Phoenix Burning

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Phoenix Burning Page 4

by Anne, Melody

  “I won’t say anything to anyone. I don’t get along with most of the people here. I’m just trying to have some time to myself, so I’m not a threat to you,” she told him in her haughtiest tone.

  “I know who you are and I know how badly you’ve been treated, Jessica. I’m here to help. I think we can work very well together.”

  She looked him over. How could he know anything about her? How did he know her name? He was right, of course. She did feel mistreated, and completely misunderstood, but she’d never seen him before that moment. He couldn’t possibly know about her troubles.

  “I know a lot of things,” he said in answer to her thoughts, which scared her but fascinated her even more. How did he know what she was thinking?

  “Who are you?” she repeated.

  “My name is Vyco. I’ve wanted to talk to you for a long time now. I would’ve come to you in the cave, but Jayden is always there, and the situation would’ve gotten messy. I’ve come to you in your dreams, but you mortals are so quick to dismiss those as fantasy. Now, you’ll know better,” he said as he stepped closer.

  Jessica was frightened enough that she would’ve tried to run, but suddenly she was unable to move. She stood in horror as he closed the final gap between them and reached his hand out. He ran his fingers over her face, brushed back her hair, and stood only inches from her trembling body.

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked between chattering teeth.

  “I’ll let you go when I’m assured you won’t run. I have a mission for you, Jessica. We’re going to work well together,” he said. He circled her body and she tried to turn her head to see him, but she could barely move. She felt his hands touch the back of her neck and a shiver ran down her body. She didn’t know if it was from fright or excitement. This man, who seemed to be performing magic, had her full attention.

  “I’m a very powerful man, and I’ve chosen you to be a part of my team. Once you understand what I’m asking, you’ll realize the honor I’m bestowing upon you. Not many mortals get to work with me. I sense darkness in you, pain, anger, hunger . . . desire. I can use those emotions, help you build them, teach you how to control them. You’ll be able to get anything you’ve ever wanted. Power, loyalty, and those who will worship you. There’s nothing you can’t have if you work with me,” he seductively whispered in her ear, his lips brushing her skin.

  Another shiver ran down Jessica’s spine. He continued circling her, caressing her eager body, and stroking her ego . . . bringing her desires to the forefront of her mind. As if he knew there was no more need to keep her bound, her invisible restraint released and she slowly turned so they were face to face. Her voice was almost a moan as she fell completely under his spell. She wanted to reach out and touch him, hold him in her arms, but she knew she had to wait for his permission. He was in control and, surprisingly, she liked it.

  “Tell me more,” she said, licking her lips in a way she knew drove the boys crazy. She’d turned many men’s heads with a flick of her tongue or the right twist of her body. She’d learned early how to use her looks to get what she wanted, even in the cave — though not as well there.

  “Ah, I love that look in your eyes . . . so eager to please . . . so willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want,” he said as he lifted his hand and cupped her cheek. She was practically drooling at his feet.

  “You have my attention. I have needs . . . wants . . . and desires. I can’t seem to get anything I want in the cave, so if you think you can give me more . . . I’m all yours,” she purred.

  Vyco stared at the small girl and smiled in triumph. He knew he’d get Jayden back, he’d make the boy pay, but he wouldn’t destroy him. Jayden was far too powerful to cast off, as he did with so many of his followers who made him unhappy. But with Jayden, he wanted him on his side, where he’d always belonged. With the help of the eager girl, Vyco could practically feel the power shifting once more to his side.

  “First of all, you know my subject, Jayden. He was loyal to me, and no one else, until he entered your camp and met Phoenix. She corrupted him, and she must be destroyed.”

  “You know Jayden?” Jessica asked, momentarily shocked.

  “Of course I know Jayden. He’s been with me for more years than you can comprehend. He’d still be with me if it weren’t for that girl,” he practically spat. As his eyes flared with hatred, Jessica took an involuntary step back, fearful once again of his power. She wasn’t so afraid she wanted to run, but afraid enough to be cautious. She felt a need to hear him out.

  “She has a way of doing that to people. Phoenix has all the others fooled, but not me. I know she’s just as power-hungry as I am, she just manages to hide it better,” Jessica pouted after a moment of silence.

  “It sounds like you won’t mind destroying this Phoenix,” Vyco said, gaining control of his anger and once again lowering his voice to a seductive whisper. Jessica didn’t like the way he said Phoenix’s name, almost reverently. She instantly became jealous, wanting no other girl’s name but her own on Vyco’s lips. “I don’t want Phoenix, Jessica, only her death,” he said, his hand again reaching up to stroke her cheek as his thumb slid over her pouting lip.

  “How do you know what I’m thinking?” she demanded. She was slightly irritated that he knew so much about her, without her knowing anything about him. He laughed, which didn’t earn him any points.

  “I thought you were smarter than this. You have to realize I’m not a mere mortal, Jessica. I’m much too powerful to simply be human. I’m the master of the dark forces, the leader of all those things that go bump in the night and the most powerful thing you can imagine. Of course I can read your thoughts. I can also bind you with nothing more than my mind or pleasure you the same way. I can make you burn in agony or feel like you’re floating on a cloud. That’s just the beginning of the power I hold. If you’re on my side you’ll be treated like a queen . . . but if you turn from me, you’ll wish for a quick death,” he said icily. His tone never changed. He spoke with conviction and the confidence of someone who knew he’d be obeyed.

  As he spoke, Jessica was lifted off the ground and levitated so her face was even with his. She should’ve felt an inkling of fear, but she was too consumed with joy, unbelievable joy. She felt his power and wanted it for herself. She’d follow him to the edge of the world to have it. There was no question she’d do anything he asked of her.

  “What do you need me to do?” she asked, eager to please.

  “Those are the words I want to hear from you, my sweet,” he said, lowering her back to the ground. She was disappointed when her feet once again touched the earth. She waited expectantly for his next words.

  “For now, you’re only to observe. You’ll meet me in this same spot whenever I call. I’ve been whispering to you for some time in your dreams. Now that we’ve met, you’ll know when I’m here. I’ll give you more instruction soon,” he told her while sliding his hand across her cheek.

  Jessica leaned forward, wanting to press close to him. She wanted him to kiss her. She wanted it more than anything she’d ever wanted before, and that was saying a lot.

  “Not yet, Jessica. Soon, though, I promise,” he said as his thumb brushed across her bottom lip, causing her breath to catch in her tightened throat. She’d been rejected too many times lately, and rejection from the powerful Vyco wasn’t sitting well with her. She turned her head away, angry at his denial when she was so clearly offering him whatever he desired.

  “It’s not a rejection. Good things come to those who are obedient,” he told her.

  “I’ll do anything you ask — you don’t need to bribe me.”

  “It’s not a bribe. But you must earn your rewards. They aren’t freely given. This war was carefully planned and should’ve been over by now, but because of your rebel group, and several others like it, along with help from Josiah, the mortals are actually making a difference. This doesn’t make me happy. If I take down the group
of people who have so badly mistreated you, the tides will change, and darkness will reign,” he explained gleefully.

  Vyco wasn’t willing to tell the girl too much. He was playing with her, but at the same time she did intrigue him unlike any other mortal he’d dealt with before. There was real potential with her. She had a dark soul. There was still a faint glimmer of goodness left, but he’d quickly squash that. He might even make her his queen if she pleased him enough. She was greedy for supremacy, and at his side, she’d get all the power she could imagine, and so much more. He’d chosen well. Of course, he always did.

  He frowned as he thought about Jayden. He’d chosen well in Jayden too, and would still have him by his side if it weren’t for that mortal child, Phoenix. He knew if he destroyed her, Jayden would be consumed with so much fury he’d turn back to the dark realm.

  He’d eventually run back to Vyco, but only if Vyco could make it look like it wasn’t he who killed her. That’s where the weak mortal girl, Jessica, came in. She could do his bidding, and Jayden would never be the wiser. Of course, if Jayden knew Jessica killed Phoenix, Vyco couldn’t keep her for his queen, but he could live with that.

  “I’m going to block your mind, place a shield around it. In no way can Jayden know about us speaking of our plans. We want him back on our side,” Vyco said. She nodded, though he could see she didn’t understand. She was simply a blind servant following his instructions, which was exactly what he liked in a servant.

  “Why don’t we just kill Phoenix now?” Jessica asked, not caring about the girl losing her life. She’d be happy to be rid of her.

  “I have to be careful how the girl is destroyed. I want Jayden back, and if he knows it’s me or you, he’ll never come to me,” Vyco said. His voice was filled with frustration. He’d never have believed one insignificant mortal could cause him so much trouble.

  “You want it to look like an accident?” Jessica asked, starting to catch on.

  “That would be too obvious. Do nothing for the moment. If you betray me, you’ll regret it,” he reminded her, his eyes flaring. Another shudder ran through her. She wouldn’t want to get on his bad side; that was for sure.

  “How long will I have to wait?” she pouted.

  “Not long, and it’ll be well worth it,” he promised. The more he was in her presence, the more he was drawn to her. Their journey together would be quite pleasant for him. “I must leave now.”

  Jessica was about to protest when he took her head in his large hands and started chanting. A feeling of comfort came over her and she leaned toward him. She closed her eyes for only a moment, then his hands were gone.

  When her eyes opened, he’d vanished.

  Jessica looked around the clearing, disappointed. She tried to find him, but he’d left no trace. Her day was over. She didn’t feel like sitting outside any longer. She got dressed and headed toward the cave. She didn’t bother gathering food. Let someone else do the work. She’d soon rule over all of them — well, those who Vyco decided to let live their miserable lives. She laughed out loud, feeling more joy than she’d felt in a long time.

  She finally had a purpose again. She’d finally found where she belonged. She had no doubt this was who she’d always been meant to be. The waiting wouldn’t be easy, but the reward of it all gave her the strength to be patient.

  Chapter Five

  Phoenix was in a foul mood. She hadn’t managed to get two minutes alone with Jayden and it was beginning to irritate her. When she’d eventually emerged from her room, he’d been pulled away by the hunting group and was gone for several hours. She was anxious to tell him she didn’t want to give up on their relationship, but she couldn’t if they weren’t alone for even a moment.

  She had nothing to do that afternoon. The elders were in some kind of secret planning meeting, staying behind locked doors and leaving everyone else in the dark. Phoenix worried when they had those meetings because it meant something was brewing. She was afraid to think about what it might be.

  “I’ve been looking all over for you. I know you haven’t had a chance to speak with Jayden yet so I’ve come up with a plan to distract you,” Sadie said, coming out of nowhere. Phoenix smiled at her while rolling her eyes. Sadie probably had some trouble planned for them and she was right, it was just what Phoenix needed.

  “We’re having a girls’ day. It won’t be as glamorous as when we were little and played in our mothers’ makeup and jewelry, but we’ll make do,” Sadie said, taking Phoenix’s arm and leading her to the bathhouse. Several of their friends were sitting in the large hot spring bath in their swimsuits.

  “I brought your swimsuit in already. Get changed. First order of business is to knock out all tension,” Sadie said, practically jumping up and down. Phoenix didn’t see what was so exciting about taking a bath, but decided to appease her best friend.

  As she sank into the natural tub of hot water and sat with her friends, talking and laughing, she indeed felt her troubles start to lift. She was closer to the girls than she ever would’ve been back home. They had no choice but to lean on each other, and it helped get her mind off of Jayden. She’d see him soon enough and then they could face whatever was ahead of them.

  “Have you seen that new guy who came in last night? Oh my gosh, his smile could melt butter on a freezing day,” Jenny said.

  “I know what you mean. If I wasn’t head over heels in love with Brian, I’d be batting my eyelashes at him,” Sadie agreed with a giggle. “I can at least appreciate his beauty, though.”

  “I didn’t notice him. When did he arrive?” Phoenix asked, wondering who they were talking about.

  “Seriously, Phoenix, you don’t notice anyone except Jayden anymore. Not that Jayden isn’t totally the most gorgeous guy in this place, but you have to at least enjoy the sight of the other man-candy,” Jenny said, causing the girls to giggle.

  Phoenix joined in their laughter. They were right, of course, because she was oblivious to how many single guys were in the caves. Before Jayden, even while having a crush on Brian, she’d have known exactly how many single guys there were. She wasn’t boy crazy, but there wasn’t a whole lot to do, other than dream about finding that perfect guy and getting married.

  “Okay, okay, you got me. I’ll make sure and check out the latest shipment of bachelors during our meeting tonight,” Phoenix said, causing the girls to hoot and whistle. They stayed in the tub for over an hour, then Sadie instructed the girls it was time to move to the next part of their spa treatment.

  “Mom, what are you doing here?” Phoenix asked as they stepped into the kitchen. It was between meals so there weren’t many people around, but several bowls were laid out on the counter.

  “Sadie said you were having a couple of bad days. I’ve been busy and haven’t noticed as much as I should so I decided to try to make it up to you by having a surprise spa day,” Janet said.

  Phoenix beamed, quickly wrapping her arms around her mom. She loved her more than anything but her mom was constantly busy, tending to the animals and in meetings with the elders. The more Phoenix thought about how many responsibilities the adults had, she realized it was also part of their new life for the kids to be more responsible.

  “I went rifling through the storage unit and found one of my precious boxes I stored for emergencies — girl emergencies, that is,” Janet said with a twinkle in her eye. Phoenix looked into the bowl at pasty green gunk. She hoped she wasn’t expected to eat it.

  “Since Sadie was the main helper in planning this day, I’ll demonstrate on Sadie and Phoenix what we’ll do, then you girls pair up and help each other,” Janet said. She sat Phoenix down, tying her hair back in a tight ponytail, then picked up one of the bowls and lifted it toward her face. Phoenix’s eyes widened in horror. Was her mother planning on shoving the icky stuff down her throat?

  Janet swiped her fingers along the bottom of the bowl and pulled out a handful of the mud before she smeared the cold green
goop over Phoenix’s cheek. Soon, it was all over her face and neck and the girls were giggling uncontrollably. They were obedient, though, and partnered up. Soon they all had on ugly green masks.

  “What is this?” Phoenix asked as she felt the paste tightening on her skin. It wasn’t comfortable, and she wanted to reach up and scratch it off. Her face felt stretched, and she found it hard to open her mouth.

  “This is called a face mask. I used to do them at least once a week at home. You were too little then to try it. They feel a bit uncomfortable for a little while but when we wash them off, your skin will feel baby soft. I have lotion too. I snuck this in for when I wanted to feel like a pampered woman again, and today is that day,” her mom answered.

  Phoenix felt tears gather in her eyes. She almost wished it was only a mother and daughter moment, with no one else around. Phoenix’s mom had always told her when she was a teenager she’d take her to get pretty nails for her dances and they’d do all kinds of beauty regimens together. Phoenix remembered going with her mom several times to a salon and sitting in big, comfy chairs while people painted her toenails. She always chose pink with sparkles, which made her mom laugh.

  Phoenix was grateful every day her family was safe and together. Sadie and her mom really had planned the perfect day, and Phoenix didn’t know how to properly thank them. They both knew her so well and were the only people who could give her peace when everything in her world flipped upside down.

  “I love you, Mom. Thank you for this day — it’s exactly what I needed,” Phoenix said with a tear-choked voice.

  “I love you too, sweetie. Now, no more tears. Today is a day of fun, beauty, and bonding with my favorite daughter, and all of my favorite girls,” Janet said. Her sniffing gave her own teetering emotions away.


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