My Confused Cub (Lovable Grumps Book 2)

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My Confused Cub (Lovable Grumps Book 2) Page 7

by Jayda Marx

  Once I realized that Jay's arrival didn't spark an orgy on the dance floor and that I was an idiot for thinking it would, my stomach unknotted itself for the first time all day. I held out my hand and my heart raced when Jay linked our fingers together with a smile.

  I leaned in close and whispered, "Will you dance with me?"

  "Sure, but I'm positive I'll suck."

  "Let's dance now and you can suck later," I teased with a flirty wink, and he laughed the gravelly sound that I loved.


  I'd never been happier about feeling like a dumbass as when I led him into the group of dancing men. Maybe this request had nothing to do with drooling over other guys or finding his next lay. Maybe now that he'd discovered himself, Jay wanted to experience all that the lifestyle had to offer. Maybe he wanted to be around others like him in a place with no judgement. Maybe he wanted to see the type of place where I spent so many of my years working. Maybe I needed to stop thinking so much and just enjoy being here with the man I loved.

  We took a spot amongst the crowd, facing one another. Jay looked at me for direction, and I swelled right up with pride. I loved guiding and teaching him, whether it was sexual or not. I liked being someone he trusted and counted on. I'd never hurt him, and it'd tear my world apart if I ever disappointed him.

  “Bend your knees a little,” I told him. “Good, now just rock your hips side to side. There you go.” I copied his actions and we swayed together to the pounding beat of the bass.

  “What do I do with my hands?”

  “Put them up!”

  We reached for the ceiling and got our shoulders into the action, whipping our bodies left and right. Jay laughed when I gave him a sassy shake of my chest, and I swatted his ass when he turned around and poked it out at me.

  “Oh, things are getting real now,” I teased when he turned back to face me. “It’s dance off time.” Jay looked worried until I balled my hands into fists and circled them in front of my chest.

  “You did not just do the cabbage patch,” he said through a smirk. “Alright then, you asked for it.” He turned to the side and pumped his arms as his feet marched in place, giving his best version of the running man.

  “Not bad, but...wait a’s getting hot in here. I think...I think someone should turn on the sprinklers.”

  “Oh god, no,” Jay pleaded through his laughter. “Not the sprinkler.”

  “Too late!” I tucked one hand behind my head and straightened the other one out in front of me. I spun around, swinging my arm in jerky movements to look like a sprinkler watering the lawn.

  We each did a series of increasingly ridiculous dance moves until we were laughing too hard to stand upright. We probably looked like morons in the group of men who were all getting down and dirty, but we didn’t care. We were having fun and that’s all that mattered.

  I loved seeing Jay’s face light up when he smiled, and watching his inhibitions slipping away. When he allowed the silly side of his personality out to play, it was truly a beautiful sight. Being the reason for it was the best feeling I could imagine.

  “So who won the dance off?” Jay asked as he wiped his eyes and stood tall again.

  “I think I have to call it a tie.”

  “I can live with that.” He smirked as he cupped his hands over my shoulders. “Come here.” He pulled me flush with his body, and I wrapped my arms around his thick waist. Jay hugged my neck tighter and his scruffy cheek brushed against mine as he put his lips by my ear. “Thank you for this.”

  “Anything for you.” He smiled and I wondered if he knew how much I meant those words.

  We rocked to the music again, this time wrapped up in each other’s arms. My nipples contracted and tingled when his broad chest rubbed against mine. Our hips locked together and fell into a steady rhythm, and my cock thickened at the pressure. I felt Jay’s answering firmness against my thigh as we grinded together. And all the while, neither of us took our eyes off of the other.

  Jay gazed at me with such desire burning in his blown pupils, I could feel the heat radiating from him. It didn’t matter how many people surrounded us; all that mattered was that he and I were there together. This was it for me; Jay was it for me, and I had to tell him. I couldn’t fight my need any longer. I couldn’t go on just being friends with benefits, or hide the depth of my feelings for him. If he turned me down, it would kill me, but I had to be honest with him. But first, I needed some liquid encouragement.

  I leaned in to rest my lips by his ear and said, “I’ll be right back; I’m gonna go grab us a drink.” Jay nodded and before I left, captured my lips in a heated kiss.

  My brain was so dizzy with lust, I was shocked when I managed to navigate my way to the bar. I ordered two shots of Fireball and as the bartender poured, I practiced my confession in my head. Jay, I know we agreed on keeping this thing between us as fun between friends, but I can’t go on just being your friend. I have feelings for you. Yeah, that doesn’t sound so bad.

  I paid for our drinks, declining to start a tab. Either way this conversation went, we’d probably be leaving soon; either to celebrate our relationship with a roll in the sheets, or to go our separate ways so I could nurse my broken heart.

  I weaved through the crowd, dodging elbows and hands, being careful not to spill a drop of our whiskey. When I got close to the area where I left Jay, I looked up to a sight that made my heart drop to my stomach.

  A tall, broad, shirtless man was nestled up to Jay with his hand on his shoulder. He looked to be my age or a little older since his torso was covered in thick white hair. The man was whispering in Jay’s ear, and they were both beaming and laughing.

  I knew that Jay wouldn’t allow the man to touch him if he didn’t want it. And he certainly seemed happy about whatever they were planning; nodding along as the man whispered sweet nothings to him. My heart shattered. The moment I left his sight, Jay found another man to take my place. I was so wrong about everything. Just when I decided to bolt, Jay saw me watching them and waved me over like he wasn’t ripping me apart.

  I forced one foot in front of the other until I was next to Jay. Out of habit, I held my hand out, offering him his drink.

  “Thanks,” he said as he took the glass with a smile. “Vic, this is-”

  “Brian,” the burly man interrupted, holding his hand out for me to shake. That wasn’t happening. I wouldn’t stop Jay from whatever made him happy, but I damn sure wasn’t gonna give my replacement a warm welcome. Instead, I thrust the other shot glass into his hand. He gave me a confused look as he wrapped his fingers around the drink.

  “Goodnight,” I told Jay simply without looking at him; I couldn’t look at him, and pushed my way through the crowd. He technically didn’t do anything wrong and I didn’t want him to feel guilty, but I had to get away. I couldn’t witness whatever they were about to do.

  I burst through the front entrance into the parking lot, and the falling rain concealed my tears as they trailed down my cheeks. I hadn’t cried since my mother died, but I couldn’t stop it; pain bloomed across my every nerve.

  I climbed into my pickup and started the engine before wiping my face dry. I turned on the radio to distract my mind, but it was a song that Jay and I sang on the way home from the bar on the night we met. I turned off the music and pulled out into the street. Though I knew I couldn’t outrun my heartache, I needed to get away from Jay and this place.

  Chapter Eight


  I stared at the spot where Vic disappeared, wondering what in the hell just happened. Why would he run off like that? The whole reason I wanted to come to this club in the first place was to experience it with Vic. I hated crowds and tight spaces, but I knew it’d be okay if Vic was with me. I could focus on him and the feel of his body on mine. He had a way of making everyone else around me disappear. With him gone, I had no reason to stay. I looked back to Brian, who was wearing a tight smile.

  “I think your friend got the wrong ide
a about us.”

  I groaned when I noticed our body language; Brian was standing close to me with his hand on my shoulder. Add in the fact that he was older and shirtless, it wasn’t difficult to see how Vic made the leap.

  “I think you’re right. I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go.” He nodded and I passed my shot glass to him. “Give this to your boyfriend. I’ll see you on Monday.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. Goodnight, Jay.”


  I hustled across the dance floor and out to the parking lot, just in time to see Vic’s brake lights as he pulled out onto the main road. He brought me here, so I had no way home. I pulled out my phone to call him, but didn’t want to distract him while he was driving in the rain. Instead, I ordered an Uber and stood under the canopy of the building until my ride arrived.

  I gave the driver Vic’s address, and as I rode along in the backseat, my thoughts and emotions went haywire. It started out as confusion over why Vic would leave so suddenly. If he thought something was going on between Brian and me, why would he just wish me goodnight and leave? He didn’t put up a fight for my attention or even ask if I was safe. Did he really not care about me?

  He said in the beginning that he didn’t want strings, but I thought for sure he shared at least some of the feelings I had for him; the feelings I was about to confess to him before this shit went down. What about all of the fun we had together? What about the way our bodies called out for one another? Did it really mean nothing to him?

  By the time my ride pulled into Vic’s driveway behind his truck, my stomach was twisted up with hurt, rejection, and anger. I wanted some clear answers, even if they weren’t what I wanted to hear. I was tired of playing the guessing game and wanted to know what our future held; if we had a future.

  I tipped the driver and climbed out into the downpour. As I marched up Vic’s walkway, my t-shirt became saturated and stuck to my skin. My jeans grew heavy and my shoes sloshed with every step. I took cover under the awning over his stoop and banged my fist on his front door. When he didn’t answer, I pounded harder.

  Finally, Vic opened the door wearing only a shocked expression and a towel around his waist. He must’ve just gotten out of the shower, because his skin was pink and water droplets clung to the hair on his chest. I refused to acknowledge how fucking gorgeous he was, instead keeping my glare trained on his face.

  “Jay? What are you doing here?”

  “Where should I be? Back at the club sucking a stranger off in the bathroom? That’s what you thought, right? That’s what you think of me?” I snapped, and Vic recoiled like I’d physically struck him. I didn’t mean to attack him, but I was just so damn hurt that everything was bubbling out of me uncontrollably.

  “I...I saw you and Brian together and…”

  “Brian is my fucking boss,” I interrupted. “He’s the Mr. Reynolds from Reynolds and Company. He accidentally bumped into me on the dance floor and after we both nearly had a heart attack from shock, we started talking. He told me that the firm was a safe place and that I could be as open or secret as I want. He was there with his boyfriend who had gone to the bathroom, and they were celebrating that he filled the position at work so quickly. I told him we were celebrating the same thing. I tried introducing you and explaining the situation but you handed the drinks to us and ran off.”

  “Jay, I’m sorry,” he offered quietly. “I saw you with him and I got jealous and my feelings hurt, and I thought it was best if I left.”

  “But why? If you were jealous, why didn’t you fight for me? Why didn’t you tell me any of this?”

  “We said no strings,” he answered with pain in his eyes.

  “Yeah, and how’s that working out for you? Because for me, it’s going pretty shitty.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh for the love.” I scrubbed my hand over my face. “I mean I want the strings, and I think you do too. If you tell me I’ve got this all twisted and you just want to be fuck buddies, I’m sorry, but I’ve got to step out. I care too much about you for that to work anymore. But if you want a relationship with me, then we’re making it official right fucking now. It’s your call.”

  “I want a relationship with you,” Vic replied quickly. “I want the strings. I want everything.”

  “Oh, thank fuck.”

  I barrelled into his house and took him into my arms. Vic’s back bumped into the wall as I kissed him deeply, pouring out all of the emotions I’d held back and hoping he tasted them on my tongue.

  Vic’s fingers crept under the hem of my shirt and peeled the wet fabric up my stomach. I pulled my lips from his long enough for him to lift the cotton over my head. Lightning cracked across the sky and the light spilled in through the open door, illuminating the desire in his eyes.

  I kissed him harder, shoving my tongue down his throat as I nudged his towel to the floor. Vic unbuttoned my jeans and pushed them and my underwear down, and they hit the floor with a heavy thump. I toed out of my shoes and socks and kicked the wet pile to the side.

  Vic moaned into my mouth when I gripped two handfuls of his ass and pulled him even closer to me, trapping our hard cocks between us. Our slick, naked bodies glided together when I grinded against him, squeezing our heated flesh.

  “I need you,” Vic whispered against my lips. “I want you to make love to me.”

  I backed away enough to look deep into his eyes. “Make love?”

  Vic nodded and combed his fingers through my wet hair. “I love you, Jay.”

  “I love you too. I love you so damn much.”

  I attacked his mouth again, our tongues tangling between our teeth. Vic kicked the door shut and led me down the hall. We stumbled and bumped into the walls as we went because neither of us could stop kissing or groping the other. Weeks of pent up emotions bubbled to the surface and although we’d experienced each other’s bodies before, it felt like the first time because we were connected on a deeper level.

  When we finally made it into Vic’s room, he tumbled onto the bed and pulled me on top of him. I rocked against his body and we both moaned when our cocks brushed together again.

  Vic ripped his lips away and pleaded, “I want you inside me, Jay.”

  I was stunned into silence for a moment before asking, “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  He didn’t have to tell me twice. I reached into his bedside table and pulled out the bottle of lube and box of condoms, settling both on the mattress beside us. Vic lifted the condoms and raised his eyebrows in question.

  That one look asked so much. In the beginning, we had the discussion of status and testing. Neither of us had been with anyone for a long time, and had been given the free and clear time and time again. But given our relationship, we didn’t think twice about using protection. But now we were committed to one another. I loved and trusted Vic, and the confidence in his eyes told me he felt the same way. It meant the world to me that he trusted me to be faithful and keep him safe.

  I took the box and placed it on the nightstand, and Vic pulled me into another passionate kiss. We didn't need words to communicate the significance of our decision.

  Vic kissed me until I couldn’t breathe and my body couldn’t wait any longer. I ached for him. I pried my chest from his and sat up onto my knees. I popped the cap of the lube bottle and coated my fingers.

  “Yeah, open me up, Jay; I need stretched to take that fat cock.”

  Sweet jesus this man is sexy. He confirmed it by pulling his knees up to his chest, exposing his hole to me. I took a deep breath and pressed a slick fingertip to his pucker and pushed in. His body swallowed me up, drawing my digit into its tight heat.

  “Oh my god, that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “Just wait until you see your dick between my cheeks.”

  I closed my eyes and took another deep breath, worried I may pass out from sexiness overload. I quickly opened them back up though, deciding that watching V
ic’s ass eat my fingers was worth the risk.

  I pumped in and out of him while Vic moaned and pulled his knees tighter to his chest, opening himself up further. When he asked for a second finger, I slid it in beside the first while he hissed between his teeth. After a minute of careful thrusting, Vic relaxed around me and my fingers moved easily inside him. I circled them around his tight walls, feeling his muscles thin and loosen.

  “I’m ready, Jay,” he panted.

  I doused my cock in lube and lined my tip up with Vic’s stretched pucker. I settled my palms on the backs of his knees and pushed my hips forward. I damn near passed out again at the sight of his hole stretching to capacity to take in my thick crown, but was brought back by the sound of Vic’s groan. I tore my eyes from his beautiful ass to find his face was scrunched up in discomfort, and I instantly stilled my hips.

  “Are you okay?”

  Vic nodded rapidly. “You’re just so fucking big.” I would have preened if I weren’t worried about ripping him in half. “Keep going.”

  Vic breathed deeply as I slowly inched inside his warm channel until I was fully buried inside him. My body screamed for me to thrust, but I stayed still, giving him time to adjust to my size. When he nodded again, I slowly pulled out until just my tip was inside him, and pushed fully back in.

  My eyes rolled back with pleasure. His hole squeezed my cock in a tight grip, wrapping me in exquisite pressure and sucking my heated flesh into its depths.

  “Faster!” Vic cried as he wedged his hand between us and gripped his leaking dick. He jacked himself quickly and I matched his pace with my hips. I slammed into him, burying my entire length with each pass.

  Even the thunder rattling the windows couldn’t drown out our moans of ecstasy as I pounded into him. Vic jerked his cock at a feverish pace and the crackling light from the storm reflected off of the sweat on his brow. His eyes were locked on me and his jaw was slack as he called out into the room, and I’d never seen anything so beautiful.


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