The Alien's Challenge: A SciFi Alien Warrior Romance (Drixonian Warriors Book 6)

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The Alien's Challenge: A SciFi Alien Warrior Romance (Drixonian Warriors Book 6) Page 1

by Ella Maven

  The Alien’s Challenge

  Drixonian Warriors #6

  Ella Maven

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2020 by Ella Maven

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means.

  Copyedited by Del’s Diabolical Editing

  Cover design by Natasha Snow

  First edition September 2020


  There’s someone out there for everyone.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  The Alien’s Equal


  About the Author



  He skated his fangs down the side of her neck, barely scratching the surface, and the pleasurable sting of the scrape throbbed in her clit. His fingers tangled in her hair to keep her throat bared to him while he held her wrists in an iron grip with his other hand. She was trapped, unable to move, absolutely at his mercy—and it only made her wetter.

  “Please,” she gasped.

  “That’s it,” he growled as he licked the sensitive skin below her ear. “Beg me.”

  She gasped as his fingers released her hair only to travel to her aching breasts where he toyed with a nipple while the cool, gold of his rings raised goosebumps on her flesh—

  “No!” I groaned and slammed down my Planet Torin version of a pencil. “No rings, Tabitha, for fuck’s sake.” I licked my thumb and erased the words, but I could still see the faint ghosting of the letters on the pamphlet, taunting me. Only one Drixonian wore a full set of rings, like a freaking mob boss, and I hated how badass they looked on his blue skin.

  I glared at my paper and kept writing.

  Once he finished with the pink nipple, leaving it smarting and distended, his hand slipped around to her back, where it coasted over her round ass. He gave one cheek a firm slap, and she moaned against the wall he’d pressed her against. Continuing lower, he slid his hand between her cheeks before plunging two thick fingers into her pussy.

  She cried out as he slammed in her, up to his knuckle, pressing deep. He held her like that, not moving, with her wrists still pinned, and then viciously twisted his fingers. Her legs trembled with the need to come, but she wanted more, needed more…

  “Ready to beg yet?” He taunted her, and she gushed on his hand at the words. Any other time, any other male, and she would have smacked him. But not this one, not the big male with the charming smile and the violet purple eyes. “Beg for my cock.” His thumb pressed at her back entrance, and she went wild, writhing against him like a wanton thing. “Beg. Me.”

  “Please,” she whimpered, so close but not quite there. Not without his thick pierced cock. “Please, Xavy.”

  “No!” I wailed and with a vicious thrust, snapped the pencil in half over my knee. I flopped onto my desk, flinging my head onto my folded arms.

  This was not working. I had a good streak of super sexy stories for the girls to read, but lately I couldn’t get stupid Xavy out of my head. No matter what I wrote, I could no longer picture characters I made up, but only him and me in the throes of passion.

  I was tired of it. I didn’t have my fun vibrating toys on this damn planet so getting off wasn’t as fun or easy as it used to be, so I walked around in a perpetual state of sexual frustration. Me. Tabitha Markel. On Earth, I’d had my pick of frat boys, nerd boys, and jock boys on my college campus. Easy peasy to get a little something and if no one caught my eye, I headed home to my vibrator.

  Now, I had nothing but a Drixonian warrior I wanted to hump like a dog who charmed everyone but me. Ridiculously unfair. He had the best smile, fangs and all, and when he let that tongue out of his mouth during mealtimes, I swore I saw heaven.

  But that tongue wasn’t mine. That thick cock I longed to see wasn’t mine. His smiles weren’t even for me. So, I was reduced to writing fantasies about him like a creeper. Tabitha Markel was not a creeper. I was a go-getter. I got what I wanted. And I wanted Xavy.

  I didn’t need forever or all the fated mate stuff and a baby. I just wanted a good dicking. Was that too much to ask? It didn’t help all my friends were mostly mated except me and Justine, and all they talked about was how satisfied they were. Even Naomi, who arrived on an alien planet a virgin, snagged her a mate and was getting laid on the regular.

  A knock sounded at my door, and I shoved my paper and broken pencil into my desk drawer. “Come in!” I called out.

  My door opened and a blue head peeked in, their sparking purple eyes peering at me. “You busy?”

  I smiled and stood, my mood immediately lightening. “Never too busy for you, Hap.”

  He smiled, and it felt so damn good to see him smile, that my eyes threatened to water. I sniffed and stepped forward, hugging his solid body tightly. There were a few weeks there where I had worried I’d never get my friend back. On top of the guilt he felt over not being able to defend us against an enemy clavas, he’d been injured severely.

  Even now, he didn’t have full use of his left arm. But under the care of Shep, the Drixonian’s eldest healer, he’d regained his confidence—and he’d found love. Seriously. Even Hap had gotten his happily ever after with Shep.

  I’d suggested to Justine we follow their lead and hook up, and she’d rolled her eyes at me. I took that as a maybe.

  “How’s my bestie?” I asked as he returned my hug with his good arm.

  His eyes were brighter than I’d ever seen them, even before his injury. Love looked good on him. “Working on a new project for Shep. I’m making him a set of drawers on wheels for storing and transporting his supplies. I took a break because my hand was cramping.” He flexed his injured arm. “Thought I’d come see what you’re up to.”

  Hap was an excellent furniture maker. He hadn’t quite realized the depth of his skills until we described Earth-type designs and he went above and beyond. We all had beautiful bureaus and desks. But the most gorgeous creation he’d ever made were the matching wrist cuffs he’d whittled for himself and Shep to symbolize loks. I loved them and what they represented.

  “Where’s Shep?” I retreated to my desk and popped a few pieces of fruit in my mouth. Hap sank down on the edge of my pallet and ran his palm over the furs. My room was tucked into a row of homes the Night Kings had built us women after we’d arrived. I did my best to decorate it like my college apartment—bright colors and tacked up “posters” of drawings Justine had done. I could have done with a Jason Momoa poster, but beggars couldn’t be choosers.

  “He’s in a meeting with the council.”

  My eyebrows rose. “Really?”

  He nodded. “He seemed … distracted yesterday, and then today Tark asked him to come to the meeting.”

  I grimaced. “This entire situation makes me anxious.”

  Hap’s complexion paled slightly. “You and me both.”

  For the last
week, the mostly quiet and peaceful home of the Night Kings had been overrun with all the Drixonian clavases left on Torin. After their Uprising from the exploitative Uldani, they all separated into gang-like motorcycle clubs with their own leaders and hierarchy.

  But Daz, the Night Kings drexel and mate to my friend Frankie, decided the only way to beat the Uldani once and for all was to unite. So, they all came here. Outside my door was a massive blue sausage party, and I wasn’t allowed to participate.

  Daz didn’t trust every Drixonian, despite their strict She is All creed, so he requested all of us females remain behind closed doors as much as possible. I hated it and spent most of my time staring out my window, waving at random warriors until Daz or Ward growled at me.

  I really didn’t want to think about what was coming, especially when I looked outside to see warriors training for war.

  “How’s writing?” Hap asked.

  I welcomed the change of subject, but not to that topic. “Writer’s block. I’ll get over it.”

  He squinted at me. “Are you writing about Xavy again?”

  “No!” I blurted out. Much too loud. Much too fast.

  Hap hid a laugh behind his hand.

  I rushed over and hit him in the face with a pillow. “You jerk!”

  He fell back on the bed, not because I hit him so hard, but because he couldn’t hold in his laughter anymore. He pulled me down with him, and we wrestled for a bit with me digging my blunt nails into his ribs and him tickling me until we both flopped onto the furs out of breath.

  Hap smiled and ran a finger down the bridge of my nose. “You know, Xavy has always been nice to me. He’s nice to everyone. But once we started becoming friends, I could tell he wasn’t happy with me. He wasn’t rude—that’s not his way. But he went out of his way to avoid me.”

  “What?” This was brand new information. “No way.”

  “Yep, and then I came back mated to Shep, and now he’s once again my best friend.”

  “You’re saying you think he was jealous of you?”

  “Jealous of how close we are, yes.”

  I pressed my lips together, thinking. Hap and I had been fast friends, even before we could communicate. He reminded me of a young, cute Tom Holland in alien form. He was sweet and gentle and didn’t growl like the rest of them.

  As soon as the Drix installed my language implant, Hap and I had been attached at the hip. He got me, and I got him. When he was hurt, I’d been devastated, and I worried every minute he was gone with Shep. I’d never been more relieved to see him come back smiling and the happiest he’d ever been. Shep doted on him, and Hap deserved it.

  “I don’t get it,” Hap said, rolling onto his back and staring at the ceiling. “Xavy does whatever he wants—makes his own spirits and goes on reckless rides with Sax. He blurts out whatever he thinks. But yet when it comes to you, he won’t take what he wants.” Hap turned his head to look at me. “Don’t you think that’s odd?”

  “I think you’re reading too much into it.” I rose to a sitting position.

  Hap’s eyes followed my movements. He hesitated before saying softly. “Maybe I am.”

  “I’m fine. I have my writing, my girls, and you.” I spread my arms out to my sides. “That’s all I need.”

  Hap sat up and wrapped his good arm around me. “You’ll always have me, Tab.”

  “I know.” I hugged him back then shoved him to his feet. “Now go. Break time’s over. Finish your lover’s gift.”

  “And what are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to write some more. Freshen up before the big party tonight.” Finally, finally, we were being let out of our cages. As long as we each had a Night Kings escort, we were allowed to spend the night around the fire eating snacks and drinking Xavy’s spirits. I intended to get a little toasted, which didn’t take long with his homemade brew.

  Tonight, was a celebration of the clavases coming together, and I heard rumors it was also a reward to all the warriors for enduring their training before the war. That word sent shivers down my spine.

  “Who’s your escort?” Hap asked.

  I shrugged. “Don’t know yet. I’m supposed to be ready when the sun begins to set.”

  “I’ll see you out there. Don’t drink too much. Xavy apparently made something special for tonight.”

  I tapped my fingers together and grinned. “I see.”

  Hap rolled his eyes. “See you soon,”

  “Bye Hap.” I waved as he walked out the door, shutting it softly behind him.

  I sighed and stared at my desk, wondering if I should try to write again. Then I decided to hell with it. I’d take a nap. And dream about a purpled-eyed charmer who wanted nothing to do with me.



  I hated meetings. Of course, I never told anyone that, but I spent every single one jiggling my leg under the table, barely able to resist the moment I could stand and get the fleck out of there.

  I liked action. I liked doing. While I understood how important these meetings were, it didn’t mean I liked them. I preferred to get my orders and carry them out. Fast. Sitting and talking was not my thing. Moving and doing was.

  My leg shook as we sat at the large council table while Nero read his report. Sax shot me a dark look. I stilled it but compensated by tapping my fingers against my thigh.

  Daz loved meetings because he was a leader who was born to delegate. He’d managed to consolidate all the clavases in record time and convinced their drexels he should remain at the head of the table. After some grumblings and a few scuffles, Daz had come out the victor.

  And really, with the information Nero continued to uncover, they hadn’t needed much convincing. The Uldani had flecked us, and would always fleck us, unless we beat them once and for all.

  The agreement Daz had made with the former drexels was that once we gained independence, they could once again separate and maintain control of their own clavases. The unity would remain as long as the final war, and after that, we could disband as we saw fit.

  As for Night Kings? We’d follow Daz to the ends of the galaxy.

  A knock sounded at the door just as Nero wrapped up his report. Ward opened it, and Tark stepped through, Shep at his back.

  “I brought Shep to talk about that information I mentioned.” Tark moved out of the way to wave Shep ahead of him.

  Daz nodded. “Come in. Take a seat.”

  Shep moved so fluidly with his cane I often forgot he had it. He took a seat and propped it at his side, face flushed and eyes bright. Ever since he’d found his second mate in Hap, he walked with less weight on his shoulders. He seemed younger.

  I assumed that was what happiness did to a person. I wouldn’t know. My fingers curled into a fist on my leg as I thought of bright eyes, soft curves, and laughter. I’d never get that happiness because I was messed up in the head. I wouldn’t touch one purple hair on her head. Ever.

  I cleared my dark thoughts. Now wasn’t the time to mourn what I couldn’t have.

  “Tark filled me in on your plans,” Shep said. “I know there is a great concern for the Uldani’s technology and long-range weapons.”

  “If we don’t find a way to disable them, we’ll be dead before we ever get close to Alazar.” Ward pounded a fist on the table.

  “Right,” Shep breathed. “Unless … we could get close without detection.”

  “How are we going to do that?” Gar snorted. “Turn ourselves invisible?”

  Shep turned his head closely and looked Gar square in the eye. “We won’t. But I know who can.”

  The room went still. I sucked in a breath and held it as Shep leaned back in his chair. He had everyone’s attention now. And he knew it. “We’re not the only ones who would like to see the Uldani fall…”

  My fingers itched to get inside the cruiser which now sat safely inside our walls. Gar and Naomi had recently uncovered one of our spacecrafts, which we had thought all along to be destroyed, in an underground Ul
dani hideout. Gar had blown his way out and managed to hide the cruiser until we could send a team to safely retrieve it.

  Nero and his team had since been working on it so it would be in top condition when we would need it.

  Turned out we needed it sooner than we thought. As in tomorrow. And I was going to be the one to drive it. Just me, because we didn’t dare waste one more body on what could likely be a suicide mission.

  I strode toward my hut, eager to break out the spirits for the bonfire feast tonight. At least the pre-planned party would see me off in style, even though no one but the inner circle knew. It had to stay that way. What I was about to do could blow up in our faces, and the rest of the Drixonians could always plead I was some rogue warrior if I failed spectacularly.

  I was eager to sit down in that cockpit, grip the wheel in my hands, and feel the steady hum of the powerful machine all around me. That was what I was born to do, what I’d been training for since I could walk. I never got the chance. Now, I’d get a shot at my birthright.

  A flash of purple caught my eye, and I had to catch myself not to stop and stare. Tabitha. The one reason why the thought of leaving squeezed my lungs painfully until I couldn’t catch my breath. I glanced over to see her talking to Naomi and Gar.

  I disliked the idea of the females outside at the feast tonight, but I also understood they’d been cooped up for a long time. And now I’d get a chance to watch Tabitha from afar one last night. I swallowed, my gaze roaming from the top of her hair down to her bare toes.


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