
Home > Fantasy > Spurned > Page 21
Spurned Page 21

by R. Moses

  Chapter Twenty

  Kara heard Malone's sharp voice over the throngs. “Kara!”

  She ducked around a gaggle of clowns and past a broken wagon to find Malone, who was boasting bloodshot eyes and sweaty hair. She said, “Your tent is ready.”

  Kara nodded, curious about her new tent. She had inherited the dead knife thrower's supplies and living quarters, sparing her the expense and bother of hunting all this down herself.

  She followed Malone and smiled at her thoughtfulness when she saw where her tent was placed. Tents and wagon houses were arranged according to rank at the carnival. Her tent was between Icari's and Tristie's, the snake charmer, neither of which were giving her the cold shoulder of late.

  Her own tent was a dull brown affair, patched with random colors too faded to tell their original hue. It was double the size of her old one. Malone lifted the flap and ducked in with her. She turned to face Kara. “Now some's squeamish about being placed beside Tristie because of the vipers. But you're not squeamish or stupid, so I figured you did not mind being next to her.”

  “Not at all. She's quiet and from what I've heard, not one of her snakes has ever escaped. Right?”

  “Right. Good to see a few people here have a bit of sense. Now, Icari's taught you about drawing a crowd, right?”


  “You've never had stage fright?”

  “Never had a chance to.”

  “Well, we'll find out soon enough if you do.” Malone pointed to a grimy trunk in the front corner of the tent. It had a large board tucked behind it. “There are your props. Your first show will be on Monday. We wanted to start today, but had a lot of strange delays. So no Friday, Saturday, or Sunday shows. You're in a lot of luck. Three days off is unheard of. You'd better enjoy it, because you'll be doing six shows a night. That's hard for a new performer.”

  Kara could not believe her good fortune. She had all day today to finalize her plans about approaching her father...

  Her stomach clutched against her spine in fear and hope.

  Malone was already turning back towards the exit. She looked over her shoulder. “Don't worry about the rumors. I know who is the thief, and I know why she is thieving. So does Hither. And he's all that really counts around here.”

  “Thank you.” Kara was touched.

  Malone gave her a curious frown. She said, “I think Hither has big plans for you. I don't know exactly what they are.”

  Great, she thought. Big plans for my life as a carny.

  Aloud, she said, “Thank you again for believing in me, Malone.”

  She nodded and withdrew, and less than a minute later, Kara heard her shouting at one of the cooks. She smiled and shook her head. I wouldn't trade places with that woman for the world. It must be a nightmare keeping this whole thing running.

  She wandered over to her trunk as she realized she had forgotten to ask about an assistant. She still had not found out who was her assistant, or if she even had one. Was part of making the act different her going at it alone or calling up members of the audience? And how could she train over the next couple of days without anyone to work with? She was beginning to suspect Hither was up to something. It seemed strange to hire someone on for a knife throwing act out of the blue, someone who had never applied for the position, then not give them a clue if they would work with anyone...

  She heard a cough outside her tent and called, “Come in.”

  Icari and Lyla stepped in and waved. Lyla smelled like horses and elephants, a musky, rich scent. Icari smelled like hot silk. Kara had talked Lyla into letting her cut her hair and wrapping her head with one of Icari's plain black scarves. She looked much better without a clumpy, stringy mess on her head. She was actually stunning cleaned up. Kara had noticed quite a few carnies giving her lingering glances lately.

  She asked, “Lyla, would you like to stay in my tent with me? It's kind of lonely without you.”

  Lyla inclined her head gravely. “I am deeply honored you would ask. I accept.”

  Kara exhaled slowly. She had not even noticed she was holding her breath. She did not want Lyla stuck in a tent with Naomi right now. All of her trust in her former friend had evaporated.

  “Great. Do you want to go ahead and bring your stuff?” Kara had given her a spare blanket and outfit, though Lyla denied any shoes. She preferred bare feet, so Kara had not pressed the issue. Icari had given her quite a few scarves to wrap her head in.

  Lyla disappeared out of the tent, a dreamy smile on her face. Icari said, “I am glad she is with us.”

  “Me too. She needs looking after, and I want her here for peace of mind.” She looked up at him and noticed again how handsome he was, with those high cheekbones and full lips...

  A twinge of shame cramped her admiration. Had she never noticed because she was too busy mooning over Vayne? Whatever veil had been lifted from her, she was seeing Icari in a whole new light.

  He leaned down and whispered into her ear. “Vayne's tent is four down from my own, so five from yours. Be wary.”

  “I can handle him.”

  “With that rhone he is taking, he could crack your skull between his hands. Sleep with at least one knife on you. Ask Lyla to do the same.”

  She nodded, knowing he was right. She slept with her knife anyway.

  “If he ever sneaks in here with dishonorable intentions, scream. I will hear you and come.” He grasped her arm firmly. His wide blue eyes sought hers. “I would never forgive myself if something were to happen to you.”

  She swallowed back a sharp retort. She knew he meant well, but she had survived being a female slave for most of her life. She knew how to protect herself from unwelcome advances as much as any woman could. His concern was not meant to be patronizing, but her pride was seeing it that way.

  “I promise,” she murmured, still caught in his gaze. “He will not hurt me or Lyla.”

  A tension arced between the two of them, a connection. She sensed it with tingling nerves, saw his face relax, his lids lower. He wanted to kiss her, she could feel it...

  And she wanted to kiss him back. She tilted her head and leaned into him.

  His lips parted and he hesitated.

  Then he drew back and turned away. He said casually, “We should get something to eat before I help you with your act. Unless Malone has told you who you will be working with.”

  She stood there, her heart thudding, hurt and disappointed. She was confused about what just happened. Had she made a fool of herself, misjudging his intent?

  Kara swallowed against the sudden thickness in her throat. “Let's go.”


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