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A Certain Malice

Page 14

by Felicity Young

  “Shit.” After some thought she added, “Kind of puts things in perspective doesn’t it?”

  “You mean stop whinging and get on with things?”

  “I didn’t say that,” she said softly. “I just believe that when one door closes, another opens. I mean now you can’t play footy any more, you’ve taken up all that reading and studying and you’re doing really well - you’ll probably be commissioner one day. You’d get a lot more out of that than kicking a bag of air around an oval.”

  “You’re a brick, Leanne.” He sounded like he meant it.

  Leanne pulled up outside Vince’s street. As they got out of the car, a dog barked from a garden several houses down; otherwise the neighbourhood was quiet. Vince’s old Falcon was parked on the road outside his house. Leanne leaned a hand on the bonnet as she passed by.

  “Cold?” Pete asked.


  They walked the concrete slabs to Vince’s front door. The fly screen was closed but the door open. Silver flickers and muted sounds of the TV came from the living room.

  Pete rapped on the flimsy frame of the fly screen. “Hey, Vince,” he called, “It’s Pete and Leanne. We need to have a talk with you.”

  There was no answer, only the computerised roar of a TV audience.

  “Maybe he’s in the shower,” said Leanne, stepping back from the porch to view the front of the house. “There’s a light on in the bedroom.” The curtains were drawn. She tapped on the window.

  “He might be asleep. I don’t fancy the idea of waking him up,” she said.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”

  “Wow, I feel so safe now.”

  Pete pushed the flyscreen and it closed behind them with a crack. He reached for the light switch and called out again but there was still no answer. Any minute now Leanne expected a drunken Vince to come charging out at them, draped in a towel, or worse, nothing.

  They glanced around the empty living room then walked towards the closed bedroom door. Leanne gave it a gentle tap and gingerly turned the knob. She saw a bare mattress and some discarded clothes on the floor. Pete stretched over her and pushed the door fully open, then walked with a John Wayne swagger to the only other thing in the room, a small freestanding wardrobe. He pointed to the closed wardrobe door and placed a finger to his lips.

  Leanne giggled, whispering, “He’d hardly be in there, moron.”

  He scowled. “We’ve got to be thorough,” he said as if he wanted to hear her laugh again. He made his hand like a gun and pointed to the wardrobe. “We know you’re in there, Vince. Come out with your hands up.”

  With a melodramatic flourish he flung the door wide, and the hinges made a splintering sound. He looked at Leanne and pulled a face. Her hand went to her mouth when he tried without success to jam the lopsided cupboard door back.

  “Vince is going to kill you for that, Pete.”

  He shrugged.“He’s not to know we were even here. He’s probably just walked to the pub to drown his sorrows. We ’ll have one more look around, go there next.”

  They searched the remainder of the house and the tiny backyard: no sign of Vince. Pete took out his phone to report back.

  “Wait on a minute, Pete. We haven’t checked the garage,” Leanne said, moving towards a door off the lounge room. Pete gave an impatient sigh and followed.

  The smell hit her as soon as she opened the door. She took a step back.

  “Yuck. He must have some burst pipes, either that or his septics…”

  Pete gripped Leanne by her shoulders and swung her away from the open door.

  “It’s not the pipes,” he said softly, reaching for the light switch. He drew in a sharp breath. “Oh sweet Jesus.”


  The fire unit arrived, lights flashing and siren wailing. The sight and sound bored into Cam’s aching head like a dental drill. He wiped the sweat from his eyes and watched with alarm as the four-wheel drive mounted the curb and charged across the lush lawn, churning up turf like a deranged lawnmower until it came to a halt several metres from where Cam was standing.

  The cavalry had arrived.

  Cliff turned off the noise. He and Angelo jumped from the vehicle before Cam could close the distance between them.

  “Wait on a minute, guys,” Cam said, indicating for them to slow down. “No need to go charging off like a bull at a gate.”

  Cliff stopped and turned. “I don’t need some city cop telling me how to do my job.” The spotlight shone at an angle across his face, casting one side in shadow.

  Cam shrugged. “You’re the boss.”

  Cliff leaned into the fire vehicle and snatched his yellow helmet from the dash. He was wearing his heavy fireman’s boots; his Uggs lay on the floor on the passenger side next to a water bottle and a six-pack of beer.

  “Be prepared,” Cam said, not hiding his sarcasm. Angelo turned away and smiled.

  Cam tried to tell Cliff what had happened, trotting to keep up with the big man’s giant steps. But as they approached the smouldering ruins, he was forced to hold back as renewed contact with the poisonous fumes irritated his already sensitive lungs. As he doubled over into a fit of coughing he felt a hand on his shoulder.

  “Sergeant Fraser, are you OK?” Angelo asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine now.” He felt as if he’d just coughed up a lung. “I think that’s the last of it.”

  He straightened, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, then pointed to the bear-like figure at the ruins. “I was trying to tell Cliff to be careful. There could still be explosive substances in there. Even a small flame could set them off.” He shrugged, letting out a painful breath.“Well, he’s supposed to be a fireman, I guess he knows what he’s doing.”

  “He gets excited sometimes. When he’s wired up like this he thinks he can take on the world. It’s just about impossible to tell him anything.” The boy’s hand unconsciously moved to his face where his fingers probed his bruised eye.

  “We’d better go and make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid then,” Cam said.

  They picked their way over the pieces of smouldering chipboard, floorboards, glass and mangled metal. The floor of the prefab was still more or less intact except for the area to the far left where the chemicals had been stored and where the explosion had originated. Here, it was no more than a jagged crater with branches of twisted steel joists rising from its epicentre. Pieces of floorboards, still shimmering orange with the heat, radiated from the hole like the glowing petals of a flower.

  Cam didn’t venture closer, though Cliff and Angelo in their protective gear were bolder. They kicked at the debris, assessing the danger: carefully, Cam hoped. The remaining flames seemed benign enough, but it wouldn’t take much of a breeze for them to rekindle and threaten the other school buildings.

  Cam walked back to the fire unit with Cliff, who radioed base to say no backup was required. The big man’s initial excitement had eased now he realised it was only a mop-up job. The scowl on his face suggested all he wanted to do now was get the job done and go home to bed.

  Overcome with a sudden weariness himself, Cam shuffled over to a nearby tree and sank to the ground. The moon was full, the stars no more than pale pinpricks. He leaned back against the tree, feeling the damp of a light evening dew seep through the seat of his jeans. The gentle fingers of a breeze ruffled his hair and provided a welcome cool to his face, helping him fight the desire to close his eyes. He followed the actions of the fire team as they carried out the same well-practised ritual they’d performed at Sunday’s bushfire.

  As Cliff unwound the hose, he yelled to Angelo to turn the pump on. His orange overalls were unbuttoned to the waist and his muscles rippled under the artificial light. His yellow helmet glowed, the visor reflecting a star of light under which his black beard bristled. He adjusted the nozzle of the hose and yelled again at Angelo, who was still looking at the ruins. He made no move towards the pump, but shouted something back at Cliff.

f threw the hose down and stalked towards his spiky-haired apprentice. Cam hauled himself to his feet and followed. The dynamics of the fire team had become interesting.

  He watched the big man approach Angelo.

  “Are you deaf or something? What the hell is your problem, boy? You trying to be a smart-arse again?” Cliff bawled.

  “Cliff, it’s different this time, this is really dangerous,” Angelo said.

  Angelo spotted Cam walking up behind his boss. Their eyes briefly met. When he turned back to Cliff his voice was less hesitant.

  “There’s all sorts of dangerous stuff in that mess,” Angelo said. “Electrical cables, too. We’ve got to turn the mains off before we spray or we’ll be fried.”

  Cliff ripped off his helmet, threw it to the ground and stepped closer. Cam moved to stand by the young man’s side.

  “I guess you don’t get too many residential fires way out here. Probably never even had one. It’s an easy enough thing to forget,” Cam said.

  “I didn’t forget,” Cliff spoke through gritted teeth, not taking his eyes off Angelo.

  “I see, this was just a test, eh? Putting the apprentice through his paces. Good thinking,” Cam said.

  Cliff switched his glare to Cam for a moment, then back to Angelo. Cam could see the big man struggling to save face.“Where are the fucking mains then, smart arse?” Cliff bawled.

  “I don’t know, Cliff. You know the school better than I do,” Angelo said.

  “Try the front porch,” Cam tilted his head to the formal entrance, flashing Cliff a smile straight from the Toby Bell School Of Charm.

  Cliff scowled and headed toward the school building.

  The smile immediately left Cam’s face. “Shit,” he said out of the side of his mouth. “Is he always like this?”

  Angelo gave a cautious smile.“No, not always. He’s been losing it a bit lately, but. Pressures of work, you know?”

  “What was that about you getting into trouble before?”

  Angelo watched Cliff stomp up the school’s front steps and shrugged.

  “Did he get angry at you at Sunday’s bushfire too?”

  “Yeah. Off his chops at me.”


  Cliff yelled at Angelo to turn on the pump. Cam followed Angelo back to the fire unit and Angelo flicked the switch, lurching the pump to life. When he aimed the spray at the ruins they were enveloped in foul-smelling steam.

  Cam gagged down another coughing fit.

  Angelo shouted above the noise. “That fire in the bush wasn’t too fierce.” The water from the hose hissed like a nest of snakes as it hit the hot metal.“And it only covered a small area, so we thought we could handle it. Cliff said not to use the hose on one part, he said it would be more efficient to make a firebreak and let the flames burn out on their own. We ’d also save water that way. The fire truck only carries six hundred litres. We cleared a good size break, then Cliff went down the line to check something. The wind came up and the flames grew higher, so I grabbed the hose and put them out. He went off his rocker at me.”

  “And he hit you then?”

  Angelo said nothing; his expression said it all.

  “It sounds like you did the right thing. You used your initiative.” Cam lowered his voice when the hulking figure of Cliff reappeared. There was no doubt in his mind that he was looking at a man quite capable of murder. “Tomorrow at lunchtime come to the station. We’ll drive out to the school grounds and you can show me where that patch of flames was.”

  The young man made no sign of acknowledgment. Cliff yanked the hose from his hands and continued the spraying. Cam wondered if he’d show up.

  His mind switched from the Bell murder back to the bombed photo lab. It was easy enough to guess what had happened: a Molotov cocktail through the window, then the exploding chemicals. But why? Who?

  Firemen were often the arson squad’s worst nightmare. A crime involving fire was hard enough to investigate. A diligent fireman put the icing on the cake, destroying what little evidence there was left with water, foam, heavy boots and damaging equipment. By the time the Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade had finished, there’d be little evidence left here to tell him anything. Cam let out a breath and scrubbed at his face.

  Then his mobile rang. It was Leanne.


  Pete and Leanne were waiting for him on the front steps of Vince’s house. The young man stood up as Cam walked towards him, and flicked a cigarette butt into the bushes by the side of the house. He realised his mistake when he saw the set of the Senior Sergeant’s jaw and the cold hard gleam of his eyes.

  Cam pointed to the bush. “Pick it up.”

  Pete retrieved the butt and stuffed it in his pocket. “Sorry, Sarge, I wasn’t thinking. It’s shocking in there.”

  The neighbour’s reticulation fizzed to life; there was a cool draught and the air became heavy with minerals.

  Cam heard a sniff and saw Leanne standing on the steps. Under the porch light he could see the glistening redness of her eyes.

  “You all right, Leanne?”

  She nodded and turned away, pulling something grey and crumbling from her pocket and dabbing at her nose with it.

  Vince’s old Falcon was parked alongside the curb. Cam attempted to look through the grimy passenger window.

  “The bonnet was cold when we got here,” Pete said.

  “Torch,” Cam said, putting out his hand.

  Pete unclipped the torch from his belt and Cam shone it around the vehicle’s interior. It was unlocked, the keys still dangling from the ignition. An Elvis Presley marionette hung from the rear vision mirror, empty choc milk cartons and hamburger wraps littered the floor.

  Pete’s hand moved to the handle.

  “Don’t touch it yet. I want it dusted first,” Cam said.

  “Er, yes of course.” Pete glanced over to Leanne. Their eyes met, she shrugged, then buried her nose in the crumbling tissue again.

  Cam handed her his clean handkerchief, pushed past Pete and walked into the house. He came to an abrupt halt outside the main bedroom. Not expecting the sudden stop, Pete lurched into him from behind. The younger man sprang back, pushing the hair from his eyes with a nervous flick of his hand.

  “Calm down, Pete, you’re as jumpy as a louse on dipping day.”

  Cam turned on the light and scanned the bedroom. It all looked pretty much the same as when he’d dragged Vince home from the pub. The mattress was still on the floor almost hidden under a tangle of sheets. A Hawaiian shirt had been added to the pile of festering clothes. But there was something different, and it took a few moments of chin rubbing to see what it was.

  The cupboard door was hanging at a tilt.

  “Did you touch anything in here?” Cam said, pointing to the room in general.

  “We searched the whole house before we found the body, so yes, I suppose we did touch some things. We had no idea, we–”

  “The cupboard door. That damage is new. What do you think?” He jabbed his hand at the broken. “Signs of a violent struggle perhaps?”

  Pete hesitated before answering, “No, I did it when I was looking for him.”

  Cam’s stare could have frozen water. “You thought he was hiding in the cupboard?”

  “We were fooling around. Before we knew there was anything wrong.” Pete’s voice was so soft Cam could hardly hear him.

  “We?” Cam looked over to Leanne. He had never known her so quiet.

  Pete straightened up and looked Cam in the eye. “It was me, Sarge. Leanne didn’t do anything.”

  “First the smoke and then this. The next blue’s going in your report – have you got that, Constable?”

  Pete clenched his jaw.

  Cam’s footsteps pounded from the bedroom to the lounge and stopped outside the closed door leading to the garage. He glanced at the young officers behind him, breathing deeply, preparing himself for the first blast of the odour he could already detect creeping through the cracks in the door.
br />   They’d left on the faulty fluorescent light, which flickered and clicked like the spooling film of a silent movie. A woman’s bicycle, maybe Vince’s ex-wife’s, leaned against the back wall. Several old suitcases were stacked next to it, the kind you could imagine Bogart and Bacall clutching at a desolate railway station. The cement floor was stained with patches of oil, the walls lined with stacks of plastic flower pots, piles of brittle women’s magazines, a wheelbarrow, crates of empties, an old tyre. The detritus of a life.

  Parallel steel beams supported the pitched garage roof. A rope tied between the fishing rods and prawn nets dangled as limp as the Elvis in Vince’s car.

  A forty-four gallon drum lay on its side underneath the rope, and near it the body, covered by a stained white tarp. Cam squatted and drew back the tarp. He shivered and his stomach lurched as he looked upon the distorted purple face of his Senior Constable.

  He turned his face away and forced himself to breathe through his mouth, beckoning to Pete and Leanne. They approached reluctantly.

  “Have you ever come across a hanging before?”

  Leanne shook her head and looked at Pete. His gaze was locked on the roller door at the end of the garage.

  “I have, only one. It wasn’t like this though. It’s different when you know the person,” he said in a small voice, his anger at Cam now as distant as his stare.

  “Did you cut him down?”

  Pete stammered, “I thought he was still alive. He was still warm.”

  “That’s OK,” Cam said. “Though you shouldn’t have covered him with the tarp.” He kept the accusing tone away from his voice; the kids had been through enough for one night. Pete’s shoulders sagged with relief.“Did you try CPR?” Cam added.

  “No. As soon as we got him down we realised it was too late,” Leanne said.

  Cam pulled the tarp completely off the body. Vince had put on his dress uniform; the silver buttons and polished shoes twinkled like party lights under the flickering fluorescent. Cam turned his face away, click; then back, click. He had to close his eyes for a moment.

  “Go into the lounge room, grab the standard lamp and plug it in here,” he said to Leanne, pointing to a power point in the garage wall. “I can’t see a damned thing. And Pete, open up the roller door and let some fresh air in.”


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