Born of Darkness

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Born of Darkness Page 6

by Jamie King

  I step through the doorway close behind Luka to find a gorgeous rooftop garden awash with light. Wooden planter boxes divide the roof into narrow pathways. Wicker chairs sit beside a bed of lavender. The cool breeze dances across my exposed skin and I tug my jacket a little tighter. The golden rays of sun kiss the fall colored leaves of the trees surrounding us.

  I feel Luka move closer to me. His presence already too familiar. The memory of how he touched me flashes to the forefront of my mind. I want to touch him again. I want him to touch me again. No, you can’t think these things. He’s taken.

  “These are apple trees.” He points to a row of potted trees to my left. “Over here are plum trees.” He lists each fruit tree, berry bush, and each plant used by the coven. Birds sit perched on small branches watching us wearily. “Over here.” He motions for me to follow. We round the corner behind a Wooden paneled wall covered in leafy vines. A greenhouse towers and stretches over the entire half of the roof. He tugs the door open with a pop as warm humid air pours out.

  “It feels like summer in here.” I glance at the plants potted on neatly arranged table tops. Row after row of herbs and vegetables line the area.

  “We grow everything we need right here.”

  “This is beautiful.”

  “Aurora hates it up here.” He looks sad and turns away in the direction of a small glass door.

  Is Aurora his fiancée? Who could hate this place?

  “Come here, I want to show you something.” I follow him through the small door as he closes it behind us. “These are plants from the Fae realm.” A boyish grin spreads over his face and my heart soars. He seems so happy.

  Bright orange and red leaves fill the left corner, their delicate white flowers on display. “Those are Inferno Fumewort.” He touches a delicate purple leaf with baby blue flowers and cream round berries. “And this is Elven Belladonna.” He waves a hand above us and darkness descends over the room.

  “What are you-?” He places a finger to my lips interrupting me.

  “Just wait.” He whispers.

  His beautiful green eyes sparkle with anticipation in the darkness as he looks back at the Belladonna. I stare at the plant impatiently waiting for what could be so special. “I don’t -.” I stop as the leaves release a soft light. As if the life force of the veins is waking from a deep slumber. The light spreads up the stem and to each individual leaf. Slowly each cream berry glows a delicate cream light. The blue flowers begin to pulse like a heartbeat of blue light.

  “Wow.” I breathe in awe. I glance around at the rest of the room. The Inferno Fumewort looks as if the leaves have been set ablaze and plants all around the room begin to wake under the cover of darkness. Yet, none are as breathtaking as this one.

  “The Elven Belladonna only grows on Spirit Hill in Fae. The island is the homeland of the Elves and Unicorns. Most elves ended up leaving and settling in what is now the main kingdom of the Fae, Agrelillan.” He gently touches a leaf. “The elves that remained on Spirit Hill are known as the Moonkeepers. It’s said that the Moonkeepers were blessed by the goddess Arianrhod for their loyalty and that she gave them a gift, the Elven Belladonna.”

  “Why would she give them a plant?”

  “So that even on the darkest of nights, the moonkeepers would know that under Arianrhod’s guidance they will always be shown the way.”

  “That’s beautiful.”

  There is so much that I don’t know. Beings that have been existing for millennia. Humans wandering around in blissful ignorance as they continue to believe that they are superior to all living things. How blind. I see why Luka refers to them as separate beings. They know nothing in their ignorance. I knew nothing.

  “Would I ever be able to visit Fae?”

  “Of course, in time.” He waves his hand and the darkness gives way to sunlight once more. As the light touches the leaves each plant fades into a blissful slumber. “You will need approval and escorts when you do decide to visit.”

  “What, why?”

  He winks and turns back to the glass door. “You can’t just walk into Fae, you need permission from Queen Lirides.” He steps through the door and props it open for me to follow. “Also, a portal between realms requires immense power and must always be created on a leyline. If you don’t then a rift can form between the connecting realms and can cause irreparable damage to the stability of both realms.”

  “That sounds like it would be bad.” Way to state the obvious, me. “So, correct channels for that one. Got it.”

  A faint smile passes over his face. “We should head back.”

  We make our way down the stairs and into the lobby in an uncomfortable silence. Luka leads me in the direction of a door off to the side with a white Exit sign. Luka pauses and his shoulders tense.

  A tall blue eyed blond marches toward us. She looks like a movie star with her flawless skin and perfectly shaped body. She gracefully halts in front of Luka and wraps her arms around his neck. She presses her body into him. Her lips descend on his and a ping of jealous hits me in the pit of my stomach. His large hands wrap around her slender waist as he pulls her closer. I look away. I feel as if I’m both intruding and being betrayed.

  She finally releases him from their kiss, but continues to hang from his neck. “I’ve been looking all over for you, baby.” She coos as she pulls away running a delicate well-manicured finger down his chest.

  Still holding her waist, he twists her in my direction. “This is Nuri Hayes, the girl I was telling you about.” He straightens himself. “I was giving her a tour of headquarters today in hopes of convincing her to come and train here.” He looks at me with the fakest smile I have ever seen. “And maybe become initiated as well.”

  The beautiful slender woman relaxes as she looks at me. Her blue eyes pierce into me like knives. “Hello, Nuri, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Luka’s fiancée, Aurora.”

  “Nice to meet you too. Luka has told me a little about you.” I plaster on a fake smile.

  “I hope you enjoyed your tour.” She directs her attention back to Luka. “You better get her home soon. We have dinner with my parents in an hour.” She plants a kiss on his lips before swiveling on her heels and trotting away.

  “Let’s get you home.” His tone is flat and almost sad. He opens the exit door which leads to a small room.

  “Uh, Luka, this is not an exit.”

  He pulls the door closed behind us. “This room is meant for portaling in and out of the headquarters with guests. This is the same room we came in earlier this morning. Just, don’t freak out again.”

  I stare at the floor. It’s pristine. Someone must have cleaned up the mess I made when we arrived. He seems tense. He must be thinking about how he cheated on Aurora with me. Some stupid young girl he was trying to help. I’m such an idiot. I stand beside him as he creates the portal. Bright blue and gold surrounds us. The gold symbols dance around our bodies as they weave to create the portals base. When the portal comes to life my bedroom shimmers into view.

  Luka gently laces his fingers in mine and without a word pulls me into the portal with him.



  I open the textbook and stare at the text filled pages. I made such a fool of myself with Luka. It’s not like I went there with the intention of kissing him. It’s just that once I spent a little time with him – something about him drew me to him.

  The girl sitting on a sofa across from me packs up her belongings. She leisurely walks away leaving me alone with my thoughts.

  The memory of Luka dropping me off in my dorm dances on my mind. His large hand entwined with mine as we stepped through the portal to my bedroom. The sad look before he left. “The High priestess extends her invite to live on the coven grounds. If you choose to accept, upon your graduation you will be initiated into the white coven.” He said and then left through the portal without a second glance.

  I can’t believe it’s been more than a week since the tour and I still
haven’t made up my mind. The only person that can help me learn to use and control my power and he comes with a fiancée. Yet, Luka Connolly also comes with an army and a community of powerful witches.

  I groan and sink into the sofa. I’m being stupid. I should have just said yes as soon as it was offered, but it hurt when I found out about Aurora. Rejected because of a fiancée. That was a first. Not that I have much experience in the romance department. Well, there was that one guy in high school. Matthew. He was cute and sweet. On our prom night, he took me to a hotel and it was nice. Just nice. Not very sensual or passionate. If anything, it was weird and awkward, but Luka. I felt like I was the only girl in the world. Like our souls were touching.. I press a finger to my lips at the thought of his warmth against me. What am I doing? I shake my head to wipe the thoughts away.

  “That’s a bad idea and you know it.” I grumble into the emptiness of the library.

  I flip to the next page of the textbook and try to comprehend the words. The history of the ancient Sumerian’s is interesting and all, but all I can think about is the man who reminds me of a golden lion and how much I would kill for him to pounce on me. “For god’s sake, Ri. Get it together.” I slap my cheeks and push my hair back.

  The sound of light footsteps approaching pulls my attention to the door. My semi-private room is just off the side of some bookcases and the light is off. Hopefully the person will leave me in peace. I want to agonize over a man I barely know and can’t have like some lovesick teenager.

  Typically, the third floor is void of people, but for some reason, today I can’t seem to be left alone. The footsteps come to the doorway and a shadow passes by before the person quickly turns around and stands in the entry way of the small reading room.

  His silky black hair curls slightly just above the ear and his ice blue eyes meet mine. My heart jumps and my skin warms. He’s dressed in a black V-neck shirt and dark blue jeans that stop just before his black sneakers. All thoughts of Luka float away as Jake gazes at me from the doorway. Damn he’s beautiful. He smiles as he saunters into the room.

  “Well, well, well.” He sits on the sofa beside me. “So very nice to run into you here.” He leans back on the arm of the sofa. “What are you up to?”

  I hold up my book about ancient Sumerian culture. “Studying.” I offer a smile.

  “Oh, the Sumerians, now that’s an interesting culture.” He cocks his head to the side and leans into the armrest. “I’ve missed you.”

  “You barely know me.”

  “I want to know you.”


  “You intrigue me.” He reaches his hand to push a strand of hair out of my face and twirls it around a finger watching the auburn strands dance over his skin before he tucks it away. “There is no one else that has ever caught my attention in this way.”

  After the rejection from Luka and knowing that Jake is down for anything, why should I hold back?. Jake doesn’t come with strings and commitment. On top of that we’re in the same college and both live on campus which makes for an easy time. I should just jump in and go with the flow. I lean into his hand and press my lips to his Ouroboros tattoo. No fear. No fear.

  His eyes widen in surprise. “Nuri?” He whispers. The sound of my name on his lips spreads goosebumps over my skin.

  I stare into his eyes and press my lips gently to his tattoo again. He swallows hard and leans forward. The textbook slides off my lap. The thump of the book landing on the carpet is barely noticeable over my pounding heart. I stare into his eyes and take in his warmth. The scent of his shampoo tickles my nose and I press my cheek against his palm. I need more.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He whispers. His thumb strokes my cheek. He leans closer so that his nose is nearly touching mine. His gaze sends butterflies dancing around my insides. I touch a hand to his face. The five o’clock shadow is rough against my skin.


  “Yes, my light?”

  “Kiss me.”

  His soft lips gently brush mine. A gentle touch, but it’s enough to ignite the scolding fire that’s been fighting to escape. The electricity that has become a normal part of my body intensifies and tingles under my skin. He pulls away for just a moment and a huge force presses against me. Is this his magic? I almost forgot that he is like me.

  Jake’s lips descend on mine again, this time there is no gentle caress. The tingles beneath my skin dance as his energy pours over me.

  A hand firmly cups my waist and he pulls my hips into him. I reach beneath his shirt and trail my fingers up his back. He bites my lip and pulls away leaning on his heels. He yanks his shirt over his head and tosses it to the floor. His chiseled chest on full display.

  “Hell-o.” I breathe out heavily. He smirks at my remark.

  I sit up to meet him and trail a finger down the length of his abdomen. His eyes darken as he watches me touch him. I lick just above his belly button which provokes a deep growl. He grabs my hair and pulls me to his lips once more. My body’s on fire with each touch. I want more. I tug on the loops in his jeans and press my body into his. I can’t get close enough. I want to be closer. I need to be closer. He breaks the kiss to bite my neck. “Oh my god.” I whisper.

  “I’m no god.” He rasps in my ear before he nips my lobe.

  A noise comes from the doorway. I barely register it as a person.

  “Ahem.” The woman pushes her glasses up on her nose. “Young lady and young man.” We freeze in place. She looks at us through her wire framed glasses that should have been thrown out in the seventies. “If you want to be promiscuous then may I suggest that you do it in private. My library is not your bedroom.” I flush with embarrassment as the small woman turns away muttering words of disdain.

  Jake bursts into laughter pulling me into a hug. My face rests against his warm chest and I hide in embarrassment. I could get used to this. This warm laughter.

  Jake releases me and searches for his shirt in the dim room. He quickly slips into the shirt and sits back down on the sofa then pulls me into him. Gentle fingers grip my chin and he leans close to my face.

  “Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” My eyes widen in surprise. “I enjoy cooking and Kev and Tiffany are going to be on a date.” He pauses again “I want to spend more time with you.”

  “I would love to.” I really mean it. I liked Jake the first night I met him. I felt comfortable around him, well almost. For my normal awkwardness, I was comfortable. And I’m still not sure I want to go spend the rest of my life devoted to a coven.

  He gives me a gentle peck on the forehead and stands. “Come to my dorm at 7. I think that’s when Tiffany is supposed to come by as well. You two can walk over together.” With a wink he walks out of the room leaving me alone in the library once again.

  Tiffany shrieks. “Ri, were you guys about to,” she looks around, “You know, do it?”

  This is not exactly the conversation I had planned when I thought about telling Tiffany. “Um, well, I don’t know. I was kind of just going with it and not thinking.”

  “Well, oh my god, Ri! That’s just so irresponsible. Did he even have protection?”

  I gape at her in horror. “I don’t know.” I don’t even know if I would have cared at that point in all honesty. “We didn’t even get that far before the librarian caught us.” The embarrassment comes rushing back. The memory of her judging eyes as she scolded us. I can’t believe I almost did something so irresponsible. I sink into the sofa horrified at myself.

  Tiffany looks as horrified as I feel. “Well, but god he is super-hot.” She smiles and gives me a double thumbs up. “So, good for you.”

  I shake my head. “I can’t believe we’re having this conversation right now. I need to get dressed.”

  Tiffany bounces up from the sofa. “Okay, but your outfit needs to be sexy.” She scowls at me. “And make sure you have a condom this time.”

  I scrunch my face. “This doesn’t sound fun.” I bury my face in my hand
s. “I’m pretty sure that between Jake and Kevin they both have the protection.” Ah, god, I can’t believe I’m even having this conversation right now.

  She laughs. ‘Fine, but better safe than sorry. Come on, let’s not pretend, Ri.” She looks me up and down. “You’re going for the kill tonight.”

  Two hours later, my hair is blown and straightened, and my makeup is light but exaggerates my eyes. Tiffany picked out a white lace dress that is styled in a high-low fashion. My flats are white to match and a small necklace that my mom gave me rests against my neckline. The gold knotted ball encircles a black stone. The pendant is only about the size of my thumbnail and dangles from a thin gold chain.

  Tiffany is wearing a deep red skintight dress that stops just above the knee. She and Kevin are going dancing, but I really don’t see how she can dance with such little mobility.

  As we walk through the dorm halls I become increasingly nervous. What was I thinking? I’m not this confident girl that goes after the guy. Tiffany taps on the door and I nearly lose my nerve when Kevin swings the door open.

  “Hello ladies. Welcome to our humble abode.” The familiar sandy blond bows to us and ushers us inside. “Looking good.” He blows out a long whistle. Tiffany giggles and Leans in to give him a kiss. “Jake is still getting ready, but we can head to the kitchen and wait for him. He won’t be too long.”

  The small table off to the corner holds two place settings of salad, steak, and roasted potatoes.

  Kevin leans over. “Special night planned?”

  “Quiet, leave them alone.” Tiffany hushes him and waves her hand at him.. “It’s cute.” A large grin spreads over her face.

  Could she be more obvious? A door closes down the hall and Jake appears around the corner in a black button up with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow. His five o’clock shadow is gone and his dark jeans sit loosely on his hips. He smiles in greeting as he comes over to me and places a hand at my waist.


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