Milo: Xavier’s Hatchlings ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance

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Milo: Xavier’s Hatchlings ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance Page 10

by Kathi S. Barton

  “I know. I’ve heard some of the things they’d done around their neighborhood that frankly make me sick. The fact that they planned on killing Pem and her grandma makes me want to find them and make them pay over again. But we’ll take care of them. Right?” She smiled and nodded at him. “What’s with the smile? I have a feeling I’m missing something.”

  “You are, but through no fault of your own. I’m going to have your baby.”

  Milo watched as she walked into the other room. He was still sitting there when Lily told him to close his mouth and to find his mate. She was waiting on him. Christ. He was going to be a father? Needing to hold onto Jamie, he found her at the dining room table, laughing, eating a large salad for her meal. Picking her up, he swung her around the room and sat her down.

  “Did I hurt you?” She smacked him on the chest. “Are you sure? A baby? Who told you? I’m assuming it was one of my relatives. Who was it?”

  “No, you didn’t hurt me. Yes, I’m sure. Yes, usually, women have babies no matter what they are. Winnie told me. And yes, I do believe she is a relative of yours.” Jamie kissed him on the mouth. “I love you, Milo Manning.”

  “And I love you, Jamie Manning.” He held her tightly, then hugged her again. There was a great deal to talk about, he supposed, but for now, he was thrilled that he was going to be a dad. “Good lord, I’m going to be a father.”

  She was still laughing when he had to sit down. Milo wasn’t going to retaliate because she was with child. Deciding he’d not call her that, he sat down and watched her eat, very careful not to encourage her to eat more or to drink a lot of juice. He might be a first-time father, but he was far from stupid.

  Chapter 7

  Imp didn’t move when they were all told to sit on the floor with their hands on their heads. She wasn’t going to do anything until the time was right. Knowing that the three men and a woman were robbing the bank on a Friday morning told her they were stupid anyway. Only a numb-nuts would rob a bank that early in the morning after all the money had been put in the armored truck and sent out.

  “Who’s in charge?” She supposed she could have pointed out it was the dead man on the floor of his office, but she kept her mouth shut. “I asked a question, and I want you to answer.”

  Imp wondered why he thought the lady wearing her slippers and a hairnet would be working in the bank. She was the elderly lady that came in once a day to check on the balance of her account. And every day, Imp or one of the other tellers working there would tell her there was nothing in the account that she’d have to wait for her social security check to hit. There were five or so bucks in the account, but they never told her that. Mrs. Shelby would take that, and the account would be closed. She’d not get her checks at all if she did that.

  Working here was a good way to make some money. Usually, there wasn’t any kind of stress. But Imp had no desire to get shot up when she had more important things to do today. Like breathing and having all her blood stay where it was.

  “You. Do you work here?” The lady sitting next to her on the floor, Mary Roberts, shook her head. She did, as a matter of fact, work right beside Imp, but when she turned to her, telling the man Imp worked there, Imp thought about never working for her again. If it was to come up after this, she reminded herself. “I want you to get me the manager.”

  “You already killed him. And if you’re going to ask me to open the safe, I can’t do that either. You killed the only person that can do that for you.” He put the gun at her forehead. “You kill me, and that will definitely not get you any answers. I don’t know the combination any more than you do. They don’t let us have it as part-timers.”

  “Why?” She waited for him to say why what, but when he didn’t, she finally had to ask him. “Why don’t they give it to part-timers? Don’t they think people want something out of the vaulter when they come in?”

  That was the third time he’d called it a vaulter like it was some gymnastic jump or something. Instead of correcting him, she told him what she knew. That they didn’t want anyone that wasn’t full-time knowing the combination in the event of the bank being robbed.

  “That’s just stupid.” She didn’t tell him she thought robbing the bank was stupid, but he seemed to not care what her opinion was. So when he got up to pace, she didn’t move. It was becoming harder and harder to sit still. Imp had been on her way to the bathroom when the people had shown up. Now she really had to pee. “We had this place all ready to be robbed, and now it’s not going the way we want.”

  Again, she had plenty to say to that but prudently kept her mouth shut. Turning to her again, he asked her what was in the drawers they were to use.

  “Nothing. I mean, you came in right before we were to open and killed the bank manager right away. He hadn’t gotten out the drawers we were to use.” Imp nearly screamed when someone spoke to her right by her ear. “Who is that?”

  “I’m not going to tell you my name, you moron.” She nodded at the man, hoping the woman who had spoken would understand that she meant her. The woman spoke again.

  You have the power to end this. Why haven’t you? Imp asked her what she was talking about, knowing full well what she could do. You are very powerful, Imp Perkins. Just stomp your foot, and the police will come in and gather up the idiots. They are, too, as you’ve noticed.

  I just got my life together here, and I’m not going to do something to jeopardize that. I don’t know what people will think if I suddenly just make everyone within a mile fall on their asses. It’ll come back to bite me in the ass, and I think you know that, whoever you are, as well as I do. The laughter had her smiling. It was just like what she thought the word mirth would sound like if the dictionary had sound. You should know if you’re aware of me, that I’m not going to cause trouble when I don’t have to.

  He’s going to kill everyone in that bank. Can you live with that? She told the voice that she could. No you can’t. You have a tender heart, and you’d hate for anyone to be hurt. That’s why you ran here a few months ago.

  If you know so much, why the hell don’t you fix this? I’m assuming you’re as capable as I am. She told her she was, but wasn’t allowed to interfere with humans. And what makes you think I can? Answer me that? Maybe I can’t either.

  Ah, but you can. Do you know why? Because I know just what you are. Imp wasn’t sure she was telling her the truth or not. She had no idea what she was or the power that she could wield. If you do this for me, I’ll not only tell you what you are but also where you’re from. That would be worth it, right?

  I don’t like you very much right now. She told her who she was. Well, Winnie Manning, not only do I not like you, but I don’t care for your name, either. I’m reasonably sure you’re not related to the dragons by the same name. Sounds petty, I know, but my mother’s name was Winnie, and she was a fucking cunt.

  Standing up, she was told to sit down. Instead of following orders, she touched the man with her fingertips and said, “Freeze.” He looked, for all appearances, just like a man standing still. However, every organ in his body, including his heart, was frozen solid.

  Taking his gun from his fingers, she shoved him to the floor. Turning to the other people that had been sitting in the bank with her, she told them to go to the bathroom. However, they just sat there.

  “Get your asses in the bathroom before the next guy comes out here and starts firing at you.” They moved then. The three other tellers were moving quickly, and she closed her eyes. “Christ, they’ll hire anyone.”

  Winnie laughed but didn’t say anything until she was headed toward where the vault was. There is a man to your right. He’s looking toward where you’re coming from. When I tell you, you can move. She waited, and when Winnie said now, she came around the corner and fired twice, hitting him in the head both times. Good shot. The other two men are in the backroom trying to find the combination to the vault. Th
ey don’t have any idea that you killed the other man. They’re making enough noise to wake the dead in there.

  Entering the room, she was shot once in the shoulder as soon as she fired on the first man. Killing the second man, she sat down on the floor and tried to work her way through the pain. Winnie asked her if she was all right.

  Sure. Getting shot like this is an everyday occurrence for me. You said you’d tell me what I am. What the fuck am I, and how much longer do you suppose I’ll live? I’ve seen enough for several lifetimes. Hell, I’ve seen several lifetimes. Coughing, a little blood appearing on her fingers, she thought about putting the gun to her head and knew it would only hurt. Nothing would kill her. Tell me or not. Right now, I’m out of here.

  I’m afraid that’s not possible. Imp asked her what she was talking about. You leaving there. I mean, you could try, but they’ll hunt you down. The police already think this is an inside job. If you flee, they’ll put out an all-points for you, and since there are four dead men that you killed, they’ll blame you for that too. It sucks to be immortal and have a couple of life sentences.

  Did you fucking know this before? She said she hadn’t, but she could see it playing out that way. Imp heard a noise behind her and put her hands up when she was told to. Right now, I could gladly hunt you down and murder you.

  You can’t, I’m afraid. I’m an immortal as well. And as for your comment earlier, I am a part of the Manning dragons. I’m their protector. She asked her again what she was. You’re an elemental fae. You can also use fire should you wish, even going so far as combining the two. Did you know that?

  Yeah. When you’re around forever, you kind of figure things out. I thought the fae were tiny little things that irritate the shit out of you all the time about eating right and shit. Like the faeries do. She asked her if she had a faerie. I did. A long time ago. He was killed when we were at war for some kingdom. After the way he was killed, no one wanted to come around anymore. At one time, it was thought that killing the faerie that was with someone would kill them as well. It didn’t work out so well for them.

  No, I would think not. Winnie told her she’d be at the jail to post her bond. No worries for that. I don’t want to be beholden to you. I’ll just hang out there until they get their heads out of their asses, and I’ll be on my way. After today, I think I’ve worn out my welcome.

  The police asked her what had happened, and she told them, even going so far as to show them her badge, that she had to get into the place. After telling them what she knew about the men, which was nothing, Imp ended up telling them three more times before someone decided she might need medical care. Not that it mattered. Once the bullet was removed, she’d mend on her own. But she knew better than to just hop right up. She’d have to fake it for a few days at least.

  The hospital was state of the art. Imp could also tell it was new, even to the people working in the emergency room. She was given a workup, blood pressure taken, temp too, at least four times so far. The officer with her was too busy flirting with one of the staff to notice she wasn’t handcuffed to the bed as they’d told her she’d be.

  Not that she had any intentions of leaving. Imp had figured out that what Winnie had told her was true. She was guilty until proven otherwise. Not that it didn’t happen a great deal with humans. People just didn’t trust as much as they used to.

  Smiling to herself, she looked up when her name was spoken. “You must be Winnie Manning.” She nodded at her and came fully into the room. There was a man with her, and she introduced him as Hudson, her husband. “You must be a hell of a man to have to put up with Winnie, I’m thinking. She’s been a pain in my ass since she convinced me that killing four men would be no trouble for me. But I do know what I am now, so that’s all right too, I guess. Why are you here?”

  “I’m your attorney.” Imp didn’t bother pointing out that she didn’t need one—she could well represent herself in anything like a courtroom. “Also, the king of dragons would like to meet you. My brother, Cooper. He wants to thank you for making sure one of his people wasn’t killed.”

  “Debra.” Hudson nodded. “She’s not a dragon. I think I would have smelled brimstone on her had she been one.”

  “She’s the daughter of one of the people that work in his nephew’s household. He’s very grateful to you.” Imp looked at Winnie when she sat down. “You’ve done a great service for him, and he wishes to grant you anything you wish. Within reason.”

  “Death.” Hudson looked at Winnie when she laughed. “I don’t think my wanting to die is all that difficult for him to do, if he’s the king of dragons or some shit like that. Just burn me up or something like that, and I’ll be happy. You did say he wanted to reward me, correct?”

  “Not by death.” He looked at his wife. “How did you know that was what she’d ask for? You read her mind, didn’t you?”

  “No. But I’ve been where she is. Being around forever. Not having anyone around that you can trust. Yeah, I knew that would be something she wanted.” Winnie looked at her. “It wouldn’t work anyway, even if Cooper did want to do it for you. You’re an immortal, just like us. And I think killing you would be a shame since I do think you’re the last of your kind.”

  “Nope, wrong there. I bet you think you’re never wrong, but you are in this. I have not just a sister, but a brother too. We don’t…what you might call hang out together. Our combined power would be too much for humans to not feel.” She asked her where they were. “I don’t know where Glacier is, but my brother is in a cave in Yellowstone. He’s been there for decades, keeping away from humans. His name is Ignis.” Winnie asked her what her given name was. “Imperium. Imp for short.”

  The meaning of their names hit Hudson first. When he stood up and sat back down, she watched Winnie. Suddenly the room was filled with faeries and brownies. The order was given to make sure that nothing happened to her.

  “I’m guessing you understand what we are. Glacier is ice, Ignis fire. And me the power. But you’re wasting your time in protecting me. As you pointed out, I’m an immortal the same as you are.” Winnie told her what she was having the little people do. “Ah, so you really know what I am then. What am I? You said you’d tell me.”

  “You’re the power that created dragons’ breath. And in turn, created the dragons themselves. Christ, you’re everything that…wait until I tell my brother. He’s going to have a shitfit that we didn’t figure this out sooner.”

  When the two of them left her, she looked at the faerie that landed on her belly. She told her what she was called.

  “Well, Jasmine, I’m Imp. Are you in charge of the little people?” She said she was hers to command. “I’m not really into the commanding thing. If I ask you for something and you’re in the middle of something else, then you tell me that. I don’t want you to be taken away from your regular duties while keeping an eye on me so that I don’t run.”

  “No, my lady. I am your faerie forever. I will do as you wish when you wish it.” Imp told her she didn’t want a faerie. “You must have one. If you are not happy with me as your faerie, there are many more that would gladly take the job.”

  “It’s not that. I don’t want anyone to get killed while protecting me, or whatever it is you’re thinking I might need from you.” She said she’d be fine, that with her, she was an immortal as well.

  She’d take it up with someone when she was out of there. She no more wanted a faerie than she did people hanging around with her. Imp had a feeling that once she was out of there, Winnie was going to be up her ass for the rest of her life. Christ, Imp thought, she needed a drink.


  This wasn’t the way he wanted to spend his day. Milo knew it was important, but the thought of seeing Jamie’s parents just pissed him off. Not that he and Jamie could have been killed, but the way they’d have suffered would have been horrific. Being in the ocean for however long it took someone
to find them would have been nothing he wanted to experience.

  He looked over at Jamie when she came into the room with him and his parents.

  “Are you ready?” Jamie put her hand on her belly and nodded at his mom. “We can do this later if you wish. I’d rather it was finished now, but we can wait if you’d like.”

  “No. I want this done today. They’ve had all the time they needed to get this shit going. I’m going to make sure they understand they’ve fucked with the wrong person.” Mom smiled at him. “Do you think this is wrong to go in with this sort of attitude?”

  Mom shook her head as she answered Jamie. “No. I was just thinking about how wonderful it is that they’re going to be surprised by you not just being alive, but also the fact that you’re so pissed off there will be no doubt they’ll be able to feel it.” Jamie said she hoped so. “I think they’re going to be surprised by your power as well. I think you are stronger for it.”

  “Thanks. Okay, summon them or whatever you have to do.” Jamie hugged his mom. “By the way, I’m going to have a baby.”

  Mom was in mid-summoning when she looked at him. When he nodded, Mom completely forgot what she’d been doing and hugged Jamie. Then she hugged him twice before getting herself ready.

  “Patrick Darkhouse and Marie Darkhouse, I summon you to me as the Death Watcher.”

  They were in mid-argument when they were suddenly in the room. Milo wanted to laugh when Marie’s hand connected with Patrick’s cheek. Then they both turned to his mom. Dad stood up when Patrick advanced to her, and he suddenly backed off. Milo wondered if he realized he was dead and had just threatened Cindi.


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