Soccer Mom

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Soccer Mom Page 12

by Eve Langlais

  “You could have asked,” he said, struggling to keep his eyes open.

  “I couldn’t take the chance you’d lie.”

  “Wouldn’t lie to you,” was the final truth he whispered before he couldn’t fight the darkness any longer.

  Chapter Sixteen

  As Philip’s eyes shut, Carla brushed the hair from his temple, allowing herself a moment to stare at him.

  How could she not have seen the military in him? The way he held himself. The fact that he had remained calm during the drive-by shooting. Only those with training knew how to react.

  The odd thing was, he didn’t carry a gun. Carla had groped him enough times to know. While he did work for Oliveira, everything she’d seen thus far pointed to the man being an aboveboard businessman. Tanya had done some digging, too. No links to crime or drugs. No rumors of shady dealings. Not a single shell company to be found.

  So what use did a businessman have for an ex-Special Ops sniper? She was kind of impressed by Philip’s records given they were sealed and took quite a bit of delicate hacking to get a peek at. Not that they saw much. The parts they’d managed to get ahold of showed large redacted passages. Enough to imply that Philip was more like Carla than she would have ever imagined.

  But was his past enough for him to accept her as she was? Could Philip handle her killer nature?

  She should have asked while she had the chance.

  A part of her felt bad about the trick she’d played on him. She didn’t have much choice. Once they’d discovered his past, Carla had to know what his plans were. Had he slept with her because he wanted to, or as part of some ulterior plan?

  Because Oliveira had been snooping on Carla. Safeguards were pinged as someone poked into her fabricated history. Mother had the pinger traced back to a private eye, whose bank accounts showed payments received from Oliveira’s personal account.

  What was the old man’s interest in Carla? Was he looking for leverage to force Nico into his academy? Just how far would the bastard go? And how much involvement did Philip have?

  According to the truth serum, none. Philip Moore was who he seemed. A guy who rocked her world in the bedroom and consumed her thoughts outside it.

  “Everything okay?” Meredith peeked into the room.

  “Yeah, just making sure he’s actually sleeping.”

  “And feeling guilty that you drugged him.”

  “Yeah.” Carla sighed. “Why does everything have to be so complicated?”

  “Who says it has to be?”

  “Because I am who I am.”


  “How am I supposed to have a relationship with someone if I can’t be truthful with them?”

  “Did it ever occur to you that he might not care?”

  She snorted. “What kind of man is going to want to hook up with a killer?”

  “Another killer.”

  “A retired one.”

  “So why not retire, too?”

  Give up the one thing that had defined her life for the last decade? For a man? “I don’t know if I want to.” Carla liked making the world a better place. Liked the money, too.

  “He likes you,” Meredith noted.

  “Only because he has no idea who I truly am.”

  “Yet. But given what we’ve learned of him, he might be the one person in the world who can accept you as you are.”

  “I don’t need a man.”

  “You don’t,” Meredith agreed.

  “Then why…?” She couldn’t articulate what she wanted. How she wanted. Wanted the happiness he made her feel. The excitement she felt when she saw his face. The comfort she enjoyed in his arms.

  “Why are you falling in love?”

  Gasping, Carla whirled and glared at Meredith. “I am not in love.”

  “Maybe not yet, but it’s happening.”

  Her lips pressed into a thin line. “No. I won’t let it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because.” Because love hurt. Love made a person weak. And it wasn’t just Carla’s experience with Matias that made her think so. Her mother and father were another classic example. All the agents employed by KM had horror stories.

  Yet, despite her past, Audrey had fallen in love. Which meant that Carla could, too.

  “Are you seriously going to shove the chance of love aside because of a few douchebags?”

  “I have Nico to think of.”

  “Don’t use your kid as an excuse. Do you really think Nico wants you to be alone?”

  Had Meredith told her that Nico needed a dad, she might have argued, but… “What if he hurts me?”

  “Then kill him.” Meredith shrugged. “I did that to my second husband. Two-timing bastard.”

  Carla blinked at Meredith.

  “Oh, don’t look at me like that. He wasn’t a real husband. I was undercover. Deep undercover, and I liked him well enough. Until I found out he was screwing everything he could intimidate. So, I killed him. Got a nice bonus for it, too, given the agency let me keep most of the assets I inherited as his wife.”

  “That’s cold, Merry.”

  “That’s life. Love happens, and when it does, enjoy it to the fullest. When that love is broken, then move on.”

  “You make it sound easy.”

  “Take it from someone older than you. It can be.”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for love.”

  “But you like him.”


  “Then enjoy it while you can. It doesn’t have to be complicated unless you choose to make it complicated.”

  “He’s gonna be pissed when he wakes up.”

  “Then give him a blowjob. He’ll forgive you if you swallow.”

  “Merry!” Carla screeched.

  Meredith laughed. “Don’t be a prude like Tanya. The man is falling for you. And once you explain you did it to protect yourself and Nico, I doubt he’ll stay mad.”

  “What if he figures out who I am?”

  “Then either he accepts you, or—” Meredith never finished her sentence.

  The sound of glass breaking drew their attention.

  Carla was on Meredith’s heels as they bolted down the stairs to find Tanya in the living room, gun out and aimed at the broken bay window. A brick sat in the middle of the floor.

  Only a brick. The modern version of a gauntlet.

  Pedro had just declared war.

  Carla looked at her sisters and smiled. “Who’s in the mood to go hunting?”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Waking up proved harder than usual. Philip fought against the grogginess trying to keep him under. Weighed down by a ton of bricks, his head and body refused to cooperate.

  What happened? Did he get wasted or something? Last he recalled, he’d gone to Carla’s, met her friends, and then—

  The memory of what she’d done hit him. Philip sat bolt upright in bed and yelled, “Fucking bitch!”

  “Is that any way to say good morning?”

  His head swiveled to take in Carla, snuggled in bed beside him, a fact he just now noticed. “You fucking drugged me.” Drugged him well enough that his body wanted to play dead. Even his cock didn’t stir at the sight of her bare shoulder peeping from the blanket.

  But then again, why would it get hard. Philip was pissed at her, and Carla showed no remorse at all.

  “I did.”

  “To interrogate me.”

  “Yup.” She didn’t even deny it.

  He struggled with his rage and incomprehension. “Why?”

  “Like I said last night, I had to know if I could trust you.”

  “By fucking with my mind?” He rolled out of bed and staggered as the lingering effects of the serum made his vision waver. “What did you use?” Because whatever it was proved effective. He’d spilled his guts until the drug knocked him out.


  “Never heard of it.”

  “Not surprising given it hasn’t hit the market quite yet. It’s
a new tincture derived from scopolamine. Only requires a small dosage. Works great except for the fact it knocks the subjects out.”

  “Not for sale, and somehow you got your hands on some.”

  “Yup. You might say I have friends in interesting places.” She rolled onto her back in bed and stretched, the sheet falling from her trim and tanned body.

  Her naked body.

  Philip noticed that he was also quite nude and completely forgot what he meant to say. What was there to say as the woman in front of him transitioned into someone new. Visually, Carla hadn’t changed. She still appeared the gorgeous Latina with a curve to her lips, a nicely shaped body, and a naughty twinkle in her eyes.

  How dare she look so fucking happy. Why the hell did he feel answering warmth? He was pissed at her. Totally angry. Especially since he could sense that he didn’t have all the pieces to the puzzle.

  But the woman in front of him did. “What the fuck is going on, Carla?”

  “Nothing yet. But that could change quickly if you come back to bed.” She patted the mattress and offered him a seductive grin.

  Damn her if it didn’t get a rise. His cock said hello, and Philip growled.

  “I am not in the mood.”

  “Your soldier begs to differ.”

  “It’s an urge to pee.”

  “Pretty big urge.” She winked and wiggled.

  He almost joined her in bed. He glanced away instead. “Don’t you play coy. What you did wasn’t cool.”

  “The good news is you passed the interview.”

  “I am not interested in passing any tests,” Philip snapped.

  “Would you feel better if I said come back to bed so I can make it up to you?”

  Yes, but he wasn’t about to give in. “I am not interested in being with a woman who thinks it’s okay to drug her lover.”

  “Lover? Is that how you see me?” She rolled to her stomach, holding herself aloft on her elbows, meaning her breasts dipped, and the shadowed vale between them acted as a magnet. “Have to say, lovers sounds a little too nice for the dirty things we’ve been doing.” She crawled closer to him. Close enough she had to tilt her head back to continue looking at him.

  The visual proved super distracting given her lips were now so close to his cock. A cock that strained to reach her mouth.

  Philip glared at Carla, wanting to stay angry. It wasn’t just lust that made him want to forgive. He was kind of digging the more relaxed and playful version of her. Her sexy factor skyrocketed a few levels. What had changed?

  “If you didn’t trust me, then why sleep with me?” Because that was at the core of what bothered him. She obviously didn’t trust—him—and with good reason.

  “I had sex with you because you’re hot.”

  His chest swelled.

  “And I was horny. Still am horny, which is why I wish you’d stop talking so much and come over here.”

  “Stop acting as if this is no big deal.” He kept his gaze averted. Tried to hold on to his anger.

  She sighed. “Geez, slip a guy one little mickey, and he’s all ‘what the fuck’ instead of doing me.”

  “How did you know to ask about my Special Ops career?” The realization that he’d spilled secrets he’d sworn to keep bothered him, especially since he thought himself clear of his military past.

  “I have connections.”

  “Your girlfriends?”

  “Tanya is an excellent hacker, and while she refuses to work for the government, she is damned good at getting past their firewalls.”

  Having a friend who was computer smart wasn’t weird. “Is she the one who got you the drug, too?”

  “No, that was Portia. She works for a lab.”

  “So, what’s Meredith’s specialty?”

  “Distraction and backup on missions.”

  “What’s your job, then?”

  Her lips curved into a playful grin. “I’m the muscle.” She flexed an arm.

  He didn’t give in to the flirting. “You make yourself and your girlfriends sound like a Special Ops team.”

  “One hundred percent covert. We call ourselves the Killer Moms.”

  He snorted. “Now that’s original. If this is you sober, I’d hate to see you drunk.”

  “I am a crack shot even when plastered.”

  “You have a gun?”

  “A gun is putting it mildly. At last count, I had over a hundred. But I don’t keep them all in one place.”

  “Show me one. If you’re such a gun nut, then you must have one lying around.” He challenged her claim.

  “One?” She snorted. “Try five.”

  As he gaped, she reached under the pillow between the mattress and the wall. Pulled out a magnum. “One.” She placed it beside her before reaching into her nightstand. “Two.” Another gun joined the first. She dangled over the edge of the bed, shoved a hand between the mattress and box spring. “Three.”

  Four was inside the lampshade when she lifted it. For the last one, she rolled to the side of the bed and dropped down, reaching under the skirt. She rose with a shotgun clasped in one hand. She laid it on the bed.

  “That’s just what I can reach. Want more?”

  No. Because he might fall in love.


  He’d never met a woman so comfortable with a weapon. Who kept them stashed all over the place.

  Which made him frown. “Aren’t you worried about Nico finding them?”

  “Nico knows to leave my guns alone. He also doesn’t come into my room. The other hiding spots in the house aren’t as easy to find.”

  “Why do you need so many guns?”


  “One is protection. A hundred is a hobby.”

  “I like them.” She stroked the barrel of the magnum. Gripped its length, and he felt a spurt of jealousy at how she handled it.

  “You can shoot them?”

  “Every single one. Take them apart too, and reassemble in the dark. Does it bother you?”

  “Didn’t your hacker tell you? I’m a gun collector, too.”

  She smiled. “What’s your favorite one?”

  “I have a soft spot for my Walther P88.”

  “An antique. Nice. I actually enjoy the sound and action of loading a shotgun. Ain’t worth shit in a real fight, but for intimidation…” She sighed wistfully.

  “What do you need protection from?” Because he didn’t believe for a minute her story of being some kind of enforcer. More likely, she teased him. It was working.

  “My enemies. Past clients from jobs. People really just don’t get that, sometimes, business is just business. Then there’re mistakes from your past that resurface and think they can be an asshole.” Her expression darkened.

  “Who showed up? Are you being threatened?” Instantly, his rage at her evaporated.

  “Yes. Matias’s brother, Nico’s uncle, Pedro, decided to make an appearance in my office a few days ago.”

  It shocked Philip that she finally told him. “Why the fuck didn’t you say so?”

  Her shoulders rolled. “Because I wasn’t sure I could trust you. You work for Oliveira.”


  “I wanted to be sure you weren’t using me to advance his agenda.”

  “I don’t know what he’s up to.” Which didn’t sit well, but he did possess one certainty. “Oliveira might be a lot of things, but he’s not a bad shit. If he was, I wouldn’t work for him.”

  She shrugged. “Says you. I had to be sure. I don’t take chances when it comes to Nico.”

  “And it took a drug to convince you?”

  “It worked. I know you’re not using me.”

  It was underhanded. Over the top. Yet, looking at Carla now, relaxed, even joking, could he say it wasn’t worth it? “What does this uncle want?”

  “Revenge for his brother’s death. He also wants Nico because they’re blood. But I will kill him before that happens.”

  “I’m going to take a wild guess
and say Pedro is a thug.”

  “Pedro is a killer like his brother. He only toyed with me because he thought I’d be an easy target to scare. He’s about to learn that’s not the case.”

  “You need protection.” Philip could do that. Make that he would protect because no one was allowed to hurt her.

  “No, what I need is you in that shower.”

  She rolled from the bed and walked naked to the bathroom. He couldn’t help but follow. The shower appeared small. It got even smaller when he climbed in with her.

  “I’m still pissed at you,” he stated, placing his hands on her waist.

  She tilted her head back, letting the water sluice her hair. She braced her palms on his chest and leaned close. “Would it help if I said I’m sorry?”

  Actually, it would. As did the kiss she placed on his lips.

  The reaction was instant. His arms locked around her and embraced her back. He couldn’t remain angry at this woman. Couldn’t help finding himself more intrigued than ever.

  Wouldn’t it just be the wildest thing ever if she truly were a killer? Not likely, but if she were, then he might have found the one woman who wouldn’t shy away from the dark parts of his life.

  He lifted her and moved her, not easy in the tight stall, and pushed her back against the wall. The warm spray of the shower hit his ass. Her legs parted, and he thrust a hand between them, rubbing a finger along the moist shell of her sex.

  She moaned into his mouth. Then nipped him. “Give me a sec while I do something.” She crouched, and he almost lost his balance in her shower-tub combo. He grabbed hold of the shower curtain rod and groaned as she took the head of him into her mouth.

  “Yes.” He hissed the word as she began to bob, sliding her lips back and forth along the length of him. Her cheeks hollowed with suction. Her perfect mouth opened wide to accommodate his size.

  He reached and stroked her slick hair. Cupping the back of her head. Encouraging her but not forcing. He didn’t need to. She blew him with eagerness.

  And just before he came?

  She rose and turned around, giving him her ass. She pushed it against his groin, nudging his rigid cock. “Fuck me, soldier.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He grabbed her around the waist, and she parted her thighs, tilting her butt even more, presenting herself to him.


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