by Edwins, Nova
Daddy’s Dark Rules
Nova Edwins
Dark Daddy Romance
Daddy’s Dark Rules
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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Daddy’s Dark Rules
The Carson brothers owe me big time. Of course, they can’t pay. That’s why my empire is thriving—it’s built on other people’s weaknesses.
When it’s time to collect what they owe, I see her. Rebecca Carson, their youngest sister.
The darkness that surrounds her is intoxicating.
The pain in her eyes is addicting.
She’s most likely too good for me and most definitely too fragile.
A good man would probably walk away. A good man wouldn’t lock her into his bedroom so that he will be the only one to touch her. A good man wouldn’t make her submit to his depraved desires.
But I am not a good man.
This dark daddy romance is over-the-top and deliciously dirty. Possessive alpha meets mouthy brat who just wants to be left alone.
Spoiler: He most definitely won’t leave her alone.
Safe, no cheating, and a ludicrously sweet HEA.
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Three Months Earlier
"Seriously, Bec, thank you so much!" Trisha squeezes my hand like her life depends on it.
"No problem." I’m not really being serious because I’m basically too scared to breathe. I shouldn’t be here.
When Trish asked me to shadow her on a blind date with that guy she met on the Internet, she somehow failed to mention that she was meeting him in a sex club, of all places. Not a café, not a diner or a bar, but a fucking sex club.
"The guy is so hot. I can’t wait to do everything he says." Her eyes are beaming, and without blinking, she stares at the entrance.
I on the other hand can’t wait to get home. It’s not only that I don’t want to be here but also I shouldn’t be here. How many times did I have to listen to my older brothers giving me the speech of the importance of my name?
Carson. Rebecca Carson.
The Carson name stands for power, money, and prestige—all of which have left the building long ago. I’m not sure why my brothers think I’m that stupid not to notice that the family fund has been drained—but I know. What I don’t know is how they are still paying for my college education, keep the company running, and the estate maintained. Part of me realizes very well that I am probably better off not knowing.
"What about you?"
"Me?" I stare at Trisha.
"We’re both here. I mean, you could get lucky."
"No, thank you."
As soon as I am convinced that her date won’t kill her, I am out of here. I already feel like a piece of meat from the way both men and women are ogling me.
"What if it’s a hot guy? You should totally get laid." Trisha just doesn’t know when to shut up.
A hot guy? Where? All I see are tipsy investment bankers looking for a cheap fuck where they don’t have to return the favor of an orgasm in the name of BDSM.
Been there, done that.
Not that I ever told Trisha about my adventurous streak. She thinks I’m some kind of holy virgin, and I find it much easier to keep it that way. All I want to do is to finish college, go home one last time, and say goodbye to my brothers before I leave forever. I want to explore the world and not get mingled up in their shit.
Although I’m not really sure what they have got going on, it must be a steaming hot pile of dog shit. That, I am sure of.
I’m not into messes, which is why I stay away from home, and that’s also why I don’t go out partying with Trish. Some drugs here, a weird one-night stand there, and before you know it, you’re in a downward spiral with no way out. I see how my roommate spends her Sunday afternoons—curing whatever hangover she has while hoping that she didn’t catch an STD because she can’t remember most of the previous night. No, thank you.
"We can find you your own dom, and then you can finally get laid."
Finally get laid. Huh. I should really show her the dildo from my nightstand. It’s huge and veiny with a nice little upward curve. From my standpoint, it’s the perfect cock. It’s big, sturdy, doesn’t talk back, isn’t clingy, and absolutely unaware of the fact that stamina problems are a thing.
I glance at my watch. Now that I think about it, I want the company of my fake dick.
"There he is!" Trisha practically squeals when she sees her date.
"Great. I will be watching from the booth by the bar, and if you don’t give me the sign, I’ll be leaving in fifteen minutes."
"Yeah, sure."
At this point, I know she isn’t listening because she already got up and is walking toward the reasonably handsome guy who smiles when he recognizes her. I swear I won’t ever stop laughing if the guy from the shady sex club turns out to be the most normal guy Trisha ever dated and she ends up marrying him.
The prospects are good since it takes them exactly four minutes to start making out.
Another four minutes pass by before I think that I might as well go home. As I want to get up, two big gorillas show up.
"Rebecca Carson?" The bigger one has a surprisingly soft voice.
"Yes?" I swallow nervously.
"Our boss is currently conducting business with your brothers, and he would like you to leave."
"What? Why?"
The smaller gorilla gestures toward the exit. "A sex club is not the place for a Carson."
"I think I can make that decision for myself. Thank you." Although I wanted to leave, I really don’t like being told what to do. I’m a grown-ass woman, and I can make my own decisions.
Then I see him.
He’s big, tall, und gorgeous. A handsome man with a hard and square jaw. Blue eyes pierce through me as he makes his way to the table. I notice how people clear the path for him like he is some kind of a monarch or a figure of authority.
There’s an undeniable air of power surrounding him, pure confidence mixed with the hint of brutal strength. A man who doesn’t take no for an answer. Someone who always gets what he wants.
If I am being honest, he is pure sex on a stick and looks like he is packing some serious heat between his legs. It’s not hard to imagine that his dick looks exactly like my favorite toy.
I’m waiting for the introduction, but he just leans forward, grips my elbow with his large hand, and yanks me out of the booth.
With big strides, he walks to the exit. As soon as we make it through the door, he releases me. "Don’t ever come here again, Rebecca Carson, or I see to it myself that you’ll regret it."
The door closes behind him, and I have no idea what the fuck just happened.
Chapter 1
"We can’t pay." The oldest Carson brother swallows.
I nod absently, being perfectly aware of their precarious situation. That’s why I am here.
I watched as they borrowed the money. I watched as they invested the money poorly. And then I watched as they came crawling for a new loan, which, of course, I gave them. That’s how I destroy people after all.
I'm about
to make my move. A move they won’t see coming because I am always prepared.
Three months ago, I saw her. Rebecca Carson—the girl who shouldn’t have been. Four older brothers and instead of a fifth heir, her father got a disappointment. At least, in his eyes, she was a disappointment.
As I make my way through the huge salon of their family estate, I try to fight the satisfaction. I'm here, and I will get what I want. Because Luke King always gets what he wants.
And I want Rebecca. Or "Bec," as her scummy little friend Trisha calls her. Although I shouldn’t be too hard on Trisha. If it wasn’t for her, I would have never found my new plaything.
My new gorgeous plaything with her dark hair and even darker eyes, luscious with curves in all the right places and a pretty little mouth to die for. Right now, I really have to stop thinking about those gorgeous pouty lips and deal with the matter at hand.
I take the family picture from the mantel above the fireplace and study it. "Remind me again—how much are we talking about?"
Not that I need to know—I am perfectly aware.
Jed Carson can’t bear to look me in the eyes. "1.6 million dollars."
"That’s a lot of money." My voice is cold, almost indifferent. Money means nothing if you have enough of it. I do, and now I crave something else entirely. "The interest rate is up to thirty percent if I remember correctly, and since you have failed to pay me for the last three weeks, we’re looking at a total of just a little over two million dollars. When can I expect the money?" With the picture still in my hand, I turn around.
"By the end of the month. I promise." Jed nods frantically since he is very aware of the two men I brought with me. Although to be honest, they are just for show, as are the baseball bats in their hands. I can handle myself pretty well, but fear makes people a whole lot more compliant.
"That’s a long time to wait for my money."
"We hit a little bump in the road. Nothing we can’t fix." Charles, the youngest of the Carson brothers, shows me his confident smile.
Little idiot.
"Thank you, but I guess I have to insist on getting my money. Today."
"We don’t have the money," Jed repeats like I’m some stupid moron and a little slow in the head.
"Well, what else do you have that you can offer me to keep my mood light?" I have to bite back a grin. "Let’s call it an incentive."
"An incentive for what?" Charles folds his arms over his chest like this is a conversation in which his opinion matters.
The other Carsons really need to watch him and his totally inappropriate temper. He doesn’t seem to grasp how bad their situation really is. People have died for a lot less than owing me two million bucks.
"An incentive to remind me that I will get my money without putting one of you in the ground first. How about that?"
Charles gets pale and starts shaking his head.
Michael, the second oldest brother, puts his hand on Charles’ shoulder. "What do you want, Mr. King? And don’t tell me that you don’t already know. You don’t strike me as the impulsive type."
I look at the picture. "Her."
Jed nods. "Okay."
Charles turns to his oldest brother. "Are you out of your goddamn mind? You can’t just give him Bec like she’s some kind of prostitute."
"This is none of your business. Stay out of it."
"No. No, I won’t stay out of it. Bec is our sister, so it is my business."
Since I don’t have all day to listen to the brothers arguing, I clear my throat. "Where is Rebecca?"
"She graduates college this week. After this, she will be home."
Seems like the brothers don’t have the slightest idea what their little sister is up to when they’re not paying attention. Like roaming my sex club on the hunt for her next fuck. I’ve been keeping tabs on her since I found out. She hasn’t visited another club after our initial meeting, but it’s about time I’ll make her mine. At least then, she knows the rules, and I can punish her for breaking them. Right now, my hands are tied.
"Well, then. Why don’t you organize a nice little party for your sister to celebrate her achievement and invite me so I can meet her?" I show them a tight smile that is anything but friendly.
"No. No fucking way I’m gonna let him touch Bec!" Charles is furious, his face is red, and he looks like he can’t decide where to throw the first punch. A part of me almost hopes that he picks a fight. I like blood. A lot.
Francis, the third brother, rubs his forehead. "How about Friday?"
"To be honest, Saturday would be a little bit more convenient for me." I turn around and make my way toward the door. "And unless you want to get this whole affair a lot fucking uglier, I suggest someone puts a leash on Charles before I come back. I don’t want him interfering."
"Fuck you, King. I will interfere as much as I want."
Already standing in the door, I turn around. "No, you won’t. Unless you want your brothers in a hospital bed eating through a tube before the week is over. Don’t upset Bec before I have a chance to talk to her."
He opens his mouth, but Jed shakes his head. "Shut up, Charles."
Michaels glances at me. "Saturday. She will be there."
Chapter 2
How come that I seem to be the only one remembering not wanting a party for my graduation? I didn't expect my brothers to show up that day, but they actually did. They congratulated me and then asked when I would come home.
It was kind of weird, now that I think about it. But then again, what really isn’t weird with my family?
A surprise party, of all things, and of course, Charles is nowhere to be seen. Since he is the youngest of my brothers, I feel more connected to him. I’m kind of disappointed that he is leaving me here all by myself.
Although when it comes to my family, I'm not even that disappointed. The lower the expectations, the less likely it is to be disappointed again and again and again.
Obviously, I was meant to be a boy. My father would let me know time and time again how sad the lack of dick on my part made him. It was almost a relief when he died in a car crash five years ago.
I only ever miss Mom, who passed away from cancer when I was just a little girl. Otherwise, my father would probably have kept trying for that fifth boy.
Not only was I not a boy but also he considered me a "challenging personality."
Meaning that he couldn’t control me because I wouldn’t follow his commands unless he explained them to me. Since he never took the time to explain, I never listened.
I bet he would have married me off to the next best guy no matter my age, if he could have his way.
Too quiet. Too loud. Too unwilling. Too eager. The list of my mistakes kept changing with his mood until one day, I just gave up. I don’t need a man’s approval to live my life.
I see some friends of my brothers approaching, the kind of leering men I don’t like, so I grab a glass of champagne and flee to the garden.
Boy, do I hate parties. But I hate a lot of things. Social events, group mentality, and socializing. I prefer being by myself. The peace and quiet of solitude.
So thanks again to my brothers for organizing a party I didn’t want with people I don’t like.
And where the hell is Charles?
The house is filling up with more and more people while I am hiding in the garden. My oldest brother is standing near the entrance, sweat glistening on his forehead. He looks like he is waiting to meet someone he doesn’t actually want to meet.
His posture becomes rigid before he shakes the hand of another man. A tall man with blond hair and broad shoulders beneath his tailored suit.
Just this second, I know—it’s the man from the sex club. The man who gripped my arm and threw me out just to leave me with his ominous warning.
He looks like . . . like danger. His strong jaw is studded with a four-day stubble making him look more masculine than should be legal.
I try to remind myself that this
guy is a pretty big asshole with the way he treated me. But I wonder who he is. Not only have I never seen him before but I also cannot imagine that he does business with my brothers. He looks like the Boss, with a capital B. My brothers are low-level wannabe thugs. But nothing about him is wannabe.
I cannot place him at all.
My glass is empty, and I make my way back to the terrace.
The stranger’s still talking to Jed, and Michael joins the conversation. Why can’t I look away? He’s taller than my brothers. The exquisitely tailored suit hugs his impressive body like a glove.
"Bec?" My brother Francis asks behind me. "Would you please join me inside?"
Chapter 3
"Welcome," Jed utters. “I can assure you that we are working nonstop to get you your money back.”
"Where is she?"
Jed is visibly disturbed by my lack of politeness, and I couldn’t care less. We both know I’m not here for pleasantries and small talk. I’m here to get what’s mine.
Funny how it works sometimes. I’m not a decent man, not even close. I bet a lot of people out there are muttering under their breaths that I will get what I have coming, that karma is a bitch. Those same people usually choke to death on their own blood.
When I took over the business that my father started all those years ago, the foundation was crumbling.
I fixed it. That’s what I do. I take things, break them, and put them together again. Make them whole again. Better and new.