A Broken Jewel (Jade Book 1)

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A Broken Jewel (Jade Book 1) Page 23

by Lucy Rains

  “What brings you here, Jason?”

  “I needed to talk to you,” he shrugged like it was no big deal.

  “What’s up?”

  “I need Kyson and Alex to come in this afternoon,” Jason responded, his tone all business now.

  “You couldn’t call them?”

  “You guys did good work last night,” Jason praised, I could feel the ‘but’ coming. “The guy we took in afterwards, he made an interesting comment this morning.”

  I stiffened, leaning into Pierce.

  “He said something about a girl being with you guys.” Jason tilted his head slightly, obviously intrigued with the information. His eyes glanced over at me and back up to Pierce. “What is he talking about?”

  Pierce scoffed, attempting to give off a relaxed vibe, “You know he was completely wasted, right? Kyson looked him over last night and said his veins were pumped so full of meth, whiskey, and who knows what else. Taking him out was easy for a reason. Anything that comes out of his mouth is complete B.S.” I was impressed with the casual tone that Pierce kept while talking. I almost believed him myself.

  Jason nodded and shrugged. “Just thought I would check.” He glanced back at me with interest before taking a step backwards. His emotions changed as he looked at me, his eyes lingering.

  Pierce pulled me closer to him, “We’re going to take off for lunch, I’ll let Kyson and Alex know.”

  Pierce pushed me forward slightly and I began walking towards the passenger side. Jason nodded and left without saying anything else.

  We climbed into the cab and shut our doors quickly. Pierce wasted no time leaving the parking lot.

  I swallowed, and let out the shaky breath I had been holding. “Has he ever done that before?” I asked.


  “Shown up on campus?”

  Pierce ran a hand through his chin length hair and I noticed the quiver in his muscles. “No.”

  I nodded, expecting the answer. “He knows?” It was more of a statement then a question, but I wanted to hear Pierce’s response.

  “I think so,” he replied, twisting his fists around the steering wheel.

  “I think so too,” I said in agreement.

  Pierced looked over at me quickly, then back to the road. “Why?” His eyes wide with interest.

  I bit my bottom lip, trying to figure out how to answer.

  “Jade?” His voice held a tone of warning.

  “I felt...deception, like he was keeping something back.”

  “What else,” asked Pierce.

  Crap. He was too smart. I hesitated.

  “What else?!” His voice was almost a shout.

  I closed my eyes, “Desire.” I whispered.

  Pierce, who was usually so calm, so distinguished, pounded a fist on the steering wheel and released a groan of frustration.

  Before I knew what was happening, I unbuckled my seatbelt and slid over to the middle seat. I laid a hand on Pierce’s chest and settled my body next to his. I knew what he needed to calm down. Within seconds his breathing slowed, his fists relaxed. Our chests vibrated in rhythm.

  I thought about Pierce’s comment to Jason about last night, about how easy it had been to take down the Russian man. Easy was the complete opposite of how I would have described it. Yet, I knew when Pierce said those words, he wasn’t lying.

  “Do you still want to some lunch?” he asked.

  I didn’t respond, a realization creeping into my mind that ignited my agitation. I moved myself over to the passenger seat and stared forward.


  I cleared my throat, working hard to keep my tone calm. “ Last night…” I had to pause to take a steadying breath. “What you said to Jason…”

  Pierce looked at me and back to the road. Then back to me again. “What about-”

  “You could have taken that man out easily. Gavin could have persuaded him to drop his weapon, and you could have taken over. You didn’t need me. You…” I swallowed again. “It was a set-up, wasn't it? A test, for me? You wanted to push me, force me into reacting.”

  Pierce looked back to the road and didn’t bother turning back to me again. I waited for the guilt to come from him, like it had earlier. Waited for him to feel bad about what he had knowingly put me through. But it didn’t.

  “You needed to, Jade.”

  I closed my eyes and counted to ten, my chest heaving with each breath. I looked over his head out the window, replaying the scene in my mind. “But if he had pulled the trigger, a gunshot to the head would kill you, right?”

  “Yes. A gunshot to the head would kill any of us. We can heal, but we’re not immortal. But it would never have gotten to that point.”

  He waited for his confirmation to sink in. When I didn't respond or look at him, he let out an exasperated sigh, “You are capable of so much, we had to-”

  My eyes flew open, “You had to what? Had to screw with my mind?! Had to manipulate me?!”

  “How else are you going to know what you can do?!” He fired back at me. “Last night was bad, I get it. We put you in a terrible situation, I know. But strong people don’t have easy choices, you have to accept that. To survive in this world, in our world,” he made a circular motion with his hand to include him and me, “you have to be willing to take the shot at any moment.”

  I didn’t speak, I rested my mouth on my fist, clenching my fingers into my palm. My jaw was locked so tight I was afraid my teeth would crack

  “We’re trying to do what’s best for you, Jade. You have to believe me.”

  Pierce pulled into the driveway and put the truck into park, and kept talking despite my anger. “If things progress and we are able to put our plans into place with the lab we need you to be ready for anything.”

  The lab, of course. That's what this came down to. They were training me to participate in their plans of vengeance against the lab and my mother. I threw the door open and was ready to jump out when he latched onto my wrist. His skin burned into mine as his fingers wrapped around my thin bones. My head whipped back and I had to bite back a snarl.

  “Jade, please don’t be mad.”

  I almost laughed at his absurd plea. But the intensity of his expression froze me. His beautiful blue eyes were begging me to forgive him, to understand his reasoning. His lips were parted, waiting for me to say something. I wanted to slap him. To kiss him. To push my lips on his, and then bite him to draw blood.

  As if reading my mind, his eyes went to my mouth. My chest hummed in response and my knees began to weaken.

  Before I could succumb to that weakness, I snatched my hand away from him and slammed the truck door. Leaving Pierce in the driveway, as I went off to fester in peace.


  I let the front door slam behind me as I entered the house. Gavin, sitting on the entry couch, looked up from his phone. I ignored any expression he had or felt and kept walking, bypassing the stairs. Someone said my name from somewhere in the house but I ignored that as well.

  I didn’t stop when I reached the backdoor, yanking it open, and hurried outside.

  The yard was a typical rectangular shape lined with wooden fencing on all sides. It was small but provided a decent retreat. There were a few lounge chairs around a firepit. A cement patio overlooked a grassy yard lined with large sycamore trees for privacy from the neighbors. Small green bushes had been planted on both sides of the yard that circled the trees in rock beds. From the looks of the weeds amongst the bushes, the boys were left on their own to do their yard maintenance. The grass needed to be cut a week ago and the dead flowers in large ceramic pots by the patio hadn’t been watered in probably ever.

  The sun was uncomfortably warm but in the shade the temperature felt just right. I stood under the towering trees, listening to the leaves rustle in the breeze. The weeds that were overtaking the back edging caught my eye and I scowled. Without hesitating I kneeled down in the dark soil and began pulling. Wrapping my fingers around the base
of the noxious plants, I yanked hard. Listening to the sound of the roots leaving the soil gave a satisfaction to my brewing aggravation. Much like ripping someone’s limbs from their bodies.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid. I felt played like a box of cards. How could I of not known better? All Gavin had to do was use his persuasion ability to get the guy to lower his gun and drop his defenses. My reflexes were fast but I had no doubt that the guys reflexes were much faster. I knew they had been in the same situation many times before without me and handled it just fine. Apparently being in a room with dead bodies and gunfire made me forget that the guys were trained assassins with extra abilities to make their jobs easier.

  Over and over I pulled, continuing to chastise myself. Pissed off at Pierce, pissed off at Gavin, feeling embarrassed and angry. My fingers were brown with dirt, my nails black. Shards of overgrown grass that grew in the rocks gave me tiny cuts along my fingers. I welcomed the pain, letting it distract me from the anger that rolled around in me.

  My senses felt Pierce coming closer, his own anger drifting towards me. When I heard the back door open and then close I didn’t have to look up to know it was him. He was next to me in several strides but I ignored him and kept pulling.

  He stood there for a moment, watching me silently.

  “Unless you’re going to get dirty there is no reason for you to be out here.”

  “Look at me, Jade.”

  “Go away,” I grumbled, wrapping my fingers around a bundle of thistles that stabbed the flesh between my fingers. I yanked it out and threw it on the pile I had created. Humidity was making my hair stick to my nape and I brushed at the damp strands around my face.

  “Jade. we need to talk about this.”

  I set my hands down on the soft grass and leaned my head back to plead to the cloudless skies for patience. When I turned my head to look up into his eyes my temper spiked.

  “What do you want to talk about, Pierce?” I cocked my head, “Did you want to apologize for screwing with my head, manipulating me, and then abandoning me? Because if not, we have nothing to talk about.”

  “We never would have let anything happen to you.”

  I sat back on my heels and narrowed my eyes, “But you did! You lied to me. As if putting me into a situation I had never been in wasn’t enough, you had to make me think you were at death’s edge unless I stepped in to save you. This isn’t a game, Pierce! I am not a tool that needs sharpening for your own use.” He stood silent as I rose to my feet, and pointed a finger in his direction, my voice lowering. “And what’s more, is that you need to understand that I have not agreed to be a part of your vendetta for vengeance.”

  His eye squinted in frustration as my words sunk in. “That’s bullshit. You know it needs to be done. Hell, now knowing what you do about your past, you have to-”

  “No!” I shouted. “I don't! I don't have to do anything.”

  He took a step closer to me and leaned his head down, “You can’t argue that what they are doing there is wrong. Morally, legally, it's wrong. This isn’t about revenge. It’s about stopping these people from stealing our genetic abilities and selling them for profit. To people who wish to destroy American freedom. We need your help. We are stronger with you.”

  I looked away from him and rubbed my hands together to shake off some dirt. “So you tell me. But then you make me feel like the weak link in our chain.” I held up a hand to stop his retort. “You forced this on me without giving me a choice. This isn’t my fight and I don’t feel like I need to be apart of it. There’s no way you can even know that the clones the lab has created will even amount to anything. They are copies, and historically cloned genetics are weaker than their originals.” I paused to take a breath and calm down. “Going into this lab, from what little I can remember, and what you tell me, it's dangerous. A suicidal risk. Am I wrong?”

  Pierce’s fists open and closed, his body tight with tension. “I’m sure over time you will understand that it is for the best. Your mother was quite adamant that you would be the key piece in her research. You want to live the rest of your life knowing she could take you back there?”

  I flinched at his words, my nightmares coming back to me. The suggestion of impregnating me made me close my eyes to the threat. Still, the feelings of betrayal flooded back into my mind and I opened my eyes to glare at him. He was undeterred by my glare and stepped even closer to me.

  I took a step back. “Don’t ever manipulate me in a situation again. Be it life or death, anywhere.”

  He took another step forward. “As the leader of this group I will do what I feel is best, when I feel it is for your benefit. Next time you need to take the shot, the hesitation time will be considerably less, if it's even there at all.” His tone was confident, full of surety.

  Pierce’s face was too close to mine. A breeze blew by and thick strands of hair whipped over my forehead. He brought a hand up and smoothed them away. I closed my eyes and turned my head away from him but he didn’t stop. His fingers were warm against my skin and my chest hummed in pleasure. I swallowed, trying to steady myself. My anger was melting with each second, each touch.

  Bringing my head back to face him, his fingers stopped at the back of my neck and rested there. Butterflies mixed with warning bells flared through my entire body. My body reacted as if to protect myself and without thinking I brought up my palms. Pierce was lightening fast and grasped them in his own.

  “Don’t,” he whispered in a reprimand. He wrapped his hands around mine and pulled me towards him. I gasped at the movement and tripped slightly over my feet.

  His eyes stayed steady on mine, one hand letting go of my wrists to settle back on my neck. Control. He wanted to make sure I didn’t try to escape.

  His blonde locks fell towards his face and the breeze ruffled his own hair. While I trembled with weak ankles he stood solid. My breathing became shallow while his remained steady.

  I looked up into his blue eyes, and watched him lower his face to mine. “Pierce,” I whispered hesitantly, knowing what he wanted. “I...I don’t, I mean..I’ve never,”

  He brushed a thumb softly over my lips to stop my stuttering. “I know.”

  A voice in my head told me I should be embarrassed that he knew I was a lip virgin but I was too distracted to care. My heart beat wildly, both out of excitement and nervousness.

  “I don’t know if I should. If we should…” This was a bad idea. But my body said it was a great idea. I couldn’t deny this situation hadn’t ran through my mind a few times. Or several. With Pierce. With Kyson, with any of them. My will to remain strong was crumbling into ash and blowing away with the breeze.

  A corner of his mouth tilted up in crooked grin, “Just relax.”

  And with that my eyes closed on their own will. When his lips meant mine, my neck stiffened. The sensation of the soft flesh of his lips sent tingles through my arms and I clenched my hands closed before they could release any energy by mistake.

  Pierce’s lips rested softly on mine, not moving, but his hand tightened on my neck. I could tell he was fighting for control, trying not to scare me. Allowing myself to relax I leaned forward towards his body and my bundled hands rested against his chest. The warm vibrations from his body hummed into my hands, which heightened the experience.

  Pierce’s lips pulled back and he then kissed me again, and then again. I could feel something inside me, inside my chest, my head, unraveling. A subtle release, like a tightly wound bandage unraveling. My muscles, ligaments, joints all felt loose.

  His hand on my neck went to my waist and pulled me against him. My heart pounded and I didn’t doubt Pierce could feel my excitement.

  The feel of his body so firm against mine was delicious, and pushed my desires even higher.

  Sensing my response, his mouth pushed harder against mine, his lips starting to open as he kissed me. The moment suddenly was too much, and I pulled away needing air.

  Pierce’s breath was coming out faster than mine,
I could feel the happiness of the moment in his emotions. His eyes were warm with pleasure, satisfied at what had just happened. A part of me felt the same way, but a larger part of me didn’t want to believe what had just happened. Was it real? Could Pierce really find me that desirable?

  I placed a few fingers on my lips, and took a step back. He let go of me and watched my actions intently, possessively.

  We held each other's eyes for several seconds, me wondering what just happened, him basking in his satisfaction.

  There was movement from behind Pierce by the house and I felt prickles of emotions. Interest, curiosity…

  I glanced from the back door to Pierce, “Do you think…” I couldn’t finish my sentence, as my lips began tingling when I talked.

  His eyes ran down my body and then back up to my eyes. “Get something to eat.” He turned and began walking away, “We’re going swimming in an hour.”

  I stood frozen, watching him saunter away, so sure of himself. His jeans hugging him in the most perfect way. Thick broad shoulders stretched his black shirt thin. His emotions strong enough to fill the house. Blood pulsed in my checks when the idea dawned on me. Everyone would know. What would that mean? To the other guys? To me?

  I almost ran my dirty hands through my hair but caught myself, exasperated at all that had happened in the past hour.

  A new sensation suddenly washed over me in a thick wave. Considering that the only thing I wanted to do in that moment was sleep for the rest of the day and into the night, I deduced that it must be exhaustion. I had felt a bit of tiredness in the past, after a long run, or training in the woods with my energy, but nothing like this. It was debilitating to all of my senses.

  I briefly considered staying home from swimming but knew that might be the only thing to help. That and I didn’t feel strong enough to argue with Pierce about me staying home. So I left my pile of weeds in the evening sun to head inside the house, bracing myself for wearing that blasted swimsuit again.


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