Hand of Justice Boxed Set

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Hand of Justice Boxed Set Page 29

by Jace Mitchell

  The docks were empty, and despite the background noise of war, Riley heard nothing but the wind and sloshing water.

  “Where is everyone?” William asked.

  “Fighting,” Riley answered.

  “Onward, then.” William’s face was grim with determination.

  Riley grabbed his arm. “Hold on. This makes no sense.”

  “The hell you talkin’ ‘bout? ‘Course it makes sense. He sent his armies out there, and that’s why no one is here.” William tried to move forward, but Riley’s iron grip held him in place.

  “Look!” she whispered harshly. “Look at that ship. What do you see?”

  William was quiet as they stared at it.

  The answer was obvious, now that they weren’t gung-ho about going aboard and murdering everyone until they found Mason.

  A single light was on inside. A single one.

  The rest of the ship was dark.

  The light was near the ship’s bow, a porthole showing candles burning inside.

  “He’s in there.” William pointed with his sword. “That’s him.”

  Riley knew it was true. “But why? Why is he alone?”

  “Does it fuckin’ matter? If he’s alone, we go kill him. That’s why we came up here, ain’t it?” William was growing angry, not wanting to remain standing at the docks any longer.

  “Look at the door. It’s wide open, William. It’s asking for people to come in.” Riley didn’t like this at all. The run here had been far too easy. They’d been attacked once—but only when they veered slightly off course. As long as they headed directly north, there’d been almost no problems. “Lucie was right. This is a trap.”

  William whipped around, his full height and weight apparent as he looked down at Riley.

  “I don’t give a fuck if it’s a trap,” he growled. “I don’t give a fuck if Rendal has five hundred flying fairies in there, each of them shooting electricity out of their ass and having bloodlust on their mind. The Assistant Prefect is in there, so we’re goin’ in. Trap, no trap, Lucie, no Lucie—we’re goin’ in.”

  “I know Mason is in there. You don’t have to tell me. What I’m saying is, are we going to save him by marching in or are we going to get ourselves killed?” Riley didn’t fear walking onto that ship.

  She feared walking into a trap and not saving the man she’d pledged her life to.

  “I’m goin’ in. You can come or stay here.” With that, William started toward the docks.

  Riley didn’t hesitate. She went forward as well.

  Something loud crashed behind her, but she didn’t turn to look. Everything that mattered was in front of her, so her focus had to be there.

  They went aboard the ship, then climbed down a ladder inside and stopped. It was darker there, and they let their eyes adjust.

  “The only danger on this thing is trippin’ and breakin’ an ankle. I don’t know why you’re so scared, skinny. Ain’t no one even here.” William grinned, and the two started moving again.

  Riley listened with both her mind and ears. She wondered if Rendal would reach out to her as he had before, filling her head with his voice.

  All she heard were the ship’s creaks and their footsteps as they moved toward the hatch the light emerged from.

  “Hey.” William was walking in front. “I ain’t mean nothin’ bout Mason being on here. I know you’re dedicated. I just also knew it would getcha on the ship, and I’m lookin’ to kick some ass.”

  “Yeah, yeah. You got me on. The problem is, I’m not sure you can kick much ass,” Riley shot back.

  “Don’t make me turn around, Riley. I’ll bend you over my knee like you’re my daughter.”

  “More like granddaughter, old man. Surprised your knees were able to get you through that jungle. Thought they were gonna break, from the way they were poppin’.”

  The two let the joking subside and went down the ladder silently, then kept going forward, Riley sure they were on the right level.

  Riley saw the door. Light shone from inside, flooding out through its sides.

  Both Right Hands stopped.

  “You ready?” William asked.

  “Born ready, chubby. Let’s go kill the sonofabitch.”

  “I’ll go first. I’ve got the shield,” William whispered.

  “And the bigger belly.” Riley smiled. “You’ll be able to block anything he throws with multiple defenses.”

  William grinned. “When I’m done with him, you and I are gonna tango.”

  “Go on, big man. Let’s finish this.”

  William looked down at his feet, gathering himself. He took a deep breath and then started forward, gaining speed as he went.

  His footsteps pounded on the floor and Riley followed right behind, her sword ready and her mind focused like a hawk searching for prey.

  William brought his shield up and hit the door full force. It burst open, splinters flying everywhere. He brought his sword down in a deadly arc to kill whoever stood in front of him, sight unseen.

  Riley spilled to the right.

  And then they stopped.

  The mage was in front of them.

  He sat in a chair, his arms resting lazily at his sides. His eyes were closed despite the door’s explosion. He hadn’t moved an inch.

  “Where is Mason?” Riley said, stepping past William.

  Rendal opened his eyes. “Hello, Riley.”

  “Fuck this,” William growled. He lifted his sword to swing, ready to take the mage’s head off.

  “No.” Riley’s voice slashed through the room. “Not until we know where Mason is.”

  William stayed his sword.

  “Tell me.” Riley’s own sword was loose in her hand. The mage’s eyes were red, but she felt no fear—only determination.

  “He’s downstairs with the rest.”

  “Take us to him. Now.” Riley stood about five feet from the mage.

  “I’d rather talk to you for a minute.” Rendal smiled. “How about we do that?”

  “If he’s downstairs, we’ll find him. Let’s kill this bastard.” Fire rolled from William’s hands to his sword.

  Rendal’s red eyes didn’t move from Riley as he spoke. “Hush, child.”

  Riley heard William’s sword and shield hit the ground. She simultaneously stepped back from the mage and looked at William, not understanding.

  William’s hands were at his throat, and his mouth was wide open.

  Riley’s gaze flashed to Rendal. She didn’t think, only moved. She crossed the room in rapid steps and put her sword to the mage’s throat. “Whatever the fuck you’re doing to him, stop.”

  Rendal didn’t move, only grinned. “Of course, Right Hand.”

  Riley heard William drop. She turned her head, not moving the sword from Rendal’s neck.

  William lay on the floor, his eyes closed. She saw his chest moving, so he was still breathing.

  “He’s asleep. It’s quite okay. No harm has come to your partner.”

  Riley looked at the mage, who made no movement. “Mason. Where is he?”

  “Do you see what I’m doing yet, Riley?” the mage asked, completely ignoring her question.

  “I don’t give a fuck what you’re doing. I want to know where Mason is, and then I’m hauling you to New Perth for trial. Where is he?”

  “Everything you love is going to fall apart.” Rendal nodded, still grinning. “I want you to understand that right now. I want it to be crystal clear. I’m going to take and take and take from you until there is nothing left. I’m going to steal it all, and you’re going to watch…or you’re going to join me.”

  “Never. I’ll never join you, Rendal. I’m considering forsaking the trial and simply executing you right now.”

  Rendal chuckled. “So strong, yet so naive. You’re here because I want you to be. You’re in this room holding this sword because I wanted it to happen. You will no more execute me than your friend over there would.”

  She pressed the sword’s
blade deeper into his throat, and Rendal kept smiling.

  “Take my hand, and this can stop. Bow before me, and I’ll give you Mason back. I’ll even give you New Perth if you want it. You can rule it however you prefer, Riley. It’ll be yours; all you have to do is take a knee and kiss my hand.”

  “You can kiss my ass, Rendal. Where is the Assistant Prefect?”

  Rendal nodded. “You’re having trouble with magic, aren’t you? You’re unable to use it properly. Only when under horrible stress, otherwise, it’s dormant. Am I right?”

  Blood dripped from Rendal’s neck.

  Riley hadn’t realized she’d pressed harder at his question.

  The mage only smiled.

  “I can show you how to use it, Riley. I can show you better than that bald man or Lucie. I can give you the power you’ve never understood.”

  “You can give me nothing.” She spat on him as she spoke. “You’re nothing like me. You’re no mentor. You’re no fucking father figure. You’re evil, and I’m going to end you so you never harm anyone else.”

  Riley took a deep breath and then pulled back, releasing him. There was a red line on Rendal’s neck, but he paid it no mind.

  Riley reached to the back of her belt and removed the cuffs she’d taken off the wall.

  “Rendal Hemmons, you’re under arrest for kidnapping Assistant Prefect Mason Ire, conspiracy against New Perth, and...Well, and a whole bunch of other fucking crimes I’m not going to list. Stand up, turn around, and put your hands behind your back.”

  Rendal sighed. “You still don’t understand, but okay. I will show you.”

  He stood up slowly and did as she commanded. The mage placed his hands behind his back.

  Riley stepped forward. She glanced at William; he was still breathing, apparently asleep.

  She grabbed Rendal’s left hand hard and brought the cuffs down.

  Riley felt it a moment before it happened—nanoseconds. She saw the green bracelet light up on Rendal’s right wrist, and then everything in the room rose into the air.

  She flew backward, rising and then floating in the middle of the room. Riley couldn’t move. Couldn’t swing her sword, couldn’t even open her mouth.

  Everything else floated too. The chair Rendal had sat on. Lanterns. Rugs. Pencils and paper.

  Even William.

  Yet none of it moved. It all held perfectly still.

  Rendal slowly turned around.

  “You can bow to me now, Riley, or I will take more. I will take it slowly, like a tick drawing blood. But unlike a tick, the amount of blood I can hold is immeasurable. I’ll take everything from you until there is literally nothing left. Is that what you want? Or will you join me?’

  Riley felt her jaw relax. She could move it, enough to answer him at least.

  “I’ll die first.”

  “No, but everyone you love will. I’ll tell you where I’m going first. To Sidnie. I’ll conquer them, and I won’t treat them nearly as kindly as I have Mason. They will suffer because of your choice. After Sidnie, I’ll come for New Perth. The longer you hold out, the more people will hurt. Him over there? William? I’ll leave him for you now, but only because his pain will be worse later. You can stop it all by simply pledging your allegiance, Riley.”

  Riley felt a storm rising in her, the magic she’d sought for so long. It was coming up, and nothing could stop it.

  “Good,” he said. “Bring it forth and feel your rightful power.”

  Her eyes turned completely red and flames flowed from her fingers—the only things moving in this room. Still, Rendal’s power held her suspended.

  “Yes. Hate. Feel it. Embrace it,” the mage whispered. “That was what I felt when they turned me from New Perth. It’s what I feel now. Take it as your mantle too. I’ll let Mason live, Riley. Take the hate and bow.”

  Riley closed her eyes, feeling this power inside her. It was still building, growing stronger as her rage increased.

  “Yes. There it is. Bring it forth, child. Be my heir.”

  Riley’s eyes flashed open, her powers cracking through his.

  She dropped to the floor, her left hand and entire sword blazing red. She swept across the floor, her sword a dazzling array of flames and smoke.

  Riley brought it down, trying to slice straight through Rendal’s collarbone. The mage’s hand met it, mere inches separating the steel from his flesh. She pressed down, staring into the man’s red eyes, but he pushed up with the edge of his hand, an inch of air between it and the blade.

  Neither made a sound, but Riley felt his strength.

  Unbelievable, she thought.

  Yet, she saw him straining too. Struggling to hold her off.

  Riley broke the stalemate, sweeping her sword around as she danced behind him. She brought it at his head, but her feet slipped out from under her.

  She hit the floor hard, her face slamming into the wood. Her body was ripped backward and into the air so that she was flying again.

  She collided with the wall as Rendal floated forward.

  “Strength without skill, Riley. You can’t win. You can’t control it. You don’t know what you’re doing. That’s okay, though. Through suffering comes enlightenment.”

  “Fuck you,” she uttered, slicing at the mage. His left hand blocked the blade easily, slapping it away.

  Every muscle in Riley’s body struggled forward, but she couldn’t break his hold. She watched angrily as Rendal’s right hand moved up, palm facing her.

  “See you soon, Right Hand.”

  He swiped his palm across her face, and Riley saw only darkness.

  Chapter Nine


  William’s call ripped Riley from the darkness.

  Her body reacted without her command. She had no idea where she was, but whirled onto her stomach and then leapt to her feet, sword in hand.

  “DAMN IT, RILEY!” William swayed on his feet. “We got to train you better, skinny. You couldn’t handle that fuckin’ old man any better than a toddler could’ve.”

  He put his hand to his head, giving her both a grimace and a smile.

  Riley didn’t understand what was happening. She stood on the docks, but they were alone. No ships or people, just her and William.

  She turned to the jungle.

  There was no more jungle.

  Only the ashes and red embers of burned trees and buildings.

  “What the hell happened?” she whispered to herself.

  William stumbled across the docks, his footsteps loud in the otherwise deafening silence.

  “I just told ya what the hell happened,” he grumbled. “Ya lost another fight with him. I don’t know how you keep losin’… Ugh, my head.”

  “Stop kidding around, William,” Riley snapped. “Where’s Mason? Where’s the ship? Where’s Rendal?”

  “Slow down, girl.” William sat on the ground. “What do you remember?”

  Riley blinked, looking at the destroyed world in front of her. The island was in shambles, the buildings little more than flaming sticks.

  “The group,” Riley gasped, ignoring his question. “We’ve got to find out what happened to them.”

  William groaned but put his hand on the ground and pushed himself back up. “What I remember is me trying to caution us against going on that ship, and you pushin’ the issue, so I’m blamin’ you for this damned headache.”

  Riley rolled her eyes. “Later. We have to find Lucie and Worth. I don’t see anyone, do you?”

  William peered into the burning jungle. “No. No one.”

  Riley raced forward. Her head hurt horribly, but she had to see what had happened to her friends.

  She moved much faster than when she’d come north last night because there was nothing in her way. William tried to keep up but fell farther behind.

  Words from the night before came back to her slowly, floating through her head.

  She tried to push them away.

  Riley didn’t have Mason, and now sh
e might not have the people that she’d come with. She might have lost everyone.

  I’ll take everything from you until there is literally nothing left.

  Fuck that, her mind responded, and she focused on the path in front of her, her feet beating the ground rapidly.

  She reached the building. Fire burned across the outside, the exterior black with ash.

  A dead tree lay leaned on the building.

  William caught up, his breathing ragged. “Damn it, Riley. I wish you had fought this hard last night. Maybe none of this would have happened.”

  She ignored the jab.

  Riley heard and saw no one, simply witnessed the same destruction she’d seen on her way here.

  The circular building’s front door opened and Riley drew her sword from its sheath.

  Worth stumbled out, and if it weren’t for the chalice in his hand, Riley would have thought him injured.

  That, and his purple lips.

  “Twocuts. Great wine. Great, great wine.”

  He smiled broadly.

  “Father and Mother,” William swore. “This lout is drunk off his ass, and the entire island just burned down.”

  Hot, happy tears rushed to Riley’s eyes. She didn’t bother sheathing her sword, just ran forward and wrapped her arms around the big man.

  “Where is everyone else? Are they okay?”

  “Careful!” Worth shouted, backing up and staring into his chalice. “This good! Careful, Riley!” He glared at her.

  “Oh, you damn fool!” she smiled as she pushed past him into the building.

  She heard William yelling something behind her, but she paid no attention. Once inside, she stopped and looked across the interior.

  They’re here, she thought. They’re all here.

  Lucie, Erin, Verith—

  “Eric? Where’s Eric?” she shouted.

  Everyone in the room was staring at her as if they couldn’t believe their eyes.

  “You’re alive,” Lucie whispered. “How is it possible?”

  “Where is Eric?” Riley shouted.

  “It’s okay, Right Hand.” Erin stepped forward and placed her hand on Riley’s shoulder. “He’s injured, but he’s okay. Twocuts took him aboard his ship, and he’s receiving care.”


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