Forever Is Not Enough

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Forever Is Not Enough Page 14

by E. L. Todd

  I pulled over then killed the engine.

  Lexie stared at the house, and the lights reflected in her eyes.

  “Baby, look at me.”

  It took her several seconds before she obeyed.

  I extended my hand to her.

  She stared at it before she placed her palm within mine.

  “You see this?” I whispered.

  She nodded.

  “I’ve got you. And you’ve got me.”

  A smile pulled at the corner of her mouth.

  “There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’ve got your back and you got mine.”

  “I know,” she whispered.

  “Now stop being a pussy.” I smiled at her so she knew I was kidding.

  “Okay,” she said with a weak laugh.

  We got out of the car and approached the door. I picked up a bottle of wine on the way. I got something expensive but not ridiculously pretentious. I didn’t want them to think I was a show off.

  We reached the door and I knocked.

  Lexie took a deep breath and looked completely miserable.

  “Hey,” I whispered.

  “Hmm?” she whispered back.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  The words took her by surprise judging the look in her eyes.

  I pulled her toward me and gave her a quick kiss. Then I pulled away when I heard the door unlock.

  “Welcome.” Her mom had blonde hair like her. Her blue eyes were the same as well. But I also saw her stark differences, especially in her smile. “We’re so excited to have you.”

  I extended my hand to shake hers. “Conrad Preston. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  She looked into my face and it was clear she was impressed by my good looks as well as my manners. She had to stare upwards because I was so much taller than her. “The pleasure is all mine.” She shook my hand with a firm grip. “My daughter speaks highly of you.”

  “I would hope so,” I said with a chuckle. “I spoil her rotten.”

  She laughed loudly. “You’re a big sweetheart, aren’t you?”

  “Only to this one right here.” I turned to Lexie and waited for her to acknowledge her mother.

  Lexie smiled at her mom but it was fake. I could tell just by looking at her. “Hey, Mom.” She hugged her, but there was no warmth in the embrace. It was nothing like the hugs she gave to my parents.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” she said. “You look very pretty tonight.”

  “Thanks,” Lexie said quietly.

  “And those earrings are gorgeous.” She examined them closely. “They almost blinded me when I opened the door.”

  Lexie touched them absentmindedly. “Conrad got them for me…”

  I noticed she hadn’t taken them off since I got them for her.

  Her mom turned to me. “You have good taste, Conrad.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “I knew Lexie was special the moment I saw her.” I understood her mother’s meaning but I took it to a new level.

  Her mother leaned toward Lexie. “He’s charming.”

  “No, he’s just a smooth talker,” Lexie said.

  “Same thing,” I said.

  Her mom turned to me. “Call me Brianna.”

  I nodded in acknowledgement.

  She ushered us inside and we entered the dining room.

  Her father pulled something out of the oven and set it on the grill. “Brianna, your pork chops almost burned. But I got them out in time.”

  “Thank you, Stewart,” Brianna said. “You saved the day.”

  Her father approached me and looked me up and down. He was sizing me up without being discreet about it. His eyes settled on my expensive tie then glanced at my watch. “You must be Conrad.” He extended his hand to shake mine.

  “And you must be Stewart. Thank you for inviting me into your home.”

  He nodded as he shook my hand. “We’re grateful to have you as our guest. We didn’t realize Lexie had a boyfriend until the other day.” He shot her a look full of meaning.

  “She doesn’t like to share me with anyone,” I said with a friendly smile.

  “You guys take a seat,” Brianna said. “I’ll bring out the food.”

  We moved around the table but Lexie didn’t sit down. She was staring at the table like she was searching for something. She was just as rigid as she was in the car. Her eyes were wide and she didn’t look happy.

  “Baby, everything alright?” I asked.

  “Why are there five place settings?” She addressed her mother and completely ignored me.

  Her mother didn’t turn away from the stove. She scooped the asparagus onto a serving plate. “Take a seat, Lexie.” She spoke calmly and didn’t meet Lexie’s hostility.

  “Why are there five place settings?” Lexie demanded. She raised her voice and was practically shouting.

  What was the big deal?

  “Sit,” Stewart commanded.

  “You told me she wouldn’t be here,” Lexie said. “You lied to me.”

  Her mother finally carried a plate to the dining table. A somewhat guilty look was on her face. “She isn’t feeling well. You expect me to kick her out of the house?”

  “We could have gone out to dinner,” she snapped.

  Her mother released a sigh. “Just sit down.”

  “You tricked me,” Lexie said with anger.

  I pulled out the chair for her and gently guided her to it. “Baby, it’ll be alright.” I had no idea what she was freaking out about but I tried to calm her anyway.

  Footsteps came from the hallway, and a woman walked inside. She wore cut-off denim shorts that practically showed her ass. If she sat down, something would pop out. She wore a short shirt that was tied in the front. Her blonde hair was in big curls and she wore heavy make up. The way she strutted into the room suggested she thought she owned it—and everyone in it. “I thought I heard voices. Mom, what smells so good?” She had a perky attitude and flipped her hair every chance she got.

  “Pork chops, sweetie,” her mom said.

  She took a long look at me then purposely took the seat right across from me. “Hi.” She gave me a big smile. “I’m Macy—Lexie’s sister.”

  I’d seen a lot of slutty girls, but Macy was a top contender. “It’s nice to meet you,” I said politely.

  Lexie silently seethed beside me.

  Macy twirled her hair while she gave me a playful look. “I hear you’re rich.” Her leg touched mine under the table.

  I immediately pulled my legs back so she couldn’t reach me. Then I rested my hand on Lexie’s thigh. “I’m rich in love.”

  A quick look of irritation flashed in her eyes. But she covered it up quickly like it didn’t happen. Then she turned to her sister. “Aren’t you going to say hi to me?”

  Lexie grabbed her wine and downed it.

  This was tense.

  Her mother put the rest of the dishes on the table. “Get along, both of you. Sisters shouldn’t behave this way.”

  I didn’t blame Lexie for being so hostile. Her own sister slept with her husband and effectively ended their marriage. How could Lexie ever come back from that? How could she let it go? It was clear her sister didn’t feel bad about it—whatsoever. I couldn’t imagine my sister ever betraying me in any way. She and I fought sometimes but we had each other’s backs until the end of time.

  Lexie ate her food with her eyes downcast, avoiding Macy’s direction.

  I didn’t make eye contact with her. Whenever I looked up, I watched her father. I didn’t want to give Macy an invitation to speak to me. Her slutty aura and obvious dislike for her own sister made me despise her. It was clear she thought she was hot shit walking around dressed like that. I thought she looked like a troll. To me, Lexie and Macy looked nothing alike.

  “So, how did you two meet?” Stewart asked.

  Lexie and I hadn’t come up with a cover story for this. And we obviously couldn’t tell them the truth. “We met at a party. I asked for her number but she
wouldn’t give it to me. She left and didn’t even tell me her name.”

  Lexie turned to me, clearly surprised I made up a story so quickly. It was partially true.

  “Then how did you find each other again?” Brianna asked as she cut into her meal.

  “I went to the deli on my lunch break and saw her there. I didn’t let her escape that time. After a few dates, she was mine.” I gave Lexie an affectionate look and squeezed her thigh.

  She was too upset to return any type of affection.

  “Lexie used to be married,” Macy said in an annoying voice. “Did you know that?” The way she spoke suggested she was trying to tattle on Lexie, like she hoped I didn’t already know that.

  “Yes, I did,” I said in a bored voice. “I’m glad she’s divorced. Now I get to keep her.”

  Thae darkness settled in Macy’s eyes. She clearly didn’t like that response.

  “Have you been married, Conrad?” Brianna asked. It was obvious this wasn’t a real question. She just wanted to change the subject.

  “No, I can’t say I have.” I took a bite of my food. “This is amazing, by the way.”

  “Thank you, dear.” She gave me a smile.

  I could tell she already liked me.

  “So, you work for PIXEL?” Stewart asked. “How’s that?”

  “Great,” I said. “I don’t have any complaints. It was challenging in the beginning. I started working straight out of college, and being in the field is much different than learning about it. But I feel like I have the hang of things now.”

  “Where did you go to college?” he asked.

  “Harvard.” I didn’t say it with pride. No one liked a bragger.

  “That’s impressive,” Brianna said.

  I didn’t say thank you because I felt like that didn’t show any humility.

  “And you’re going to take over the company soon?” she asked simply.

  “That’s the plan,” I said. “My dad wants to retire and play golf all day.”

  Stewart laughed. “Don’t blame him.”

  “That’s the big empire to run all on your own,” Brianna noted.

  “My cousin will be my partner. I’m glad I’ll have her by my side. She balances me. Her strengths are my weaknesses and vice versa.”

  “That’s good,” Stewart said. “You’ll actually have a day off.”

  I chuckled. “I guess so.”

  Lexie picked at her food but didn’t eat it.

  “So you are rich.” Macy stared at me like I was a piece of meat that she wanted to play with before she finally ate me.

  I stared at her but refused to answer the question.

  “How’s the job hunt?” Lexie asked. It was obvious it was directed at her sister because there was so much venom in her voice.

  Macy held her head high like she was proud. “I had a photo shoot the other day.”

  She was a model? I thought models were supposed to be pretty?

  “For what?” Lexie asked. “A chlamydia poster?”

  I pressed my lips tightly together and tried not to laugh.

  Macy glared at her sister. “You would know what chlamydia is since you’re such a—”

  “Macy.” Stewart silenced her with just a word. “You’re a grown woman. Act like it.”

  “Yeah, get a real job and move out,” Lexie snapped. “Aren’t you a little old to be living at home?”

  “Aren’t you a little old to be divorced?” Macy hissed.

  Both of my hands clenched into fists. That was low—real low.

  “Macy.” Now Brianna was upset. “Don’t speak to your sister like that.”

  Why did I have to sit across from this bitch? If I didn’t hit women I’d strangle her and leave her body in a dumpster. I felt powerless sitting beside Lexie and not defending her. It was a shitty situation to be in.

  “How is Jared anyway?” Macy asked. “He hasn’t called me in a while.”

  Lexie grabbed her knife like she was about to stab her sister with it.

  “Macy,” her mom snapped. “Go to your room now.”

  Macy looked at her mom in shock.

  “Now,” Brianna commanded. “Or I will drag you by the hair.”

  Macy hissed under her breath then stormed off, shaking her ass as she walked.

  Thank god she was gone.

  Lexie released her grip on the knife.

  It was dead silent around the table.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Brianna said. “I thought she would behave herself.”

  Lexie picked at her food and didn’t say anything.

  I squeezed her thigh gently under the table.

  Her parents asked me about my family and where they lived. Then they asked about my hobbies, among other things. The conversation flowed a lot better when Macy wasn’t around. She was the black sheep of the family, an embarrassment.

  After dinner was over, coffee and dessert was served. I didn’t eat sweets often—other than off of Lexie’s body—but I ate a few bites to be polite. I couldn’t ruin my six percent body fat. Lexie loved my body and I wanted to keep it that way.

  Lexie was quiet the rest of the evening. Her anger seethed from her body. I could practically feel it radiating from her skin.

  “May I use your restroom?” I asked.

  “Second door on the left,” Brianna instructed.

  “Thank you.” I set my napkin on the table then walked down the hall. When I located the bathroom I stepped inside then stood in front of the toilet as I prepared to take a piss. I pulled down my zipper and pulled out my cock.

  The doorknob clicked then swung open.

  “Whoa…what the hell?” I stopped in midstream and turned the opposite way so my dick wouldn’t be seen.

  Macy shut the door behind her then leaned against it. She had a mischievous look in her eyes like she had an evil plan up her sleeve.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  She smiled at me as she pulled her shirt off. There was a black lacy bra underneath, and her cleavage was pressed together. Then she moved for her jeans, unbuttoning them slowly.

  Seriously, what the hell is going on? “Get the fuck out.”

  “Why?” she asked in a sexy voice. “Fuck me fast then get back to dessert. I’ll be quiet.”

  I zipped up my fly then turned to her. “Why would I want to fuck you? You look like a prostitute.”

  Her eyes widened in offense but then they returned to normal. “Then let’s role play. We’ll pretend I’m a whore and you’re man that needs a quick lay.”

  “You’re fucking psycho.”

  “You want me and you know it.”

  I cringed. “Hell no. You look like shit.”

  She pressed her tits together. “We both know you want this. Just give in already.”

  How did Lexie deal with this all the time? “Get out of the way or I will throw you out of the way.”

  “Your dick is hard and we both know it.”

  I laughed because it was so absurd. I pressed my slacks tight against me. “I’m as limp as a fish. Now move.”

  She narrowed her eyes in irritation. Then she came closer to me. Her arms moved up my chest.

  “Don’t touch me.” I twisted her arm down violently. “Or I’ll break your arm.”

  “I thought you were a gentleman?”

  “To ladies—not whores.” I shoved her aside then moved around her.

  She grabbed my arm and yanked me back. Then she grabbed my face and tried to kiss me.

  I got so pissed off that I spit on her face.

  She stilled in shock. She didn’t move for several seconds because she couldn’t believe that actually happened.

  I couldn’t even believe it happened. I’d never spat on someone before. It was the most offensive thing I could think of—and she deserved worse. “I’d rather drink my own piss than touch you.”


  After we spent the evening talking in the living room, Lexie and I finally left. I was relieved when Macy didn
’t come out and join us. I sincerely hoped I would never see that cunt again.

  “Thank you for coming,” Brianna said. “We would love to see you again.” Instead of shaking my hand she hugged me.

  I returned the embrace and felt warm. Then I let her pull away. Did that mean she liked me?

  Her father shook my hand. “You’re a nice guy. Take care of my daughter.”

  “I will, sir.” I put my arm around Lexie’s waist. “Thank you for dinner.”

  “Anytime,” Brianna said.

  We left the house then headed to my car. I got the door open for Lexie like always. Then I got into the driver’s seat. Judging the uncomfortable silence in the car, Lexie was in a really bad mood.

  Instead of trying to make it better, I turned on the radio and drove back to my place. She probably wanted to go home and be alone but I wouldn’t let her. She would sleep with me tonight whether she wanted to or not.

  To my luck, she didn’t protest when we pulled into the underground garage.

  Silently, we took the elevator to my floor then entered my apartment. Lexie didn’t touch me and it didn’t seem like she wanted me to touch her. I’d never seen her this mad and I wasn’t sure how to handle it.

  She immediately headed to my bathroom and shut the door. A minute later, the shower turned on.

  I sat on my bed and listened to the falling water. I pondered what she wanted. Did she want to be alone? Or did she want me to join her? I decided to take a chance and stripped off my clothes before I joined her.

  She stood under the water with her arms across her chest. She wasn’t washing herself or shampooing her hair. The water fell down her body and fell to the tile floor.

  I came behind her and waited for her to say something.

  She didn’t turn to me or acknowledge me.

  I grabbed the sponge then covered it with soap. Then I rubbed it against her skin, massaging all the pain off her body. There was invisible weight on her shoulders and I did my best to get rid of it. While I lathered her body in soap, I kissed her bare shoulders. My touch always made her feel better. Hopefully it would work now.

  She was still stiff and rigid.

  I shampooed her hair and conditioned it but she was still unresponsive. It was like her soul had left her body and all that was left behind was her corpse. I pressed my lips to her ear. “Baby, come back to me.”

  She didn’t even blink.


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