. I left you to sleep as I thought you must be tired.’

  ‘But why are you wearing that dress? Are you going somewhere?’

  She turns and looks at me and shrugs. ‘I felt like putting something nice on for a change, but it’s so hot outside, I think I’ll change into my shorts, so much more comfortable. I’ll wear this dress tonight. Are you going downstairs?’

  ‘Yes - Jamie’s with David and Jose.’

  She raises an eyebrow. ‘Oh, I’m glad they’ve met, he’s a really lovely boy, a bit like David, but his Mum is David’s twin so that’s probably why they look so alike.’

  I stand staring at her.

  ‘I’ll be down in a minute, Beth, don’t wait for me.’

  I know something’s wrong, she’s not fooling me, wearing a black evening dress so early in the morning.

  She disappears into the bathroom. I leave the room.

  When I arrive downstairs, David’s sitting chatting to Jamie, Jose, and his sister.

  ‘Beth, come and meet my sister, Christina.’

  She’s just like him, tanned olive skin, dark mischievous looking eyes, and long dark blonde hair.

  She gets up and kisses me. ‘I’ve heard so much about you Beth, I think I know you already.’

  I laugh, wondering what he’s told her.

  ‘So, what are you doing today,’ David asks, standing up.

  ‘I’m not sure, Helen will be down in a minute. We’ll probably take a look around town.’

  Jamie groans.

  Christina laughs. ‘But you can stay here with us if you like Jamie, I’m sure your Mum won’t mind.’

  Jose looks eagerly at Jamie. ‘Yes, let’s go swimming.’

  Jamie nods and looks at me.


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