Rayne Comes to Town

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Rayne Comes to Town Page 14

by Dannie Marsden

  Now, Rayne was determined to romance Emma and make her know how much she loved her. The only question was how. Rayne was at a loss as to how to get through to Emma.

  Whatever you do, go slow, don’t scare her any more than she already is.

  “Emma, I need to ride out to the canyon to check on the herd. Why don’t you go with me? I bet we can make it one more beautiful day. It won’t be long before snow hits.”

  “I don’t know…do you really want me to go with you?” Emma’s eyes looked at the floor. She had grown gaunt and pale due to a new, poor appetite.

  “Are you kidding? Of course I want you to go with me. We can pack a lunch and eat on the trail, it’ll be nice.”

  “I…okay. I’ll put something together.”

  “Great. I’ll go saddle up Samson and Delilah and be right back.” Rayne walked quickly away.

  Outside, Rayne was smiling as she saddled the horses. Her mind jumbled with thoughts on how to start to break through the wall that Emma had put up.

  Rayne came into the house, grabbed her guns, and strapped them around her hips. When she walked into the kitchen, she caught Emma’s smile and it warmed her heart. “Hey, ya about ready? I got the horses outside ready to go. What do you need me to do?”

  “If you want to pack these in the saddle bags that would be a big help.”

  “What do we have?” Rayne took in a deep breath. “It smells like a right fine meal.”

  “Well we have ham and biscuits, a couple of slices of pie, and some apples.”

  “Mmm, sounds delicious. What do you say about gettin’ on our horses and just riding until we find a good spot to stop and eat?”

  “Let’s go.” Emma’s eyes rested on Rayne’s waist and she shivered. “Why are you wearing your guns? Do you expect trouble?”

  “No…not at all, just wanna be safe, okay?”

  Emma sucked in a deep breath as if trying not to allow the fear to get to her. She nodded and turned toward the front door.

  Rayne and Emma’s ride to the canyon was filled with the chatter of two friends.

  “It’s beautiful here, isn’t it?” Rayne said as they rode into the canyon.

  “It is beautiful. Is the whole property this beautiful?”

  “Yes, we have meadows and there are spots along the creek that are amazing.”

  “You really love the ranch, don’t you?” Emma asked.

  “Yeah, I do, it’s the only place I’ve ever felt at home.”

  “Why?” Emma asked, waiting for Rayne to explain her comment.

  It seems as if Sprigs never happened. Rayne couldn’t stop the smile the thought caused.

  In the canyon, Rayne found a nice clearing and they stopped. Emma spread a blanket while Rayne fetched their meal out of the saddlebags. The two settled into a nice relaxing lunch where the easy conversation of before continued and Emma actually smiled again.

  “So what were you like as a child?” Emma asked.

  With a laugh Rayne answered, “Stubborn, precocious. My aunt and uncle would tell you I was a handful. Always into this or that.”

  “Really, I can’t imagine that,” Emma said, laughing.

  “Yeah, one time when I was about eight, I suppose, I decided I wanted to ride one of the horses and tried to saddle him myself. I got the blanket and saddle on and was just getting the reins on when Uncle Luke caught me. Instead of bein’ mad, he helped me finish and went for a ride with me.”

  “Sounds like you were a handful. I wish I had known you then.” Emma eased herself into a comfortable position next to Rayne.

  With the fresh air and a full stomach Emma found herself relaxed and at ease and lay down with her head on Rayne’s lap. Rayne began stroking Emma’s hair back and Emma could see the joy on her face. Emma felt safe and let her eyes close.

  After an hour, Rayne gently shook Emma’s shoulder and she woke with a start.

  “Shh, it’s okay, you’re safe.”

  Emma smiled, finally realizing anew the truth of those words. She would always be safe and protected by Rayne.

  Together, they packed up the remains of their lunch and packed up the saddlebags, which Rayne eased over the saddle. Once finished, she walked over to Emma and brushed the hair out of her eyes.

  When Rayne gently leaned in to place a light kiss on her lips, Emma didn’t push her away. The warm lips touching hers made her feel warm and the flutter in her stomach that she always associated with Rayne was back. She welcomed the kiss and felt bereft when Rayne pulled away.

  “We should get going’,” Rayne said.

  “Yeah, I suppose we should.” Emma couldn’t hide the disappointment she felt.

  Rayne helped Emma mount Delilah and climbed on Samson. She looked over at Emma and smiled. “Ready?”


  Together they went farther into the canyon and let their horses meander in and around the cattle.

  “Oh my, Rayne, I never imagined it would be this beautiful.”

  Emma’s eyes fell on the trees high up at the top of a rock wall just turning with a blush of the autumn color to come. “The colors of the trees are already stunning.”

  Emma closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath of the air. “Living my life at the saloon, I never saw anything like this. My view was pretty narrow.”

  “Emma, you don’t need to ever go back there again or worry over anyone hurting you. I’m sorry I was being such a fool that day and ran away from you and my feelings for you.”

  “No. No, Rayne, it was never your fault. I was too sensitive and imagined things that never were.”

  “So did I…had I only stopped to think, Sprigs would never have hurt you again…I wouldn’t have let him.”

  Emma felt the now familiar tightening in her chest with the mention of the man’s name. She looked down the canyon and tried to see if she could pick out where they had eaten their lunch—the place where Rayne had kissed her.

  “I wish I could stop the memories,” she whispered. She looked at Rayne forcing her tears back. “You deserve so much better than me.”

  Rayne nudged Samson around so he was side by side with Delilah. “You are all I will ever want.” She reached out and tenderly stroked Emma’s check. “I’ve been waiting for you all my life…I love you, Emma.”

  Emma looked at Rayne as she shivered from Rayne’s touch. “You shouldn’t,” she whispered

  “Oh, Emma, what can I do to make you see that it was Sprigs who all the blame should go to? You did nothing to encourage him to do what he did to you. I know that in my heart…please believe me.”

  A slight smile curved Emma’s lips. “I do believe you here,” Emma placed her hand over her heart, “I just need to believe it here.” She touched her head.

  Rayne reached out and took Emma’s hand. “Come on, let’s go home.”

  “Home. I like the sound of that.”

  Emma’s heart filled with joy and she began to heal.

  Rayne said she loved me, filled her mind.

  The ride back was companionable, leaving her feeling as good as if Sprigs had never entered her life.

  Back at the house, the feeling continued. Emma managed to keep the memories at bay and let the present just happen. For the first time in weeks she helped with chores and then went in and got dinner for the two of them. She even ate. After dinner, Rayne helped with the dishes and the two sat in their chairs in the living area. While Rayne read, Emma mended one of Rayne’s shirts.

  It was only later, in bed, that Rayne knew the memories still haunted Emma as she cried herself to sleep. Rayne just held her, whispering that she was safe and no one would hurt her again.

  Hours later, Rayne was still wide-awake trying to figure out how to get past the walls Emma had put up. At least it cracked a little when Emma had allowed her to kiss her.

  Rayne still had to battle her guilt about that day too. She never should have left her alone. Today she was able to forget for a little while…and so did I. Maybe that’s how we both do it… j
ust one day at a time and figure new ways to make each day special.

  Over the next few weeks, Rayne brought small gifts for Emma when she had to ride into town or she would do simple things to help Emma. Most of all, she never pressured Emma for more than she was willing or ready to give. With a tender kiss each night, along with an ear willing to listen and a shoulder for Emma to cry on, Rayne never wavered in her devotion to Emma. In that time, she realized that she needed to take her own advice and let go of her own guilt about that day.


  One evening as they sat in front of the fire, Emma looked at Rayne and saw her face bathed in the gentle glow from the flame.

  She’s so beautiful, she thought. Why am I so afraid? She has been so gentle and kind to me yet I push her away. I’m not being fair to her.

  Emma remembered the one night they made love and how her body had come alive under Rayne’s touch. She recalled how safe she felt in the cocoon of Rayne’s arms. She wanted to feel that way again.

  “Rayne, I know I haven’t been fair to you, I’m sorry for that.”

  What do you mean?” Rayne lifted her eyes and stared at Emma.

  “You’re so kind to me and you’ve shown such patience and I know you want more.”

  “I would never push you or force you for more than you’re willing to give, Em.”

  “I know that and I love you for that. I still feel like I’m not being fair.”

  “You love me?”

  Emma nodded.

  “Em, I love you with all my heart and I would never do anything to hurt you. I would die before I’d let anything bad happen to you again.”

  “I know you would. You’ve shown me that. You never get angry with me when I know you want more than a kiss. Thank you for that.” Tears fell from her eyes. “You really aren’t like him.”

  Rayne stood, knelt in front of Emma, and wiped away the tears. “Em, please don’t cry anymore. I hate it when I see your tears, I hate knowing you’re in pain.”

  Rayne wrapped her arms around Emma in comfort and laid her head in Emma’s lap. Before she knew it, Emma had lifted her head and was kissing her. It started out soft and gentle but soon grew into a deep, soul-searing kiss.

  Rayne, not breaking the connection of their lips, put her arms around Emma’s waist and they stood together. The kiss created that sweet tightening that Rayne had squelched ever since the incident so many weeks ago.

  Soon she felt the fiery passion rising in herself and in Emma. For far too long she had kept a tight rein on those feelings. The kiss lasted into the bedroom only stopping as they undressed one another. Together they fell onto the mattress where once again they expressed the love that spanned lifetimes.

  Long after they fell asleep, tangled in one another's arms, the continuing glow of their love kept them safe and warm.

  About the Author

  Dannie Marsden

  Let me introduce myself, I am Dannie, a butch-identified writer. I am committed to a beautiful woman, have three wonderful children and one adorable granddaughter.

  I started writing about ten years ago and of course, my stories are centered on, what else...beautiful lesbian women. I try to write about strong women with vulnerabilities and soft caring who compliment, understand and support them. I hope I convey the many levels women have and the beauty of each level.

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