“Dammit, Boink. You call me Karmen and then Captain? You think you could drop the Captain in a shootout?” I hollered back.
“I’m going to assume she’s with you and put my gun down,” beer guy put in.
I watched as he slowly lowered his gun then moved past me over to where Morski had been. Now I had to figure out what to do. Morski had to be down, or he managed to escape again. I got on my feet but stayed low and scurried to the front door. I glanced to the back of the store where Morski had been and saw him sprawled out on the floor in a pool of blood.
Beer guy had his phone to his ear, and he was barking into it to get a shit ton of squad cars to the gas station. He threw a wink at me and turned the phone away from his mouth. “I’m a cop. You two get outside, and I’ll check on the guy in the back.”
Boink scooped me up in his arms and carried me out the front door.
“My store!” the clerk behind the counter exclaimed as Boink walked past him.
“Be glad you’re alive, numb nuts,” Boink barked at him.
He stalked across the parking lot straight to my car and set me down next to it. “Stay. Here. Listen for one time in your damn life, Karmen.” His lips were downturned, and he ran a hand through his hair. “Nickel is going to fucking kill me.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and made his way back to the gas station.
“Boink,” I called, “what about Morski?”
“He’s dead, Karmen. No thanks to me, which is going to make Nickel kill me even more.”
I grimaced and leaned against the car. “I’ll, uh, just stay here,” I mumbled.
Boink threw his hand in the air and mumbled under his breath, “Now she fucking listens.”
I closed my eyes and bowed my head.
My hands shook.
Hell, my whole body was shaking.
Nothing like being part of a shootout to get the adrenaline going.
Boink was right. Nickel was going to kill him, and then I had no idea what he was going to do to me.
I lifted my head and opened my eyes. My lunch swam around in my stomach, and I got light-headed. My eyes slammed shut again, and I slouched down, leaning against the car.
Shit. Nickel was going to be so mad.
Chapter 27
“Where is she?”
“Sir, we’re going to have to ask you to calm down.”
I shook my head at the cop and pointed to the gas station. “Where the hell is my woman?” I demanded.
I was on edge. Hell, I was over the fucking edge, and all I wanted was to see Karmen and make sure she was okay. Boink had called me, calm as could fucking be, with the first words out of his mouth, “She’s fine.” Then he proceeded to tell me “she” had been in a fucking shootout at the gas station.
“Yo, Nickel.” I spun around and saw Boink appear from behind the ambulance I had walked by.
Pipe caught up to me and patted me on the shoulder. “Go to your woman, brother. Send Boink over. I’m going to need him to give me a rundown on what the hell went down.”
I nodded and watched Boink disappear behind the ambulance.
I jogged over to him and instantly demanded, “Where is she?”
Boink pointed to the ambulance. “She’s in there. Nothing happened to her in the gas station. It was after when she was standing next to her car that she got light-headed and puked. She just got in the ambulance a couple of minutes ago.”
My heart stopped in my chest, and my world tilted on its axis. I numbly walked around to the back of the ambulance where the doors were open. Karmen was laying on a stretcher, two paramedics over her body hooking up an IV while her eyes were closed, and she laid there listless.
“Karmen,” I croaked.
Her eyes popped open, and she lifted her head to look at me. “Nickel,” she sighed.
“Karmen, what are you doing?”
She looked up at the paramedic then down at me. “I didn’t really feel like driving anymore, so I called these guys for a lift.”
Boink laughed behind me, and I couldn’t help but smile. “This doesn’t really fit in with your whole shy and quiet act, Captain.”
She sighed and laid her head down. “Yeah, but I figured shy and quiet doesn’t really fit with the name Captain.”
“Not really,” I mumbled. I cleared my throat. “Baby girl,” I called. She raised her head again and looked at me. “You need to tell me what the hell is going on right now before I lose my shit.” I had a tight clamp on my control, but it was about to fucking explode if no one told me what was happening.
“I’m dehydrated. I puked, and it’s all in my hair.”
“You can ride along with us, sir. We’re going to transport her just to make sure she and the baby are fine.”
I looked over my shoulder at Boink who looked surprised as hell. “Keep that shit to yourself.”
“I ain’t saying shit,” he promised.
One of the paramedics moved to the driver’s seat while the other sat on a bench next to Karmen. I moved into the ambulance and sat on the other side of her.
Boink slammed the doors shut and pounded on them. I hadn’t told him to talk to Pipe, but I knew he would head over to him.
Karmen’s eyes were closed again, and she was back to scaring the hell out of me. “Baby girl.” I grabbed her hand, and her fingers tighten around mine.
“Puking is so exhausting,” she mumbled. “I think I’m going to take a nap on the way.”
I looked up at the paramedic who shrugged. “If I could take a nap right now too, I totally would,” he mumbled.
“She’s okay to do that?” I asked.
“No reason for her not to. We’ve got her hooked up to the monitors and everything looks fine. We’re just taking her in for a checkup since she isn’t very far along.”
“But she’s fine, right?” I insisted.
“I can’t say anything for one hundred percent, but the fact we’re not running lights and sirens should help calm you down.”
I nodded, understanding that Karmen was going to be okay.
She lightly snored next to me, and I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that not only had she been in a shootout and now an ambulance ride, and she was sleeping like nothing had happened.
I grasped her hand with both of mine and bowed my head. She was going to be fine, and Morski was no longer a threat. Life was going to go back to normal. Well, at least as normal as it could be.
Chapter 28
I was going to kick him. Right in the balls. One shot. It would make me feel better, and he would probably shut up for a few minutes. Win, win.
“Lay back down.”
I rolled my eyes and glared at Nickel. “I’m not going to lay down. If I lay down anymore, I’m going to scream.”
It was over a week since I had taken my ambulance ride, and Nickel was driving me absolutely insane. “The doctor said you need to take it easy.”
“No, Nickel. The doctor said I needed to take it easy for forty-eight hours, not nine freakin’ days.” I was beyond annoyed.
“I’ve never met someone before who fights relaxing and doing nothing,” he grumbled under his breath.
I tossed off the blanket that he had draped across me and stood. “I’m fine, Nickel.” I reached my arms above my head and jumped up and down. “The baby is also fine.”
Nickel sprang up from the couch and put his hands on my shoulders to hold me down. “I know that, but I just want to make sure that you and the kid stay fine.”
Oh Lord, have mercy. The first couple of days, I totally understood why he watched over me so much. He had been scared. Hell, I had been terrified when I had lost my lunch in the parking lot and almost fainted when Boink had tried to help me up. Absolutely terrified.
But now I was ready to get back to normal. “I want to move back to my place.” As much as I liked being in Nickel’s room at the
clubhouse, I was ready to get back to my apartment where I could use the kitchen in my underwear and not worry about Boink or Pipe walking in. Not that I had actually tried to go in the kitchen in my underwear, but just knowing that it was an option to do that was something I needed.
“Why don’t we wait ‘til next week when you’re back to one hundred percent.”
I gritted my teeth and stomped my foot. “Nickel, it’s freakin’ Sunday! I’m going back to my apartment. If you want to come with, you can, but honestly, I really don’t care if you do.” I bent over to grab my shoes, and he hooked me around the waist and pulled me to him.
“Okay, we’ll go back to your place. I know I’m driving you crazy, but I can’t afford to have anything happen to you. I already almost lost you twice. When I say nothing is ever going to happen to you again, I fucking mean it.”
I rested my hands on his shoulders. “Thank you for being so concerned, but you really need to bring it down a notch before I lose my shit.” Seriously, I was so close to running away for a few days just to have a moment where Nickel wasn’t hovering over me.
The rumble and smirk came out, and I sighed. It had been far too long since I had seen Nickel just let go and laugh. “Does that mean I get to move into your place now?”
I poked a finger into his chest. “Yes, but the first time you tell me I look tired or to go lay down, I’m kicking your ass, and I’m running away to raise this baby with the nuns in the mountains.”
“Nuns in the mountains?” he chuckled. “Last I checked, there aren’t any mountains around for miles.”
“Well, whatever. I watched Sound of Music with Cora and Nikki yesterday, and it’s stuck in my head.” I flitted my hand in his face. “But you get the idea. You start freaking out, this baby and I are finding the nearest set of nuns and running away.”
“Nuns come in sets?”
I smiled and slapped his chest. My Nickel was back. The one who was carefree and gave me shit all of the time. “Yes, at least, the good ones do.”
“Well, I guess if you’re going to try and run off, I would expect you to at least have the best nuns with you.”
I busted out laughing and rested my head against his shoulder. “I love you so much, Nickel.”
He sighed into my hair and pressed a kiss to the side of my head. “I’m pretty fond of you, Captain.” He lifted me up and laid me back in his bed. He covered me with his body and slowly trailed kisses down my neck, over my chest, to my stomach. “I love you, too, little guy.”
“Or girl,” I reminded him. Nickel was hell-bent on the fact that we were having a boy, but I was keeping my mind open to the thought that it might be a girl.
He cradled my small baby bump and pressed a kiss square on my stomach. “I’m good with whatever, but it’s a boy, Captain.”
“I told Nikki yesterday,” I whispered.
“What?” Nickel asked. “I thought we were going to wait a couple more weeks?”
“We were, but then Nikki told me she was quitting and moving away.” My voice cracked, and I knew the tears I had been holding back were about to fall.
Nickel lifted his head and looked up at me. “What?” He was just as surprised as I was when she had told me.
I dipped my head and wiped the lone tear that was streaking down my cheek away. “She said she needs a change of pace. She’s lived in Weston all of her life, and she needs a change.” My best friend since we were fourteen was going to move hours away. I had been devastated when she had told me, but I understood why she needed to go.
While I was content in living in Weston for the rest of my life, I knew Nikki yearned for something more exciting than working in a nursing home and hanging out with me.
Nickel slid up my body and wrapped up in his arms. “Don’t cry. Maybe you can talk to her, convince her to stay.”
I shook my head and buried my face in his chest. I couldn’t do that to her. I didn’t have the right to beg her to stay when I knew she needed to leave. Although, I didn’t understand why all of a sudden she needed to leave. “No, I can’t. She said she’ll come back to visit, and I can always bug her on the phone every day.”
Nickel chuckled. “We’re gonna have to make sure you have an unlimited phone plan.”
“I already checked. I’m good,” I giggled. That was one of the first things I had done after she told me. I leaned back and looked him in the eye. “But you do know what this means for us, right?”
“No, what’s that?”
“I’m going to have way more time to spend with you, and I’m already worried about that because I was honestly two seconds away from kicking you in the balls before.”
Nickel wrapped his arms around me and rolled us over, so I was laying on top of him. “Then I guess every time I start driving you crazy, I’m just going to have to kiss you until the feeling passes.”
“You mean like when you used to kiss me when I thought too much?”
“Exactly like that. I haven’t had to do that for a while, so I’ll be more than happy to find another reason to kiss you all the time.”
I pressed a light kiss on his lips and smiled. “Or, you could just kiss me all the time because you love me.”
The rumble and smirk surfaced. “I can definitely do that.”
“Does this mean my badass biker is back? The guy who takes whatever he wants but also gives me everything I need?”
He delved his fingers into my hair and pulled my lips to his. He kissed me hard and fast and, just like always, it was better than the last. “He’s always been there, baby girl, you just managed to scare the hell out of him for a bit.”
“Sorry,” I whispered. “I’ll try to keep the shootouts and ambulance rides to a minimum from now on.”
“That would be much obliged.”
“I love you, Nickel,” I whispered against his lips.
“I love you, too, Karmen.”
Life wasn’t always going to be quiet and orderly anymore. I knew for a fact, with Nickel by my side, it was going to be wild and crazy, but he would always keep me safe.
My badass biker wasn’t going anywhere.
Chapter 29
“Nikki! Open this fucking door and let me in.”
I pressed my back against the door and slowly slid down. My arms wrapped around my knees, and I closed my eyes.
“Son of a bitch, Nikki. You need to let me in.”
A lone tear slid down my cheek, and I choked back a sob. I wasn’t going to let him in.
I was never going to let anyone in.
Fallen Lords MC
Book 2
Winter Travers
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 1
“What are you doing here?”
Her doe eyes connected with mine, and she slightly shook her head. “I just came over to—”
“Sugarplum, who’s at the door?” Son of a bitch. Did she really have to open her mouth? It wasn’t any of her business who was at the door.
Nikki’s gaze dropped to the floor. Directly on my bare legs. Fuck.
“Keep your mouth shut,” I growled over my shoulder. You would think this bitch would know she was only good for one thing, and it didn’t involve talking.
She huffed out a frustrated breath but managed to actually keep her mouth shut.
Nikki shuffled backward, defeated. I had never seen this woman act like anything other than sassy and mouthy. Two things I normally hated in a woman, but with her, whenever she opened her mouth, my dick hardened and all I wanted was to fuck her against whatever flat surface was available. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I hadn’t thought you would be busy.”
If getting my dick sucked qualified as being busy, then yeah, I was busy. “You need something, sugar?”
She looked up and shook her head. “No. I’ll just be going.” She spun around, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me.
“Nikki, what’s going on? I really doubt you just came here to knock on my door and leave.”
Her eyes darted down the hallway, and her teeth snagged her bottom lip. “I was just over talking to Karmen, and I thought I would just stop over and say hi. So, hi.” She gave a small wave with the hand I wasn’t holding.
I call fucking bullshit. Nikki and I had spent some time together after the club scene where Morski had tried to grab Karmen. And when I say time, I mean all the thoughts of fucking the hell out of her happened in real life. “It’s almost midnight, sugar. I really doubt you were just coming over to say hi.”
She pulled her keys out of her pocket and jiggled them in my face. “Yup, that was exactly what I was doing. Karmen and I were just chatting, but I was on my way out.” She hitched her thumb over her shoulder and pulled her hand out of mine. “So I’ll just be going.”
“Nikki, wait,” I called. “Are you sure there isn’t anything you need from me?” She was running, and I didn’t know why.
She shook her head, and her voice cracked as she spoke. “No, I don’t need anything from you, Pipe.” A small, sad smile crossed her lips, and she disappeared down the hallway.
Fallen Lords MC: Books 1-3 Page 19