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by Huss, JA

  at least two or three times a day. They are always soft, always on the lips, and she always sighs when she’s done.

  More conditioning.

  No. Not conditioning. It has an actual term. Ax told me what it was on Christmas Day. It’s called… grooming.

  She’s been grooming me. I’m just not sure what I’m being groomed for. And I want to have a little panic attack right now, but I can’t afford to. So far, Leela has been good to me. She’s a very talented brainwasher. I will give her that. And I am always on guard. But I cannot ignore the fact that she hasn’t used violence to control me.


  And the reason she hasn’t used violence is because I’m compliant. I do not kiss her back, but I don’t stop her either. And in her mind, that’s permission.

  And maybe it is. But I’ve come this far and I’m not going anywhere until I get my answers.

  She pulls out of the kiss and sighs. Then she leans in to me and places her forehead against mine. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you tonight, Cadee.”

  “I know.” I say it softly and do my best to mean it.

  She pulls back. “OK, then.” She gathers herself. “Let’s get this dress on and get you over to the tomb.”

  “Wait. What about the party at the inn?”

  “Oh, you’re not going to that, sweetie. That’s for Cooper.”

  “What about Isabella?”

  “We’ll see.”

  I smile at her. I project calm and composure.

  But inside, it takes every ounce of self-control I have not to panic.

  Something is happening and now I wish I had not used the safe word. Keeping Cooper away was necessary so I could spend time cementing Leela’s trust in me, but I feel like I’m missing something and it starts and ends with Cooper.

  We have been very sneaky and we have a plan.

  But these people have been playing this game for two hundred years and they have come out ahead every single time.

  The odds are not in our favor.


  Everything about my New Year’s Eve is planned. I’m assigned a valet who arrives around six PM to help me get ready for tonight. He comes with a suit and hangs it up on a rack. Then he carefully lays out the cufflinks and tie I was gifted after the harvest ritual. And I add the tie clip to it since it matches.

  I haven’t seen or talked to Isabella for five days and Cadee for seven. I’ve called Isabella four times today, but she didn’t pick up. And she hasn’t answered any of my messages. I didn’t try to see Cadee. Not after she used her safe word on me.

  Even I can take a fucking hint. But the real reason is that I’ve been very wrapped up in my own life. Jack has kept me relentlessly busy with that fucking Capstone project, so I’ve hardly been home.

  Victor and I really messed up the grounds around the tomb in the woods looking for the elusive Fang and Feather secrets they thought were hidden beneath it. It wasn’t the scanning that caused all the damage, it was Jack insisting that we dig the place up with a backhoe.

  Then, after my last report on Christmas Eve when I sent the equipment back, Jack said I no longer needed an assistant and made me finish the cleanup by myself.

  That was a lucky break. There were so many ways that last bit could’ve gone wrong.

  But I let it go. I have enough going wrong in the moment, there is no time to dwell on the past. Besides, that operation is in the hands of others now.

  I’m just slipping my arms into my suit coat when my father appears at the top of my stairs. He smiles at me.

  I scowl back at him. “What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to see how you were getting along. It’s your engagement party, after all. A proud moment for me.”


  My father looks at the valet and says, “Leave us. I’ll take it from here.”

  The valet bows to him, then disappears without a word.

  My father waits until the sound of the valet’s footsteps on the stairs is no longer audible, then walks over to me and straightens my coat. “Nice tie. And Mona’s clip. Fitting.”

  “How did you know I got that from Mona?” Like I need to ask. They watch everything.

  “She told me.”

  “Oh,” I say. He smiles at me and for some reason chills run up my spine. “What? Why are you here?”

  “This is a big moment for us, Cooper. You’re officially a man after tonight.”

  “Whatever, Dad. I think I need to go find Isabella.”

  “She’s already at the tomb.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I’m afraid I can’t say. But I wouldn’t worry about it.”

  “I’m not worried. But I think I’ll just skip the party and go right over to the tomb. I haven’t seen Isabella in almost a week. I miss her.”

  My father’s smile does not crack. “You have one more task to complete before we can bestow any more gifts on you, Cooper.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Jack will explain. He’s at the Alumni Inn waiting for you. I would ride with you, but I’m heading to the tomb instead. I’ll see you later, OK?” He squeezes my shoulder and again, he smiles at me. Then he hesitates. “Remember that talk we had on the porch at the beginning of the semester?”

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “It’s important that you remember it.”

  “Why are you being weird?”

  “Goodbye, Cooper.” And then he really does walk out.

  I stand there at the top of the steps, a chill suddenly running up my spine. Because everything about that conversation felt very… final.

  Something is wrong.

  I hop down the stairs and rush into the hallway. I look around, but he’s not here. Then I go to the front door and step outside into the cold. There are footsteps in the snow leading into the woods.

  I let out a breath. He went to the tomb, just like he said. Why am I freaking out?

  My phone buzzes in my pocket. The screen ID says Jack. “What?”

  “Where the hell are you? It’s nearly ten o’clock.”

  “Is Isabella there?”

  “Yes.” He says this without hesitation.

  “Can you pass her a message for me? I think she has her phone turned off.”

  “What message?”

  “Tell her to meet me at the tomb. Right now. I’m not coming to the party.”

  He’s silent for a moment. But he recovers quickly. “Cooper, she can’t leave. And I need you here to greet the alumni.”

  The alumni. Right. “Jack. You just lied to me. I know Isabella is at the tomb. Dad just told me. So what the fuck is going on and why do you need me at the inn?”

  He pauses for what seems like a very long time, but it’s probably only two or three seconds. “Lots of members are worried about you, Cooper. They don’t think you’re Fang and Claw material.

  “Since when?” My heart begins to thump erratically.

  “Never, actually. It was Father who pushed for you to be in. None of us wanted you in.”

  I take a breath and calm myself. “So. OK. What’s that mean?”

  He’s silent.


  “What do you think it means, Cooper? If you’re not with us, you’re against us.”

  Ohhh. Right. My father’s words from the beginning of rush come back to me then. He said something like… You don’t get to walk away. You have to fight your way out like everyone else. “I’m not against you, Jack.”

  He sucks in a breath of air. “I’m afraid it’s out of my hands now, Cooper. You get one more chance to prove to the Chairmen that you’re in. That you’ve got our backs.”

  Chairmen? Is there more than one? “OK. How’s that work?”

  “Just get here. You’ll see. Ten minutes, Cooper. If you’re not here in ten, we’re done with you.”

  The call drops and my father’s last words echo in my head.

  Goodbye, Cooper.

  He really did m
ean goodbye.

  The Alumni Inn is located right on the highway near the main entrance to High Court Prep. It’s decorated for a blue-blood New Year. The bare branches of the massive tulip trees have been strung with white lights and the trunks have been wrapped in blue and gold ribbon. The parking lot is filled with luxury sedans and the limos line the highway on the opposite side of the road.

  I leave my car with the valet and text Jack as I push my way past several crowds of old people.

  I’m here. Where are you?

  Room 310.

  I have an overwhelming feeling of dread as I climb the stairs and picture the last time I was here—running down the back-entrance steps with Cadee over my shoulder. I was kidnapping her, per my father’s orders. It was the day I dragged her into this world.

  It is a day I wish I could take back.

  The hallway on the third floor is busy. Lots of doors are open, people spilling out of rooms holding champagne glasses, laughing and smiling. The music from downstairs is muted, but the thumping of the bass makes it through.

  I hate this night already.

  On this night four years ago Ax, Lars, Cadee and I were outside in the woods sneaking sips of whiskey in the cold. We were laughing and smiling too. The music from inside was also muted, but the beat found its way into the bare trees.

  It was a fun night. Four friends—because at that point, that’s what we were. Four friends just hanging out. Being ourselves, enjoying each other, and looking forward to starting something new.

  And then we went our way and Cadee went hers, and nothing was ever the same again.

  We never even saw it coming.

  That’s the difference between then and now.

  Now, we know it’s coming.

  “Come in, Cooper.” Jack opens the door and waves me forward.

  Immediately, things get weird. There are several monitors on a long table under the window. Each of them has a four-view split screen from various angles. Some indoors, some outdoors. Some of them show rooms inside the inn.

  “What the fuck is this?”

  I turn away from the monitors and look at my brother. How did I get him so wrong? Am I just stupid? Or is he just that good at lying?

  “Have a seat, Cooper.” He pans his hand to the two plush chairs in the center of the room. They face each other. And it’s only now that I notice there’s no bed in here. I would never make it as a detective. My observational skills are complete shit.

  I sit and he sits across from me. “So? What do you want, Jack?”

  “It’s not what I want, Cooper. It’s what everyone wants.”

  “And that is?”

  “To make sure the right people get invited into our inner circle.”


  He leans forward and props his elbows on his knees. Then he folds his hands together and rests his chin on them. He smiles at me and a chill runs up my spine. “We’re not convinced that you’re one of those people.”

  “Me?” I point to myself. “I’m your brother. I’m the Chairman’s son. I was literally born into this fucking shit.”

  “Yeah. Kinda. But… it’s a process, Cooper. You really fucked up the summer rush. We only need six people and you stuck us with ten.”

  “Is that a problem? I mean, the dorm seems to have plenty of rooms.”

  “It is a problem because Maddie and Natasha weren’t supposed to make it.”

  “Just them? What about Roland and Jamie?”

  “They don’t really matter. But two extra girls… well, that’s an issue.”

  “What kind of issue?”

  “They’re not going to be invited in. It was always supposed to be Mona, Sophie, and Elexa.”

  “Elexa wasn’t on the list Father gave me.”

  “No, we always need a wild card. But Elexa was clearly the most motivated. None of that matters. What matters is that Maddie and Natasha need to be taken care of.”

  “Taken care of how?”

  “That’s not the point, either. Because that’s not your job. Someone else will handle it. The point is, you’ve made things difficult, Cooper. That stunt you pulled at graduation last spring was just the beginning. It wasn’t the first time you helped a girl escape, was it?”

  I try to laugh that off. “I mean, come on, Jack. Escape is kind of a strong word.”

  He cocks his head at me. “Is it?”

  “She was eighteen, she wanted a ride to the far side of the lake, and I helped her out. So what?”

  “She was inner circle. She had seen too much. Do you have any idea where she is now, Cooper?”

  I get a sinking feeling in my gut. “No.”

  “No. You don’t.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Right where she belongs.”

  Yeah. OK. I let that sink in.

  “That’s just one of many mistakes you’ve made over the years. I could go on all night if I had to list them all, but the clincher was… you failed your Capstone.”

  “How do you figure that? It’s not my fault that whatever you guys were looking for wasn’t at the tomb.”

  “Well…” He bobs his head a little. “It kinda is your fault. We had high expectations of you and you haven’t come through. But let me get to the point so we don’t waste each other’s time. We’re going to need some insurance, Cooper.”

  I suck in a deep breath. “What kind of insurance?”

  “This is what we were looking for that night you fucked Cadee on the dorm bridge. I guess I didn’t realize you were such a lightweight when it comes to drugs. You passed out, Cooper. We didn’t get enough. It’s just…” Jack smiles at me and pans his hand towards the monitors. “Not going to be enough.”

  I glance over at the monitors. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Take a good look at camera four.”

  I search the screen until I find the view labeled ‘four’. Then I lean in and squint. “What the fuck? Is that… me?”

  “Yep. That’s you, brother.”

  “But I’m not down there. I’m here. And I wasn’t in the woods tonight.”

  “Keep watching.”

  It is me, but it’s the wrong me. And I only realize why it’s wrong when I see Ax and Lars come on the screen.

  It’s us. Four years ago. This isn’t a live feed, it’s a vid.

  Cadee appears. She’s laughing. We’re all laughing. Lars dances with her, their feet kicking up snow. They kiss a little. Ax joins in from behind, kissing her neck. I lean against a tree, always willing to watch.

  I look back at Jack. “And? Is this supposed to be a threat? We didn’t do anything wrong that night. I mean, we drank a little, but who cares. I’m not sure why this is meaningful to you, but I tell you what, the level of spying this implies is disturbing.”

  Jack chuckles. “Come on, Cooper. Why do you have to be so dumb? Think. What happened four years ago on New Year’s Eve?”

  I lose time when this sinks in. I get lost somewhere in the past. I see it from another set of eyes. A set of eyes watching things play out from inside this room.

  “That’s right, Cooper. That night wasn’t about you, but this one is.” He juts his chin at the monitors again and when I glance over and recognize what he’s pointing to, I suddenly understand what kind of insurance he’s talking about.

  Because the screen I’m now looking at shows Cadee and Dane in a dark hallway. He pushes her into a room and throws her down on the floor.

  I reach over and turn the monitor off. Then I look at Jack. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “That was Dane’s insurance.” He pauses and his smile drops. “Look, I lied a little. You’re not any more of a disappointment than anyone else. This is just how it’s done, Cooper. We need insurance. Everyone has to do it.”

  “Do what, Jack? What, exactly, are you telling me to do?”

  He nods to the monitors again. And when I look I see a new group of boys out in the woods and realize this is a live feed. They are acting ver
y much like we were four years ago.

  They have a girl too. And their hands are all over her.

  “She lives in the attic apartment now. Her parents died tragically last summer. She’s been staying with one of the lower families. But tonight is the first night in her new attic apartment in the inn. And next summer she will be the Fugling. She will be the offering. She will be Cadee. And you’re going to help her get there, Coop. You’re going to help her rise. Just like Dane helped Cadee get there.”

  Blood is rushing through my head. It’s so loud, his words almost get lost.

  I wish they would get lost.

  But I hear them very clearly.

  “You are going to rape her, Cooper.”

  I’m already shaking my head.

  “You are going to rape her and I’m going to record it. And if you do this, Isabella and Cadee are yours. Forever. You will walk out of the tomb tonight and take them with you. But if you refuse, you’re out. And they stay.”

  “It wasn’t a secret, was it?”

  Jack chuckles. “Only the kids have secrets around here, Coop. The grown-ups know exactly what’s going on.”

  I am suddenly hot with rage. I grab Jack by the throat and push him backwards until he hits the wall. He’s laughing at me. Not even bothering to fight back. I lean in to him and seethe. “Who. Sent him.”

  Jack coughs a little. But doesn’t answer me.

  I slam his head against the wall. He winces from the pain, but he doesn’t stop laughing.

  “It was you, wasn’t it? It was you. You sent Dane in there to rape Cadee three years ago. Did you know I picked up her pieces? Did you plan it? Was my entire life a set up?”

  I let go of Jack’s throat and take a step back because I want him to say something. I need him to say something.

  He sucks in a long breath. “You’re part of something very big, Cooper. Something very special. But it’s not a guarantee. It comes with conditions and pledges of loyalty. And by pledges, I mean blackmail. But don’t worry, we’ve all been here, brother. We’ve all sat in this room and faced the truth. And then we all went out and did our jobs. Just like you’re going to do now. Do you really think we keep pretty little blonde girls on the edge of things because… what? We’re generous?” He laughs. “Come on. Cadee’s a part of this too. She was a plan. It was never about you. It could’ve been Lars or Ax, I guess. You’re no one special, really. But you’re the one who will…” He pauses to grin at me. Then he shrugs.


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