Keeping You Away (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 1)

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Keeping You Away (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 1) Page 21

by Kennedy Fox

  Everleigh: Do you want me to talk to him?

  Gemma: No! Absolutely not. Please don’t. I don’t need things to be any more awkward between us. It’s just…I don’t know. I’m dumb.

  Everleigh sends me an eye-roll emoji.

  Everleigh: Dumb? Or you realized there’s still something between you and my brother?

  I suck in a deep breath and frown.

  Gemma: There can’t be, though.

  Everleigh: You’re right. Robert already hates him. And he kinda has that serial killer vibe, so it’s probably best you keep them away from each other.

  Gemma: Gee, thanks. Now I’m marrying a future murderer. Great!

  I lock my phone and stare at the TV. After ten minutes, it dings twice. I have a text from Everleigh and one from Robert. When I see his name, I expect to feel some sort of excitement, but all that remains is a suffocating feeling of dread.

  It’s not supposed to be like this.

  I think back to Dad telling me how in love he was with my mom and how they never wasted a single moment together. Then I think about Robert, and how he puts me on a pedestal but only when it’s convenient for him. Perhaps some women would be into that, but it makes me feel like a prize he’s won and wants to show me off like a trophy.

  I check Everleigh’s message first.

  Everleigh: I’ll keep my mouth shut and won’t talk to Tyler, but if you want me to say something to him, I will. Although I’ll always be Team Gyler getting married and having all the babies, I’ve always got your back.

  She sends a winky emoji, and I laugh at the ridiculous couple nickname.

  Gemma: You’re TERRIBLE!

  Next, I open Robert’s message.

  Robert: Have you made a decision about moving in? I really would’ve loved having you next to me this morning when I woke up since you didn’t come over last night.

  Here we go again. I’m not even surprised at this point. He refuses to listen to me or validate my feelings. I set my phone down on the table and open another bottle of wine. Once my glass is full, I go outside for some fresh air and sit in one of the patio chairs under the small awning. It’s the middle of September, and even though the humidity hasn’t completely vanished, at least there’s a cool breeze.

  The evening silence draws on as I hear the faint sounds of birds and crickets chirping. The sky is a bright pink and purple with the sun sitting lazily in the sky. I take another drink just as my dad walks outside whistling.

  “Hey, sweetie,” he says before glancing down at my wine glass, then back at me.

  “Hey, Dad. How’s it goin’?”

  “I’m good. You okay?” He takes the empty seat next to me.

  “Fine, just peachy,” I lie.

  Dad glances at me. “Before your mother and I got married, she suggested we run away together and elope.”

  I snort at his random comment. “What?”

  “Yeah, she couldn’t wait to get married and wanted to start our lives together right away. Plus, planning the wedding with her mother’s input was stressful. She always joked that it’s what caused her first gray hair.”

  I smile thinking about it. “Well, Grandma is super particular.”

  “Everything became an argument. Chocolate or strawberry cake. Red or white roses. Inside or outside ceremony. I didn’t care as long as we were married at the end of the day. Whatever she wanted was good enough for me.” He grins as he reminisces. I know he misses her every single day, and I do too. They were soul mates.

  “But you didn’t elope, did you?” I ask, wondering if they got married before the date we celebrate as their anniversary.

  “No, but she nearly had me convinced when she complained about her mom wanting her to wear her wedding gown. It was awful looking.” He leans back and looks up at the fluffy clouds in the distance just as the cicadas start.

  “That’s funny.”

  Dad chuckles. “I guess my point is, if you’re nervous or stressed about this wedding stuff, I understand. It can drive a woman crazy. Your mother, who loved tradition, was ready to throw in the towel and book us a flight to Vegas.”

  My heart aches that he thinks my bad mood is because of the wedding.

  “Robert wants to move up the wedding to November,” I tell him for the first time. “That means we’d be getting married in two months.”

  “Wow. That’s coming up. But what do you want?”

  I shrug. “It feels too soon. I’m not sure if I’m ready for all those changes right now. I think I need more time,” I admit.

  “Oh, Gemma.” He pats my hand. “Out of my two kids, you were always the critical thinker and people pleaser. But sweetheart, you have to follow your heart. It always knows the right thing to do before your head does. So if it’s telling you to wait, then wait, but if not, it wouldn’t hurt to move the date. I wished your mother and I had because we would’ve gotten more time to be married. But the invitations were already sent, and RSVPs were coming in. Robert’s the perfect guy for you, and he wants to make you happy, which I know he can for the rest of your lives. I’m positive he’ll do whatever you want.”

  Dad twists the dagger that’s been lodged in my heart since that night with Tyler. Dad really likes Robert, but I’m no longer confident he’s the right man for me. Can he truly make me happy for the rest of my life when it feels like he wants to control it?

  “Dad, I have a question for you.”

  “Go on.”

  “Did you still get butterflies from Mom after all those years of being together?”

  HIs lips tilt up into a toothy grin. “Yes. I never once stopped feeling that spark when I was with her. Even when our arms would brush, I’d get goose bumps. I think that’s how you know it’s real, pumpkin. When you wake up in the morning or when you go to bed, that’s the person you think about. And it’s who you want to spend all your time with.”

  I listen to his words and take them all in, realizing I’ve not felt that way about Robert in a long time. He proposed so quickly into our relationship, and I said yes but haven’t taken the time to really think any of this through until now.

  When I woke up this morning, the only person on my mind was Tyler. I feel like such a piece of shit, and unfortunately, this conversation hasn’t helped. But I don’t give my insecurities away and keep sipping my wine, trying to enjoy this time with my father.

  “Man, I miss your mom so much,” he admits, and I suck in a deep breath, the air feeling thin in my lungs.

  “Me too,” I say, wishing she were here right now.

  The mood turns somber, and I finish my drink. When Dad stands, I do too, and he pulls me into a hug.

  “Marriage is supposed to be the happiest time of your life, sweetie. Don’t let all the small things ruin this moment.”

  I squeeze him tight, wishing I could tell him everything but keep it buried deep inside. Maybe one day, he’ll know the truth, but that’s not going to be today.

  “Love you, Dad.”

  “Love you too,” he says before turning and walking inside the house.

  I go into the cottage and grab my cell phone to see another text from Robert. Maybe this is all in my head, and I’m creating issues that aren’t there? Maybe I need to give him another chance to prove himself?

  Unlocking my phone, I read his message.

  Robert: I know I’m being pushy, baby. I just think about you all the time and miss you so much. Want to come over tonight?

  I look up at the clock and realize how tipsy I actually am, but I could sober up in a few hours.

  Gemma: Sorry, I was chatting with my dad. I’d like that a lot. What time?

  The best thing I can do is get Tyler out of my mind and replace all those thoughts with Robert. He’s going to be my future husband, and I can’t allow what happened between Tyler and me to ruin my plans.

  Robert suggests I come over around seven, and I tell him I’ll be there.

  At least he’s trying. I should too. Relationships are full of ups and downs. Robe
rt wants to marry me more than anything, so the least I can do is give it my all to see if that’s what I want too.

  Tyler’s reaction today might be the closure I’ve so desperately needed, and since he felt nothing, maybe I’ll finally be able to move on without him.

  Chapter Twenty


  It’s been a week since Gemma came over to talk about what happened between us. I was purposely rude and short because I need to keep her away, regardless of how much it fucking hurts. The disappointment on her face when I told her I felt nothing was something I won’t forget for the rest of my life. Though, I’m not sure what she wanted me to say. If I admitted that it meant more to me than I led on and that I think she should dump her douchebag fiancé, it would’ve caused more problems.

  So, I rejected her before she could ultimately deny me. Plus, that’s what she wants anyway—to pretend nothing happened. Must be so goddamn nice to easily forget something so goddamn beautiful. Regardless, that moment will forever live in my memory.

  We lost control. I could’ve said no, but when it comes to Gemma, I’m weak as fuck. Maybe it was a mistake, but I don’t regret it. Right now, she’s doing enough of that for the both of us. Gemma already told me how she felt afterward before I stormed out, and I didn’t need to hear her say it again. I didn’t need or want the reminder that she’s not mine, even if for that moment I had her and she had me. That night, she would’ve undoubtedly given herself to me, allowed me to make love to her until the sun rose.

  I saw the need in her eyes. I heard the desire in her breathless pants. She wanted me, and no matter how wrong she thinks it was, she didn’t stop. Instead, she fucked my fingers like she hadn’t been touched in a decade, and considering who her fiancé is, it doesn’t surprise me.

  I woke up early this morning and trained two people, lifted some weights, then went home and showered. I’m in a good mood as I walk to work. It’s Friday, and I’m happy I’ll get a break from seeing Gemma this weekend, but then again, I love watching her squirm. She has an attitude and is treating me the same way she has all week—like a major inconvenience she’d rather not deal with.

  After I grabbed a pastry, filled my coffee, and stood in the lobby, she huffed and puffed while typing loudly.

  I think at this point she wishes I’d just quit, just like her future hubby wants, but it ain’t happening. Every time she steals a glance my way, I’m curious if I remind her that she willingly cheated on Robert. I wonder if she thinks about how she grinded against my cock, how I tasted her release on my fingers, and how she begged for more. She may not belong to me, but her body says otherwise. I try to push the thoughts away, but they always return.

  How the fuck am I going to get over her?

  “Just got a call from one of my part suppliers, and he’s not gonna be able to deliver the parts I need until after close. I have to meet a long-time customer about a car that won’t start. Kinda disappointed because it was all supposed to be here this mornin’. Don’t feel obligated to say yes, but do you mind waitin’ around for it to make sure it’s what we need?” Jerry asks between eating bites of a chocolate frosted donut. He let me leave early last week because I was so exhausted, so I owe him, plus he doesn’t ask for much.

  “Sure, I don’t mind,” I say as I replace an air filter in a car.

  Jerry smiles, then pats me on the back. “Thanks. Appreciate ya, son.”

  After I’m done changing the oil in three vehicles and add refrigerant to another, I glance at the clock and see it’s lunchtime. When I walk into the lobby, there’s a dozen roses on the counter. I lift an eyebrow at her, shake my head, then leave and go to the deli on the corner. Belinda sets a sweet tea down on the table, and I order a hoagie. Once my food is set in front of me, my phone goes off, and I see a text from Liam.

  Liam: Maddie’s water broke early this morning! Baby should be here today!

  Tyler: Awesome, man! Keep me updated!

  I finish eating, then go back to the garage and immediately busy myself. I try to keep my mind focused on the tasks at hand, only taking breaks for water. It’s miserably hot, and I’m sweating nonstop. When I walk into the lobby, I hear Gemma humming and wonder how I’ll be able to move on.

  When five o’clock finally hits, Jerry cleans up and thanks me again for staying late. I put all my tools up because he hates a messy shop. After I’m done, I walk inside and go into the break room where Gemma is sitting at the small table texting. Once she realizes I’m in there, she locks her phone, then gets up and walks away. I grab a bottle of water and nearly finish it in one gulp as I follow her to the lobby.

  “Do you want me to lock up?” I ask since I’m staying late. I’m sure she has a hot date to get ready for, considering she stays at Robert’s house every weekend—well, when it’s convenient for him—plus, he sent more roses today.

  “I’m more than capable,” she snaps.

  “Okay, well your dad asked me to wait for some parts for the Chevy he’s rebuilding. Supposed to be here around seven,” I explain.

  She narrows her eyes at me, and her annoyance is obvious. “Seriously? He asked me to stay so I could pay the guy.” She lets out a sigh. “Great.”

  A smirk hits my lips, and I almost wonder if Jerry planned this. He’s asked Gemma what was going on between us, and he’s not stupid. The thought makes me laugh as I sit in one of the chairs and pull out my phone and text Liam for an update on Maddie.

  Tyler: Any news?

  Liam: No baby yet. Doctor says it will probably be a few more hours. I’m pacing around like a crazy person, and Maddie is as calm as can be.

  Tyler: It’s because she thrives under pressure. You better tell me when Tobias is finally here!

  Liam: Will do!

  An hour passes and neither of us have said a word to each other. The air is thick, and I can smell the stench of those flowers. Must suck to have to overcompensate so much. Right now would be a perfect time to discuss what happened, but I don’t know how to bring it up or what I’d say. She’s already said what she had to say.

  I think back to when she saw Ruby at the house and realized I wasn’t alone. Gemma looked crushed as hell. Her face turned bright red, and I could see her pulse racing in her neck. That level of jealousy is dangerous, but it also sends so many damn mixed signals. It was adorable to see her get so worked up, which is why I continued the act. This way, she’ll continue with her plans, marry the douchebag, and become the woman he’s determined to mold her into—someone I won’t even recognize.

  It’s nearly six when Gemma gets a call from the supplier. I try to focus on my phone but can’t when she’s so worked up and aggravated.

  “Eight o’clock? Wow. Guess I don’t have any other choice. No, don’t reschedule for tomorrow. I’ll cancel my dinner plans. We needed those parts this morning,” she barks, then continues, “I’ll be here, just hurry up.”

  After she hangs up, she picks up her cell and starts typing furiously. I’m sure she’s telling Robert she won’t be able to entertain his clients tonight with her phony smile and fake interest in their pathetic lives. The thought makes me snort.

  “They’re running late,” she tells me, but I already gathered as much.

  Minutes later, her phone rings, and she walks to the break room for some privacy, but she’s not far enough away for that.

  “There’s absolutely nothing I can do, Robert. I have to wait for them to arrive. No, my dad had other obligations and asked me to stay. That is not happening, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. This is my job, and I have obligations, just as you do with yours,” she tells him firmly, and I love this stern side of her. It’s as if she’s grown a backbone finally and isn’t afraid to tell Robert no. Sounds like he’s not appreciating it as much, though. “Okay then. Bye.”

  Oddly enough, there was no exchange of “I love you” at the end. Though I’m smiling at her toughness, when she enters the lobby, I wipe it off, not wanting her to realize I heard every word. I close m
y eyes, lean my head against the wall, and wish I could take a nap. It’s been a long ass day already.

  At seven, my stomach growls, and I swear Gemma heard it because she looks up at me.

  “Are you hungry?” She stands, and her soft eyes meet mine.

  “Yeah, I could use a bite to eat,” I admit.

  Gemma comes around the counter and hands me a paper menu from the pub. I smell the faint hint of her soap and perfume, and all I want to do is kiss and taste her sweet lips again. The skirt she’s wearing shows off the perfect amount of thigh, the same ones that were straddling me almost two weeks ago.

  “I’ll order us something and go get it. My treat for agreeing to stay. I’m sure you had plans tonight.” And I swear I hear her mutter Ruby’s name under her breath as she walks back to her chair, which causes me to smirk.

  I lower my voice. “Gemma.”

  She swallows hard, her gaze focused on my lips. Heat streams between us, but I try to pretend it doesn’t. She said what happened was wrong, but ignoring what we have somehow seems worse.

  “I insist. I’m using the company card anyway.” A nervous laugh escapes her. It’s the first time I’ve heard that sound in a while, and I wonder what’s up with the change of heart. Sometimes, it’s night and day with her. One minute, she’s cold as ice, and the next, she’s blazing hot, and it’s making my head spin.

  “Alright. I’ll take a double cheeseburger with onion rings. Do they do to-go whiskey?” I tease.

  “Wish they did,” she says, and I’m wondering if it is because she needs alcohol to be around me. Wouldn’t be the first time. “Dad keeps a small bottle in the bottom drawer of the office.”


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