Birthright: The Crystal Throne - Book 1

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Birthright: The Crystal Throne - Book 1 Page 38

by Kim Fedyk

  Winn nodded again, "Yes this should work much better." After two hours of target practice yesterday, and not one Talywag having hit a single target, Winn had decided to try a different strategy.

  A sizzling sounded beside him as a Talywag set their oil pot on fire with a fire-starter. Winn turned to help her lift it and together they dumped it out over the side. The ensuing screams said it had hit its mark.

  "Take that you bastard! And that!" Zeeshan had pushed his way to the edge and was launching bricks down into the army. Graydon looked at the pile of bricks sitting beside Zeeshan and raised his eyebrows "Did he take a whole house?"

  "Who cares" Winn said with a slight smile. "He's ridiculously good at it."

  "You want one too? Take that you miserable shit stain." Zeeshan hurled a brick into the mass. It hit a soldier right on the forehead with such force that he fell over, instantly dead.

  Before the man had even fallen over, Zeeshan was already cocking his arm to throw another one.

  "Wow" Graydon mouthed.

  A brilliant flash of green suddenly illuminated the shield in front of them. It spread out along the entire length, as far as Graydon could see, causing the very air to pulsate. There was a sickly sweet smell in the air.


  Graydon followed the source of the light and sure enough, at the edge of the forest, sitting on a Greken was Rogan with his arms outstretched towards Occa. A steady spear of light was flowing from his hands, across the battlefield, to the shield.

  The shield wouldn't last long now

  Graydon looked up and down the line of his men. The Jayans were still firing arrows as if nothing had happened and killing anything that popped up onto the platform.

  The Talywags on the other hand, looked terrified. He turned to his brother, "We should start having the Talywags retreat."

  Winn agreed. "Crean," he called behind him.

  Upon returning, the highcouncilman had been cowering a few steps behind Winn, so when he heard his name he popped his head out.

  "With Rogan attacking it now, the shield won't last long. We need to retreat to safety."

  Crean, no longer disillusioned that Occa could hold and vividly seeing what being at war actually meant, just stared at Winn, his face slowly losing colour.

  "Gather all the Talywags, here and those still in the city. Go to every house, knock on every door. Make sure everyone follows you. Take them to the banquet hall. Do it as fast as you can, we don't know how much time we have."

  Crean stammered, "Uh.. Uh.. Ok." He wiped his sweaty palms on his pants and with a deep breath, tried to regain his composure. "Talywags, come with me. We need to rouse the city and get to safety."

  On hearing the word safety, the Talywags were more than happy to oblige. They all but pushed the bigger Jayans out of the way as they rushed away from the front lines and back towards the centre of their city.

  Winn turned his head sharply as a flash of white appeared. Another snowbear creature had crested the platform and was rushing at him. He lowered his body into a crouch and held up his dagger, ready to impale the creature. At the moment it was going to hit the shield, Winn stepped forward to stab it in the neck.

  And had to take a quick step back as a massive paw swiped through the shield, missing him by mere millimeters. Winn recovered quickly, re-balanced himself and drew his sword. The creature, emboldened by his minor triumph, opened its gigantic maw and roared at Winn.

  Winn took the split second, this afforded him and with a ferocious swing, he chopped off the creature's head. It's roar still echoed in the air even as it's head rolled off the platform and over the side.


  Winn instantly turned toward the sound, the dead Imari's blood flying of his raised sword.

  A Greken had somehow made it onto the platform and had slashed a massive hole in it with its axe. The soldiers that had been unlucky enough to have been standing there, screamed as they plummeted to the ground. The Greken, now standing firmly on the platform, swung its axe in a massive semi-circle around it. Standing as close together as they had been, the Jayans never stood a chance. They screamed as the Greken's axe cleaved them in two. Their blood erupted onto the Greken's chest and face. It paused for a second, snaked out its tongue and licked the blood off its cheek with a blood-chilling smile. The Jayans that were remaining around it, dropped into defensive positions, weapons raised. One of the soldiers threw his axe. It was a great throw, landing directly at the Greken's head. But the skill of the shot made little difference. It bounced off the Greken's scales to fall harmlessly to the ground.

  The Greken hissed, wrapped its tentacles around the soldier's waist and lifted him into the air. The man, desperate to save his life, drew his dagger and tried unsuccesfully to cut the tentacles from around his body. He managed to chop a piece into one of them before he was hurled off the platform, 10 feet into the air. He screamed as he fell to the ground, landing with a sickening crunch.

  Before Winn could get there, a flash of white whizzed past him. Zeeshan flung himself onto the Greken's back. He wrapped one massive arm around the creature's neck. The Greken roared in frustration as it tried to shake Zeeshan off. Zeeshan tightened his grip and clawed at the Greken's face with his free hand. Rivers of red appeared on the Greken's face as Zeeshan broke the skin.

  The Greken hissed. It turned around violently, shaking it's body as forcefully as it could, trying to dislodge Zeeshan. It lifted one tentacle into the air and with a whoosh of air, whipped it back towards its body, to land with a crack on Zeehsan's back. Zeeshan grunted but didn't let go. The Greken tried again. This time a ribbon of red appeared on Zeeshan's back, but he still didn't let go. Zeeshan lifted his head slightly and watched in horror as the Greken lifted 4 tentacles ino the air. They interlaced each other, forming one large tentacle. Zeeshan winced in anticipation as they came crashing onto his back. He let out a scream and let go, falling off the Greken's back.

  The Greken hissed in satisfaction and turned around, its large half-moon axe already drawn. Zeeshan, lying in a heap on the platform didn't even see the giant axe crashing towards his body.

  * * *

  Arleth screamed, "Zeeshan!!! NOOOO" Her eyes rolled back in her head and her hands lost their grip on the reins.

  "Whooaa" Selene yelled, stopping her horse in mid gallop. She jumped off and ran to Arleth. The girl wobbled in the saddle and started to lean sideways. "Insapen," She yelled, arms outstretched. Flashes of light flew from the sorceress' hands and shot out towards Arleth. They formed into a net, reaching her just in time to catch her before she hit the ground.

  Selene reached her side and kneeled down beside her. Arleth's eyes were white, her eyeballs rolled back in her head.

  "Arleth, Arleth, ARLETH." Selene called, slapping Arleth's cheek with her hand.

  There was no response.

  Arleth was in a coma.

  Selene bent Arleth's knees up to her chest and, putting one arm under them and one arm under her head, she lifted her up with a grunt. She stumbled backwards a few steps, getting used to the girl's weight.

  This wasn't going to work.

  She gently dropped Arleth's legs back to the ground and wrapped her arms around the girl's waist. She half carried, half dragged her back to her horse. With great effort, Selene managed to sling Arleth into the saddle and she climbed up behind her. She reshuffled Arleth's legs so they straddled the horse. Arleth's head fell limply forward, bouncing slightly on her chest. Selene grabbed the reins with one hand, and put her arm around Arleth's waist with the other, pushing the girl's body back into her own. Arleth's head flopped back to rest at a more normal angle against Selene's chest.

  They were still a few hours away from Edika, "Please hold on, Arleth," Selene whispered in her ear. "I will get you to safety."

  With a brief thought for the horse she was leaving behind, she spurred her mount into a gallop and rushed off to Edika.

  Praying that Arleth had enough time.

  * * *
/>   The axe dropped beside Zeeshan with a giant clang. And then behind him, a massive crash as the body of the Greken hit the platform. Painfully, Zeeshan turned to look. With a grunt, Winn removed his sword from the base of the Greken's neck. He wiped it's bloody edge on the Greken's body and walked over to Zeeshan.

  "Are you ok?"

  Zeeshan moaned in reply "Yes, I think so." His back was on fire and he could feel that it was wet with blood. He struggled to stand up, Winn offering as much help as he could. His body felt bruised and battered, but it didn't seem like anything had been broken.

  Graydon rushed over, helping his brother with Zeeshan.

  "I think its time we used the artefact," he said.

  Winn reached into his inside breast pocket and handed a small silver key to Graydon. "Here take this. Open it up. Take Zeeshan with you. I will follow you soon."

  Graydon closed it in his palm. He put a hand on Zeeshan's arm to steady him and started to lead him away. He stopped, hesitated, and turned back around.

  "Be careful brother," he said. "I'm not ready to lead Jaya by myself."

  "Don't worry I will follow."

  Graydon nodded, took one last look at his brother and turned away.

  "What in the holy hell is that?"

  Winn turned sharply to see what his soldier was talking about. His mouth dropped open in horror.

  Rogan, still powering his spear of light with one arm, had switched tactics and was now lifting up soldiers from his army with the other. He was currently floating 10 soldiers in the air, pushing them towards Occa. They hit the failing shield with a slight thud. Most were stopped and were cut down instantly by the Jayans, but some managed to hit a part of the shield that was weakened and got through. The Jayans still cut them down. But the result seemed to encourage Rogan.

  No sooner had the last soldier been cut down, than 20 more were already in the air being floated towards Occa.

  Rogan didn't care how many men died. He was going to break through with brute force.

  Winn choked back his disgust and ran to the front to help his men fight the next onslaught.

  They withheld the first 20, and the next 20, and the next 20. But more and more of the soldiers were getting through with each pass. He didn't want to risk his men unecessarily but he needed to give Graydon enough time to use the artefact and open the passageway. And enough time for the Talywags to all get in, with the food and supplies he hoped had been gathered.

  He lifted up his bow and shot an arrow at the soldier that was floating in front of him. The man died in mid air, but propelled by Rogan's magic he was carried forward to fall face down at Winn's feet.

  This is disgusting, Winn thought. I have to end it.

  He reached back into his breast pocked and pulled out the device Selene had given him. He put his thumb on the green cross in the middle and pressed. Selene had said it should re-power the shield for 10 minutes.

  Let's hope that is enough time Winn thought.

  "To me everyone!" he called. "Retreat to the banquet hall!"

  There was a clatter of boots and clang of metal as his army re-sheathed their weapons and turned away from the battle. Winn stayed where he was for a few moments, watching his army run ahead of him.

  He looked out over Absalom's army. "You may have won this battle." He said quietly to himself, "But we will win the war."

  He turned and raced after his army.

  * * *

  "Everyone get inside!" He yelled at the horde of frightened Talwyags who were staring at him with large tearful eyes. The artefact had worked seemlessly and there was now a large cavernous door shimmering in mid air in the banquet hall. All the supplies had been loaded inside, but the Talywags were proving a different matter.

  "In there? It's so dark."

  Graydon sighed in exasperation, were they serious!?

  "It's a passageway, we will be safe in there."

  "But how will we see?"

  "I used an artefact, once we are inside we will call to the Garrupi, they will light it for us."

  The Talywags looked unconvinced.

  A horrendous crash sounded and Graydon stumbled for balance as the ground shifted under his feet. He could hear ringing in his ears. The Talywags screamed. A few passed out.

  "The shield has broken," Graydon yelled at them. "Absalom's army will be inside Occa in a matter of moments. GET IN NOW!"

  He all but grabbed the Talywag closest to him and half threw, half pushed im into the opening.

  Zeeshan followed behind "COME ON," He growled at them.

  Whether it was Graydon's words, or the Zeeshan's terrifying form, the Talywags were finally convinced and they rushed into the opening.

  * * *

  Miles away, on the edge of Frasht Forest, Aedan woke with a start. He had dreamt of an explosion, it had been impossibly loud.

  "It came from Occa," Val said to him. He was sitting up in his bed roll beside Aedan.

  So it hadn't been a dream

  "A noise that loud...."

  "I know." Said Val. "It didn't come from our side."

  Aedan stood up in a hurry, Val close behind him. It was still dark, Aedan put it at somewhere just before dawn.

  "Let's get going." Aedan said quickly folding up his bed roll and shoving it into his pack. "I can't sit here doing nothing."

  Val humphed in agreement.

  With heavy hearts, the pair started walking.

  * * *

  Winn and his men had just reached the town square when he heard the shield breaking. He looked over his shoulder has he ran, half-expecting to see a Greken breathing down his neck. But there was nothing. They should still have a few minutes before enough of Absalom's army made it up.

  He faced forward again. I really hope all the Talywags and supplies are already in the passageway and they are just waiting for us. Even if that was the case though, he knew it would be tight. There were thousands of Jayan soldiers running ahead of him.

  He turned a corner and the banquet hall came into view. At least no one was outside. That was a good sign, he hoped. The first of his men reached the doors and raced inside.

  Graydon had the good sense to open the passageway at the back of the banquet hall. This meant that it only took a few minutes for enough Jayans to enter the passageway for all of the remaining soldiers to be able to fit inside the banquet hall.

  Winn, still at the doors, turned to look behind him.

  And none too soon.

  Three snow bear creatures, heads to the ground, sniffing out their prey, had just come into view. They looked up at the same time, spotted him and let out a roar. Spittle flying from their open mouths, they charged. Winn retreated. He couldn't afford to get into hand to hand combat with three of them at the same time. He rushed into the banquet hall and slammed the doors behind him. A few of his soliders, seeing what was happening rushed to bar the door.


  The creatures hit the door, causing the hinges to rattle.

  Winn looked behind him, there were still a few hundred Jayans left to enter the passageway.

  The door won't hold for long.

  He heard scratching and banging as the animals tried to claw their way through.

  100 Jayans left

  There was another crash and the wood splintered slightly. Winn could see tufts of white fur through the crack.

  The door wouldn't survive another attack.

  50 Jayans left

  "Come on," Graydon called to him "You won't be able to hold the door yourself."

  Winn looked back at his brother. The last of the Jayans were entering the passageway.

  From outside the door, Winn heard a booming voice


  It was Rogan!

  Winn jumped away from the door as it exploded in a giant flash of green light, splinters of wood flying everywhere. He dodged the pieces as he raced back to the passageway. An arrow whistled by his head.

  A few more steps and he was there.

n's head appeared in the passageway. "Hurry," He yelled at his brother desperately, looking at something behind his shoulder, eyes wide with horror. "Rogan is lifting his arms, he's going to cast a spell."

  Winn sprinted the last few steps and lunged into the passageway. He turned around just in time to see Rogan's angry face before the passageway door closed and he was engulfed in darkness.

  Chapter 32

  "How long has she been in a coma for?" Samara asked, opening Arleth's eyelid gently with her finger.

  "About two hours, if not more," Selene replied, biting her lip with worry.

  Selene had reached Edika a few minutes ago and Samara, as if sensing that they were coming had ran out to meet them. Together the two women had brought Arleth's comatose body inside and lain her down in a spare bedroom. The two women were now huddled over Arleth's body on opposite sides of the thin bed.

  "Not good," Samara said to herself, "Not good at all." She looked up at Selene. "Arleth is in a lot of trouble."

  Selene gasped and collapsed onto the side of the bed.

  "I can't help her from out here." Samara continued, "I need to go inside her head. It's an exhausting process, here wait one sec." Samara rushed out of the bedroom and disappeared down the hall.

  Selene put her head in her hands and looked down at Arleth. "I'm so sorry, I should have gotten you here faster." She put her hand on top of Arleth's and rubbed the girl's cold fingers. She hoped that wherever Arleth was in there, she could hear her.

  "I need you to make me this." Samara rushed back into the room and thrust a paper into Selene's hands. "I am going to be completely spent when I return. I will likely have to use all my energy to rescue her. When I come out I will need this," she gestured at the paper in Selene's hands. "You may have to help me drink it."

  Selene nodded, "I will make it right away." She climbed off the bed.

  "Thank you," Samara said, her head down focused on Arleth. She put her hands on the girl's stomach and a bright light appeared between her fingertips. Selene watched from the door as Samara's whole body became engulfed in light. Slowly the light shifted upwards towards Samara's head. The woman's head glowed brighter and brighter until it was almost unbearable. With a loud pop, Samara's consciousness flew out of her body. It coalesced into a humanoid form which hovered for a brief moment in the air above Arleth's head, before diving into her open mouth. Samara's body, now just an empty shell, slumped over, her head coming to rest on Arleth's stomach.


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