Wicked Winters: A Collection of Winter Tales

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Wicked Winters: A Collection of Winter Tales Page 22

by Lucy Smoke

  Darren, Taylor, and Cody blocked my path.

  "Where are you going?" Darren asked.

  "I'm going to get changed," I answered, defensively. "I think it would be best if I just went back to my dorm."

  "It's freezing outside," Cody protested. "I just checked the alerts again and it hasn't gotten any better. Not only that, but there’s hail coming down. Can’t you hear it?”

  Damn it, I thought. So, it had been hail, not just Taylor trying to scare the shit out of me. I was well and truly stuck.

  I shuffled on my feet, waiting for one of them to let me past. "I just want to get dressed," I said. "Let me through."

  Darren crossed his arms. "We are not letting you leave in this weather. I don't care how embarrassed you are." I fumed silently and debated how I might get around the three of them. A kick to the balls, perhaps? I could probably get one of them, but by the time I turned to get the second, they’d be on me. That wouldn’t work.

  "I'm not so sure it's embarrassment," Dex said behind me. I glanced over my shoulder at him, frowning.

  "Oh?" Taylor asked.

  Dex smirked at me. That smirk did crazy things to my insides, reminding me how hard he had been inside of me. “She liked what Cody and I did to her,” he said. “She agreed to it.”

  "I'm standing right here," I snapped, my blush creeping up from my neck to heat my face once more.

  "Yes, baby, we can see that." Dex's eyes appraised my backside and I awkwardly shifted my body so that my ass was facing the wall, out of anyone’s range of vision.

  "She seemed pretty flustered when she came out of the bathroom," Taylor volunteered. I shot him a look full of irritation, but he merely smiled back.

  "I'm not doing that again," I said defiantly.

  Dex tilted his head to the side, his eyebrows lowering in confusion. He straightened. “Did we hurt you?” he asked.

  “No, of course not,” I hurried to say. “I just don’t think…” I glanced to Darren and Taylor. “I just think it was a mistake.”

  “Sex with you is never a mistake,” Dex said.

  My mouth dropped open. I never, in my life, would have expected Dex to be so forward when it came to sex. In class, he was always the quiet one. Studious. Presentable. But when he’d been over me, he’d been so dominating. Controlling. Filled with unrestrained desire. I licked my lips, finding them suddenly dry. I did want more and I knew how wrong it was.

  “You agreed to one night, Jamie,” Dex said, pushing away from the table. I took an involuntary step back.

  "I-I..." I couldn’t seem to squeeze out a coherent sentence as he approached. Once he was in front of me, his dark eyes looked down at me, caressing my face, promising other caresses of the darkest nature, I felt trapped by him. I breathed shallowly as he touched my trembling bottom lip with his finger.

  "I think you're scared," he said. "I think you liked it so much that it scared you."

  "We're not supposed to be doing this here," I replied. "It's wrong and I shouldn't have—"

  "Do you think we're going to tell anyone?" he interrupted. I looked away. "Ah, baby, no. Guys don't gossip, and if anyone in this room wanted to talk about you like you were some conquest, I promise you, I'd beat the fuck out of them."

  I glanced back at him, squeezing my clothes tighter to my chest as I bumped into the wall, and he placed a hand over my head.

  "I know I can't play football, baby, but that doesn't mean I can't take someone out for you," he said.

  "Why would you do that?" I asked. "I'm nobody." It was true. In the grand scheme of the hierarchy of Winthrope University, I was a scholarship student with no money or connections. Sure he couldn’t play football anymore, but I wanted to urge him to look around—he had friends that were at the height of the university social ladder. I was a sorority outcast. A reject.

  His eyes darkened, and he let his hand drop. "If I ever hear you say something bad about yourself again," he growled, "I'll spank the shit out of you, do you understand?"

  My eyes were as big as saucers. From the tone in his voice and the angry look in his eyes, I had no doubt that he meant every word, and half afraid he wouldn’t give me the chance to get away from something he obviously deemed ‘bad about myself’, I nodded quickly to ensure that my ass stayed ache-free.

  "He's right, Jamie," Cody said as he approached. "We'd never talk about you like that. You have nothing to worry about."

  "I'm just not sure," I started. "I didn't really expect for this to..." I paused and gestured lamely between us. Cody's face appeared in front of me as Dex moved to the side to allow his friend space.

  "Hey, don't crowd her," Darren called. Dex moved back further. Then Darren and Taylor, Cody and Dex formed a semi-circle around me, watching me.

  "We want you again,” Dex said. “And when Cody and I put forth the suggestion, we meant Darren and Taylor too.”

  “Y-you did?” My eyes practically bulged out of my head.

  “We talked while you were in the bathroom,” Darren said. “Cody told you about Victoria?”

  I nodded mutely.

  “Cody may have had the courage to admit it first, but…” My head pivoted at the sound of Taylor’s voice.

  Him too? Shock was a companion I hadn’t expected to be so close to me tonight. This definitely felt like a scene straight out of one of my mother’s romance novels.

  “Will you accept us?” Dex asked, cupping my chin and bringing it up.

  "Just for tonight?" I asked hesitantly, trying to gauge their thoughts as I glanced between the four of them.

  Cody smiled, his hand reaching up and taking mine. He pulled it away from my chest, and I let the clothes I’d gathered fall to the floor at my feet.

  "I'm going to want you again after tonight," Dex said, releasing my chin before backing up. “But if that’s all you want, just one night…” He paused and looked to the others.

  Taylor was the one to step forward, he took my other hand and lifted it to press a kiss on my knuckles. “One night,” he said. “If that’s all you want, we’ll take what we can get.”

  “But be warned, Jamie,” Darren said, drawing my attention to him. His eyes flashed in the darkness, full of want and desire. “If you don’t turn us away with firmness, we’ll want more. I already know it. We’ve been talking about this for a while now.”

  “Y-you have?” Stupid! I yelled at myself. Hadn’t they explained that already? But … I just couldn’t understand. I didn’t get it. It made no sense. I kept my lips shut in deference to Dex’s earlier threat, but I still couldn’t understand how all four of them would want me. I was plain. Boring. Just … Jamie.

  Darren nodded. “Are you in, Jamie?” he asked. “Or are you out?”

  I didn't know what to say. How could they just put that out there so casually? None of them seemed to even consider that having sex with multiple men in one night was not something a normal person did. It certainly wasn't normal for me, anyway.

  "You want to share me," I said slowly, trying to formulate the words so that my mind would wake the fuck up and get with it. I took a breath. "Do you know how crazy that sounds? How can you be okay with that?"

  Darren shrugged. "Teammates share all the time."

  Something occurred to me and I flinched, releasing Cody's hand like it was on fire. "You've done this before," I accused, shrinking away.

  "No, no, no." Dex shook his head at me like he was disappointed. "We haven't, but even if we had, we would still want you. Now, you're judging us the way you were afraid we would judge you."

  He was right. I stopped trying to get away and stood there, my head hanging in shame. "I'm sorry," I said quietly. "I didn't mean to—” I cut myself off and sighed. “You're right. I was judging you, and I'm sorry. It doesn't matter to me if you share girls or not."

  "We aren't going to share girls, baby," Dex said, stepping forward with a finger under my chin. He raised my gaze to his. "Just one. We're going to share you."

  I shivered under his gaz
e. As he took my hand and pulled me forward, I followed.

  "It's going to be okay, Jamie," Cody reassured me.

  "We'll make you a deal," Dex said. "You try us out for one night—tonight—and if you can walk away in the morning, we'll let you go, but if you want to stay with us, then we'll share you."

  "For how long?" I asked uncertainly.

  "For as long as a normal relationship lasts," Darren answered. I turned toward him as Dex dropped my hands. I heard someone shut the door as Darren approached my side. "If you choose to stay after tonight then we'll work it out from there."

  "That sounds too easy," I said, narrowing my gaze on them.

  He smirked down at me, raising his hand to stroke my cheek. "It's only as hard as you make it."

  Taylor touched my arm, drawing my attention. "Do you agree?" he asked.

  “Did you plan this?” I asked, repeating my question from earlier.

  Dex shook his head at me. “Not exactly, no, but we’ve been talking about how to approach you for a while now.”

  “Ever since Victoria finally broke up with me,” Cody admitted. I looked at him and my shoulders dropped. Without thinking, I squeezed his hand in mine. He smiled and squeezed back. “Tonight just sort of … fell in our lap. We’re willing to make the best of it. Are you?”

  I took a step back, releasing both his and Taylor’s hands. I turned, facing the door. If I walked out that door, I'd be heading out into a cold snowstorm and an even colder bed. But if I stayed … I could find a little heat. If nothing else worked out, then a few bodies to warm my soul tonight wasn't so bad, was it? No, it was just fine. I believed them when they said they wouldn't talk if we didn't work out. I could give this a chance and if it failed then there would be no hard feelings.

  I turned back toward Taylor, Darren, Dex, and Cody. "Yeah," I said on a shaky breath. “Just for tonight, I want to…” I gulped. “I want to try.”


  Those were the magic words. As soon as I’d made the decision, as soon as I’d stepped away from the door and turned back to the four of them, the door was pushed shut as Cody stepped to the side to allow room for Darren. In a flash, I was lifted into Darren’s arms and shoved against the door. His mouth slammed down hard over mine, greedy and rough.

  If I was going to do this, I decided, kissing him back, then I needed to just let it happen. Stop being embarrassed. Trust them. Give in. It was only a night after all. And if at the end of it, I had to give them up … well, I would cross that bridge when I came to it. For now, I didn’t want anything to distract me from how good I felt, how wanted I felt. Being desired like this wasn’t something I was used to, especially not in the last few months.

  I groaned into the blistering heat of Darren’s kiss, feeling it all the way down to my bones. A wide palm smoothed around my waist, over the small of my back, making me arch into him. His pelvis met mine, and he groaned low and deep, sending goosebumps up my neck. I shivered under the onslaught of his lips and tongue.

  "God-fucking-damn," he panted. “We’re going to make you so fucking happy you said yes.” He dropped me down and backed away. I could feel their eyes on me, burning hot trails over my skin. Not for a second did I wonder what I had gotten myself into. Instead, I was hyper-focused on how to get them into me.

  "Take off the shirt," Taylor said quietly, his low rumbling voice like ambrosia in my ears. "Come on, pretty girl. Show us what's underneath."

  I didn't need to point out that, out of the four of them, two had already seen everything I had to offer. A quick glance to Cody and Dex told me they were more than ready and willing to go again if I wanted. I did want. I wanted so goddamn much. I let my hands grip the edge of my borrowed shirt and pulled it over my head, dropping it to the side. I stood with my back pressed against the door, my chest flushed and heaving.

  "So," I said nervously, "who's going first?"

  Dex shook his head at me. "Oh baby, this isn’t about taking turns," he said. "We're going to take you together."

  My heart pounded, and I bit down on my bottom lip. Their eyes tracked the movement and, suddenly, I felt as though I was surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves rather than a few football players. I wanted—no—I needed them to do something about the wetness slowly inching down my thighs. I needed them to do something about it now.

  Darren, Cody, and Dex drank me in as Taylor approached slowly, inch by inch. It seemed to take him an eternity to reach me. When he was within grabbing distance, I practically leaped into his arms. I wound my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I licked at his lips, hungry for him. He kissed me back, hard, fucking his tongue into my mouth in a way that imitated how I hoped he would do the same to my pussy.

  I slid one hand down to his zipper, fiddling with the button at the top and grew irritated when it didn't come undone easily. I pulled back, releasing his lips and used both hands to free him. I rested against the door and relished the sound of his heavy moan as I took him into my hand. The skin over his cock felt like velvet in my grip. I squeezed and pumped him a few times and another moan echoed in my ears, rebounding around the room.

  "Donovan," I whispered, saying his first name, and as soon as I did, I heard the audible gulp he made. I made him do that. Me! Jamie Houston, good girl extraordinaire, had made badass, star-quarterback, Donovan Taylor, gulp. "Take me."

  "Hold on," Darren called. I groaned as Taylor took a deep breath, pulled my legs from around his waist, and pushed them down until I dropped back to the floor. Darren continued, "That's not how this is gonna go, sweetheart. We're going to be the ones in control. Not you. You can say no, you can tell us what you want or don’t want, but we want to make this as good for you as possible. So, you’re going to give us the ability to do that. You’re going to let us control this.”

  Taylor took my hand and pulled me toward the conference table. Someone—Cody, I suspected—had cleared it. He seemed the type to prepare like that. Lifting me up onto its surface, Taylor urged me to lie back. I shivered as my naked back pressed against the cold tabletop. Cody and Darren circled around to each side and bent over my form.

  Almost immediately Cody's lips closed over one of my nipples, his hand coming up to cup the underside of my breast and squeeze and hold it for his manipulation. I moaned, my legs tightening around Taylor's hips as he spread me wide and sank down to his knees on the carpeted floor. My eyes went wide as I felt hot breath between my legs right before a tongue licked straight up my slit.

  I gasped and arched. Darren descended on my other breast, making me shudder. I sank under the sensations, letting their hands on my body drown me in passion. Three pairs of hands. Three mouths. It was indescribable. Cody traced his tongue around one nipple while Darren bit down on the other. I closed my eyes as Taylor's tongue slid inside me, whirling and swirling. The onslaught of their attentions was dizzying.

  When I opened my eyes again, I could see Dex standing just behind Taylor, his dark-blue eyes watching, filled with lust. I whispered his name and that was all the encouragement that he needed. Within seconds, he was at my head, leaning over to kiss me. I accepted his kiss and opened my mouth for his tongue. I sucked it in and released, letting him trail his way along the edge of my bottom lip before he pulled away.

  A wide palm sank into my hair, yanking my head back as his lips descended closer to my ear. “We’re going to do such dirty things to you, Jamie,” he said. “But first I want to make sure you’re good. Are you enjoying yourself, Jamie?” he asked. “Do you like what they’re doing to you?” I nodded quickly and was punished with a tighter grip on my hair. I cried out as he turned my head toward him. "I asked you if you liked it, Jamie. I want an answer, not a head shake. Use your words."

  Cody and Darren backed away from my breasts, their own chests heaving. They watched, fascinated and curious, while I enjoyed the sight of the two of them eyeing me like they were starving animals and I was the first meal they’d seen in a long time.

  "I like it," I said, gasping f
or breath. They had stolen every molecule of oxygen from my lungs. It was an effort just to get that out. But it wasn’t satisfactory enough, apparently, for Dex, because in the next instant he pushed me further, his grip stinging against my scalp. It didn’t hurt—no, quite the opposite—it made me painfully aware of all of the prickling sensations I was feeling. Lust. Excitement. Desire.

  "What do you like?" Dex demanded. I whimpered when he shook his head at Darren and Cody who both went for my breasts once more. They backed off at his command. Thank God Taylor wasn’t paying attention. I undulated my hips slightly as I felt his tongue come out and circle my clit. Maybe he was more aware than I gave him credit for because it seemed as though Taylor was purposefully teasing me to the very knife’s edge without letting me dive over. "Be specific. What do you want us to do to you? All you need to do is tell us and we'll do it, baby."

  "I want to come," I panted. "Please, Dex. Please, let me come."

  He smiled wickedly, and I had a feeling that I would get my wish, but I'd get it when he chose to let me have it. "Okay, baby," he whispered, kissing me far too lightly.

  "Taylor," Dex called. Taylor's head popped up from between my thighs, his lips shone with my wetness, and I had to bite back a frustrated groan at the sight. "Why don't you come up here and keep her mouth busy? I think if our girl wants to come, we better show her how to do so."

  Taylor wasted no time divesting himself of his jeans. He whipped off his t-shirt as he rounded the table, and I sucked in a ragged breath. All I needed were a few cherries and a can of whipped cream, and I would be satisfied for life. If there was nothing else to be said about Donovan Taylor, it was that he could kiss like a damn demon and his body was made in the same image of Adonis.

  Dex let go of my hair and Taylor's hand took its place. He angled me up and pointed his lengthy cock toward my mouth. I looked up at him, eyes curious, and he smiled as he touched my lips with the tip of his shaft before sinking inside. I pressed my tongue flat against the bottom of my mouth, trying to let him push as much of his cock as he could inside. When he pressed against my gag reflex, there was still an inch or two left and my eyes were starting to water.


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