The Beth Papadakis Thriller Box Set

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The Beth Papadakis Thriller Box Set Page 40

by Cara Alexander

  ‘What are you waiting for?’ Miguel yells.

  I run over to the car, he opens the door, I slide inside.

  A few minutes later, we’re speeding along the mountain roads back up to Granada. The pulsating rhythm of flamenco fills the car, he suddenly leans over and kisses me.

  ‘You are beautiful, Helen.’ His hand slides between my thighs and I shiver. Oh my God what's wrong with me it's as if he knows exactly what he's doing to me.

  He takes his hand away and drives faster. ‘We'll be there soon, I know where I'm going to take you.’ He turns the music up and we speed up the mountain road. I glance out of the window and see a sheer drop.

  Oh my God! It’s so dangerous!

  He's going so fast - then suddenly I see an old coach laden with fruit coming towards us. I close my eyes and hang on to the side of the seat.

  He glances over at me and smiles. ‘Don't worry I can handle this, I know these roads like the back of my hand, I was born here.’

  My heart’s beating so loud and my chest hurts. ‘I don't think I can take this anymore. Please slow down Miguel, I don't like it.’

  The car slows down to a normal speed. ‘Sorry, I thought you enjoyed going fast, we're not far from Granada, don't worry.’

  Twenty minutes later, we’re driving along a tree-lined avenue towards the old town of Granada. We park outside a lovely Andalusian style hotel. With his arm around me he leads me up the white marble steps into a very pretty flower filled hotel with beautiful views of the Alhambra Palace.

  My legs feel a bit wobbly after the drive, but I try not to show it as we walk over to reception.

  As usual he seems to know the owners of the hotel who he stops and chats with for a few minutes. Then we go to the restaurant and order tapas, wine, and fruit.

  From the corner of the room a young flamenco dancer suddenly appears. The lights dim, the music starts, she dances alone for a while, and then a young guy comes and joins her, it’s hypnotic. They seem to lose themselves in the magic and passion of the dancing.

  Miguel fills my glass with the divine red wine, then the food arrives.

  ‘I'm going to miss all this when I go back to Greece.’

  ‘But you don't have to go back to Greece you can stay here, I have an apartment in the old town, if you like to stay in Granada you're welcome to stay with me.’

  ‘But I thought you lived with your family?’

  ‘I do but there are times when I need to be alone.’ He looks at me and smiles. ‘Think about it, yes.’

  I nod.

  ‘If you want me to go back with you for a weekend I will come, you can show me your beautiful city and then you can come back to Spain with me.’

  Suddenly I see a man with long blonde hair and dark glasses coming towards us. He stops when he sees me looking at him and sits down at the bar. How strange, I'm sure he was coming over to us, I wonder who he is?

  I sit looking at him then turn and see Miguel watching me.

  ‘Sorry, yes I would love to live in Spain.’

  He gives me a funny look then looks over towards the bar, I carry on eating.

  ‘I think it's time to go upstairs, don't you?’ He suddenly gets up. ‘We can stay here for tonight; would you like that?’

  His phone rings, he picks it up. ‘Yes, as I said I will see you later. Yes, everything's planned, don't worry. Yes, I'll talk to you soon, I'll see you at the bar.’

  He puts his phone down. ‘Come, let’s go to our room.’

  I don't look at the guy at the bar as we pass him, I have a feeling Miguel thinks I fancy him or something, maybe that's why he gave me that strange look.

  The room is lovely, silk drapes surround the huge bed and the views from the terrace of the Alhambra Palace are stunning.

  Suddenly Miguel grabs me. Within seconds my clothes are off and we’re on the bed. His hands are on my ass then between my legs, I moan with joy. ‘This is what you like isn’t it,’ he murmurs. Then he pushes my legs open and slowly moves down my body.



  Granada - 7:30 pm

  It's nearly seven thirty, Miguel's having a shower, the sound of soft romantic Spanish music drifts over to me from the terrace below. I slide out of bed, wrap the white silk sheet around me and walk over to the balcony, it's so magical, so beautiful.

  Shit, I forgot to text Beth, she’ll wonder where I am!

  The bathroom door opens, Miguel comes out rubbing his tanned body with a fluffy white towel, he throws it on the bed, grabs his pants from the floor, then pulls on his trousers. ‘I'm going to the bar.’ He grabs his shirt from the chair then sits on the bed, pulls me towards him and kisses me. ‘Don’t be too long in the shower, I’m taking you somewhere nice tonight.’ He slips on his shoes, opens the door and is gone.

  I sigh deeply and turn on the shower, this is the happiest I’ve been in a long time.

  Fifteen minutes later I’m walking towards the bar, I can see Miguel talking to the guy I saw earlier at the bar. For some reason he looks familiar, he has his back to me. Miguel’s talking to him, he hasn’t seen me, so I walk through the alcove to the other side of the bar, I’ll give them time to talk, I don’t want to interrupt them. I stand for a minute looking out of the long French window at the people on the terrace below. A man strums a guitar and sings romantic flamenco songs. I’ll stay here for a while, give them time to finish whatever it is they’re talking about.

  I walk over to the bar. Is that Miguel’s voice? Yes, it is! He’s talking very quietly I can’t hear what he’s saying. I go to move away then stop, the other man is talking. A shiver runs down my spine - I know that voice – I walk closer to the bar and listen.

  ‘Do you think there will be a problem tonight?’

  Oh my God! He sounds like Nick.

  Miguel answers, quietly. ‘No, it’s earlier tonight much better.’

  The other guy says something I don’t quite catch in Spanish, then he gets up to leave.

  I quickly walk back to the alcove, wait for the man to go then walk over to Miguel.

  ‘Helen, would you like a large cocktail with brandy and fruit?’

  I slide onto the stool beside him and nod. ‘Yes, that would be nice.’ I try to appear normal but inside I’m shaking.

  Was that Nick?

  We sit sipping our drinks, Miguel pulls me close. ‘Let’s go outside on the terrace it’s more comfortable.’

  He asks the barmaid to bring a jug over to us on the terrace. ‘I think you are getting a taste for our cocktails,’ he murmurs, topping up my glass. His dark eyes bore into mine as he says this and for some reason I shiver.

  He looks surprised. ‘Are you cold?’

  ‘No,’ I mumble, taking another gulp. ‘I must have swallowed some ice.’

  He’s just about to say something when his phone lights up, it’s a text. ‘I’ll be back in a minute I won’t be long.’ He quickly goes back into the bar.

  I must tell Beth - then I stop, but maybe it’s not him!

  I grab my phone and call Beth.

  ‘Helen, where are you, I thought you were at the hotel?’

  ‘Oh Beth, I have so much to tell you, I don't know where to start.’

  ‘Where are you?’

  ‘I’m in Granada, Miguel collected me on his way back from Malaga. Beth, I have something to tell you.’


  Miguel sits down in the chair opposite me making me jump, he’s looking at me strangely.

  ‘Who are you talking to?’

  I try to smile. ‘Beth, I forgot to tell her I was here.’

  He sits gazing at me, his eyes are like dark fathomless pools.

  Did he hear what I said to Beth?

  ‘I'll see you later, Beth.’ I mumble, then close my phone. Miguel doesn’t take his eyes off me, he just sits looking at me. I pick up my drink and take a gulp, Miguel sits silently watching me.

  Then when I don’t think I can bear it anymore, he smiles, a weird cynical smile. �
�You are close with your friend, yes?’

  I nod.

  ‘Do you like being with me, Helen?’

  I smile weakly. ‘Of course.’

  He suddenly sits up straight and leans over to me. ‘Let's drive to Almuñecar, I know a lovely place where we can have dinner by the sea.’

  It doesn't take long, there’s not much traffic on the A-7, Miguel drives fast but he knows the roads well. We drive all the way in silence. He says nothing, I sit listening to the music.

  He suddenly pulls over to a restaurant by the beach. ‘Come, we are here.’ I slide out of the car and he puts his arm around me.

  Maybe it isn't what I think, maybe I’m wrong? People often say strange things, but why was he talking to Nick?

  We go to the bar. A waiter takes our order.

  ‘Let’s sit outside on the terrace, they have heaters so you won’t be cold.’

  The sea looks very calm, the scent of orange blossom and flowers fills the air.

  ‘Tell me about your friend,’ he asks drawing hard on his cigarette.

  I look at him in surprise, he stares back at me. ‘Well, I've known her for some time, since I was eighteen. We met at school in the Cotswolds, then she went back to Greece.’

  He leans over me and stubs out his cigarette in the ashtray. The waiter arrives with our food, beef steak for him and merluza (hake) for me. The waiter opens a bottle of wine, pours the drinks then leaves us to it.

  ‘Then you went to Greece,’ he asks, cutting into his steak.


  After dinner he suddenly stands up. ‘Come, let’s go.’

  We start driving back towards Granada, then after ten minutes we pull up outside a small bar. It's not very busy, I sit outside, he disappears inside to buy the drinks.

  A few minutes later he arrives with a small glass of amber liquid and two small coffees.

  ‘The brandy will warm you, drink it quickly, then drink the coffee.’

  ‘What about you, aren’t you having one?’

  He smiles, takes my hand, and kisses it. ‘I had mine inside.’

  He watches as I drink the brandy and smiles. ‘It’s very good it will relax you.’

  I sit sipping the brandy and feel strangely relaxed, Miguel sits smoking gazing at the lights of Granada. I suddenly feel awful, how could I have thought such terrible things about him.

  He turns and catches me looking at him and pulls me close. ‘Come, I will take you somewhere nice.’

  As we drive towards Granada I feel very sleepy, the music’s so soothing, I close my eyes.

  Suddenly I feel myself being picked up; Miguel has his arms around me. ‘Where are we…’ I mumble.

  He doesn’t reply.

  We walk through a garden, the scent of flowers is everywhere. Suddenly we’re inside and I’m on a bed. He looks at me for a minute then covers me. ‘Sleep, you are tired.’

  I am tired, very tired, my eyes close.



  Hotel Costa Tropical

  Easter Saturday - 7.10pm

  I sit gazing at the view from the hotel not really seeing anything. She was going to tell me something, it sounded important, then I heard Miguel ask her who she was speaking to. She said she’ll see me later, then hangs up.

  I grab my phone and call her; it goes to voicemail.

  ‘Mum I’m hungry, can we get something to eat?’

  I grab my small bag and phone and we leave the room.

  David’s talking to someone at reception, his sister Christina is nowhere to be seen. ‘Where is Jose?’ I ask. ‘Will you be seeing him tonight?’

  ‘He’s gone to visit friends with his mum.’

  ‘Okay, let’s get a table on the terrace, do you feel like eating paella tonight?’

  He looks at me in surprise. ‘I’ve never had it before, is it nice?’

  I pull out a chair and sit down. ‘Of course, you have, you had it in Spain last year with Nan.’

  He shakes his head. ‘No, I didn’t.’

  The waiter comes over and I order veggie paella and salad.

  ‘Mum, there’s a film I want to watch on Netflix, can you watch it with me after we eat?’

  ‘Of course.’ He looks tired but very tanned and healthy, I’m so glad we didn’t stay in London. I start thinking about Dev, I wonder if he’s okay, there hasn’t been anything on the news about the terror threat in London.

  The food arrives, the plates are overflowing with paella and chips.

  ‘Wow Mum, this is good,’ Jamie says, ramming another forkful of paella into his mouth. ‘You must make it when we get home.’

  ‘Yes, I will. Do you want more salad?’

  He shakes his head. ‘No thanks.’

  After dinner we go to the TV room. Jamie’s soon miles away watching his film, I’m sunk in my chair thinking about the terror threat in London. We never know what’s really happening, these things are all hushed up, they don’t want people to panic. I grab my phone and text Dev.

  What’s happening in London?

  I sit waiting for a reply but don’t get one, he must be busy.

  An hour later we go to our room, Dev still hasn’t replied.

  Jamie goes to the bathroom then rolls into bed. I'm outside on the balcony in a very comfortable chair drinking a glass of wine. I can’t stop thinking about Helen and Dev.

  Suddenly there’s a tap at the door, it’s David.

  ‘Sorry to disturb you Beth, I’m turning in for the night.’ He stops and looks at me anxiously. ‘I just wanted to check that you’re okay.’ He glances over at Jamie whose fast asleep, then back at me.

  I smile, he’s such a nice guy, he looks so tired and yet he’s taken the time to come and check how we are.

  ‘Yes, Jamie’s had a lovely day swimming with Jose, he’s not used to so much exercise and fell asleep quickly.’

  It’s as if he wants to say something but then changes his mind. Shall I tell him about Helen?

  ‘Okay, but if you need anything let me know. I’m off to bed now, see you at breakfast.’

  I sit sipping my drink on the balcony, thinking.

  I wonder – no it’s too risky – but what if something’s wrong? I could take a drive along the coastal road where I saw Miguel last night. But do I remember exactly where it was, more to the point will he be there? And is it too risky and what about Jamie? I can't leave him here by himself.

  I stand looking at the night sky and inhale the scent of the sea, then I tiptoe into our room, change from my dress into jeans and a thick black jumper and slowly open the door.

  I might need a hat to cover my hair.

  Tiptoeing back into the room I slowly open the drawer and take out my black wooly hat. I didn't think I'd need it here but brought it all the same. While I’m at it I change into my ankle boots. I wonder whose downstairs in reception, David’s gone to sleep and Christina’s probably at home with her family.

  As the elevator doors open I glance over to reception and see Anna, she’s usually very friendly and helpful, will she help?

  ‘Anna I have to go out for a little while but Jamie’s on his own, if he wakes up and sees I’m not there, well he might be worried.’

  She frowns. ‘Will you be long?’

  ‘No, I'll be back soon.’

  She suddenly smiles and looks relieved.

  ‘Don't worry, we're very quiet now.’

  ‘Thank you so much, I don't think he'll wake up, he never does, but I just want to make sure that he's safe. I've locked the door to be on the safe side.’

  Now she looks concerned. ‘But what if he wants to come out to see where you are and can’t get out?’ She frowns and hesitates for a second. ‘I know, why don’t you leave him a note saying you've gone downstairs for something, then he'll go back to sleep.’

  ‘Good idea, Anna!’

  ‘Give me your phone number just in case I need to call you.’

  I scribble my number on her pad then walk over to the elevator, the doors
open, I quickly go inside and press the top floor button.

  Then I run to our room and quietly open the door. Trying not to wake Jamie, I scribble him a note and leave it next to his pillow.

  As I walk out of the hotel Anna smiles and waves.

  I wave and mouth - ‘I won't be long.’

  Then I remember the keys, I forgot to ask her for the keys to the car David said we could use.

  Instead of going back to ask Anna, I run to the back of the hotel where I parked the minibus last night. There was a little cupboard where the keys are kept, let’s hope the night porter is there.

  I’m in luck, he is.

  ‘Manolo!’ I call running over to him. ‘Can I have the keys to the Fiat? Mister David said I can use it while I’m here, I won’t be long.’

  He smiles and nods, walks over to the little cupboard, and takes out the keys. ‘I filled it up today so it will take you where you want.’ He gives me a funny look, probably wonders why I want it, then hands me the keys.

  The little Fiat purrs along the coastal road I took last night, I’m trying to get my bearings so head for the port then take the road along the coast.

  It’s taken me over an hour, I begin to get worried. Am I going the right way? Is it too early? It was later last night, wasn’t it?

  I drive along for a few minutes then put the brakes on – there are people up ahead. Shit, it’s Miguel getting into a car.

  I slowly crawl out of the car wishing I had my gun with me. Last night there was another man and a red bus, so where is the other guy? I slowly pull my phone out of my pocket...

  Suddenly my arms are behind me in a vice-like grip. A feeling of rage sweeps over me, I quickly kick back, turn and kick again, then I see him.


  He stands rubbing his leg staring at me. ‘Hello Beth.’

  Someone grabs me from behind, I try to kick but he’s strong.

  ¿Qué debo hacer con ella? (What shall I do with her?)

  Nick stands staring at me. ‘Ponla en el auto.’ (put her in the car)


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