Twilight Templar (The Eternal Journey Book 1)

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Twilight Templar (The Eternal Journey Book 1) Page 37

by C. J. Carella


  I will. After we save Orom and get rid of Felix.


  Hawke took care of the last finishing touches. He had three new spells in four Elements to choose from and had gained five new Life spells. After some thought, he ended up with the following:

  Animate Shadow (Dark/Light)

  Time to Cast: 2 seconds (Instant). Cooldown: 1 hour. Cost: 25(19) Mana. Duration: 30 minutes. Range: Self/100 yards. Effect: Turn your own shadow into a creature of living darkness who will obey your commands, serve as a scout, and fight for you. You can see anything your shadow self ‘sees.’ In combat, the Animated Shadow has 10 Health per level and can inflict 1 point of Elemental (Darkness) damage for every level of the caster’s Intelligence and Willpower. The shadow has no resistances but takes half damage from Physical and Darkness attacks and double damage from Light and Fire attacks.

  Bless Crops (Life)

  Time to Cast: 10 minutes (6 minutes). Cooldown: 4 hours. Cost: 50(43) Mana. Duration: Permanent. Range: 300-foot radius around yourself. Effect: All plant life in the area will reach their full seasonal growth instantly. This will apply to both beneficial and harmful plants.

  Burning Light (Light Spell)

  Time to Cast: 2 seconds (Instant). Cooldown: 15 seconds. Cost: 12(9) Mana. Duration: Instant. Range: 100 feet. Effect: Unleash a cone of lethal Light energy, inflicting 1-6(1-9) points of damage per level. This damage is doubled against Beyonders, Demons, and the Undead.

  Gift of the Martyr (Life Spell)

  Time to Cast: 5 seconds (Instant). Cooldown: 1 minute. Cost: 10(7) Mana; Mana spent in this manner cannot be regained for as long as the spell is active. Duration: 24 hours or until dispelled. Range: Touch. Effect: Create a life force link between a person of your choice and yourself. Any time the spell target takes damage, it is magically transferred to you, leaving them unharmed. This damage is not reduced by your armor, damage absorption or damage resistance, and is subtracted directly from your Health.

  Healing Wave (Life Spell)

  Time to Cast: 1 second (Instant). Cooldown: 5 seconds. Cost: 15(12) Mana. Duration: Permanent. Range: 100-foot radius around yourself. Effect: All friendly targets in range will be healed for 2 Health per caster level. Against Undead, this will inflict 6 damage per caster level.

  Sense Life (Life Spell)

  Time to Cast: 10 seconds (4 seconds). Cooldown: 1 minute. Cost: 15(12) Mana. Duration: 10 seconds. Range: 150-foot radius around yourself. Effect: You can sense the location of all living beings in range. Before you cast the spell, you can specify what sort of life forms you want to detect, discriminating by such factors as size, species, or sex.

  Transference (Life Spell)

  Time to Cast: 15 seconds (12 seconds). Cooldown: n/a. Cost: 20(15) Mana; Mana spent in this manner cannot be regained for as long as the spell is active. Duration: Until dispelled. Range: Self. Effect: As long as Transference is active, you can turn Mana into Health or Endurance whenever you want, on a 1-to-1 basis.

  Twilight Mantle (Dark/Light)

  Time to Cast: 7 seconds (4 seconds). Cooldown: 5 minutes. Cost: 30(23) Mana. Duration: 1 minute per level. Range: 50-foot radius. Effect: Cast a mantle of invisibility around anyone in the area of effect. Invisible characters create only a vague shimmering outline if moving. Chances to spot are reduced by 95% if standing still, by 65% if moving slowly, and by 40% if moving rapidly.

  He now had a shadow ‘pet’ that could serve as a scout and even a combat helper, an AOE attack and a heal that would also damage Undead, and a way to make sure that people he liked didn’t die by sending all the damage they suffered to him instead, as well as a group invisibility spell, and a quick method to heal damage and overcome exhaustion by using his Mana directly. It wasn’t as efficient as a healing spell, but he could do it without even pausing to insta-cast something. He also picked an agricultural spell, because he had a feeling Orom’s economy could use a jumpstart after the current crisis was over.

  For his new Perk, he selected Speed Casting again, this time applying it to Life magic. Hawke felt like he was ready for anything. He didn’t select a new Arcane Profession or Gathering ability; he had the vague outlines of a plan regarding the Prefect and that choice might play a part in it. He checked his notifications to see what else he needed to do.

  How does Mentoring work, Saturnyx?


  “My notifications say I can Mentor as many as three people.”


  Nine Mana was a noticeable cost, but one he could easily afford. He looked at the former town guards. If he could turn some of them into Adventurers, it would improve their chances considerably. It sounded like a good tradeoff. After making sure he had dealt with his other selections, he walked over to Marko.

  “Sergeant,” he said.

  Marko scowled. “Sergeant no longer. I left the Guard when that madman betrayed us all, although if I’d known what I do now, I’d have cut him down on the spot, gods curse me if I wouldn’t, and may Shining Father forgive me for cursing in His house.”

  “I can Mentor you. Turn you into an Adventurer. Would you be interested in that?”

  The former guardsman’s eyes widened in surprise. “Would I? I am one-and-thirty years old, Your Holiness. Most would say I’m too old to be an apprentice and spend years following you until you find me worthy of advancement.”

  “We don’t have years. I meant, turn you into an Adventurer now. Thirty-one isn’t that old.”

  “I… I have little to offer in return, Hawke. A bit of coin is all I have, less than such a boon is worth. I would serve you for years to come, of course, but…”

  “No fee, no service. The only thing I ask is that you help me free the town from Felix and the Necromancer. After that, you’re free to do as you wish.”

  “I was going to do that already! Orom is my home. I will not see it desecrated by the Undead.”

  “Then we’re square. I am also thinking of starting a Guild, and you would be welcome to join, but that can wait until I have a Charter written down. Do you know anyone else who would be interested in the same deal I’m offering? I can Mentor up to three people.”

  “Calvus, of course. He quit the Guard, same as I. As to the rest… I don’t know, your holiness. They aren’t bad lads, but not very steady. Most of those who were, they left town.”

  “Would you mentor me?” someone said behind him.

  It was Alba, the serving girl at the Copper Kettle.

  “I’m not afraid of a scrap,” she continued. “Ask Marko if you don’t believe me! Many a drunk I’ve brought down with a cudgel or a swift kick where it hurts. I would be very grateful for the honor.”

  “Like I told Marko, I’m not asking for payment or service. Just to help me fight the Prefect and free the town.”

  “I will do that in any case,” she said, echoing Marko and confirming Hawke’s feeling that she was worthy of Mentoring. “I will swear whatever oaths you require of me.”

  “I guess when we perform the ritual, you can make your vows then.”

  Marko rushed downstairs and all but dragged Calvus back, who was confused at first but soon became eager to join up. Only the wealthy or well-connected had any expectation of entering the Path through a Mentorship or by going to a specialized school. Saturnyx explained that people could become Adventurers spontaneously, but that rarely happened, unless their parents were both Adventures; that had been the case with Tava and Gosto.
Sometimes, a fight with a monster or an Adventurer could trigger someone’s latent potential to become more than human. That was a long shot; you were far more likely to die than to gain anything.

  “Very well,” he said when the trio was gathered together. The words of the ritual came to him as if he had memorized them. “By the power granted to me by the gods, Arbiters and Makers, I, Hawke Lightseeker, bestow upon you a fraction of my power to awaken yours. If you have the potential and accept this gift, arise and enter the Path to Power.”

  “I, Marko Clades, accept Hawke Lightseeker as my Mentor. For a fraction of his power to awaken mine, I hereby swear to enter his service for no less than a year and a day, to join any Guild or Company he leads, and to follow his orders even unto death. I do so swear. Three times I swear to do all of this, and may the gods, Arbiters and Makers punish me if I’m forsworn.”

  Hawke’s jaw dropped. “I didn’t ask…”

  Marko had that stubborn look that Hawke had learned to recognize as sign to not argue with someone’s decision. “You did not. I do this of my own free will.”

  He could only nod at that, and hope to be worthy of that sort of loyalty. When the others’ turn came, they made the same oath. Three people had basically pledged their lives to him for no less than a year. It made him feel humbled. No pressure at all, guys.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You could speak to Dorrham on my behalf, before I tell him to find himself another wench to tend to his tables,” Alba said with a grin and a wink that promised she was going to be a handful.

  After the oaths were given, Hawke concentrated and sent Mana towards each of them. His Mana Channeling senses followed the energy flow out of his body, and could tell that those energy units would not come back. It didn’t bother him at all.

  Marko seemed to grow taller, and he filled his mail shirt more snugly as his trim shape gained several pounds of muscle; his eyes widened in surprise. “I am… a High Guard! An Elite Class! How is that possible?”

  Saturnyx sounded only slightly less surprised.

  Handing out Elite classes is going to make it harder to keep my Ninja Paladin identity secret, Hawke thought, but despite that, he felt fairly pleased with himself.

  Calvo became a Paladin of Shining Father, which amused Marko to no end; the younger guard hadn’t been terribly devout, at least in public. The way he looked at the statue of his divine patron left little doubt that he had been hiding a good deal of faith, however. After thanking Hawke once again, he went off to speak with Patros. Maybe he would help the Priest grow a spine.

  “Oh, my,” Alba whispered. Hawke saw her status box waver as an illusionary Class hid her real one. To anyone else, she had become a first level Rogue. As her Mentor, he saw the truth, however: she was a Shadow Assassin. When Hawke had checked that Elite Class, he had discovered it was outlawed throughout the Empire and most of its neighbors. Shadow Assassins were mystics who could walk through walls and use Dark, Light and Twilight magic. They resembled Ninjas more than he did, and like Ninjas, they were not popular anywhere. As she looked around in fear, he leaned closer to her.

  “Your secret is safe with me,” he whispered. “I can help train you, by the way. I have secrets of my own.”

  “Thank you again,” she said.

  Saturnyx said.

  I don’t know if I want a fourth wife that can murder me, or, worse, murder her way up to first wife.


  Good point. But leave Alba alone for now. She’s already got plenty of stuff to deal with. Besides, I thought she and Desmond might click.

  Saturnyx laughed.

  Hawke shrugged and resolved not to get involved in anyone’s personal lives. Most definitely including his own; he had enough people doing that job for him. And he still had one more thing to do. They were stuck there for several hours, so he might as well try to awaken a Chakra and complete that Quest. He sat down in the lotus position, ignoring the odd looks a couple of people gave him, and started meditating again.

  His Mana Channels became visible almost immediately, which he took as a good sign. Instead of trying to push or pull on the central Chakra, he studied it carefully, and noticed after a while that it was pulsing, with its brightness dimming in a rhythmical pattern. Almost like a beating heart. Mana kept moving through his body, and he realized the movement was in rhythm with the pulses coming from all his Chakras.

  To experiment further, he cast Consecrated Ground. When the seven Mana points the spell required left his body, all the Chakras stopped pulsing; in fact, the whole network’s flow became interrupted. The spell casting had messed up his circulation. A moment later, though, the flow resumed again – and he noticed the Chakra he was studying sort of spun in an expanding shape, like a flower unfurling. Mana from outside flowed through the unfurled gate and was absorbed into his body to replenish the energy he had spent.

  He had learned two things. One, ordinary spell casting disrupted the flow of Mana, and there was probably a better way to do it, one that didn’t shock his entire system. Two, the Chakras weren’t like a door, but more like a puzzle that opened up in the proper combination. Rather than push through it, he tried to direct energy in the pattern he had glimpsed. It took two or three tries, but it worked! The Chakra blossomed and became brighter and bigger. All the channels running through his body became brighter as well.

  Quest Complete: Mana Channeler II

  Rewards: 500 Experience, +10% to Mana Capacity, +1 to Mana Regeneration per minute.

  For Opening the Solar Plexus Chakra, you have gained +1 to Perception, and +1 to Mana Regeneration per minute.

  Current XP/Next Level: 10,832/12,000

  New Quest Available: Mana Channeler III

  Hawke saved the new Quest for another time. Completing the last one had taken days of effort and he was about to storm a castle in a few hours. He looked over at his finalized stats and those of his sword and second fiancée:

  Name: Hawke Lightseeker. Race: Half-Elf. Class: Eternal (Twilight Templar). Level: 10

  Experience/Next Level: 10,832/12,000


  Strength 20(34), Dexterity 20(36), Constitution 25(38), Intelligence 20(22), Spirit 20(24), Perception 18, Willpower 18(22), Charisma 19


  Health: 248 (13.8/min)

  Mana: 324(624) (15.4/min)

  Endurance 213 (13.8/min)

  Identity: 22


  Climbing 2, Dodge 7, Lore 3, Shield 7, Spear 4, Stealth 3, Survival 3, Sword 7(19), Swimming 2, Tracking 1

  Languages: Common Fey, Vulgate, Lesser Celestial


  Dark Vision, Speed-Casting (Life and Light Magic), True Sight, Undying, Unlimited Potential


  Animate Shadow, Aura of Light, Bless Crops, Bolt of Darkness, Bolt of Life, Bulwark of Light, Burning Light, Consecrated Ground, Dark Step, Enlightenment, Gift of the Martyr, Growth, Hammer of Light, Hammer of Twilight, Healing Wave, Lesser Healing, Sense Life, Shadow Step, Shield of Light, Shroud of Darkness, Shroud of Twilight, Touch of Light, Transference, Twilight Mantle, Twilight Step

  Special Abilities

  Analyze Monster, Evolve Monster, Greater Bond, Mana Channeling II, Stop Monster, Summon Monster, Tame Monster

  Saturnyx Blades of the Battle-Mage (Legendary Artifact – Set Item)

  Item Level: 10 (Minimum Level 5). Level 10 Soul Blade

  Base Damage: 38-58(Physical), 3-30 Elemental (Air)

p; Enhanced Attributes: +13 to Strength, +10 to Constitution, +13 to Dexterity.

  Skill Bonus: +12 to Sword Skill, +2 to defensive actions (Only when both swords are used).

  Spell Focus: Reduce casting time by 3 seconds or 25%, whichever is better.

  Durability: 400/400. Requires Sword Skill (Paired Weapons)

  Dragon-Bone Hilt: Provides Damage Resistance: Elemental (Fire) 55% Elemental (All Others): 25%.

  Elysian Steel Cross-Guard: Reduces the Mana cost of spells by 1.

  Orb of Light: Provides Spell Focus (+3 to the effective level of the caster to determine effects, damage and range.

  Set bonuses: Two pieces: +50 Mana. Three pieces: +10% Damage Resistance (All). Full Set: +100 Mana; Reduce Casting Time by 1 second or 10%, whichever is better (total -4 seconds/-30%).

  Sword Boons: Focus, Resist Opposite Element, Elemental Burst, Elemental Damage, Elemental Dome.

  Think we are good enough to take this town?


  “Then let’s go do it.”


  Desmond and Nadia set their respawn points at the Temple of Shining Father. Patros insisted that his deity would take any violence committed in his house as a personal affront, so it would take a very brave griefer to spawn camp the two Eternals there. Hawke thought that was for the best; he still didn’t want anyone else to know about his own Reincarnation site. At least not until he claimed the Mana Node there as his own, which was just one more thing on his to-do list, just above ‘continue to improve Mana Channeling’ and well below ‘save the town.’

  “Orom has fallen to a Ruler who betrayed his oaths and consorted with dark powers,” Patros told the gathered volunteers, everyone who had agreed to mount an attack against the Prefect.

  The group included fifteen Adventurers, counting the three that Hawke had Mentored as well as Dorrham, who would not be denied a place in the upcoming battle and had been given a spare shield by his cousin Korgam to go with his Legionnaire’s Mace. Katro the Smith had also volunteered, as well as his son; so had several normal townspeople, for a total force of thirty. Not exactly an army, but it included a lot of magical power. Patros had called it the Town’s Company.


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