Darkblood Prison: Demon On A Dime (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 1)

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Darkblood Prison: Demon On A Dime (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 1) Page 2

by G. K. DeRosa

  I shrugged, reigning Murphy’s leash in. “I don’t know. I’m kinda beat from—from helping Emi pack up boxes of old clothes.” Sheesh, smooth, Azara. No one was supposed to know about my training with Mezlor.

  “Riiight.” His lips curled into a snarl as his eyes narrowed. “I don’t know what your problem is, Azara. What makes you think you’re so much better than me? Than everyone here?”

  “I don’t!”

  “Yes, you do. You stick your snooty little nose up to everything and look where it’s gotten you—friendless, boyfriendless and alone.”

  I slapped my hands on my hips and glared at the demon douche. “Listen you jackhole, I choose not to associate with people I don’t have any interest in. You just happen to be one of those.”

  He shook his head, a flash of crimson darkening his hazel eyes. “Fine by me, Azara. This was my last attempt at making nice and I only did it for Emi. I don’t understand how the two of you could even be related. She’s the sweetest demon I know, and you…” He clucked his tongue. “Maybe you’d prefer the company of the Fae. They’re all entitled, arrogant creatures just like you.”

  I spun around fuming and dragged Murphy back down the street. Who did that demon bastard think he was? Just because I didn’t want to spend the rest of my days in the Nether Lands didn’t make me arrogant or entitled. He’d probably never gone further than the Underworld. He had no idea what else was out there, but I did. I refused to feel bad for that.

  With each stomp toward the house, an idea took more detailed shape in my head. Ryx might have been an idiot, but maybe he wasn’t completely wrong. Perhaps a trip to the Fae realm was exactly what I needed. And I didn’t need a stupid demon escort. I could go alone.

  Chapter Three

  “Thanks, Chaz.” I handed the warlock a fifty as the shimmering azure portal churned to life beside him.

  “Anything for a friend of Garrix’s.” He winked and shoved the bill inside his pocket. Human dollars were still a commodity in the supernatural realm and luckily, I’d squirreled away a few thousand for occasions just like this.

  I may not have had many friends in Azar, but my family did. My other grandpa, Garrix, was a warlock, a super powerful one. All I had to do was mention his name in some underground chat groups, and I had a magical ticket out of here. Only warlocks had the power to open portals so their services were in high demand on the black market. Portal opening within Azar wasn’t monitored that closely; it was the ones being opened to the human world that were thoroughly scrutinized.

  My Underworlder cousins were sneaking into the human realm and causing trouble. Grandpa Lucifer was too busy living his best life gallivanting around the world to care. I wasn’t too worried about it, but Mom and Dad seemed to be.

  “Anything else I can do for you?” The young guy’s voice drew me back to the present. He flashed me a grin, and his gold lip ring gleamed beneath the broken streetlamp.

  “Nope. I’ll message you when I’m done.”

  “Deal.” He motioned to the whirling vortex, and I leapt in.

  The gelatinous substance sucked me in, the bright lights nearly blinding before melting away to a black void. Two seconds later, my stomach dropped as the portal spewed me out. My boots sank into the snow, and a bitter chill swept through my leather jacket.

  Mother faery, it’s freezing! I tugged up my collar and hugged my arms around myself. I still couldn’t believe my mom lived at Winter Court for three years. I didn’t think I could stand the frigid temps for three hours.

  I scanned the streets to get my bearings, but the thumping bass quickly pulled my attention to the towering, snow-blanketed building down the street. I’d only been to the Fae realm once before when I was little, and Spring Court was nothing like Winter. Plus, I hadn’t been allowed to leave the confines of the palace where my mom’s half-sisters reigned as queens. I’d met my half-cousins for a few hours before they were paraded off to some royal event. The pomp and circumstance of court was nothing like the mass of boisterous Fae and sprinkling of other supes lined up on the curb outside the club.

  I walked down the block before crossing the street toward the flashing neon sign. Faery Tail. Interesting… It sounded more like a strip club than a night club. Shrugging, I marched to the bouncer, bypassing the line of motley Fae. Spending an hour in line was not how I planned on starting my big night out.

  It was time to test out Mezlor’s potion.

  My demon trainer had gifted me a magical manipulating brew in case I ever ran into trouble. Luckily, I’d been able to handle myself just fine over the years in the Nether Lands and never had to use it. I patted the small vial in my back pocket as the Fae bouncer eyed me from afar.

  Clasping my hands behind my back, I inhaled a deep breath and batted my long sooty lashes. The tall Fae stuck his long nose up as he shot me a condescending stare. “Whose list are you on?”

  Ryx hadn’t been too far off about Fae arrogance… but I wasn’t anything like them.

  Steeling my nerve, I dug my hand into my pocket and dipped two fingers into the vial. The sticky powder coated my fingertips. I fixed my eyes on the Fae’s icy green ones and waved my hand in front of his face. I held my breath as his nostrils flared, then his nose twitched. In an instant, his cold stare defrosted, replaced by a vacant look.


  With his defenses gone, the Fae’s vulnerability was like a beacon to my inner demon. Tendrils of dark magic unfurled from my core and wrapped around the male’s chest. He lurched forward, and I could feel his essence surging to the surface. Darkness encroached my vision, and a heady excitement thrummed through my insides. If I just pulled a little more…

  No! I snapped my eyes wide open and focused on the pale ivy irises in front of me. Crapsicles, I need to rein in that crazy she demon. “Let me in. Please,” I added.

  The bouncer’s head wobbled from side to side before he finally nodded. He reached around me and unclasped the velvet rope. “Enjoy your night,” he mumbled.

  Scooting around him, I dashed inside before his wits returned.

  Woohoo! Point for Azara! I had this demon stuff down. Sure, I’d gotten a smidge out of control, but I hadn’t sucked out his soul regardless of how much it called to me or how tasty it seemed. By the end of the summer, I’d be moving into a dorm at the college of my choice back in the good old human world.

  The pounding bass increased with every click clack of my heeled boots until the narrow corridor opened up into a sprawling courtyard. Outside. In very warm weather.

  A wave of sultry heat swam over me, and I peeled my jacket off as I stared slack-jawed at my surroundings. The club reminded me of the lush palace gardens of Spring Court. Ivory columns with climbing vines and pristine white gazebos lined the outer portion of the space. A packed dance floor sat in the center at the edge of a bubbling azure waterfall. At the very top of the cascades, a DJ booth hovered, suspended by what I assumed was Fae elemental magic.

  Yup, this was pretty cool all right—ten times cooler than some stupid club in the dark, dank Nether Lands. A night out in the mystical Fae realm was exactly what I’d needed.

  I scanned the packed club for a bar and found one in a grotto beneath the flowing water. Making my way through the grinding bodies, I squirmed between two Fae males at the bar. The taller, better-looking one arched a brow at me when I waved the bartender down. Instead of helping a girl out, he turned his broad back to me and continued talking to his friend.


  I waited and waited, but the Fae female didn’t look up at me once. What’s a girl got to do to get a drink around here? I was about to give up when a tattooed arm crossed in front of my vision. I jerked my head back to keep from getting an elbow in the face.

  “Watch it,” I hissed and glanced up to meet the stranger’s eyes.

  A swirl of crimson streaked across its inky depths and a chill coursed up my spine, which was odd since I was sweating like crazy. The guy snapped his fingers, and the bartender literally da
rted across the long bar to greet him.

  “What can I get you?” The barmaid’s translucent wings fluttered behind her, matching the tempo of her batting lashes.

  The guy turned to me and flashed pointy teeth. “What’s your pleasure, little girl?”

  My eyes widened. “Huh?”

  “I’ve watched you for the last ten minutes. Weren’t you trying to order?”

  Creepy. But I did really want a drink. “Faery wine,” I finally answered. I’d never had the stuff, and I heard it was pretty strong. Tonight, all I wanted was to let loose and forget about everything.

  The demon snapped his fingers, and the faery darted off to presumably get my drink. “Thanks. What do I owe you for the wine?” I raked my eyes over the attractive middle-aged guy with silver threads weaving through his long, dark locks. If it weren’t for his crazy pointy teeth, he’d totally pass for human. From my initial scan, he was the only other demon in here besides me.

  “Don’t mention it.”

  “You sure?”

  He nodded as the bartender returned with both our drinks, which was weird because I didn’t even hear him order one. He must have been a regular.

  Reaching for the fancy goblet, I tossed my head back and took a long pull. Mmm, fruity. The fizzy bubbles went straight to my head, and a wave of warmth seeped from my belly all the way to my toes.

  Sugar, this stuff was strong.

  Clinking my glass against the guy’s I rewarded him with another appreciative smile and turned to make my way back to the dancefloor. Before I got far, his hand shot out and wrapped around my bicep. My demon mark blinked to life, a light lavender glow shooting through his fingers.

  His eyes fixed on the ancient icon, some sort of family crest according to my dad. “That’s a pretty unique mark, girl.” His fingers tightened around my arm as he stared at the triangular symbol, and warning bells rang in my head.

  “Watch it!” I jerked my arm out of his grasp, suddenly very thankful for my self-defense training with Mezlor and stepped back until I got swallowed up in the crowd. Weaving between writhing bodies, I glanced back every so often to make sure the demon wasn’t following. After a few minutes, my racing heart calmed, and I broke free of the oppressive dancing mob.

  Standing on the outskirts of the dancefloor, I sipped the faery wine while keeping one eye open for good-looking demons. So much for my relaxing night out.

  No, screw him. I wasn’t letting that guy ruin my evening. I was having fun tonight even if it killed me.

  I tossed my head back and gulped down the rest of the faery wine and left my glass on a high-top. Throwing my shoulders back and adjusting the ladies in my tight halter, I sauntered right into the sea of wriggling bodies. Warmth coursed through my insides, a heady combination of alcohol and the seductive beats. I swung my hips to the music, tossing my long, raven locks behind my shoulders. Within a few seconds, a ring of Fae males surrounded me.

  The wine loosened my limbs and my inhibitions. Before long, my fingers were digging into the short hair on a handsome Fae’s nape while another grinded up behind me.

  Swinging my head and hips to the thundering base, the garden scenery began to blur. I slowed and squeezed my eyes shut to focus.

  “Don’t stop, baby,” the male behind me whisper-shouted in my ear.

  I leaned my head back to rest on his shoulder, and the mystical blue sky above began to spin. Shitzu. I may have greatly miscalculated my tolerance for that freakin’ faery wine.

  The other guy snaked his arms around my waist, tugging me away from his friend. His thumb and index finger locked on my chin, and his lips inched closer. His face was nothing more than a beautiful blur. His mouth pressed against mine, and a surge of fiery heat exploded in my core. I lurched back but with the other Fae behind me, I didn’t get far.

  Something crackled inside me like live wire. My heart smacked against my ribcage, the rhythmic pounding drowning out the DJ’s raging beats. I sucked in a breath, but I couldn’t tamp down the brewing storm. More than that, I didn’t want to. My world spun as darkness crept into the edges. The inky invader coiled around my insides, seeping into every crevice and I let it. I welcomed it.

  I could barely make out the Fae’s face as his lips pressed against mine once more. His tongue snuck between my clenched teeth and as my jaw unlocked, the darkness was set free. A whisper of blue essence swirled between us, and I gulped it in.

  It was like nothing I’d ever tasted before, like devouring a heady concoction of ecstasy, pain, lust, and fury. I inhaled deeper, and a jolt of pleasure wracked my insides.

  And then I was swallowed by the black.

  Chapter Four

  Present Time

  My lids fluttered open, and I jolted upright, my heart leaping up my throat. Screams echoed across my eardrums as nameless faces shot across my mind. I clapped my hands over my ears and groaned. The small twin bed creaked beneath me as I scooted to the edge of a thin mattress, and my feet hit the floor. Where am I? My head spun and a massive headache jackhammered into my temples, forcing my eyes shut once more.

  “Welcome to Darkblood Prison, pumpkin.”

  My heartrate spiked at the unexpected raspy male voice. Opening my eyes, I spun around to find a metal bunkbed at the back corner of the small enclosure and two large males perched on each mattress. A pair of steely silver irises bored into mine from the top bunk, sending a spine-tingling chill up my back. I wrapped my arms around myself to chase out the icy greeting, and my fingers grazed the stiff polyester fabric that had replaced my worn leather jacket. Eew.

  Memories of my recent arrival to the prison flitted across my mind, and that pit of dread intensified a hundred-fold. I slapped my hand over my neck and my fingertips brushed a sensitive bump. Those a-hole guards drugged me.

  On the plus side, those jagged metal handcuffs had been removed. Only a sleek black cuff adorned my wrist. I searched my core for any hint of power but only a vacant hole remained. Whatever this thing was, it was just as potent as the magic-sucking manacles.

  Shaking my neck out, I refocused on the two men silently boring a hole in my head. “Who are you two, and why are you in my cell?”

  “I’m afraid you’ve got that wrong, pumpkin.” Raspy voice stood up and swept his long golden-blonde locks behind his ears. He sauntered closer, his brilliant turquoise irises shimmering beneath the neon halogen from above. “The question is: what are you doing in our cell?”

  My gaze flickered to the other inmate whose lips were pressed so tight I wondered if he had a razor blade clenched between his teeth. That happens in jail, right? And man, if looks could kill, I’d be so dead right now. What was this guy’s problem?

  “Look, I’m sorry if I’m cramping your space or whatever. This is obviously some sort of misunderstanding. Not only do I not belong in your cell, I definitely don’t belong in this prison.”

  Silver eyes grunted, and the scowl carved into his wide jaw only deepened. I hazarded a quick glance at Mr. Dark and Broody and immediately regretted it. Molten steel flashed across his irises, and a deep growl vibrated his massive chest.

  “That’s what they all say,” muttered Raspy. He was still eyeing me like I was some circus freak.

  Dark and Broody stood, unfolding his long legs and revealing his towering height and enormous arms. I scooted back on the bed and tucked my legs into my chest as he sauntered by. A shock of dark wavy hair tumbled over his forehead, partially hiding those unearthly silver orbs. His gray jumpsuit hugged his broad shoulders, narrowing down to his tapered waist. The guy was ridiculously gorgeous. Figures he’d be a total jackhole. I forced my gaze away from Dark and Broody, reminding myself it didn’t matter how hot he was because I wouldn’t be here long enough to find out how wrong he was for me.

  The three walls surrounding us were made of the same obsidian stone I’d seen throughout the prison, but the fourth wall, the one he was walking toward was glass.

  He banged on the clear wall, his fist shaking the entire room.
“Guard! Hey, C.O.!”

  I glanced over at my other cellmate and raised a brow.

  He shrugged, but the ghost of a smile lifted the corner of his lip. I tried to call on my limited supe radar to figure out what kind of creature he was, but the magical cuffs must have been suppressing my supernatural sensor. “I’m Hayden, by the way,” he whisper-yelled over his friend’s shouts.

  “Azara,” I replied. Before I could open my mouth to say more, a burly guard showed up.

  “Quit that racket, Talon.” I recognized the dragon that had escorted me into the prison. He waved his palm across the glass and a jolt of something had Dark and Broody, or I guess Talon, leaping back from the invisible wall.

  Talon cursed at the guard as I searched my faulty memory for his name. “She doesn’t belong in here, Skarson. Get her out now.”

  Ah, yes, Skarson.

  The dragon snarled. “You say that like you have a choice in the matter, inmate. What the hell do you think this is, the Ritz Carlton? I’ll put the girl where I want.”

  “Exactly, she’s a girl, you moron.” Talon took a few steps back then charged the glass, a deep growl cutting through the air. He hurdled his massive frame into the barrier and the entire room shuddered. My eyes widened as I watched the fear shoot across Skarson’s expression. The C.O. jumped back with his arms raised over his head, but somehow the glass held.

  A pleased grin melted across Talon’s face as Skarson straightened and tugged at his beige uniform collar. “You wouldn’t last a day on my side of this wall, C.O.,” Talon spat.

  The guard cleared his throat, deep crimson flushing his cheeks. “It’s a good thing I’ll never have to find out then. I’m no low-life scumbag like you.”

  “Right, because it was your upstanding record that got you sent to this post.”

  “Shut your trap, inmate.”


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