The Hunter's Blade

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The Hunter's Blade Page 12

by E. C. Fisher

  He merely gained himself a few moments before the werewolves barreled through the horde. They swung their arms; swiping them away like rag dolls to reach him.

  “You really don’t care about anything do you, Dr. Frankenstein?”

  “Why should I care about something that isn’t even alive? Furthermore, something I created; I have all the right to destroy it.” Victor laughed as he mocked Alex.

  The werewolves split, attacking from the rafters running along the pillars and from below. The ones on the rafters jumped down toward Alex. He jumped after them as he evaded the nearest one’s sharp claws and severed its arm as he used its body to springboard to the next. He backflipped off the last werewolf, sheathed his sword, and withdrew his second gun. As he descended, he shot continuously until the mags emptied. In a split second, he reloaded replacement mags, only to empty them before he reached the ground.

  Alex caught a glimpse of Jekyll as he climbed up from the bottom of the pit. He snuck in during the confusion as Victor Frankenstein was distracted. He jumped into the air and used his long sharp nails to slice through the rope, freeing Vali. He snatched her by the waist and leaped to the opposite side of the antechamber away from all the fighting.

  Jekyll sat Vali against the wall before he transformed into a werewolf as he turned around. He grew another two feet tall, his body fully covered in dark brown hair. Jekyll sprouted a tail, which was a major difference between him and Dr. Frankenstein’s.

  Jekyll howled in the antechamber which caused all the werewolves to freeze and look his way. They advanced on him rapidly, but his speed outclassed them, and he slashed through two of them in the blink of an eye. He jumped to the rafters; the rest followed him. Alex used the reprieve to finish the remaining undead.

  “Jekyll, so you decided to team-up with the Hunters, not that it’s surprising in the least. I was expecting something like this to happen!” Victor shouted as another twelve humans appeared and took the serum injection.

  “Alex, watch out! There’s more of them,” Vali yelled from where she was.

  Alex glanced over to find them split up; six went after Jekyll and the rest toward him. He emptied his remaining rounds into as many of them as he could, but the bullets were ineffective. As he was in the middle of reloading a couple of werewolves attacked from above. Alex rolled away barely evading them, but as he went to stand, two more slashed at him. Their attack knocked him back and he used the moment to finish reloading before he emptied the clips into them.

  As he ran empty, Alex switched to using the blades of the guns to slash at the werewolves. The silver of the blades was effective, but the close-quarter fighting put him at a disadvantage as they began to overwhelm him with numbers. The protection ward held up against their assault, but the yellow lightning soon turned red; an indication that the ward would be dispelled soon.

  Alex, another powerful strike and the protection ward I laced inside your coat is up. Mordekai hovered nearby Vali.

  Alex had to switch from attack to defense. He focused on using Quick Eye to dodge the flurry of slashes launched from their onslaught. He could see Jekyll as he fought above; he defeated four of them, but he was heavily damaged in the process. His speed diminished which caused him to falter.

  He needs assistance. Alex thought but the ward shattered before he could act. The werewolves clawed his chest, back, left leg, and both shoulders before he dropped down to his knees.

  “ALEX!” Vali screamed when she saw him fall.

  “This is the end, Alexander.” Victor smirked. A werewolf uppercut Alex in his stomach; the impact threw him into the air, and he landed beside Vali.

  “Alex, no, you can’t die. You’ll be all right, just hang on,” Vali said as tears rolled down her cheeks. She scooted over to wrap him in her arms. She glanced at the blood on her hands.

  Fight against it, Vali. She felt the urge to drink the blood rush through her veins. Her eyes flickered between crimson and russet. Alex caressed her cheek which snapped her out of her bloodlust.

  “I’m glad, you’re not hurt, Vali. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to protect you.” Alex gasped between shallow breaths as he laid in her embrace.

  Vali nuzzled her face in his palm as she whispered that it was okay and kept repeating, he’ll be all right. Alex drifted in and out of consciousness as he lost too much blood.

  Share your blood with him, Vali, Mordekai instructed.

  We don’t know what that’ll do to him.

  Vampire blood has regenerative properties. You can save him.

  Fine. Vali bit her wrist until she bled and held it over his mouth.

  He’s unconscious and can’t swallow. You need to give it to him with your mouth.

  I need to kiss him. Vali flushed.

  Would you rather he die?

  No. Vali sucked the wound on her wrist to gather blood in her mouth. She leaned over an unconscious Alex and hesitated.

  He doesn’t have much time. Hurry and kiss him.

  Can you look the other way?

  Sure. Mordekai rotated as he hovered in place.

  You can still see, can’t you?

  I don’t have eyes. This is pointless. Just kiss the boy already.

  Fine. Sheesh. Can’t a girl at least have a moment with her first kiss? she complained, but kissed Alex and forced her blood down his throat.

  Her soft lips awoke him for a moment. It tastes like a York Peppermint Patty—with a bit of iron mixed in.

  “Why’s your mouth bleeding, Vali?” Alex mumbled.

  “I hope this works, please let it work.” Vali pleaded as tears streamed down her face.

  “Let what work—” Alex started to convulse and spasm.

  Vali held him tight against her chest as he shook. A surge of power rippled through his body as the scratches, bruises, and cuts healed; even the bones that broke. The werewolves charged toward the pair, ready to rip them to shreds. Alex stopped shaking as one of them neared and he suddenly stood and blocked its attack with his bare hand. He reached for its throat with his other hand and ripped it out. He tossed it to the ground as the werewolf crumbled to the floor.

  His appearance changed drastically, as his hair turned white and his eyes glowed crimson red like a vampire. He could see vague silhouettes of the creatures, his vision focused on their blood coursing through their veins. He sensed their terror quicken through the pumping of the blood. The horde of undead appeared as dark outlines to him.

  Alex unsheathed the Hunter’s Blade and then he vanished from sight. To him, time appeared to be frozen. He sliced through the remaining werewolves before anyone knew what had happened. At first, he was near the wall, then suddenly he was standing in the center of the antechamber. The werewolves gushed out fountains of blood before collapsing to heaps on the floor.

  His head tilted up toward Jekyll as he still faced the werewolves from earlier. Again, he vanished, only to appear in the thick of the fight, his blade only a glimmer of light as it sliced the creatures apart. Their dismembered body parts tumbled to the ground. Alex, now in the center of the antechamber, sliced his way through the remaining horde of undead with ease as he made his way toward the astonished Victor Frankenstein.

  “What—are you? You can’t be human. You shouldn’t have the capability to do this. Explain this to me? I must know the answer. Where’d you go, Alexander?” Victor shouted with confusion and enjoyment. His eyes darted back and forth as he tried to keep up with Alex’s progress through dismantling his army. His scientific gears were spinning at the possible potential of Alex.

  However, this thought would never come to pass. Before even Victor knew it Alex was before him. He barely recognized the glimmers of light zip by his peripherals as his sight became disjointed. Alex had dissected Victor into seven irregular parts in the span of a breath.

  “There you are,” Victor mumbled. Alex Spartan-kicked his body fragments into the pit and watched as they descended into the darkness below. The abrupt sounds of explosions rocked the foundatio
n of the castle and a huge fireball vented from the pit. The blast shattered the glass dome. Alex evaded the shards of glass as he made his way to where Jekyll, who had transformed back to his human form, and Vali were.

  “Alex.” Vali hugged him tight.

  She saw the dazed look on face as his eyes and hair returned to their normal color; he slowly closed his eyes and fainted.

  “I got him.” Jekyll quickly acted and grabbed him before he collapsed onto Vali.

  “That’s great, but who’s got us? This place is falling apart,” Mordekai informed as more of the palace stone wall broke apart.

  A loud thunderous roar broke through the crashing around them. They looked up to see the outline of a dragon descending upon them.

  “That— isn’t what it appears to be, is it?” Jekyll asked.

  “If you are seeing a dragon, then it is actually what it appears to be,” Mordekai answered.

  They had nowhere to escape to as the dragon drew closer. The beat of its wings caused a large gust of wind to blow against them as it lowered into the antechamber. With its two massive green-scaled hind legs, it used its talons to scoop them up and carry them out of the collapsing palace. They flew higher into the night sky, over the clouds, before it leveled off and soared through the chilly air.

  Vali was the first to speak as no one had the nerve to for quite a while. “Thank you for saving us.”

  I almost didn’t. That Victor Frankenstein fellow had that place so concealed that even from my senses couldn’t perceive it. A gruff voice resounded in their heads.

  “How did you know where to look?” Mordekai asked.

  Vlad had a general idea where Victor was holed up. If it wasn’t for the pillar of fire I would still be searching.

  “You know my father? Is he alive?” Vali shouted.

  Yes, I know him quite well. I owed him a debt which is now paid-in-full. I have a message to deliver to his daughter, Validina. ‘I am safe and sound. Treat my friend well.’ That is all.

  “My father’s alive. He’s alive. Thank God. By the way, where are you taking us?”


  “Do you think Alex will believe it when we tell him he got a ride home on a dragon?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t call this on a dragon. But no, I doubt it, I don’t believe it and it’s actually happening,” Mordekai said.

  “I second that.” Jekyll sighed as he glanced at the unconscious Alex.

  To Be Continued…

  Deep in the abyss of Alex’s mind, he saw flashes of red and orange, hot and burning smoke. The crumbling of the palace walls. Vali clutched him as he fainted. A large shadowy figure descending from above. The moonlight and fire reflected off the green scales of the massive beast. He was scooped up in its talons with everyone and carried out over the clouds and ocean. He recalled the icy chill of the night air as the wind whooshed passed him. He vaguely remembered Vali and the group talking to the beast, but he could barely comprehend their words. A dragon. No way.

  The dragon carried the group to the speed boat that Alex and Mordekai used to reach the island. He dropped them off and soared back into the sky without another word.

  “How’s Alex doing?” Mordekai asked.

  “He’s fine, but still unconscious,” Vali reported as she held his head in her lap. “Mordekai, can you take us to my father?”

  “That won’t be a problem, Miss Vali. Mr. Jekyll, can you stand closer to Miss Vali please?”

  “Sure thing,” Jekyll answered as he moved to stand beside her.

  Mordekai hovered between them before he glowed. The space warped and distorted and in an instant, they were inside the foyer at her house. Vlad appeared immediately upon their arrival. He scanned the group, his eyes widened as he found his daughter. Vali handed Alex over to Jekyll and let him go before he was ready. He had to kneel to catch him as she ran into her father’s arms.

  “Vali! You’re safe.”

  “Father!” Vali cried as they embraced each other.

  “What happened here?” Vlad asked. They released each other as Vlad kept his arm around her shoulder. He gestured at the unconscious Alex and newcomer to the group.

  “It’s a long story, Father. First, we should get him somewhere more comfortable so we can take care of him,” Vali said as her concern turned from her father to Alex.

  “Carry him over to the couch,” Vlad instructed Jekyll. “And who is this, Validina?”

  “I don’t know, but he helped Alex and freed me,” Vali answered as Jekyll carried Alex to the couch and set him down.

  “Mordekai.” Vlad glanced over to him as he hovered nearby.

  “We found him during our incursion of the palace. He had been held prisoner there for a long time according to him. His name is Jekyll. He is the source of the werewolves.”

  “What. That’s not—” Vlad stumbled to speak as he stared at the bearded man kneeling beside Alex. “So, that’s where he has been.”

  “You know him, Vlad?” Mordekai asked.

  “I ran into Jekyll when he attacked a town during one of his transformations. We fought each other; I wouldn’t want him to be my enemy. We reconciled after and I told him his curse couldn’t be cured, but I guess he didn’t listen.” Vlad looked sorrowfully at Jekyll.

  “There’s nothing more you could have done for him, Vlad,” Mordekai said.

  “I know. But he didn’t deserve it.”

  “No one did, however, it’s finally over, Vladimir.”

  “Yes. Finally. Validina, go to the kitchen and get a pot of water and towel for Alex.”

  “Yes, Father.” Vali went to do as he asked.

  “Jekyll, is it?” Vlad said as Vali left the room.

  “Yes.” Jekyll turned and glanced up at Vlad.

  “Head upstairs and get yourself cleaned up. I would recommend a shave too.” Vlad encouraged as he touched the smoothness of his own chin.

  “Yes. That sounds like a good idea. I’ll do that.” Jekyll stood up. He stopped and glanced at Vlad more closely. “You look vaguely familiar to me. Do I perhaps know you?”

  “I see. You don’t remember. It was ages ago. Do you recall an altercation with a vampire four centuries ago?”

  “Vladimir. Vladimir Dracula,” Jekyll recalled. He embraced his friend. Vlad reciprocated.

  “It has been a long time, my old friend. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

  “No. I should have listened to you. Instead, I fell for his lies and the hope he restored in me. I wasn’t strong enough to resist the temptation of being free of this curse.”

  “Go now and get freshened up. We will have time to talk about this later.”

  “Of course. And Vlad, I’m glad I was able to help save your daughter.”

  “Me too, Jekyll,” Vlad said as Jekyll left the room to head upstairs.

  Vali returned a few minutes later to attend to Alex. She wet the cloth with the cold water and laid it on his forehead.

  “Do you think he’ll wake soon?” Vali asked.

  “We can only wait. Care to tell me what happened?” Vlad inquired.

  “I don’t know myself. Only Alex can explain it.” Vali answered as she removed the cloth and dipped it back into the water. She strained it before placing it back on his head.

  “Do you have any theories, Mordekai?” Vlad asked as he hovered nearby.

  “Alex is a new breed, with both powers from the Gods—could this have interacted with Vali’s blood?” Mordekai answered as he floated over them in the living room.

  “You shared your blood with him?” Vlad raised his eyebrows as he glanced at Vali.

  “Mordekai thought my blood could help heal him. He was badly injured. I couldn’t let him die. Do I do something wrong?”

  “It’s all right, Validina, I was just surprised. I couldn’t foresee this happening. The mixing of our blood had an unexpected result. But that result saved you, how can I see it as wrong?”

  “Vali!” Alex screamed as he jolted up from the couch.
/>   “Finally, the prince awakens from his slumber,” Mordekai jeered.

  “Vlad, where am I? What happened?” Alex groaned as he held his head from the dull pain he felt.

  “Everything is all right. You are safe now and back inside my home. Vali is here too.” Vlad gestured toward her.

  Alex turned to see a tearful Vali staring at him. He smiled. “Welcome back, Vali.”

  She hugged him and whispered, “Thank you.”

  Vlad coughed to get their attention as if he felt their embrace was a little too long-lasting. “There will be plenty of time for that later. Alexander, would you care to fill me in on what has transpired since we parted?” Vlad asked as he took a seat in the opposite chair.

  “Of course. We found Mordekai and he transported us to Hunter HQ where I performed the ritual and met with the two Gods, Assadarsya and Assadar. They bestowed their power to me.``

  “You have the mark—let me see it.” Vlad reached over the table with his hand outstretched.

  Alex reached out with his left hand so Vlad could inspect the mark.

  “This is definitely different from Take’s and Eleanor’s. What did they call this mark?

  “They said that I was a new generation Hunter. Though, I decided to go with Guardian instead.”

  “I see. Please continue with your story.” Vlad let go of his hand and returned to his seat.

  “We returned to the house in hopes of finding you there, but instead we found gargoyles waiting. I fought them off, but one was able to take Vali. Before I had the chance to go after her, a horde of undead appeared. I handled them but found out my parents were among them.”

  “Take and Eleanor—Frankenstein, that twisted SOB. If he wasn’t already dead, I’d suck him dry and fry him to a crisp.” Vlad clenched his fist and slammed it against the chair’s armrest, shattering it.

  “They helped me learn how to better utilize my power. They also told us how to infiltrate the palace. There I found Jekyll and we split up to find Dr. Frankenstein and set explosives. We fought, but his minions outnumbered us. I was injured. I don’t recall much, but I remember Vali had me drink her blood. After that my memory gets hazy. I think I dreamed something about a dragon, but those aren’t real.”


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