Please Be Mine

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Please Be Mine Page 7

by Megs Pritchard

  Max sat back in his chair, his fork dangling in the air. "Why? What happened?"

  "Oh, they want him to leave Rescue Inc and join the family business. I heard from Troy that they also told him to settle down with a nice woman and get married."

  "Okay. You know there's a problem with that."

  Niles sighed, sitting back in his chair and pushing the plate away. "They don't know about us being mates."

  Max's eyebrows shot up. "What?"

  "I know." Niles rubbed his eyes. He was so tired, but he couldn't sleep. Too many thoughts and emotions running through him. He could barely close his eyes at night. As soon as he did, Targon's face would appear and the loneliness and pain would reach up and drag him down all over again. How could he leave his mate? "I said they're phobic. Gays, blacks, vampires."

  Max winced. "You're three for three then."


  "Shit, Niles. I'm sorry. It must be hard for him. They're his family."

  Sighing, Niles agreed. "I know. It's a no-win situation for him. His family or his mate because he can't have both. I won't be some dirty secret."

  "No, I wouldn't expect you would and it isn't fair of Targon to expect you to accept it either. A rock and a hard place for him."

  "I don't know what to do. I haven't spoken to him in a week. I don't know what to say or if I could accept his decision when he tells me it's over."

  "But it will never be over, will it? You’re mates, so you're connected in a way that won’t ever be broken."

  "We can try to move on, but we'll always have an awareness of the other." Niles rubbed his chest. Just talking about it made him feel Targon more. "Sex could be an issue too."

  "Because of the mate bond." Max sighed. "I'm sorry, Niles."

  Niles smiled sadly. "Nothing for you to apologize for. It is what it is. I wish it was different. I wish it was an easy road to travel, but we don't always get what we want, do we? I guess I need to man up and accept my mate wants his family more than me."

  Max leaned on the table. "Maybe not. Give him time."

  Niles copied the move. "How much more time do I give him? I transferred here to be closer to him. I met him at least a year ago and I've been waiting, patiently, for him since then. And then he goes all possessive and mates us! What does he expect me to do? I have a life to live, just like he does. I'm merely existing right now, only half a person without him." Niles sat back in his chair. Max didn't say anything, and Niles sighed. He needed to feed but not any blood would do. He needed Targon's blood. "There's going to be a problem with feeding too," he muttered quietly.


  "Yeah, shit."

  "Do you think he will send it to you?"

  "I honestly don't know, Max." Niles rubbed a hand over his face, tiredness and hunger leaving him drained.

  "I can see you need to feed. You've lost some of your color and you've lost weight."

  "I know. I can feel the need eating away at me and I have been feeding, but it's Targon's blood I need, not just any old blood from a bag."

  "Well, get in touch with him and have him send some to you, or, maybe you two can talk and sort this all out. One way or the other, Niles, you need to know where you stand and what the future holds for you. Will it be with or without him?"

  Nodding, Niles said, "I know you're right. I guess I'm just delaying the inevitable."

  Max's pager beeped and he glanced down at it before sighing. Standing, he said, "And that's my signal to go. Don't leave it too long. You're a vampire, and you’re going to need your mate's blood. Get in touch with him now and arrange something."

  Niles didn't say anything, just nodded and watched Max as he left the canteen, then stared back down at the food on his plate. He knew he should eat something, but his stomach rolled every time he thought about food. Maybe tomorrow he'd feel hungrier and be able to eat. Standing, Niles put his tray away and left the canteen. He had patients that needed him.


  Spencer stood with three other vampires, staring at the map that showed where all their estates were located. Over the years they'd bought more land and had expanded into it, constructing storage units and additional housing. They were preparing for the future. A future where vampires ruled.

  They would need to have large units to stockpile all the food they would need, and items not commonly thought of. Clothing, bedding, furniture and weapons. Everything they would need to keep them going for the first few months while the humans destroyed themselves.

  Spencer glanced over the map, noticing the new construction to the east. Everything was on target and going to plan. It had to be, as the time when they would implement their plan was drawing closer.

  "How many vampires do we have?" Commander Garrick asked.

  Spencer picked up his tablet and searched for the information. "In what areas?"

  "The council. We've removed all those opposed to our plans, haven't we?"

  "Yes, we have. All nine members agree and are preparing for the day we can make our move."

  "All nine?"

  Spencer nodded.

  "Good. We'll have no problems when we take over."

  "The aristocracy are all in agreement too," Spencer added.

  The wealthy families all agreed with the plans to remove humans. They wanted to rule. They were the best the vampires had to offer and were determined to take their rightful place at the top of the food chain. Humans were cattle, only needed for their blood and as toys to please their masters.

  "That's close to thirty families."

  "Yes. In total, we have over one hundred vampires preparing."

  "How many families are left to move to the States?"

  "All those following our plan are here or in the final stages of moving here. Soon, they'll be no vampires left abroad who stand with us."

  "All our people will be here, in one of the estates."

  Spencer nodded. All the people they wanted would be safe when the power went out. "We have purchased more shares in the solar company. We now have a majority holding. All buildings are currently being refitted to withstand the chaos."


  "On course to be complete within the year. We have various weapons of all calibers, plus missiles, and we have an order for tanks."

  Commander Garrick looked at another vampire, directing his question to her. "Belinda. How are we for blood slaves after the debacle at Graham's mansion?"

  "All slaves have been moved to safer, less known locations. They won't be found. The ones from Graham's mansion have been taken care of, except for two. Jacques Mathias and Elizabeth Selby. Both disappeared after they were released from the hospital."

  "It is imperative that we locate them and bring them back. We can't have them out there where they could tell the authorities what's happened. It's bad enough that Graham's grandson became involved and that rescue company. The council are doing everything they can to slow down the investigation Sheriff Bailey has opened, but at some point, we may made need to take more permanent action."

  "Kill the Sheriff and his son?" Belinda muttered.

  "Both are mated," Spencer added. "That may complicate things."

  Commander Garrick shrugged. "So, we take out four instead of two." He leaned over the table and pointed at one of the estates. "The land here is next to the solar company we own, isn't it?"

  "Yes, it is. We are fulfilling orders for all our properties to ensure they have an adequate power supply when the time comes."

  Garrick looked across the table. "Food. Water."

  The third vampire answered. "We have started on the wells and they will be complete on time. The greenhouses are already in use and we have grains and tinned goods stored. We've hit our preliminary targets, but I'm buying more. We can't run short when there is chaos outside the walls."

  "Good, Lincoln. So, weapons, food, water and power are all on target. Defenses are good. What's the situation with comms? We will still need to be able to communicate so we can coordi
nate our attack."

  Belinda answered. "Our satellite is ready to launch. We're finishing off our tests now to ensure it works."

  "What about our shadow? Has IT located who it is?"

  Spencer answered this question. "No. Whoever it is, is good and giving IT a run for their money. I've told them the consequences of failure. I'm certain they'll find out who it is."

  "Good." Garrick's cell beeped, and he glanced at the screen. "I've got to go. Keep on top of things and we'll meet again in two days."

  Garrick, Belinda and Lincoln left the room and Spencer sighed in relief. He hated these meetings. Gathering up his tablet and paperwork, he also left the room. He had more jobs to complete before he finished for the day.

  Chapter Eleven

  Pacing his living room floor, Tank swallowed against the dryness of his throat. He sipped his water trying to relieve the ache, but nothing worked. He was tired too, his body weighing what felt like a thousand pounds and he blinked when his vision blurred. He couldn't understand why his body was behaving like this. He'd eaten, slept, and made sure he was in good health with no lingering effects from his injuries. He'd done everything he'd been advised to do.

  Shaking his head, he sat on the edge of the sofa, staring at a football game on the TV, but not paying any attention. He probed the healing wound on his leg, noting that it wasn't as painful now. He was good, everything was okay, so why did he feel this way? What was causing it?

  Niles. It had to be Niles.

  He dropped his head into his hands and closed his eyes. When was the last time Niles had fed from him? Tank knew Niles would need his blood now they were mated. It was before the accident and that was a good two weeks ago. Would he need blood so soon? Man, he was an idiot. He should know the answer. He needed to speak to Niles.


  When there was no response, he tried again.


  When there was still no answer, Tank growled in frustration. Damn stubborn mate.

  Niles, let me help you. I know you need to feed.

  I'll manage.

  Sighing in relief, Tank continued, Please, Niles. I fucked up. Punish me all you want, but don't punish yourself.

  When there was nothing, Tank slumped back on the sofa, and stared up at the ceiling. "Shit."

  I'll be home in an hour.

  Tank jerked in surprise when he heard Niles' voice in his head.

  I'll be there.

  Jumping up, Tank quickly showered and dressed in clean clothes then drove over to Niles'. He knocked on the door and stood waiting, rocking on his feet. When there was no answer, his shoulders slumped. Had Niles' lied to him?

  He was about to leave when he heard a sound from the other side of the door. Turning, he saw it open and stared at Niles, his mouth falling open in surprise.

  "Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes scanning over his mate.

  Niles looked paler than normal, dark shadows under his eyes and to Tank he looked like he'd lost some weight too.

  "Road traffic accident, RTA, on Baker's Road."

  Niles walked back into the house leaving Tank to follow. In the kitchen, Tank watched him move around, far too slow for his mate, and to his eyes, a little unsteady on his feet.

  "It's been nonstop for forty-eight hours," Niles muttered, bracing himself against the counter, his head dropping.

  Tank walked over to him and gently turned him to the nearest chair. "Sit and relax. Have you eaten?"

  "I had a snack from the canteen."

  Tank stared at Niles, then walked over to the refrigerator. Steaks and the makings of a salad. Pulling them out, he checked both and was glad to find they would be okay to eat.

  "I'll cook while you relax. Aren't you a heart doctor?"

  "Cardiothoracic surgeon."

  "Okay, so—"

  "One of the drivers needed heart surgery due to injury, and another developed problems. Aftercare, notes, reviews." Niles shrugged. "Long shift."

  "Oh, okay." Tank prepared the food and cooked the steaks. He kept an eye on Niles watching him as he slumped further and further down in his chair, his eyes closing. When the food was ready, he plated it and placed it in front of Niles, nudging him awake.

  "Eat this and then you'll feed." When Niles' eyes shot to his, Tank added, "Don't think I don't know you need to feed from me. You should have told me sooner. You're a doctor and you of all people should be more responsible."

  Niles shrugged again, and Tank sighed in frustration at the lack of concern his mate was showing. Niles didn't say anything more, and they sat eating in a heavy, awkward silence. Several times throughout the meal, Tank would pause to make sure Niles was eating. He was, but it was slow going.

  When they'd both finished, Tank cleared the dishes away and glanced at Niles, seeing him virtually asleep on the table. Leaving them in the sink, he walked over to Niles, tapping him on the shoulder.

  "Come on. Let's get you to bed so you can feed and sleep."

  Niles stood and brushed past Tank causing him to sigh again. Stubborn vampire. He followed him upstairs and managed to catch the bathroom door closing behind Niles. Seconds later, the shower came on, so Tank sat on the edge of the bed waiting for him to finish.

  He glanced around the room, so similar to his own. He'd spent nights here, sleeping and fucking, enjoying the closeness and developing relationship with his mate. Everything was the same, and it reminded Tank what he was throwing away. Family or mate? Tank shook his head. What a fucked up choice to have to make.

  The shower turned off and a few minutes later, Niles walked out with a towel wrapped around his hips. He crawled onto the bed and lay on his back, closing his eyes. Tank stared, and waited, but Niles said nothing.

  Shaking his head again, Tank stripped his off his t-shirt and crawled over Niles. "Is this how it's gonna be?"

  Keeping his eyes closed, Niles murmured, "You offered to let me feed."

  Tank tilted his head and gave Niles a grim smile. "Neck or wrist?"

  Niles opened his eyes and Tank saw the faint red glow begin to appear in them. They stared at each other, neither saying a word. Tank slowly lowered his head, giving Niles a chance to say no. When he didn't, Tank slid his lips over Niles' and felt the quick, indrawn breath he took.

  He moved further over, settling over Niles, and could feel the evidence of his arousal. Niles was hard and so was Tank. He rubbed his dick along Niles', aching to feel no barriers between them and angled his head, licking across Niles' lips, eager to slip his tongue in and kiss his mate properly.

  "Tank," Niles whispered, and he parted his lips letting Tank’s tongue slide in.

  Moaning, Tank deepened the kiss, his hands tunneling into Niles' dark hair. Their tongues danced together, an erotic tango that Tank had missed. He'd never really been into kissing, but with Niles, he found he could do it all day and still want more. He always wanted more with his mate.

  As they kissed, he slid a hand down Niles’ body, loving the feel of his mate beneath him, but worried that he could feel Niles' ribs. He'd lost too much weight.

  He broke away from the kiss staring into Niles' glowing eyes. "Niles," he murmured.

  Niles shook his head and pulled him back down and Tank went willingly. He was here now, and he'd give Niles everything he needed. He'd make sure he took what he needed.

  He pulled the towel apart and cupped Niles' balls, rolling them between his fingers. He slid his hand up and palmed his dick, his fingers circling the width while his thumb smeared the precome over the head. It wasn't enough for Tank; he needed more. He needed to taste.

  Pulling his mouth away, he placed a soft, gentle kiss on Niles’ lips then moved down his body until he was above his dick. He'd never done this before Niles, and even though he was better at receiving than giving, he wanted to please his mate.

  He licked it from base to tip, enjoying the shudder that rolled through Niles' body. God, he'd missed him. His taste, his smell. The way his body felt, the way they connected. Niles arch
ed up and Tank sucked the head into his mouth, his tongue going to all the spots he knew Niles loved to be touched. He wanted to please his mate, give him what he needed.

  Niles’ hand gripped his hair. "Lube," he groaned out when Tank swallowed more of his dick.

  Tank pulled off, found the lube on the bed, and went back to Niles' dick, sucking it back in. As he licked and sucked, he poured some lube onto his fingers. He rubbed two of them over Niles' hole, and when he felt Niles push out, he pushed them in. Two fingers soon became three, and he twisted them, making sure to hit Niles' hot spot.

  Niles cried out, his body shuddering with every swipe of Tank's fingers over that spot, and his ass tightened, gripping Tank's fingers. Tank couldn't wait to feel that tight ass encasing his dick.

  He made quick work of preparing Niles and when he was certain he was ready, he quickly stripped and knelt between Niles' spread legs. He leaned over him and teased him with his dick, rubbing it over Niles' hole.

  "Don't tease me, Targon," Niles begged, the red shining in his eyes.

  Tank pushed, popping past the muscle, and paused when the head was in, giving time for Niles to adjust. When Niles nodded, Tank slid all the way in and lay on top of Niles, his hands holding the sides of his head. He kissed him as his body moved, his tongue mimicking his dick. Niles moaned, his hips arching up, meeting every thrust into his body, and he wrapped his legs around Tanks waist, bringing them closer together.

  Tank moved his hand and gripped Niles' hip, holding him in place. He couldn't go slow even though he wanted to. He needed Niles too much. He’d missed his body and the sounds he made when they were like this together.

  Niles moved with him, his body responding to Tank's every thrust, and Tank kissed him, pouring as much emotion into it as he could. He opened himself up to Niles, letting him feel everything he did, letting his emotions flow through their bond to Niles. He needed Niles to know how much he cared, how much he wanted and needed him.

  Tank moved faster, needing more, and Niles gave it. Niles' hands gripped him, holding him in place and Tank stared down into his glowing red eyes, seeing his fangs exposed. He knew what his mate needed.


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