Birthright: The Crystal Throne - Book 1

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Birthright: The Crystal Throne - Book 1 Page 29

by Kim Fedyk

  “This information is not to leave this circle,” Selene cautioned. “We are not going to tell Arleth what we are doing. One, we don’t want to worry her, and two, regardless if she agrees or not, I have to do this, so it is better if we don’t ask at all.” Her conscience didn’t like this very much, but she knew that she had no choice. It was not only for their sakes, but also for Arleth’s. If something had been done to her, there was likely still time to reverse it, at least she hoped so anyways.

  “Don’t worry, we understand,” Winn said, looking around at the confirming nods from his friends.

  “Yes,” Bain agreed, “This secret is safe with us.”

  Selene smiled, “Good, I knew it would be.”

  “So what about that...” Val paused searching for the right word, and not finding it settled on “creature that you brought with you from Iridian?”

  “His name is Zeeshan.” Selene corrected

  “Sure, Zeeshan. What is he? And what was that outburst all about?”

  As one, Winn, Graydon and Bain turned expectantly to look at Aedan. Along with Arleth’s appearance, the commotion caused by the ‘weird creature’ had been top news last night. None of them had actually witnessed it, but they had heard enough from those who had, to be more than curious.

  “First of all, his name is Zeeshan, not 'it' or 'weird creature' and he is only a child, Aedan looked sternly around at his friends, "I expect him to be referred to as such. He was born a Talywag," his face softened "but what he is now, I'm not so sure. Zeeshan heard Rogan call his friend an Imari after the experiment was completed. So perhaps that is what he calls them."

  Aedan continued to tell them the whole story of how Arleth found him in the dungeon, the experiments done on him, what Zeeshan had told them about his friend Thom, and then finished with the outburst in the stronghold.

  “So Rogan is doing experimental combinations again?” Winn asked.

  “That is what it looks like,” Selene replied.

  “So Tobin was right.”

  Aedan nodded. He opened his mouth, hesitated, closed it again and then with a resigned sigh “Tobin is dead; he was murdered by Rogan shortly before I got to the castle.”

  Winn nodded, “We had assumed as much"

  “Absalom knew I was chasing Arleth on Tocarra,” Val said, “We knew it was only a matter of time before he realized there was still a spy in his midst.”

  Aedan nodded sadly. All of his spies knew that they would likely be caught and tortured to death; at least that had been the track record so far. But it didn’t hurt him any less each time a new one was discovered. “I guess we will have to sort out the maps and cross off all the secret passageways that Tobin had been taught. And of course find someone to replace him,” He said this last bit reluctantly.

  “Winn and I actually took care of that when you were in Iridian yesterday,” Val said. “I tore up the maps that we had given to Tobin and created a fresh set with all new passages.”

  “And when I asked around, a number of my men wanted to be Tobin’s replacement.” Winn added. “I have narrowed it down to the three best candidates. Maybe today, you will have time to talk with them and choose one?” He looked at Aedan questioningly.

  “Yes, later today.”

  “Good, I will let them know.” Winn got up to go find his men, but his brother’s question stopped him in his tracks.

  “Rogan, isn’t going to stop with just two Talywag creations. He is likely creating an army. And if he is, that means that the Talywags are no longer safe.”

  “You are quite right Graydon,” Selene said. “It definitely seems like Rogan plans to create a new army.” She turned to Aedan, letting him describe the plan that they had discussed together in private.

  “The Talywags are definitely in danger.” Aedan began. “By now Absalom will know that Zeeshan is missing. He will have to assume we know what was done to him and have guessed what he plans for the Talywags. That means he will have to hit Occa hard and fast. He will know he has to beat us there.”

  “So we don’t let him get there first,” Graydon interjected.

  “Exactly! Winn, Graydon, I want you to take half of your soldiers and defend Occa. Build up their defences, fight for them when the attack comes, but mostly try and convince them to come back to the stronghold with you. Even if you defend against Absalom once, we know he’s not going to give up, and you can’t stay in Occa forever.”

  Winn and Graydon nodded, “We will leave for Occa tonight. That will give us time to gather our men, and get supplies.”

  “Right, and that way we will be travelling through Frasht Forest in the daylight.” Graydon added.

  “Val and I are going to be coming with you. We will help you convince the Talywags to come back with us. Oh and Zeeshan too of course, we will be taking him back home. He will likely be of help to us in convincing the Talywags of the danger they are in. But no matter what happens, Val and I are only going to stay a few days at the most. We will head east to Bronton to see if we can convince Lord Kalshek to join our side. His father recently passed away, which ironically is good news for us as Kalshek was always more favourable to our cause.”

  “And he commands a formidable army,” Val commented.

  “That he does.”

  “Excellent,” Val said, slamming his fist into his palm. “I’m ready.”

  Aedan smiled at his friend’s eagerness. “And Selene will be taking Arleth to Edika to learn from Samara.”

  “And I will probably stay with her throughout her training.” Selene added.

  Aedan nodded, “Bain, you will be in charge here when we are gone. Hopefully it won’t be for very long and we will be bringing both the Talywags and Kalshek’s men back with us.”

  “Damn right we will!” Graydon said, catching Val’s enthusiasm.

  Winn smiled and punched his brother good-naturedly in the shoulder. “The Talywags will come with us, all thanks to me of course.”

  He stood up just in time to miss his brother’s retaliatory slap.

  “Well,” Winn said laughing, “I am going to go tell those three men that you will meet with them later. Graydon, I’ll catch up with you later to organize the Jayans we will take with us to Occa.”

  He walked out of the tent to the laughter of the group. He assumed, correctly, that Graydon was making a face at him behind his back.

  * * *

  Arleth opened her eyes and groaned. Her head was pounding and even the dim light in her tent was causing her to squint in pain. She closed her eyes and instantly her head swam dizzingly and she felt nauseous. Quickly she re-opened them and turned over on her side, rolling herself into a ball and using her hands to shield her face from the light.

  In this position she felt slightly less like dying.....slightly. Arleth groaned again and massaged her temple.

  Why did she feel like this? Last night she had felt perfectly fine, it didn't make any sense.

  Something vague and blurry tugged at the corners of her mind, struggling to come to consciousness. She had been having a dream, she knew, but the outlines of it she couldn't quite remember. It had been dark and damp, and with the confidence that comes in dreams, Arleth felt that she knew this place. And there had been screaming, so much screaming....

  "Uh oh," Arleth breathed as her stomach lurched sickeningly, returning her to the present. "Oh no no no." Please don't.. The feeling in her stomach moved upwards, edging along her esophagus towards her throat. Frantically she searched around her small tent for something that would serve as a bucket.

  It now threatened to escape the confines of her throat.

  With no other option, Arleth made a mad dash for her tent flap, pushed it aside and promptly threw up all over the cave floor just outside her tent.

  She had a few seconds to breathe, before round one was followed by a vicious round two.

  And that was how Winn found her; crouched on the cave floor at the entrance to her tent on all fours, one arm holding back her hair, the othe
r supporting her, with a marvellous puddle of puke in front of her.

  "Not doing so well Arleth?" Winn asked gently, coming over to stand near her. He crouched down in front of her on the far side of the puddle at what he hoped was non-firing distance.

  Arleth rocked back so she was crouching on her back legs and looked at him, her face turning red as she took in the puddle in front of her and Winn carefully avoiding it. She could only imagine what she must look like.

  "No," Arleth responded quietly, not meeting his eyes.

  Winn laughed good naturedly, "Don't worry Arleth, everyone gets sick at some point, it's nothing to be embarrassed about."

  That was all well and good, Arleth thought, but that didn't take away the fact that she felt like crap right now, the noxious odour that was emanating from her puke puddle, or to her horror, the fact that the puddle was spreading - and towards him of course.

  Smoothly, still in his crouch, Winn took a step sideways and backwards to avoid the growing puddle. He looked at her still very red and miserable looking face and tried again.

  "You know Arleth, when I was about your age, and Graydon was still a child, we went with Aedan to Erto, one of the southern cities. We were trying to convince Erto's stubborn Lord Gorn to join our cause. It was all pointless of course but we had to go through the protocols so Gorn held a feast for us and our men. Aedan had been to the south before, but this was the first time for Graydon and myself and we didn't know what to expect so we ate everything that was put in front of us. We were used to eating leaves, berries and whatever animals we were able to kill; so the food in front of us seemed like it was out of a dream. We didn't listen to Aedan's, warnings not to eat too much, not to eat the yusa meat or the piron eggs because our stomachs wouldn't be able to handle it. No we ate everything and then some. Well, we made it almost through the feast before my brother and I started throwing up. And throwing up in spectacular fashion I might add; almost everyone at the table got a bit of the action. We threw up on Aedan, on each other, all over the food, on a few of Gorn's servants, and of course on Lord Gorn himself."

  Despite herself, Arleth looked up at him and started laughing, the blush faded slightly from her cheeks.

  Winn smiled at her, "Needless to say, we were promptly excused from the feast and were all kicked out of his castle."

  "Did that really happen?" Arleth asked, still laughing a bit.

  "It sure did," Winn said, "To this day, Graydon and I have never gone back to Erto, and every once in a while, when the two of us get very witty and Aedan has nothing to defend himself with, he will use some vomit-related nickname or joke."

  Arleth laughed again and Winn laughed with her.

  "So you feeling better?" Winn reached over the puddle to offer Arleth a hand, "Come, I'll take you to get some breakfast, some bread should settle your stomach."

  Arleth nodded and took his hand, letting him lift her to her feet, "That sounds good."

  A few minutes later, they were back at the tent where Winn had come from.

  With flourish, he lifted back the tent flap and poked his head inside, "You miss me

  "No," his brother answered immediately.

  "You speak with your men already?" Aedan asked.

  "Nope, never got there," Winn said, stepping back a bit to half coax, half push Arleth into the tent. "I found someone on the way."

  "Oh hi Arleth!" Selene said with a smile, moving over a bit and gesturing towards the spot beside her, "Come sit here and get some food."

  Arleth did as she was told, seating herself between Selene and Aedan. As soon as she was seated, Selene grabbed Arleth a plate and started filling it with a bit of everything that was laid out before them.

  "Arleth isn't feeling very well this morning," Winn said, raising an eyebrow at Selene as she lifted a heaping spoonful of stewed apples onto Arleth's plate. She paused, spoon poised in mid-air. Winn put his hand to his stomach and made a sick face.

  "Ahh," Selene said. She emptied the spoon back into the pot and looked critically at the plate she had made for Arleth.

  Graydon, who had been watching this exchange, made a disgusted face, "Arleth, you threw up?"

  Arleth's blushed and made a half-nod.


  "Ya, because you have never thrown up before?" Selene countered, handing a plate with a piece of white bread and an apple biscuit on it to Arleth.

  "Pfffhhht," Graydon sputtered in reply.

  "I seem to remember a certain young man projectile vomiting all over an entire dinner party. What was he called? Hmmm its coming back to me now, those pretty serving girls were yelling it at him as he ran out of the hall... Oh right! Grossdon."

  Graydon's face turned bright red and his mouth opened and closed silently. Winn for his part, smiled and winked at Arleth. "Alright, I'm off, for good this time. Catch up with you later Graydon."

  Graydon continued to glare at his brother as he left the tent.

  Arleth smiled despite herself and tried unsuccessfully to hide it by taking a bite of the bread.

  Graydon glared at her too.

  "Children," Bain said shaking his head. "You three were just the same, you know. Always poking fun at each other."

  "So not much has changed then? Aedan laughed.

  "No I suppose not. Slapping you upside the head was sometimes the only way to get you to listen."

  "We remember," Val said unhappily.

  Selene laughed, "You two certainly were troublemakers."

  "Hey now!" Aedan and Val both chimed in at the same time. "You weren't innocent either!"

  "Arleth," Selene cut in, cleanly changing the topic, "I don't think you have met Bain yet."

  Aedan and Val glared at her as she smiled sweetly back at them.

  Arleth, her face full of biscuit, shook her head.

  "Nice to meet you officially Arleth," Bain said extending his hand out towards her. Arleth shook it and smiled at him.

  "Bain is Val's father," Selene explained. "And after both Aedan and my families were murdered in the attack, he became our father too."

  "Yep. He raised all three of us, taught us how to fight, scavenge, and survive on our own." Aedan grew serious "All joking aside, this man is the reason we are even alive today to be able to reclaim the Amara birthright. He showed us what it took to be leaders."

  "And these pip squeaks didn't make it easy let me tell you," Bain said good naturedly.

  Arleth laughed. She had only met these people a day ago but she already felt as comfortable with them as she had in 10 years with her friends from the orphanage. And although the orphanage was the first home she could remember, she somehow felt more at home sitting in this tent in the middle of a cave with the five of them (even Graydon), than she had ever felt there.

  Aedan's voice interrupted her thoughts, "So Arleth, you seem to be feeling a bit better."

  "Hmm? Oh, ya! I'm pretty good right now. I don't feel like throwing up anymore."

  "That's good. It was likely just your body adjusting to all the stress and change of the last week."

  Arleth, her head down, concentrating on snagging a runaway apricot missed the look Aedan gave Selene. Selene nodded at him in understanding - she would dig more into the cause of Arleth's sickness later.

  Arleth snatched up the apricot and looked back up at Aedan. "Maybe, ya."

  "Ok well, since you are feeling better, would you like a tour of our stronghold? See what we have been up to for the past 10 years?"


  "Great, are you done eating?"

  Arleth contemplated, grabbed another apricot and a slab of cheese, "Yup. I'll take these with me."

  Aedan smiled, "Ok let's go."

  Chapter 24

  Once outside the tent, Arleth paused to look around. She hadn't been paying attention to much except her own embarrassment when Winn had brought her here and so she was surprised to see that they were standing at the very back of the cave. Last night when she had first seen the stronghold, she had been astounde
d by how large the cave actually was and how far back it stretched. But now, when she was literally a few feet away from the rock wall, she was blown away by how large the cave really was. She felt dwarfed by the sheer magnitude of it.

  "It's pretty amazing isn't it?"

  "It's... breathtaking! I can't even see the top, it just keeps going."

  Aedan followed his sister's eyes up the wall, taking it all in again. Ten years ago when he had first made this cave his home, he had much the same reaction Arleth was having now. He smiled remembering how excited and scared he had been.

  "The walls... are glowing?"

  Aedan nodded. "Selene's work. But the whole wall isn't glowing exactly. You are probably too close to see it from here, but Selene has actually created a concentrated sphere of light which moves across the cave, mimicking the pattern of the sun outside. It is morning now so the sun is low on the wall on this side so to you it looks like the whole wall is lit up.

  "So when the sun sets outside, the light disappears here and the cave goes black?"

  "The light here sets too. Selene creates some magnificent sunsets sometimes if she's feeling particularly inspired. And since she controls it, she's not bound to the normal colours. On my birthday last year the sunset was a wonderful green, blue and yellow."

  "That's incredible!"

  "Living in a cave isn't really an ideal situation so we try our best to make it seem as normal as possible. Matching the daylight outside and having sunrises and sunsets is certainly a huge help.... But come," Aedan put his arm around Arleth's shoulders, "there are a lot more things for you to see."

  As they walked, they passed rows upon rows of tents. Although, Arleth thought, rows was not the best way to describe them. Spread out all around her were clusters of tents; some had just 2 or 3, while others had as many as 10 or 15 together in a group. The tents themselves were as varied as their organization. Some were square, some triangular some domed, one that Arleth saw was even shaped like a tower and stood upright and towered over its neighbours. And the colours! It would be safe to say that all the colours Arleth had seen in her life were reflected in the tents surrounding her.


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