Raider of the Deep

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Raider of the Deep Page 8

by Vale, Jennae

  “Only what I’ve heard here at the tavern and from Anna’s lassies.”

  Rourke waited, impatiently tapping his fingers on the table.

  “It’s being said ’twas Agustin who done it,” the man said, his eyes never leaving the bag of silver.

  Lizzie glanced at Rourke.

  “What of Pargo?” Rourke asked.

  “He was there, but he didn’t wish the governor dead. Agustin shot him on accident.”

  “Ye don’t believe it.”

  “No’ a word. He shot him, but he meant to do it.” He reached for the silver.

  “Not so fast. How do ye ken it?” Rourke pulled another dirk out from hiding, and the man’s hands rose in the air.

  “He’s good with a pistol, ye ken. He’s nay likely to make a mistake.” No more movements toward the bag were made.

  “Does Pargo know this?” Rourke asked.

  “I believe he does. From what I’m hearing, he was looking for information from the gov’na. Was just about to get it when Agustin shot the man.”

  “Have ye heard anything about Pargo’s treasure?” Rourke asked.

  “Nay, but I’d be wondering about Agustin.” The man offered.

  “He’s his first mate. Is he no’ to be trusted?”

  “I would no’.”

  Rourke dislodged his knife from the table and handed the man the bag of coin, and he hurried away with it as fast as he could, despite the limp.

  The serving wench appeared at their table again. “None for me?”

  Rourke reached into another pouch and removed some silver, which he placed in the palm of her hand. “Where’s Anna?”

  “Upstairs with a young lad.”

  Rourke stood and held out a hand for Lizzie. She took it, and he guided her through the tavern to a set of stairs that led to the second landing.

  “What’s up there?” she asked, glancing nervously around her.

  “This is where the lassies bring their men once they prove they’ve enough coin to warrant some special treatment.”

  “Do they think that’s why you’re bringing me up here?” she asked.

  “I don’t care what they think, and neither should ye.”

  “But I do. I’m not like them.”

  He chuckled, irritating her more than she could say.

  “Do you think I am?” she asked, feeling insulted.

  “Do I think ye are what?” Was he purposely pretending he didn’t know what she meant and enjoying her irritation?

  “Like them.” She nodded in the direction of downstairs, toward the women she’d defended earlier today as being ladies who deserved the same respect she received.

  “Only time will tell.” He chuckled again as he climbed the last step to the landing and then shouted loudly. “Anna, are ye up here? It’s Rourke Mackall.”

  A door opened further along the landing, and an older woman with graying hair stuck her head out. “I’m here, but I’m no’ open fer business.”

  “That’s not why I’m here. I’ve some questions I hope ye can answer for me.” He headed for the door, and Lizzie had no choice but to follow.

  “Come in then,” Anna said.

  Rourke went first, followed by Lizzie. She was still steaming mad and wasn’t paying attention to what was right in front of her eyes.


  She looked up at the sound of the voice calling her name. “Daniel!”

  The lad ran into his sister’s arms. She held him tight before lifting his face in her hands. “Are you well?”

  “Yes. Mistress Anna has been taking care of me.” He smiled, turning his head toward Anna.

  Lizzie glanced around the room, which was clean and neatly furnished. “No one has hurt you, have they?”

  “No. We’ve been playing at cards and Anna has been reading to me.”

  “I’m happy ye’re here,” Anna said to Rourke. “This is no place for a young lad like Daniel. He should be home where he belongs.”

  “Pargo is paying well for yer help?” he asked.

  “He is, but if ye’ve come to take him, ’tis for the best.” She placed a hand on Daniel’s head, ruffling his hair.

  “He’ll come with us. Tell Pargo we forcibly took him from ye.”

  “Aye. ’Twas me plan,” Anna replied.

  “What do ye ken about his first mate?” Rourke asked.

  “Agustin? He’s the one brought the lad to me.”

  “Did he say anything at all about the governor or a treasure?”

  “Ye might ask wee Sara. He spent some time and money with her before he left.”

  “Can we speak with her?”

  Anna opened the door and called out. “Sara! Get yer bony arse up here.” She turned back to Lizzie who was covering Daniel’s ears. “My apologies. He’s heard worse than that while he’s been here.” She directed a sweet smile at Daniel. “He’s a good lad. I’ve enjoyed his company.”

  The door opened, and Sara came in. She seemed somewhat shy, which surprised Lizzie. She was a pretty brunette, who was quite thin. She looked to be about twenty years old. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “The Cap’n has some questions for ye. He wants to know about Agustin. Did he tell ye anything?” Anna asked.

  Sara seemed nervous and afraid to speak.

  “Ye can tell ’em. He won’t hurt ye, no matter what ye’ve got to say,” Anna assured her.

  She glanced around the room, her mouth set in a grim line. “He was happy when last I saw ’em. No’ like usual.” As she relayed the last bit, she shivered a little, rubbing her arms and holding them close to her body. “He had some treasure. Gave me a pretty blue gem for me troubles.”

  “Did he say where he got the treasure?” Rourke asked.

  She shook her head. “Said he was leaving and would no’ be back for a while.”

  Rourke scrunched his brow and narrowed his eyes as he looked to Lizzie.

  “What does that mean?” she asked him.

  “It means he took the treasure. He let Pargo think yer father had it.”

  “But he shot my father.” Lizzie was still coming to grips with what had happened.

  “He must have been worried about what yer father knew and what he would say to Pargo.”

  Lizzie’s heart sank. She’d done her best to put the image of her father bleeding to death on the floor of his study out of her mind, and it all came rushing back to her in this one moment. She swayed on her feet, her sight growing dim.

  “Lizzie!” Daniel called as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

  Rourke rushed to her side, catching her as her legs gave way. “I’ve got ye, lass.” He cradled her in his arms.

  She rested there, feeling safe and wishing everything would go back to the way it had been before her father’s murder.

  “Here ye go, lass.” Anna handed her a tot of whisky. “Drink.”

  Lizzie reluctantly swallowed the fiery liquid, sputtering and coughing as it made its way down to her belly, where it spread a soothing warmth that surprised her. “Thank you,” she managed to squeak out.

  Rourke had to get Lizzie home. Despite her insistence on joining him, he should have left her behind, but there was more he needed to know before they could leave.

  “Sara, one more question. Did he say where he was headed or which ship he’d be on?”

  “Said he was going on one of the French ships that was leaving today. He had an agreement with the captain to plunder an English merchant vessel. In exchange for the booty he’d give the French cap’n, Augustin would take command of the ship.”

  “Where would he get a crew?” Rourke wondered.

  “Said he had one,” Sara offered.

  “Thank ye, lass. Lizzie, we’d best get ye and Daniel back home. Can ye walk?”

  “Yes. I’ll be fine.” She stood, taking Daniel’s hand. “Thank you for caring for my brother.”

  “Ye’re welcome, Miss.”

  Daniel let go of his sister’s hand so he could give Mistress Anna a
hug. “Thank you.”

  “’Twas my pleasure, lad.”

  “Can I come visit you again?” he asked.

  She looked past Daniel to Lizzie.

  “Mistress Anna is a very busy woman.”

  The look of disappointment on Daniel’s face must have touched Lizzie. “Please,” he pleaded.

  “Ye do as yer sister says,” Anna said, patting the top of his head.

  “If Mistress Anna has the time, perhaps she could come to the house for a visit,” Lizzie said.

  “Oh, yes, please say you’ll come.” Daniel’s face was alight with happiness.

  Anna smiled warmly and nodded her head. “I’d be happy to.”

  “As touching as this all is, we must go. Come.” Rourke held up his arm and ushered Lizzie and Daniel out. Looking back, he saw what he thought might be tears forming in Anna’s eyes, but she turned her back to him before he could be sure.

  They hurried back to the carriage, which was thankfully still waiting for them. The driver had armed himself with a musket that he held up as they approached, a look of relief on his face.

  “Any trouble?” Rourke asked as he opened the door and helped Lizzie and Daniel inside.

  “No, sir. I was sure to let them know I was armed and wouldn’t hesitate to shoot if necessary.”

  A few stragglers still lingered nearby. They apparently were under the mistaken impression there was something of value inside, but once they saw Rourke return, they knew their chances of robbing the carriage were greatly diminished and so they wandered off.

  “Home, please,” Rourke said.

  The carriage traveled back to the mansion over the same rutted roads they’d encountered before, but this time, they had a young lad with them who loved being jostled about. He laughed uncontrollably each time he was bounced out of his seat.

  Rourke couldn’t help but smile as he observed him. Lizzie was sitting with Daniel on the other side of the carriage, so he had a perfect view of them both. She was doing her best to hold him in place, but she was being jostled just as much. Her composure only lasted so long before she joined her brother in a fit of giggles. In the midst of everything that had been happening over the last few days, there was a welcomed lightness in all their moods.

  Rourke couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be a part of this little family, even though he understood that it was not his destiny to be a family man. It was something he’d never given much thought to. At least not until this very moment.

  Chapter Ten

  “Daniel, welcome home!” Maria said as she hurried forward to embrace him. “Oh, how I’ve missed you.”

  “I missed you, too,” he said, hugging her back.

  “He’s home and safe,” Lizzie said. “I feel at ease for the first time in days.”

  “Where did you find him?” Maria asked.

  “At the tavern,” Lizzie said, smiling indulgently at her brother.

  Maria’s eyes opened wide as did her mouth. “Did they treat you well?”

  “They did. Mistress Anna was so kind to me. I will never forget it.”

  “I will make your favorite supper.” Maria held Daniel’s face in her hands. “Would you like to help me?”

  He nodded eagerly and grasped her hand, following her to the kitchen.

  Lizzie watched them go. “Rourke, thank you.” She turned to find him standing right behind her, close enough to touch, but she stayed her hand. “I don’t know what I would have done without your help. I imagine you’ll be leaving us now.” She could hear the disappointment in her own voice. She couldn’t stop him if he chose to go.

  “I have one more thing I must do.” The always-confident man was acting as if he had no idea what to do with his hands.

  Was she reading him wrong, or did he wish to touch her as much as she wanted him to? “What is that?”

  “I must speak to Pargo and then I intend to find Agustin.”

  She shouldn’t be shocked or surprised he was planning to go after Agustin. “How?”

  “Ye need no’ concern yerself with that. Ye’re safe here. When I’ve avenged yer father, I will return and then we’ll see what that key unlocks.”

  She controlled her excitement. He was coming back. “What do you think happened to my father’s soldiers? They’re no longer here. Guyton hasn’t seen them in days.”

  “I have my suspicions they’re with Agustin. Whatever he was up to seems to have been planned out over a long time.”

  “I wonder if the plan all along was to kill my father.” Lizzie looked to Rourke for an answer.

  “I believe you were all in danger, and may still be.”

  She shuddered at the thought.

  “Stay with Guyton, Daniel,” Lizzie said as she watched the two walk out to the herb garden after they’d finished their meal.

  The sun was setting in a riot of pink, gold, and purple. The beauty of the sky could not diminish her worry that Pargo would find out Daniel was no longer with Anna. If he did, would he come here to find him?

  “Guyton knows to call to me if there are any visitors.” Rourke seemed to hear her unspoken thoughts as he placed his hands on her shoulders from behind. “Come. There is no need for worry. Daniel is home. Ye’re here, and so am I.”

  “You’re right,” she conceded. “I wish this was all over and done.”

  “I understand yer fear. Pargo isn’t a man to be underestimated. It is not by chance he has a fearsome reputation, but as I’ve told ye, so do I. It would no’ be in his best interest to anger me.”

  Lizzie turned quickly into his arms before she could change her mind and back away. She wasn’t disappointed. His hands caressed her arms, sending a shiver of desire through her. There was something dangerous and thrilling about the man that caused her to lose all sensibility when he was near. No proper lady would have the thoughts and yearnings she was visited by every time she laid eyes on him.

  Her father had asked him to take care of her, and he was fulfilling that promise. She wanted more than protection from him. How could she let him know without saying the words? Without appearing to have the morals of those women she saw at the tavern. Waiting until marriage before giving herself to a man was the proper thing to do, but she wanted Rourke, and he’d already told her he wasn’t the marrying kind. He had a ship, a crew, and a love of the sea. She doubted he’d give that life up for her.

  She wrestled with these thoughts as she gazed up into stormy, grey eyes that seemed to say they wanted her, too. Could she give herself fully to him knowing theirs might be only a brief interlude?

  Rourke caressed her cheek with a tenderness that touched her heart. “Ye’re a beautiful woman, Lizzie. It is time for ye to live yer life. Yer father is gone, there is nothing holding ye back.”

  What was he trying to say? She hoped her eyes conveyed how much he meant to her. How much she wanted him.

  He lifted her hand, kissing the tips of her fingers, his gaze never wavering from hers. She was his captive, unable to move, unable to breathe. Caught in the moment, she was unsure what to do, but she knew she wanted to kiss him. Taking in a deep breath, she touched her lips to his. It was a sweet, gentle kiss that he accepted and returned. Holding her face between his hands, he dipped his head to take her mouth. A flutter of hummingbird wings beat frantically in Lizzie’s belly. Her hands shook, not with fear, but with desire.

  “Lizzie, I want ye,” He whispered in her ear.

  “And I, you,” Lizzie answered in a breathy tone.

  “I can no’ promise ye more than this night.”

  She had a million reasons to wish for more, but she would take what he could give her. The ache she felt for him outweighed any thought of propriety. He would be hers tonight, and that would have to be enough.

  Rourke led Lizzie up to her bedchamber. He was acutely aware of the fact that this would be her first time, and he wanted to be sure this was what she wanted. Reaching her door, he stopped, turning her to face him. “Lizzie, are ye sure this is what
ye want?”

  Without hesitation, she answered. “Yes. Very much.”

  He opened the door to Lizzie’s room. Beautifully decorated with floral, upholstered chairs and bed covers of a rosy pink, it was exactly as he expected. It was the essence of the woman he found himself falling in love with. He gently closed the door behind them. He’d never made love to a woman like Lizzie. The women he’d been with had been a mere convenience. They were the women in every port of call who filled the needs of men of the sea.

  Lizzie was looking to him for guidance. Wanting to put her at ease, he pulled her gently into his arms. As he held her close, his hands moved over the back of her dress in search of fasteners or ties. His nerves were getting the best of him, causing him to fumble when he should have been sure. His clumsy attempt at undressing her wasn’t lost on Lizzie, because she pushed him back as light laughter slipped from her lips.

  “Do ye laugh at me?” he asked, feigning hurt feelings.

  “You must admit, you don’t know the first thing about undressing women.”

  “On the contrary. I’ve had much experience, but never with a woman like you.”

  “You’ve been with women before?” she teased, feigning surprise.

  “I have, but they are usually no’ clad in such lovely attire.”

  “Sit.” Lizzie motioned to a chair beside the bed as she began removing her robe, stomacher, and petticoat. Each item was delicately laid aside as it came off. Rourke found himself mesmerized by her movements. He grew hard watching her, but he stayed where he was. When she reached her corset, she crooked a finger and called him to her. Her perfect breasts spilled over the top, and he took the opportunity to run the back of his hand over the tops of them.

  She needed help untying the snug fitting garment, but first, he reached for her, holding her around the waist and kissing the tops of those tempting breasts which would be fully exposed to him in moments. He wanted her to feel his hardness as it pressed into her belly.

  A small ooh escaped her lips. Her eyes opened wide, the pupils growing large and dark with desire. He was pleased with her reaction. He turned her so that her back faced him and he undid the laces on her corset. A perfectly rounded backside now faced him as the corset joined the rest of her discarded clothing. All that remained was her cotton shift.


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