A Broken Jewel (Jade Book 1)

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A Broken Jewel (Jade Book 1) Page 29

by Lucy Rains

  Deciding my wait time was over, I opened the door and stepped out into the hall, closing it behind me. With the hallway empty, I began cautiously walking in the direction Kyson had been heading, feeling aggressive anger all around me.

  As I took a few steps forward, the ground thumped behind me. I tried to duck behind a corner when a thick hand wrapped around my neck pulling me backwards. I gasped in surprise, his hand cutting off any noise I would have tried to make.

  The chafed skin rubbing against my neck sent my muscles into defense mode. I wrapped a hand around the hairy wrist, pulled it off of my neck while spinning to face my predator. He was a few inches taller than me with violence in his eyes and hostile emotions. I held on to his hand and continued the pulling motion towards me while bring my knee up into his groin. Unfortunately it didn’t make contact in the right spot, and instead landed on his hip bone. This only raised his aggression to a new level. He then used my momentum against me and head butted my forehead. He knew I was seeing stars.

  He pulled me into a room, threw me onto the floor and slammed the door shut behind me. I shook the stars away and went to reach for the handle, only to find that the lock had been moved to the outside of the door.

  With trembling arms, I pushed myself off the ground and wiped strands of hair from my face. A large mirror showed fear radiating from my wide eyes and gaping mouth. Maybe I could just stay in the bathroom and let the guys handle everything out there. When a gunshot fired off, and burst of panic got me moving. I needed to get out there.

  The bathroom I was trapped in had a single flickering light above the toilet. I looked around quickly to see what I had to work with. Towels draped everywhere, some littered the floor. The room reeked of stale urine, while pinkish mold circled the drains of both the sink and the bathtub. There were no windows to go out of, no large vents on the ceiling. I looked at the door again, debating to use my energy to force it open, or even kick a hole through it. But I didn’t like the idea of jumping out into the hallway blind. I needed another plan.

  Grabbing a half empty bottle of shampoo, I squirted the gooey substance over the gray tile floor in front of the door. Next, I looked under the sink for any chemicals I could use and found what I needed. I quickly grabbed a hand towel off the ground and doused it with bleach and what was leftover from a rubbing alcohol bottle. When I was done, I climbed up on the counter and unscrewed the single light bulb, casting darkness over the bathroom.

  I could hear footsteps coming back, accompanied with heavy emotions. My eyes darted to the door knob as my predator unlocked it. I stepped up onto the bathtub ledge and waited out of sight behind the door.

  The door opened quickly, a different man stepping inside then the one that had put me in here. My heart rate shot up when I saw the 6 inch blade in his right hand. He fiddled with the light switch, barking a word I didn’t understand. After giving up, he took a small step. He moved slowly into the room, and was peering forward through the dark for me.

  Controlling my breathing was a struggle. Not letting out a high pitched whimper was taking even greater effort. I fought the urge to shrink backwards into the tub and cover my head with my hands.

  Taking a couple steps in, his attention went to the ground as his foot slipped forward on the gelled surface. I steadied myself on the ledge of the tub, brought up my foot, landed a sharp kick to his hand with the knife, causing his wrist to crack and the knife dropped to the ground. He bellowed in rage and turned to swing a large fist at me. My knees bent and angeled me out of his punch. Next, I leaped from the bathtub ledge and jumped onto his back, smashing the towel to his nose and pressing down firm. He grabbed for my head, yanking out thick strands of hair and pushing backwards. The slippery floor finally took away his balance and we toppled over into the tub, landing hard on the ceramic surface. My back and shoulder cracked, screaming in protest from the fall. I ignored the raging pain that shot through my body, and held firm onto my grip. His flailing hands slowed down until they finally dropped on top of his large belly.

  “Gavin!” I yelled, hoping for a little help. I pushed the large arabian man off of me and he slouched farther into the bathtub. Crawling out of the tub, I eyed him warily. I made the quick decision to plug the drain and flipped the water on, making sure his face would be below water level within minutes.

  As I stepped over him, I grabbed his blade from the floor and walked out into the hallway. I didn't understand why I was never given any weapons in these missions. Someone was going to hear about it later.

  There was a noise and I cringed, taking a step backwards. Gavin was standing to my right, being held at gunpoint by the same lady I had seen in the room where the children were sleeping. Her eyes were cold, a silver gun pointed at Gavin’s head. His eyes pleaded with me, his mouth hanging open slightly.

  My heart skipped a beat and my blood turned to ice. The thought of her harming him put me into a rage and my left hand flew up, energy flying from it, knocking both of them backwards.The woman gasped in surprise and Gavin took the distraction to duck out of her arms. She brought the gun in front of her to aim at me and the knife somersaulted from my hand straight into her chest.

  She fell the rest of the way to the floor and didn’t move. I stared at her, the blood oozing from her chest, gathering in a dark puddle. Her eyes stayed open, lifeless. I had done that. Without hesitation, to protect Gavin. A wail started in the room where the children were, jerking me into reality.

  I walked forward and shut their door, locking it to keep them inside.

  “Where are the others?” I asked Gavin, who was staring at me like I had grown two heads.

  “Are you okay?” he asked with a leery tone.

  I looked down at the woman I had just killed. Thought back to the man I left drowning. My eyes went back to Gavin and he regarded me with concern.

  The sound of fists and grunts sounded from behind Gavin. We turned and hurried towards a room down the hall with a light coming from it. When we talked in, a body crashed into a table and fell to the ground, with Pierce standing above it. Not looking exerted at all.

  “Where have you guys been?” he asked.

  I spotted Alex sitting in a corner behind a trio of computer monitors, the glare from the screens lighting up his perfect face. The room was cluttered with papers, maps, newspapers. Two other men sat huddled under a table, blindfolded and completely taped up. There were two other computer desks set up, wires streaming out and into a hole in the wall.

  “Is everyone okay?” asked Kyson from behind me.

  “Fine.” I said quickly, looking to Gavin, who nodded in agreement.

  “Did we get all five of them?” asked Pierce.

  “There’s the three in here, plus the one I took care of while he was sleeping.”

  “Where is the other one?” Pierce looked around at us.

  “Bathroom.” I responded.

  “Bathroom?” Pierce repeated.

  “I took care of it,” I said in a monotone voice. I walked forward, looking at the maps that were hanging on the wall.

  “What do we do with the women and children?” Gavin asked from behind me.

  “Leave them,” Pierce said. “We’ll let the authorities take care of them.”

  Maps of various places in New York city lined the wall, with bright red circles around major parts of the cities, red lines connecting them.

  I tilted my head, trying to understand what they meant, “What are these?”

  Gavin walked over and stood by me, looking at the maps with me.“Subway lines, leading to major areas like Time Square, Central Park, Rockefeller Center.” His arm brushed up against mine.

  I traced the lines and saw he was right.

  I turned and looked up into his face, “How did you let a little lady get a gun to your head?” I asked, not trusting him in any way. For all I knew, it was just another test to see how I would react in the heat of the moment.

  He kept his eyes on the map, “I went into the room to see if you
were still there, she was ready for me. Already had the gun up and aimed at my face when I walked in.”

  “And why couldn't you use your ability to get her to drop the gun?”

  He turned his head and looked me in the eyes. “I have to make eye contact to do so. And you didn’t have to kill her.”

  My shoulders rolled back defensively, my mouth tightened. “Yes I did,” I hissed.

  His eyebrows came down. “Why?”

  I thought hard, searching myself, trying to understand. “She was a threat. It just happened.” My hands went to my head and I smoothed my hair back. “I didn’t even think. Seeing her gun to your head, my body responded out of my control.”

  Instead of reprimanding me like I expected, he nodded with a soft expression, “I understand.”

  We held each other’s gaze, his eyes burning with something. I reached out my 6th sense and felt his acceptance, with a heavy need behind it.

  His mouth opened to say something when we were interrupted by loud banging downstairs. Everyone’s heads flew up and we looked at each other. Hands suddenly held guns, Gavin darted to the door. We all used our sensitive ears to listen to the voices that had entered the building.They were clearly American and unaggressive.

  Pierce and Kyson swore at the same time. Gavin put a hand to his forehead, and Alex’s shoulders slumped.

  “Party’s over,” Alex mumbled.

  I looked to Gavin with question in my eyes. His eyes looked empty, his head hung in defeat. “Jason’s here.”


  A moment later, Jason did indeed appear in the doorway, clapping his hands together at a slow tempo. My heart stopped in my chest and my eyes darted from the guys and back to Jason. There would be no lying our way out of this one.

  Jason’s smile curled up on one side of his olive toned face, as his black eyes scanned the room. He wore a well pressed white shirt and black tie. His appearance felt completely out of place among us in our dark op clothing and rigid postures. His tailored suit contrasting with the run down building and cluttered room.

  “Well done folks! Well done. We can take over from here.” He made a point to turn to me and his smile grew wider, “Jen! Jen, is it?” He turned back to the guys, “Since when is it okay to bring another person with you on these missions with top secret intel involved?

  “Jason,” Pierce said. “Why are you here already? We didn’t call you.”

  Jason stepped forward and gave a firm pat on Pierce’s back, “The guys and I kept an eye out front during your operation. We wanted to be nearby just in case there were any complications.” With a fake smile plastered his face he reeked of insincerity. He held out a hand towards me, “Let's talk about the elephant in the room. Why is Jen here? Or,” he leaned in closer to Pierce, as if they were sharing a secret, “is it, Jade?”

  You would have thought a bomb went off. The air filled with a sharp static charge as Gavin was suddenly in front of me. I heard guns click, and bodies shift. The guys emotions filled with unstable fear.

  “Whoa, whoa! Guys!” Jason said with a low chuckle.

  I stepped to the side of Gavin to see Pierce leveling his gun at Jason’s head. Jason did not look at all threatened. He still smiled, his hands held high in a show of innocence. Until he looked straight at Pierce, at which point his smile vanished and his tone became authoritative. “Lower your weapon, soldier.”

  Pierce ignored him. “She leaves with us. Unharmed.”

  Jason nodded once, “Sure. Of course.”

  Pierce lowered his gun and tucked it into his thigh holster. Kyson did the same. There was a slight release of tension in the room, but the guys hands stayed close to their bodies.

  Jason straightened his tie and dropped his hands. His eyes found me again as I stepped out from around Gavin.

  “Your mother would be very interested to know where you are.”

  My muscles stiffened and my nails dug into the flesh of my palm. I forced my face to remain blank, trying to appear calm.

  Clearing my throat I responded to his comment, “I’m sure she would.”

  “She sounded very concerned, yesterday on the phone. Very upset.” He took a step farther into the room, and Gavin took a step forward, putting himself between Jason and I.

  Jason ignored him, while keeping his eyes on me. There was a moment of silence in the room as he studied me. His dark hair slicked back, his black eyes narrowed on my face. I struggled with the urge to wilt behind Gavin.

  Suddenly Alex spoke up from behind the computer, breaking the tension. “I found the stolen data you’re looking for along with a few more emails and communications with Russian terrorists you might be interested in. All the files are right here.” There was banging on the keyboard and the wheels of a computer chair on the hard floor.

  Jason turned his attention to Alex for a moment, and then looked over his shoulder. “Mike!” He yelled, “Get your guys up here and start gathering up what we need.”

  A voice in the hallway responded in affirmation and Jason looked back into the room. “Who drowned the big guy in the bathroom?”

  The guys turned to look at me and I shrugged noncommittally.

  This, unfortunately, brought Jason’s attention back to me. He folded his arms, “Impressive,” and gave an appreciative nod. “Your mother has offered quite a high price for your return. But I wonder if you might be more valuable here.”

  Pierce opened his mouth but Jason suddenly snapped his fingers, “Alright, you guys know the drill. Head downstairs, debrief, and you’re out for the night. Expect your payments to be cleared through your accounts by Friday.”

  There was a murmur of consent through the room as the guys began to file out. I followed in the rear, about to go past Jason when he reached out and put a hand in front of me to stop me from exiting the room.

  “A word real quick, Jade?”

  Gavin and Kyson stopped moving and turned around to look at us. My sensitive ears heard the growl that built within their chests.

  “We’ll only be a moment,” Jason assured them. “I promise her no harm.”

  Kyson turned to leave, Gavin gave me a lingering look before following him.

  “Protective, aren’t they?” Jason chuckled like we were sharing an inside joke.

  I gave a faint smile and crossed my arms over my chest. “You have no idea,” I said softly. Knowing they would rip his limbs from his body if he touched me.

  Jason moved farther into the room and sat against the desk that was covered in sheets of paper and styrofoam coffee cups. “You are a popular girl, no?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “I mean, you have these four guys looking out for you, and a mother that is dying,” he rolled his eyes for exaggeration, “to get her hands on you.”

  I straightened and took a step back from him. My arms dropped to my sides, ready to fight or flight.

  He cocked his head and squinted, “The only girl specimen, that in itself is pretty fascinating. Looking at you from a scientists point of view, I can see why they would be so anxious to get their hands on you.” His eyes turned dark and scanned my body, “Looking at you from the guys point of view however…”

  I cleared my throat and put my hands in my back pockets. My palms ached from my nails and I needed to put them somewhere else. I also needed to quench the ache to release a bolt of energy into his lust filled face. The curious desire floated towards me and I tried not to cringe.

  He pushed off the desk and took a step forward towards me. “So, are you interested in working for the agency as well?” He went on, circling slowly around me like prey as I held my firm stance. “Because you seem to have what it takes to make a positive addition. The strength, the nerves, the stealth...”

  My arms folded across my chest, and I blinked. “I’ve thought about it,” I admitted.

  Jason stopped circling to look at me in the eyes, closer then I would like. “You’d earn a very comfortable income. I can get you set up in your own
place, if you'd like? You don’t need to be living with those cavemen,” He gestured his head towards the hall.

  At first, I wanted to snap out a nasty retort. Tell him where to stick his income. But his offer muddled my tongue and I felt an infinitesimal tug in the back of my mind. My own place, my own money...The words spun around in my head. He saw my hesitation and smiled.

  Not wanting to give in so easily to his offer he dangled in front of my face, I quickly responded with a short “I’ll think about.”

  Jason eyes hardened at my response, his emotions turning sour at the subtle rejection. But then he lifted his eyebrows and looked towards the ground.

  “I’m guessing no one has mentioned anything about Ari?”

  My head turned towards him, “Ari?” I repeated.

  He leaned forward in interest, “Or Katie? They haven’t mentioned anything about them?”

  I didn’t respond, some of my confidence leaving my posture. My mind raced, suddenly curious and hesitant at what Jason was about to force me to swallow. He knew he was about to feed me information I didn’t like and his emotion turned confident again.

  “Well, Ariana actually, but Pierce always called her Ari.” he continued.

  I blinked, my nails finding my palms again, “What are you talking about?” I demanded.

  A look of mock surprise came over his face, “I’m surprised none of the guys have said anything about them.”

  I glared at his insincerity. His shock only stoking my anger as he played with my ignorance.

  “It’s just that, they spent a lot of time together, intimately. And I figured-”

  “They?” I interrupted.

  “Ari and Pierce, Katie and Kyson,” he explained.

  My body cringed like a bucket of ice water had just flooded my entire body. I felt trickles of energy pulse through my skin, in my arms and down to my fingers.

  “When?” my voice became strangled, I struggled to remain composed. But the knife in my gut was twisting with each word. “How long ago?”


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