Death by Strawberry Cupcake

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Death by Strawberry Cupcake Page 16

by Rose Pressey

  That wasn’t enough for me to see how to get out of here. I had to remind myself to breathe. It was probably just something wrong with the fuse. But I hoped someone fixed it soon. I couldn’t stand here and wait for that to happen though. Frankly I was too scared. I wouldn’t even try to hide that.

  I was frozen on that spot though. Should I try to make my way over to the door? I suppose if the lights weren’t coming back on than I had no other choice. But just as I set the spoon down the footsteps sounded again. Now my heart was beating faster, and my hands were even shaking. Someone was slowly walking across the floor. Why would they do that unless they were trying not to bump into anything?

  “Hello,” I called.

  Now the person knew exactly where I was standing. Though if he was targeting me then he probably already knew what I was up to. I was having a lot of paranoid thoughts.

  The footsteps had stopped. Although that may be even worse because I couldn’t see if someone was standing right beside me. I might hyperventilate and pass out right here on the floor before the killer even had a chance to get to me. Just as I started to think maybe the person had gone away, and it really was noise from out in the hallway, the footsteps sounded from somewhere nearby again. Okay, now it was time for me to get out of there. Fear had taken over, but also, I was kind of angry. How dare this person put me through this kind of stress.

  I thought I had a straight path to the door if I remembered correctly. But then, there were all of those wires running across the floor for the sound. Therefore, I’d probably trip over one of those. That meant running probably wouldn’t be a good idea. I moved away from the counter slowly with my arms out in front of me so that I could possibly feel something before I actually ran into it. As long as I went straight across the room, I hoped things would be fine. I had to try to get out.

  I thought I was about halfway across the room now, but there was no way to make sure. I took one more step and then stumbled forward. I went flying forward and hit the floor, letting out a low groan. The fall had kind of knocked the breath out of me. I had to get out of there though because the footsteps clicked against the floor again. My arm hurt a bit because I thought I had landed on it, but other than that I thought I was fine. Nothing seemed broken. I managed to scramble up from the floor.

  Even with my fear of falling, I ran as fast as I could toward the door. Of course, I kind of missed my target a bit and hit the wall before reaching the door. I fumbled around and found the doorknob, thank goodness. By the time I got out of here I’d be bruised from head to toe. Nevertheless, I’d made it to the door.

  I swung the door open wide and ran out of the studio, bumping right into someone. The force of the impact had made me stumble backward. Thank goodness the person reached out and grabbed me before I fell again.

  “Whoa, Scarlet, what’s going on?” Finn asked.

  I’d bumped right into his hard, muscular chest. How did he always know just the right time to catch me in some embarrassing incident? He certainly had a knack for it.

  The lights were out in there,” I said breathlessly.

  I’d barely finished the sentence when the lights came back on and lit up the entire area. Now I felt even more foolish. It was probably just a temporary outage. But what about the footsteps? I knew I’d heard them. I looked back over my shoulder, but I saw no one in the room with me. That was so bizarre. If I told him about that he would surely think I was nuts.

  “Thanks for catching me before I fell,” I said.

  “No problem,” Finn said. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Should I tell him what happened? I had to tell someone. Maybe it was better to just keep this to myself. No need to worry about anyone else. The sooner I got today’s show over with the better. I had important detective work to tend to.

  “What are you doing back here?” I asked.

  “I was worried about you, so I decided to come back and make sure you were okay. Evidently, you’re not all right because you’re freaking out when it gets dark.”

  “I don’t think that was an accident. I still think there’s someone messing around with me here,” I said, releasing a deep breath.

  “Maybe you need to get out of the studio.”

  “I suppose,” I said. “We still have to figure out who lives in that house.”

  “It shouldn’t be that difficult, right?”

  I wasn’t sure why I didn’t think of this before, but I pulled out my phone and typed in the address. Easily enough, a name came up.

  “I have the name of Sarah Crimson. Obviously, Rhonda knew her since they were in the photo together.”

  “But how did she know her?” Finn asked.

  I typed in the name so I could get more information. Soon I managed to find a Facebook page for her and right away I saw lots of photos of Sarah and Rhonda together.

  “Look at this.” I showed Finn the phone. “It says they were best friends.”

  “Rhonda’s husband is staying with her best friend?”

  “Yeah, after taking off from his home when someone else was murdered. And now he’s hiding out there. This is so strange.”

  “But yet she says he’s not there.”

  “Well, obviously, she's lying for him. Maybe he killed that man and then took off because he was afraid. He killed him in self-defense, or accidentally? Or on purpose?”

  “Well, that’s what we have to find out,” Finn said.

  “I need to find this woman,” I said.

  “Don’t tell me you’re going back to her house,” Finn said.

  “That’s a bad idea?” I said.

  “Well, since she wouldn’t talk the first time I doubt she will on a second visit.”

  “Maybe she’ll talk to me.”

  “Unfortunately, I have a meeting. I can’t go with you right now.”

  Like that was going to stop me.

  “You have a meeting? For what?”

  “A commercial,” Finn said.

  “You’re doing a commercial for the show?”

  “Of course not. Do you think they would do a commercial with only me and not you for the show?”


  “No, it’s for a local car dealership.”

  “Well, good luck,” I said.

  “In the meantime, you’re not going back over there, are you?”

  “I’ll wait for you,” I said. “I’ll think of something else until then. I think maybe I’ll go to my parents’ house and hang out. I need time to unwind.”

  “That’s a good idea. I’ll see you soon. Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m leaving now too,” I said. “I have to go to my dressing room first.”

  “I’ll call you later,” he said.

  “Break a leg,” I said.

  I watched as Finn walked down the hallway.

  Thank goodness there were no notes waiting for me in the dressing room. Though I kept my eye out for any strange items or activity. I couldn’t believe I was here all alone. And I was almost certain someone had been in the studio with me and turned off the lights. But maybe I was just getting carried away. It could have been absolutely nothing. I was under a lot of stress after all.

  I needed to talk to Sarah Crimson though. I told Finn that I would wait. That I would go to my parents’, but maybe I would go back to her house. After all, I hadn’t spoken with her. Maybe I could tell her I knew what was up. I’d confront her with it. No, that was a bad idea. Finn and Alex would both frown upon that. So what would I do?

  Regardless of what I decided to do, I knew I needed to get out of the studio. It was just spooking me out being here all alone. I wondered if Ruby was still around? No way would she be here. No one else was around. Even the receptionist had left. The only person around was the security guard. I walked down the hallway and speak of the devil, he popped up right in front of me.

  “Oh, Scarlett, I didn’t realize you were in the building.”

  “I was just on my way out,” I sa

  “Where are you going in such a hurry?” He flashed a cheesy smile.

  He had always been kind of flirty. But now he was standing a bit too close. I moved back a couple of steps.

  “I just have some errands to run and then I’m going to my parents’ house.”

  “Oh,” he said. “So you’re not hanging out with Finn?”

  The way he said his name made me think that he didn’t like him too much.

  “No, he had somewhere else to be.”

  He stared at me for a moment and then said, “I was wondering if you’d like to get dinner sometime?”

  “Oh, I’d love too—,” I said.

  “Great. How about tonight?” he asked.

  He hadn’t let me finish what I was about to say. Perhaps I shouldn't have started off with I'd love to. Now I had to get out of this awkward situation.

  “What I wanted to say was I’d love to, but I can’t.”

  I really wouldn’t love to. Not that there was anything wrong with the guy per se, but I wasn’t interested romantically. Now I was faced with this awkward silence as he stood there staring at me. The look on his face slowly changed. He didn’t look so friendly anymore. It was time for me to get out of here.

  “Well, I guess I should let you go then. I’m sure you have plenty of dates you wouldn’t want to date me.”

  Could this situation get any weirder? It was just that now I was struggling to figure out what to say that would be right.

  “I should go,” I said.

  “Yes, it was nice seeing you again.”

  Wow, this was so awkward. I headed for the door. I couldn’t escape this building fast enough. And the worst part was that I would have to see him again. Maybe next time he wouldn’t stop someone who came in the building after me.

  “I helped save you, you know?” he called out as I headed toward the door. “I kicked that guy out of here for you.”

  “Thank you,” I called out.

  My heart beat faster. Would he come after me? Thank goodness I finally got out the door. When I glanced back, I saw that he was still standing in the same spot glaring at me. Maybe I needed to tell the producer about this? I suppose if he did anything else I would tell her, Otherwise, I’d just let it go. He was probably harmless.

  Chapter 28

  When I stepped out of the studio door, a petite, dark-haired woman approached me.

  “Excuse me, Scarlet? I’m sorry for bothering you, but I wondered if I could have your autograph?”

  I stopped in my tracks. “My autograph?”

  Wow. I’d never had anyone ask for my autograph before. A tinge of embarrassment came over me. I wasn’t sure why. I suppose deep down I was still a shy girl who just liked to bake cupcakes.

  She handed me a piece of paper. “Could you make it out to Gary. That’s my boyfriend. He has a bit of a crush on you. He watches your show all the time.”

  “Oh? Okay, sure,” I said, taking the paper.

  That was a bit odd that she was getting my autograph for her boyfriend. I supposed it was thoughtful, nonetheless.

  Happy baking. Thanks for watching the show! All the best, Scarlet Baker, The Cupcake Whisperer.

  I handed the paper back to her. “I hope he likes it.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be thrilled. He doesn’t stop talking about you. He just goes on and on. Sometimes I get sick of it, but that’s the way he is. By the way, I tried those strawberry cupcakes you made. I even went by the candy store and got that special strawberry candy. Mine turned out bad. I guess I just can’t bake as good as you.” She stared at me with her icy blue eyes.

  Her gaze locked on me sent a chill down my spine. She didn’t speak. Instead she stared at me. Another awkward conversation with someone. I’d just gotten away from the security guard and now this.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” I said. What else could I say? It was time for me to get out of here.

  “Maybe it’s not me at all though. You could have just given everyone a lousy recipe. Or it could have been that candy you suggested.”

  Now I felt even more panicked. Her stare made me uncomfortable.

  “Okay, well, thanks again.” I hurried around her.

  Once inside my car, I peeked in the rearview mirror. She had walked away. Whew. That encounter truly gave me the creeps. She disappeared around the building. Could that have been related to the guy who had broken into the studio? No, it was probably someone completely different. No need to worry, I told myself. Although she did say he was obsessed with me. How many people would be obsessed with me? Not that many. I couldn’t tell the security guard about this. He probably wouldn’t even care. I’d have to tell the detective.

  I pulled out of the lot and headed toward my parents’ house. It would be nice to get away for a while. I wouldn’t tell my parents about what had been happening lately. There was no need to worry them any more than they already worried about me. I used to wonder what they worried so much, but now that I was older, I saw the scariness that was out there.

  As I drove along, I remained vigilant. That was something I wouldn’t have done in the past. I’d always gone about my business as if there was nothing to watch out for. I figured no one else even saw me really. People were too busy with their world. Now I knew there were a few out there who paid attention for all the wrong reasons.

  I had stopped at a red light when the phone rang, I checked the screen and saw that it was my mother’s number. Thank goodness I friendly voice.

  “Hello, mom,” I said when I answered.

  There was no response. I looked at the screen to see how the good or poor the reception was, but it appeared there was no issue. Maybe it was on her end.

  “Hello,” I said again.

  Still there was no answer and then the call dropped. I didn't know why, but for some reason, this gave me a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Immediately I touched the screen to redial her number.

  “If you want to see your mother alive again, you’ll meet me,” the male voice said right after answering the phone.

  “Who is this?” I asked frantically.

  “Never mind who this is, just meet me.”

  I had a feeling I knew exactly who this was.

  “Where do you want me to meet you?” I asked.

  “I’ll meet you out by your place. At that wooded area that’s on the left. You know the place by the barn.”

  “I know the place,” I said. “Is my mother all right? What have you done with her?”

  And with that, the call ended. I stared at the screen for a moment wondering if it had really happened. Could this really be true? Sadly, I was coming to the realization that this was all too real. This man just wanted to lure me to this place, and he knew the way to do it was by having my mother. I had to tell the police. But he had told me not to involve the police. Of course, he didn’t want me to call the cops. The cops would take him down. I, on the other hand, would have a much harder time fighting him.

  If he said not to call the police, then that was something I would have to deal with at the moment. I would figure out more once I got there. However, I wanted someone to know where I was, so I decided to call Finn. As I ran to the car and hopped in, I dialed his number. Unfortunately, he didn’t answer, so I had to leave a message.

  “Finn, it’s Scarlet. Call me back when you get this message. I'm going to my mother. I think the murderer has her. He called me and told me to meet him.”

  I cranked the engine and took off. This drive was going to seem like the longest drive that I’d ever taken. I dialed my father’s number, but he didn’t answer. He rarely heard his cell phone. He was probably outside working on a car or something and had left the phone in the house. He had no idea of the danger my mother was in.

  I tried their home phone, but like I said, if he was outside there was no way he would hear the ring. I so wanted to call the detective, but I was torn on making sure my mother wasn’t harmed or alerting the police right away. Would my fath
er call the police if I told him the situation? I wasn’t sure but I wanted to consult with him or ask Finn. Just someone to help me.

  As I drove, I also tried my mother’s number again, but I received no answer of course. I was on the outside of the city limits now. A lot more grass and farmland came into view, so I knew I was getting closer. Why wasn’t anyone calling me back, for heaven’s sake. When I said I had an emergency then I meant I had an emergency. Perhaps I said that too often, but it wasn’t my fault that there always was some kind of emergency. Apparently, I attracted trouble and now I was putting that off onto the people I loved.

  The man had said not to call the police, but I couldn’t handle it any longer. I had to tell Alex. I dialed his number. It rang and rang. He didn’t answer. Where was he and why wasn’t he answering my calls? Was he ignoring me? I left a message and told him where and what I was doing. I just hoped I’d made the right decision.

  A short distance later and I arrived at the turn off that would take me back to the isolated area. There was an old barn back there. And I wasn't sure what to expect when I arrived. Would there be a lot of people there waiting for me or just the killer and my mother? Had he already done something to her? I shivered at the thought. I had to push that out of my head. I didn't even want to think such a negative thought. Everything would be fine, I told myself. I’d get my mother safely in the car and we would get away from the killer. If I told myself that enough maybe it really would happen.

  At first, I didn’t see any vehicles. However, when I glanced to the right, I saw that old green truck parked behind an old oak tree in the distance. It was the man. The one who had tried to kill me by running over me so many times. I swear if he hurt my mother I would go after him. Killer or not. Nobody messed with my momma. This meant war.

  I pulled my car to a stop. I had hoped to come up with some kind of game plan once I got here. A way to get her out of here safely. But without knowing where she was it was hard to figure out that plan. Now I’d have to wing it.

  My hand was shaking as I turned the car off. Still there was no sign of my mother or the killer. I quickly pulled the key from the ignition and opened the door. I looked toward the barn. That was where I was headed. More than likely that was where he had her. Would she be tied up? It was likely because if not she would have been out of there. The only way he would be able to keep her was if she was restrained. My momma was a firecracker when you made her mad. She was as sweet as apple pie ala mode, but when you made her mad lookout.


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