A Broken Jewel (Jade Book 1)

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A Broken Jewel (Jade Book 1) Page 48

by Lucy Rains

  “Just be patient,” I whispered, pushing his damp hair back. He blinked in acknowledgement.

  I looked over to check Alex. Gavin was bent over him, adjusting his body to lay comfortably.

  My eyes scanned over his shoulder, seeing the blood but no wound. That was when I spotted the dark bullet, laying on the ground beside of him.

  I looked around the pool house, my heart sinking at the at the sight it was in. Broken glass, bloody water, dead bodies. My sanctuary had been soiled with death.

  I turned back to Pierce, who stood with his arms folded, waiting. “What now?”

  His eyes flicked between Alex and Kyson. “We wait for them to come out of it. Head home and grab what we need from the house, and then we hole up somewhere for the rest of the day.”

  I shook my head. “We can’t go back there,” I stated.

  “We have to,” Gavin said, his tone chastising me. “We need our passports, documents, laptops. We can’t do tonight without our stuff.”

  I turned back to Pierce, “It’s not safe,” I argued.

  Pierce wouldn’t meet my eyes, looking at Alex on the ground, who was starting to flex his fingers and roll his wrists. “We need to go back. If only for 10 minutes.”

  I shook my head and looked down at Kyson, who I felt shifting next to me. His feet rocked back and forth, his hands rubbing his chest. He had not put his shirt on yet and my eyes drifted over the hard muscles of his pecs and abs. My blood warmed at the sight and the temptation to stroke his skin overwhelmed me.

  Alex lifted his arms slowly, bringing his hands to his head and resting them on his forehead. “Son of a bitch,” he grumbled.

  “What are we going to do with this mess,” Gavin asked, rising to his feet.

  Pierce frowned at the pool and the floating bodies. He looked towards the last man Gavin had shot. “Grab his phone. We’ll make a call, and be gone before the authorities get here.”

  There was a low groan from the ground beside me and I looked to see Kyson’s deep blue eyes blinking slowly. He moved his head from side to side, bent his knees, clenched his fists.

  “Guess we can't take you anywhere can we?” he croaked with a smile. “You’re more trouble than you’re worth,” giving me a lazy wink.

  I placed my hand on his chest, his warm vibrations rolling up my arm into my own chest. His eyes closed and he let out a low rumble of pleasure.

  Less then a minute later both Alex and Kyson were sitting up, trying to pull themselves to a stand.

  I gave them disapproving scowls. “You need more time,” I said, trying to slow down Kyson. “You’re going to hurt yourselves.”

  Gavin went and propped a shoulder under Kyson’s arm to help steady him.

  “Don’t have time,” Alex whispered. “Need to get out of here. Whoever they report to will know by now that their mission was not successful.”

  I looked at the earpieces on the ground, close to the blood that pooled at their heads.

  “Do you think she knows about our abilities yet?”

  I looked to Pierce, who also stared at the dead men, “I don’t think so. No way to know for sure though.”

  Once Alex and Kyson were walking, Gavin made an anonymous phone call to the authorities, giving the address of the pool house, then chucking the phone into the pool. We stepped out through the broken door, piled into a white toyota SUV, and Pierce pulled out of the driveway to take us home.

  “Alex,” I said, pulling his attention towards me. I was wedged in my normal back seat between Alex and Gavin. Alex kept a warm hand wrapped around my sweat-clad thigh, my hands sat on top of his. “You said he was lying, the man.”

  Alex closed his eyes and lifted his chin, pulling back on the memory. “Yes.”

  “And?” Gavin asked.

  “The drugs were screwing with my mind, I couldn’t get a clear read on him.”

  My shoulders dropped in disappointment.

  “But…” Alex drawled slowly, “I could tell, could feel that...it wasn’t much of a partnership. More like a duty.”

  “Jason working for Vera.” Kyson hummed, “Not too surprising.”

  “He’s kept his distance all these years from her,” Pierce pointed out. “Now they’re working together?”

  “I wonder why,” Gavin asked sarcastically. And I felt the negative pull of his emotions circling around me.

  Me. Because of me. “I thought Jason would be on my side, I mean, that he would want me to work for him.”

  “The charity banquet assignment didn't exactly go very well and you were involved with that. He must have reconsidered.”

  “Unless your mother threw some threats and a boatload of cash at him,” said Alex.

  “Threats?” I asked.

  “Yeah, no more sharing her projects with Jason and the agency. I bet they really like what she’s creating and promising to create.” He looked down at her, “Especially if she has you.”

  I shuddered and leaned in closer to him. The attacks were becoming bolder, more aggressive. I wanted her stopped, crippled like she cripples us. And then run away where no one would never find me. Fear pricked my skin and my eyes watered.

  I was so angry, yet so scared.

  “She’ll never touch you,” Alex whispered in my ear, pulling my thigh closer to him.

  I rubbed my eyes with my hands, letting out a shaky sigh. “The fear of her will always nag in the back of my mind,” I said quietly. “Homeless, on the run, with powers and feelings we don’t understand. I don’t see things getting any better.”

  Gavin chuckled, “Cry a river, build a bridge, then get over it. It is what it is.”

  My head turned to look at him, his face set in its cold stone. The urge to reach out and punch his square jaw covered in scruff beckoned in my mind. My fingers flexed into my hand and I glared at him. “I thought you were trying not to be an ass?”

  He turned to look at me, as he thought about my question. “This is not me being an ass, this is me being supportive. The truth will set you free, but at first it will piss you off. Because you need to accept your reality. ”

  “Gosh, that’s deep Gavin,” I spat sarcastically.

  “You wish it was,” his lips curled into a smug smile and his innuendo sent blood rushing to my cheeks. The shock on my face brought a fit of laughter out of him. The sight of his smile left me speechless. It was beautiful, lighting up his face in a way I had never seen. But it wasn’t enough to erase my anger.

  I glowered at him, “I swear if we weren’t in a moving vehicle right now-”

  STOP IT, Pierce’s voice shot through my head at a volume that made me wince. I sat back in my seat, feeling like a scolded child and muttered “Asshole.” To whom in particular, I wasn’t sure.

  We were only a few minutes away from home at that point, and my muscles were wound tight with anticipation.

  “We go in, grab essentials, meet back here at the car. Leave all phones at home.” Pierce gave orders in a firm tone, no arguing allowed. “Take only what will fit in a duffle bag, or backpack. We will leave on foot to the nearest bus stop.”

  “I still want tacos,” Alex whined.

  “Shut the hell-” Pierce started to say and then stopped, the vehicle braking sharply enough to jerk my chest forward hard against my seatbelt.

  “What the hell?!” Gavin barked.

  When we looked out the windshield to see what had unnerved Pierce, I stiffened, pulling away from Alex.

  Ariana, and who I assumed was Katie, stood in the driveway, leaning against the guys parked cars with their arms crossed. Looking smug and confident in high pony tails and matching grey leggings and black jackets with high collars that framed their jawlines. Both blonde. Both beautiful. Ariana was taller with much longer hair. Katie was a darker blonde, with full lips and a rounder face.

  My eyes locked onto their faces, not realizing that my lips had curled back, a hiss escaped my mouth. I wanted to rip their eyes out and shove them down their throats. Then break each of thei
r fingers that ever had touched Pierce and Kyson.

  Pierce and Kyson.

  Mine. A voice snarled in the back head. And it wasn’t Pierce’s.

  Pierce didn’t pull the car into the driveway, instead put the suv into park on the street in front of the house. The girls looked at each other and spoke a few words. My eyes never left their faces as I began reaching over Alex to fumble for the door handle.

  “Jade, no,” Alex said, pulling my hand away.

  Pierce wasn’t waiting. “Gavin, with me. Everyone else, stay here.”

  “But-” Kyson began to argue.

  “No,” Pierce cut him off. Stepping out of the vehicle without another word, slamming the door shut. Gavin followed silently, but I felt the annoyance and brewing anger in his mind.

  My canines sharpened and I gripped the front seats in front of me, leaning forward. “What do they want?” I asked, my voice shaking. My tongue licked my teeth and I bit back the desire to hiss again.

  I watched Pierce and Gavin saunter up to the two girls and my body ached at the sight of them coming into such close proximity to the females who I knew were salivating to touch what was mine.

  “Hard to know,” Alex said bitterly. “But it’s not good whatever it is.”

  “Why?” I asked sharply.

  “Because they work for Jason.” Kyson answered, “Jason wants to turn you over.”

  “Maybe,” I cleared the saliva building in my throat, “maybe they want to help.” Trying to think of a different scenario that didn’t end with me killing both of them.

  The four of them were conversing now. The girls smiling with raised eyebrows and jerking their head towards the car. Gavin and Pierce were not smiling. Gavin shoved his hands in his pockets, and Pierce took a step back. Both trying to appear casual, but I knew better. Eyeing their stiff shoulders and spread feet, ready to attack if needed.

  I strained my ears, desperate make out a few words. But with the leaves rustling, nearby traffic, and their soft voices I couldn’t get anything.

  My skin was itching for some sort of action. “What do they want?” I growled.

  Pierce shook his head, Gavin’s posture shifted as preparing for a blow. The girls faces became sour. Ariana’s head turned and glared at the car. She searched inside, looking for my face. I gave her the bird.

  Katie took a step forward, and Pierce moved to block her.

  “Shit,” Kyson muttered.

  I should have felt fear, apprehension. But my body warmed with violent intent and I smiled. “Please let me out,” I asked sweetly.

  “No,” Kyson said.

  “Screw this,” Alex said, opening his door.

  “Excellent,” I said, almost panting.

  “Alex!” Kyson hollered. “Stay in the damn car. Can’t you feel Jade? She will kill them!”

  “Dude, this needs to be a group discussion.” He motioned towards me, “And Jade will keep it in check. Won’t ya, Jade?”

  I had to make a solid conscientious effort to not release a hiss of malintent. I swallowed and clenched my teeth, giving a firm nod.

  The three of us exited the vehicle, all four heads turning towards us as we progressed forward. I was underdressed in my short black tunic cover dress and flip flops. The girls eyes grazed over my body, their chins lifting in arrogance, puffing up their chests. They sensed competition. My face remained blank, my eyes empty and narrowed. I let my body sway comfortably, determined not to show my tension as I walked. Determined not to act too soon. In public.

  Pierce glared at us but didn’t order us back to the car. Which meant he probably felt the need for all of us to work together on this.

  Ariana crossed her arms and Katie shifted on her hip.

  I placed myself between Kyson and Pierce, close to them as a show of possession. The girl’s eyes darted between the guys and me, and then glanced at each other.

  Katie spoke to Pierce, “You know we have orders to follow. What Jason says goes. It doesn’t have to be hard. We all walk away from this.” Her eyes went to Kyson and softened. “For old times sake, guys.”

  The corners of my mouth turned down at the mention of ‘old times’ and my stomach turned.

  She jerked her chin at me, “Don’t let this girl ruin everything you guys have going for you. Your contracts with the agency, your house, your education…” She trailed off for a second, letting the words sink in, thinking she was swaying the guys. “Because if you put up a fight, all of that is going to disappear.”

  “She goes nowhere,” Kyson answered.

  Katie’s eyes darkened but her mouth continued to smile. She opened her mouth to argue but

  Kyson cut her off before she could speak.

  “And you should leave. Now. Just because they sent you two instead of some faceless men we doesn’t mean we won’t hesitate to act in the same way as we did with them.”

  The girls looked at each other and then back to me. “What the hell is she to you?” Ariana asked.

  The guys stood silent, their emotions swirling between anger and cautious apprehension. They didn’t know what to do.

  Katie scoffed a hard chuckle, her eyes going wide with incredulity. “Seriously, what kind of thing is going on between you guys?”

  When none of us answered, she continued. “You’re going to let her ruin your lives? She's been with you, what? A week? Two weeks? It can’t be serious enough to screw over your lives.” She said, this time with anger. Her cool smile had faded and her true frustration showed. “So we take her, and end this now.”

  My mouth lifted into a smile. “That, I would love to see.” Energy pricked into my fingertips and all it was take was the slightest movement of my wrist.

  “Jade, don’t,” Pierce said quietly.

  I let out an exasperated sigh, turning towards him. “What are we going to do? They aren’t taking no for an answer and they aren’t leaving. Can Gavin make them leave or something?” I looked back towards them, “Because my control is wearing thin.”

  “Whore,” Ariana whispered low, her shoulders stiff as she took a step towards me. My head snapped towards her and Kyson put a hand around my shoulders to steady me.

  “Jealous?” I smiled, not denying the unique relationship I shared with the guys.


  When her teeth clenched and she glared a solid dagger straight into my head, I knew that yes, yes she was.

  Pierce turned to Gavin, looking at him and then to the girls. He spoke mentally to him and then turned back to me, giving a small shake of his head. “His control would end when they leave his presence. They wouldn’t get out of the neighborhood without regaining their senses and coming straight back.”

  “We aren’t leaving without her,” Ariana said firmly, raising her voice in an attempt of authority. She took a step forward. “That is not an option.” When her face smoothed and she relaxed the tight purse of her lips, I knew she was going for a different tactic. “Come on Pierce.” Her tone became sweet then, with her mouth slightly open. She focused on his eyes, trying to get him to look deeply into her. “Please don’t make us do something drastic,” she said softly. Her eyes scanned his body and I felt the lust emanating from her.

  “Do you want to die?” I spat at her. “I plan to kill my own mother, what do you think I will do to you?” The rage I felt caused my hands to tremble and I glared at Ariana.

  Both girls stiffened. Their hands reaching behind them for weapons I could not see.

  “Don’t do anything Jade,” Pierce warned, knowing I was ready to throw my hands up and knock them both into next week.

  Katie sniffed in disbelief. “I hardly doubt little bo peep could do us much damage.” Her hand came around with a black plastic gun that held a syringe. Identical to the ones from the pool house. Ariana held the glock. Safety off.

  “Gavin,” Pierce said.

  Gavin walked forward, his hand stretched out. The girls eyes went blank for a moment as Ariana placed her weapon into his hand. Her trembling fingers rel
eased the gun and her arm retracted slowly.

  “What….” she gasped, her eyes wide as she looked at Gavin and her weapon. “Wh...What?”

  “Now,” Pierce said. “This is your last chance. You can either leave, or we take matters into our own hands.”

  “What is going on?!” Katie shouted, her shoulders shaking, as she looked to her partner.

  I smiled. “Trash gets picked up tomorrow, girls. Be ready.”

  Suddenly Katie lifted the syringe gun and shot the serum into Ariana’s upper arm. Both of them looking at each other with panicked expressions. Katie dropped the gun like it burned her hand and started screaming, grasping at her head.

  Alex and Pierce advanced quickly, while Gavin grabbed the plastic gun and stuffed it into his pants pocket. Ariana fell to the ground, while Katie snarled and tried raising her hands to deliver a blow. My hands shot up to blast her off her ass, but Kyson anticipated my move. Wrapping an arm around my chest for the third time in so many days to haul me backwards.

  Pierce punched in the garage code and then dragged Ariana into the garage. Gavin and Alex had pinned Katie with her kicking out in protest while, throwing her to the cement. Alex delivered a blow to her head that sent her unconscious.

  I strained against Kyson’s thick arm and cursed. “Damn it, Kyson!”

  He pulled me into his chest with both arms and pinned me there. Before I could yell at him again, he dropped his mouth to my neck and sank his teeth into my skin. My body instantly stilled at the sharp sensation and I gasped. The pain sensually intoxicating. Distracting me? Changing my focus? It worked. Very well. Everything around me disappeared. I relaxed into him and my eyelids dropped slightly. The blood burning in my arms to release energy abated and now my core swirled in pleasure. I leaned back into him, savoring the sensation.

  His teeth released my neck, and bit into my earlobe. “Good girl,” he murmured and my chest exploded in pleasing hums.

  I cursed him repeatedly in my mind, watching the guys move the the girls together into the garage and securing zip ties around all their limbs. I stared unaffected, no longer caring about what happened in front of me.


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