Trading with the Boys: A Reverse Harem Romance

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Trading with the Boys: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 5

by Krista Wolf

  I’d wanted her for years. At first it’d been merely a far-flung fantasy, but as manhood stole over us I realized exactly how much of a woman she really was. She was on the younger side too, and that helped make her almost attainable. And now at long last here she was, finally kneeling between my legs. Sucking the soul out of me on the very same chair I’d sat in so many years ago, wondering what something like this might feel like.

  There were a lot of things I wanted to do to this woman. Right now however, I was focused solely on what she was doing to me.


  I relaxed, letting my fingers play with the silk-like softness of her hair. She was playing with my balls now. Rolling them in her fingers, while running her other hand over my taut, trembling stomach.

  That last part’s for her.

  I smiled inwardly, realizing how much she needed what we were doing. If I was right, it had been a while since she’d done something like this. Probably a long while.

  But damn… she was still so fucking good at it.

  I looked down, to get the visual. To burn the image of this beautiful woman’s face in my brain. It was already there, just not like this. It was such a turn-on, watching her. Listening to her…

  At the last moment I stiffened, giving her ample warning I was going to come. To her credit, Serena took me even deeper. She swallowed me to the root, making her lips tight while still rolling my balls in her warm fist. The move flung me past the point of no return. Whatever resolve or restraint I had left shattered into a million pieces.


  I roared like an animal, filling her mouth with pulse after pulse of my hot, sticky seed. Serena swallowed it eagerly without missing a beat. She took everything I had, straight down her tender throat. She didn’t stop until she was sure I was finished, and even then she made an obscenely incredible show of licking and sucking every last inch of me clean.

  The whole thing left in me a sleepy but euphoric daze. I lay there basking in the afterglow, enjoying the feel of her warm face cuddling against my bare thigh. I wondered what in the world I’d done right to deserve such an unforgettable experience. Maybe patience really was a virtue after all.

  I pulled her up and into my lap, cradling her against me in the silence. Again, there weren’t any words. Words would’ve just got in the way.

  Then I stood up, put myself back together, and winked at her from the doorway on my way out.



  “Yes, of course I’ll do it! Hang on a sec…”

  I scrambled frantically for a pen, practically ransacking the house until I got to the desk in my office. It was one of the unspoken laws of the universe: how your need for any writing implement always seemed inversely proportional to the importance of whatever you needed to jot down.

  “Mmm-hmm. Yes, I know it’s short notice, it’s still good on my end.” I wrote down the details, one by one. “Sure, just text me the address, that’ll be fine.”

  It seemed pretty straightforward, so there wasn’t much to remember. By the time I hung up I was already looking at the weather forecast. My mind was running through a checklist of equipment I needed to bring, one that seemed to include everything just in case.

  “Got a fish on the line?” my friend called in from just outside. She was in the backyard still, sprawled out on my patio set. We’d been sipping on Starbucks together. Watching the dragonflies.

  “Not just on the line but hooked,” I answered her, after hanging up. “Their wedding is Saturday. They’re desperate.”

  “Saturday?” Ginny asked. “As in this Saturday?”

  “Uh huh.”


  Already my mind was running a mile a minute. I’d been an amateur photographer since junior high, when my parents had given me a cutting-edge Olympus for Christmas. Since then I’d learned everything I could about photography. And more specifically, digital editing.

  “So what kind of gig is it?”

  “It’s a backyard wedding,” I admitted, “kind of informal. Sixty or so guests. They plan on getting married at the beach, then heading back to the house for a clambake.”

  “A clambake?” laughed Ginny.

  “Hey, I don’t plan the weddings,” I told her. “I just shoot them.”

  So far I’d been hired as a photographer a grand total of four times, and paid for only two of them. But my finished products were good. Each time I presented my photos they were well-received. I’d even put the last one in album format, which the couple had loved.

  I’d have to switch Saturday’s shift with Maria, but that was okay because Maria loved working weekends. The tips were generally higher, and it gave her more time to spend with her fiancé — who also worked weekends — during the week.

  “Alright,” said Ginny. “Go back to what you were saying about the basement.”

  “Oh, yeah…” In all the excitement, I’d almost forgotten. “I’ve got a construction guy. Cole.”

  “A cute construction guy?” Ginny interjected.


  “How cute?”

  I paused for a moment. “More hot than cute. Think Vin Diesel hot.”

  “Ohhh,” Ginny cooed. “That is hot.”

  “So yeah, he might be doing the basement over so I can get it rented. In fact if everything goes well, he’ll be the one renting it.”

  Ginny looked back at me skeptically. “Wait. I thought you didn’t have any money?”

  “I don’t.”

  “So how’s this going to—”

  “He’s remodeling the basement by putting up his own money,” I said flatly. “And then for the next six or eight months, he’ll live down there rent free.”

  “So… you’re stuck with him.”

  “I guess so, yeah.”

  “This cute, hot guy who looks like Vin Diesel.”

  “Back tattoos and everything.”

  My friend smiled and sighed, perhaps envisioning the movie star. We’d watched most of the Riddick movies together. We knew the score.

  “So this is good news, huh?” she reiterated. “You’ll get rental income! And you’ll finally get to sell all that stupid crap Eric left downstairs.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “It’ll be good to—” I abruptly stopped. “Wait. Sell?”

  “Sure,” Ginny urged. “It’s not all crap, right? Your ex had about a million hobbies, from what I remember. I’ve been down there with you. There’s a kayak down there, some fishing gear…”


  “Paintball guns,” Ginny went on. “You know how expensive those are? Plus all that camping gear, the bicycles, the golf clubs, the video game stuff…”

  “Those things are all Eric’s,” I interrupted. “I can’t just sell them.”

  “Well then what the hell were you going to do with them?”

  I shrugged helplessly. “I don’t know. Probably put them in a storage unit?”

  My only friend from the neighborhood laughed. “Do you know how much it costs to rent a storage unit each month? And how long are you going to keep it going? He’s been gone almost three years now.”

  Shit. I actually hadn’t thought of any of that. I understood I’d need to clear out the basement, I just never thought for a second—

  “The asshole left you here, remember?” Ginny said, an angry edge to her voice. “High and dry. He sent you divorce papers from Greece.”


  “Whatever!” My friend threw up her arms. “Has he even asked about his stuff? Sent for anything?”

  “No,” I said. “And no.”

  “Well then it’s high time for a pretty kickass garage sale,” Ginny smirked. “Don’t you think?”

  I thought about all the stuff Eric abandoned, including me. It would be almost cathartic to let it go. I could use Facebook marketplace, or that Ebay consignment store that just opened up. Anything left, I could sell right out of the driveway.

  “That’s actually pretty good,” I
admitted. “Not only do I get rid of the stuff in the basement, but I actually turn a profit.”

  “See?” Ginny grinned, patting herself on the back. “I’m a genius.” She sipped her coffee like she’d just won something. “You might even have some money to throw at your basement renovation.”

  I nodded, already counting dollar signs. “Or maybe even the mechanic.”


  “The guy fixing my car.”

  My friend shifted forward, leaning over the table.

  “You have a guy tuning up your basement and a guy fixing your car?” she asked.

  Just then the roar of a lawnmower split the afternoon silence. A few seconds later, Jacob went flying by the kitchen’s bay window on his high-speed stand-up machine.

  “And a guy doing my lawn,” I chuckled satisfactorily.

  For the next few minutes we watched together, as my ripped, dirty blond landscaper criss-crossed my front yard. He’d already taken his shirt off. It was brutally hot outside today.

  “Damn Serena,” Ginny breathed. “I think I need your life.”

  “My life is lonely,” I said without missing a beat. “And you just got back from Barbados after a whole week with your boyfriend.”

  She giggled. “Touché.”

  I raised my coffee her way and smiled. “So you can fuck right off.”

  Jacob rolled past the window again, slicking his hair back with one bulging arm. The muscles flared near his ribcage, as his stomach went taut.

  “Think he’s doing this on purpose?” Ginny laughed.

  “I wouldn’t doubt it,” I smirked. “He could probably use something cold to drink, though.”

  I went to the fridge and grabbed two frosty water bottles. My stomach was already twisted in a knot of anticipation.

  “Be right back. Gonna bring him these.”

  “Sure you don’t want me to do it?” Ginny asked, standing halfway.

  “You’ve got a boyfriend,” I pointed out.

  My friend shrugged. “What’s that got to do with anything?”

  “And you’re salivating.”

  With a relenting sigh, she settled back into her chair and grinned. “Maybe I just have hyperactive saliva glands.”

  I laughed on my way out the kitchen door. “And maybe you’re full of shit.”



  It was incredible, how sexy it was just watching him swallow. How the simple act of drinking water could bring out every panty-dropping feature of my landscaper’s sexy body, from his corded, grass-covered arms to his clean-shaven jawline.

  “Man,” he said, dumping the last half of the second bottle over his head. “That really hit the spot.”

  The water cascaded downward, beading along his high cheekbones. It dripped onto his bare shoulders and ran down his chest.

  “You want more?” I asked helpfully. “There’s more.”

  He shot me a wink. “I could always use more.”

  We were at our spot again, near the back corner of the yard. He took a step in my direction again. Without realizing it, I took a step toward ‘our’ tree.


  I knew what he wanted because I wanted it too. I’d been thinking about it ever since last time.

  “Now?” I asked, registering the look in his eye. “Here?”

  “You’re not paying cash, so that’s my payment,” he shrugged. “I cut your lawn, you give me a kiss.”

  My pulse quickened. Already I was on the verge of sweating, and I’d just gotten outside.

  “Seem fair?”

  “I— I guess.”

  “You’re due for two weeks worth, by the way,” he smiled fiendishly. “I missed seeing you when I came to cut last week.”

  “Sorry,” I apologized. “I was working that day.”


  He tilted his head and leaned in, closing the space between us. His handsome face was young and flush and alive.

  “My friend’s inside,” I said abruptly, lowering my voice for no particular reason. “She’ll see.”


  “So!” I hissed. “I can’t let her see this! I mean…”

  His eyes locked on mine, destroying my resolve. They were big and bright and full of lust, practically exploding with the color of the sky.

  “Fine,” I murmured. “Come back here though, where no one can see.”

  I took three steps backwards into the woods, and Jacob followed. Twigs snapped beneath our feet. As we disappeared behind the first line of trees, I could feel my excitement growing. Excitement… and arousal. No longer did I feel like an innocent doe being chased by some sexy hunter. Instead, I felt almost like I was the one doing the hunting.

  “Come here…”

  I beckoned him over with a crooked finger, then slid my arms over his shoulders. Our bodies drew close, like two magnets being pulled together. We melded into one another as if made for exactly that purpose, and I actually swooned as Jacob crushed me again in his two big arms.


  Seconds later we were kissing like two teenagers who’d been the first ones to discover the act. There were whimpers and sighs. Warm, wandering hands. Our tongues dueled hotly, as I gave in to the exquisitely satisfying pleasure of being really, really bad.

  Are you, though?

  Jacob’s hands slid to my ass, ending whatever internal debate there might have been. He squeezed me tight there, and I responded by moaning into his mouth. His hands were so big and strong! I imagined all the manual labor it took for them to get that way. How many holes he had to dig, how many lawns he had to cut while gripping tightly to the mower’s handle.

  At the same time though, his touch was still surprisingly gentle. Before I knew it, Jacob’s hands separated. One slid upward, finding its way under my shirt and over my bra. He gave my breast a loving yet tentative squeeze, with much more in the way of reservations than he had with my ass. But his other hand…

  His other hand slid downward and inward, through my thigh gap. Trapped between the warmth there, I could feel the definitive pressure of the landscaper’s fingers as they sawed gently against the bottom of my throbbing sex…

  Holy shit.

  Alarm bells flashed through my mind — a sure warning that I was going too far. This was more than just kissing. A lot more than the scope of our fun little agreement.

  “Okay…” I whispered, reluctantly pulling back. “That’s enough… for now.”

  Jacob looked as disappointed as I was, maybe even more. “For now, huh?” he angled. “What about later?”

  Turning an all new shade of red, I smirked back at him. “You just got two whole weeks’ worth of payment,” I pointed out. “Maybe even three or four.”

  “Yeah, well maybe I can’t get enough of this,” he said plainly. Looking me up and down, he grinned. “You neither.”



  I pulled up to the house again, noticing it looked a lot different than it did the last time. And that’s because this time around, it seemed like the house had thrown up all over the driveway.

  Or more accurately, the basement.


  The entire driveway and most of the lawn was covered in a colorful array of just about everything. No fewer than a dozen people milled around, picking things up and putting them down. Some had stuff pinned beneath one arm, holding it there as they browsed the rest.

  I parked across the street and grabbed a few things from the truck I knew I’d need on day one. Halfway to the front door, I ran into Serena.

  “Boy you weren’t kidding,” I chided her.

  “About what?”

  “When you said you were clearing out the basement, you really meant it.”

  She smiled, squinting into the sun. Somehow it made her face even more beautiful.

  “Yeah, well when you agreed to the job I remember you saying something about needing a clean slate.”

  “Yup,” I affirmed. “I definitel
y did say that.”

  “And here you go.”

  She extended one lovely arm and swept it wide, looking like a hostess from one of those afternoon game shows my parents had been so addicted to watching. Most of all, my mom.

  Love you, mom.

  My smile turned bittersweet. My mother had been gone more than a year now, though it somehow still seemed like yesterday. There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think about her, and that was fine by me.

  “So how much for the surfboard?” I asked, pointing. Standing behind Serena, leaning against the house, was a big orange tri-fin with colorful trim.

  “This old thing?” she said, thumping it. “Actually, it’s never been used. My ex bought it, shoved it in the basement, and never took a single surfing lesson.”

  “Sounds stupid,” I grunted.

  “He sure was,” confirmed Serena. She looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. “Do you surf?”

  “Not even a little bit,” I laughed. “But I always wanted to learn.”

  “Well consider it yours then,” my new employer told me. She swept an arm again, grandly. “Take it.”

  ”I can’t just take it,” I snorted. “I’ll buy it from you if you tell me how mu—”

  “Cole, can I ask you something?” she interjected.


  “Are you doing me a favor?”

  The question didn’t make sense at first. Eventually though, I nodded. “You mean by taking on the reno?”

  “I mean by taking on the reno with zero money up front,” she said frankly. “Not a lot of contractors would’ve done that. Most of them would’ve laughed in my face, actually.”

  “Yeah, well I’m not most contractors.”

  “No,” she confirmed, and I thought I caught her eyes sweeping me up and down. “You’re definitely not. And that’s why I want you to take the surfboard. Consider it just a small thank you gift, for helping me out.”

  Serena wasn’t just smiling now, she was beaming. It lit up her whole beautiful face. It didn’t make sense that she’d been married to David’s father. She seemed way too young, and far too cute.


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