Born of Darkness

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Born of Darkness Page 12

by Jamie King

  “Well, not necessarily.” Luka responds his tone is pensive, and he seems on edge.

  Lillian’s eyes flick behind us. “Ah, here she is.” Lillian smiles, but her eyes seem to show only annoyance.

  Aurora throws herself into Luka. “Have a good walk around the boat?” Walk? He didn’t tell her he was coming to visit me?

  He kisses her on the forehead. “I did.”

  She pets Ronor roughly. “Did you have a good walk boy?” He grumbles and slips away from her touch. A flash of anger darkens her features.

  “Well, now that everyone is here, we can make our way to our meeting.” Lillian announces.

  The late afternoon light warms my face as we walk along the wooden pathway. Four guards watch us from the grass at the end of the dock. Their uniforms are a dark forest green cloth accented by dark brown leather. Each has two daggers on each hip tucked away in holsters. The girl at the center watches me intently. Her wings look like large Monarch butterfly wings. Her short bob is a deep orange and her mahogany eyes don’t glow like the other faries and elves. Her face is small, and round and her skin is lightly freckled.

  The three men beside her are elves with long pointed ears that poke through the ear holes in their leather hats. The tallest of the three has lilac colored eyes and bluish skin. His ears are decorated with silver piercings and a black tribal tattoo climbs up his throat. He steps forward and places his left hand into a fist before curling it around and pounding it into his chest as he bows to Lillian. “Please follow us Lady Lillian.” The four guards completely ignore us as if we don’t exist.

  Lillian turns to us. “We have about a fifteen to twenty-minute walk. Make sure you keep up.”

  I glance around in search of the distant citadel. Nothing but treetops and grass surround us. Large majestic birds soar overhead and a rabbit like creature darts under a bush as we pass. I lean in close to Luka. “I thought there was a citadel here.”

  He lets out a low chuckle. “Trust me, it’s the citadel of all Citadels, Ri. You will be impressed.” He winks. “I promise.” He turns and follows the group up a long dirt pathway.

  “Then, where is it?” I shout as I rush to catch up to them.

  He laughs again and turns to look at me once more. “You will see.”

  My feet throb in the sandals gifted to me by Willow. I’m now regretting letting her take my boots from me for this journey. The dry dirt path is covered in footprints left by the group ahead. I stare down at my feet. The baby toes are starting to blister and the skin on my ankle has started to sting. Of course. This just had to happen to me. Figures this is the kind of luck I would have. I should just go barefoot at this rate. A large shadow looms over me. I glance up and meet Luka’s grinning face.

  “What do you want?” I say with more irritation that I intended.

  “Ouch.” Luka winces mockingly. “Someone’s grumpy.” He pokes my cheek.

  “My feet hurt.” These are not the right shoes for this kind of journey. Willow is evil for this.” I grumble and continue walking. I hear him chuckle behind me. “Jerk.” I glare back at him.

  The dirt pathway merges into a dark shimmering stone. The stone shimmers from shades of green to yellow and then pink and red. Like an aurora. I can feel a soft energy emitting from the stone. I crouch down to touch it.

  As I touch the stone my fingers buzz with energy and a deep hum reverberates in my ears. Then I’m floating in pure darkness. A misty ball of colorful light appears in front of me. The large ball of swirling colors floats closer to me. Light emits from it and yet, at the same time it seems to suck its own light away. It feels familiar as if I’ve encountered an old friend. Like a slingshot I fall backward as streaks of colors speed by. Warmth encompasses me and a heartbeat thuds against my head.

  “Ri?” Luka’s breath tickles my face. I open my eyes to find worry marbling his features. “Are you okay?”

  Lillian’s face pops into view under the setting sun. “Child?” She presses closer. “Are you all right?” I gaze up into Lillian’s eyes. I want to speak, but I struggle to use my words. My body is weighed down and I feel that if I were to speak, the words would only be slurred. Lillian steps back as she gazes into my eyes.

  Luka gasps and his eyes widen. “Her eyes, Lillian.” He grips my face gently in his palm. I lean into his warm touch without thought. “Why would they do this?”

  Wait, are they talking about me? Is something wrong with me? What was I doing just now? I gulp. “What’s wrong with my eyes?”

  “They are changing colors,” Lillian whispers, “Like the auroran stone you touched a moment ago.” She leans closer to me once more. “What did you see?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know how to explain it. It was like a misty ball of colors and light and darkness.”

  Lillian glances at Luka and then back at me. “We must get to the oracles. They will likely have much for us to learn.” She pauses and tilts her head down at me. “Or they will keep to secrecy.” She shrugs away the thought and proceeds along the shimmering pathway.

  The guards follow quietly behind Lillian without a glance back at me. Luka lifts me into the air. His arms firmly grasp my body and his bare chest bulges with the movement. “Do you think you can walk? If not, I have no problem carrying you the rest of the way.”

  “It’s fine, Luka. I think I’m okay to walk.” I slide from his grasp and press my feet on the ground. I wobble s as he releases me and grip his arm to steady myself. Aurora snorts hurries to catch up with the rest of the group leaving Luka and I standing alone with our familiars.

  “Come on,” Luka places a hand on my lower back, “I’ll walk with you.”

  The path is long and dismal trees line the edges on either side. The sunlight is fading behind the tree line and the sky is turning shades of blue and pink.

  “Ah, see. I told you it was the citadel of citadels.” Luka nudges me in the shoulder with his elbow.

  The citadel is built upon a stone pedestal at the center a vast crater. Bridges made of a dark gray stone span from the edges of the crater to the citadel’s base like roots spidering out from a tree. A thick gray fog coats the void of the massive crater like the water of a lake. The building is made of the same auroran stone of the pathway and huge windows are decorated with stained glass. Six towers extend into the heavens. Their bright colors cast down over the fog that surrounds the citadel.

  Luka steps close behind me and leans in with his chest pressing against my wings. My stomach flips from the contact. “I told you so.”

  Before I can even let out the breath I was holding he twirls around me and rushes to meet up with Aurora and Lillian.

  The female guard turns to me when we reach the door. “Your familiars must stay outside.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” I spin around to Bel. “Bel, honey. You need to stay here until I return.” I kiss her on the forehead. At the door I glance back at her. She and Ronor are sitting a few feet from the door to the citadel staring in our direction like sentinels.

  Two of the male guards push open the amethyst double door. They lead us into the elegant foyer filled with crystal ceiling beams extending from auroran stone pillars in the center of the room.

  A young girl appears from the shadows. “Welcome, please follow me.”

  She leads us to a room just past the entryway where lavish red chairs and cushions litter the area. Crystal candelabras decorate each corner. The light from them flickers and dances as they cast playful shadows over the dark gray walls. A small circle table is surrounded by blankets and pillows at the center of the room.

  “Please,” she bows, “Wait here.”

  “Thank you, Layla.” Lillian says and then takes a seat in a plush chair.

  My envy grows as I observe everyone sit comfortably in their chairs. Bel and Ronor curl up onto a pile of pillows and I stand to the side of the room like a lone sentry.

  Luka chuckles. “Here.” He pats on the chair beside him. I walk over to him cautiously. He reaches
behind me and I feel his fingers wrap around my tail. Chills shoot up my spine at the sensation. “Okay now imagine your wings lifting to avoid the chair and then sit.” I do as he says and manage to sit like a somewhat normal person.

  A gaunt woman glides into the room. Her pale white skin is covered in black runes. Her eyes are an opaque gray and lack pupils as if the life has been drained from them. The small train of her satin green dress ripples behind her as she floats through the room. Gold bracelets trail up her arms and attach to gold chains coming from the thin shoulder straps. The front of her dress opens in a V-shape and dips between her breasts. Her stark white hair is styled in a bun with gold flowers interwoven in wrapping braids. A small strand of hair escapes its hold and rests over her elven ears which are elaborately decorated in gold jewelry. As she moves through the flickering candle light I’m able to see the dips and bulges of her skeleton. Her face in sunken and shallow and the bones of her shoulders protrude out like mountains.

  “Welcome,” her ethereal voice echoes in the room, “To the Convocation of Dreams.” She releases a soft smile. “I am High Priestess, Nyna.” She sits at the short table at center of the room. As she settles into the large cushion, she waves her hand in the air gingerly.

  A young girl, no older than thirteen with similar features to Nyna appears at the entrance to the room. “Priestess, did you need anything?” Her tranquil voice is barely audible.

  “Bring us tea. You know which one.” The girl nods and vanishes from sight. Nyna’s ghostly eyes fixate on me. “The goddess told me of your coming before you requested audience.” Aurora snorts and switches position. Ghostly eyes shoot in her direction. “Human.” Her voice booms. “You dare mock me?”

  Aurora Pales. “N-no ma’am.” She sputters.

  “You will refer to me as high priestess." She straightens her back and tilts her head up. “Nasty little sprite that one.” I fight to hold my laugh in as Aurora’s nostrils flare and her eyes squint in my direction. “Danu was wise to send you with your soul mark, we have been waiting for your arrival for many moons.” She motions for me to come to her. “Come join me, young light.”

  Young light? Jake had called me his light as well. What do they mean? Could it be my name? I join her at the center of the room. “O-okay.” I grab my tail and hold it at my side as I sit on one of the plush cushions across from her on the floor.

  “You have seen the All today.”

  “Impossible.” Aurora snaps and I hear Lillian gasps in surprise.

  “You.” The priestess stares at Aurora. “I will bind your lips if you interrupt me again.” Chills shoot over my arms at her tone. Aurora shrinks into her chair. Her eyes an open display of fear. “Boy, come join us.” Nyna demands.

  Aurora looks as if she’s about to protest, but Lillian places a forceful hand on her arm. “Of course, priestess.” Luka says as he sits beside me.

  She takes my hand and then takes Luka’s before she pulls them together as she folds her hands over ours. The moment his skin touches mine my heart races and I feel my cheek warm. “Your souls have been marked by the same destiny.”

  Luka’s face is filled with confusion. “What destiny?”

  Her voice echoes as if twenty people are speaking through her at once. “The daughter of all and son of earthly body will join in harmony to restore balance to the realms through great sacrifice.” Nyna releases our hands. “This was the prophecy provided to us by Danu.”

  A sound comes from the doorway. The girl is back with a tray filled with tea cups and a kettle. “Priestess, would you like your tea now?”

  “Yes, thank you Alal.” Her voice completely back to normal.

  “My pleasure priestess.” She sets the tray in the center of the table and hurries from the room.

  Luka’s face is pale, and his body is rigid. “Join?” I ask without thinking. “Restore balance?” I glance down at my hands. “Balance to what?”

  The ethereal voice of Nyna dances around the room. “Do not fret children. You will understand as your path unfolds before you.” She hands each of us a cup of tea.

  “Thank you, priestess.” Luka says mechanically.

  I sip the cup of tea in a daze. Lillian is speaking with Nyna, but the sound of their conversation doesn’t reach my ears. What does the prophecy mean? What kind of sacrifice will we make? Have I not sacrificed already? Did my mother’s death not get included in the sacrifice? If Danu is the goddess I spoke to in the Astral realm and she is the one that gave the oracles this prophecy, then would that mean she is the one that has decided my fate as well?

  Luka sets his finished cup on the small table and stands. “Thank you, high priestess, for your reading.”

  “It is the duty I hold as a conduit of the gods.”

  “We should go,” He runs his fingers through his hair, “We have a long journey to the main island.”

  “Did the children of prophecy not want to rest here before you return?” Concern flashes over her face. “There is no need to rush back to earth.” Her visual concern frightens me. Does she know something?

  “No. Thank you for your time.” He bows and leaves the room. Aurora scurries away behind him.

  I stand and bow. “Thank you for your time High Priestess.”

  She grabs my hand. “Don’t let the darkness consume you.”



  The journey back to the Fae kingdom of Agrelillan was silent and uncomfortable. Before we got off the ship, Luka did mention that no one is to know that I’m a Daesidh. If anyone were to know it would mean certain death or imprisonment and then death. Yet, here we are at the foot of the portal to earth in the Agrelillan palace waiting for Luka and Aurora to end their argument about me.

  I roll my eyes at Lillian and she offers me a sad smile. “Nuri, there is something I must tell you.” What could it be this time? “It is very possible that once you are back on earth,” she moves closer to me so that she can whisper, “Well, that your demonic powers will be able to withstand earth’s attempt to rein you in.”

  My blood turns to ice. “What does that mean exactly?”

  “It means that the earth and its rules may not be able to force you into a human form. If that does happen there will be no hiding what you are.”

  My stomach sinks. “I see.” I stare at her with wide eyes and then back to Luka and Aurora. What happens if I still look like this? Luka said if I’m found out, the white coven will kill me. If Aurora is any sign of how the human world will view me, I don’t think I want to go back. I take a deep breath and push the thoughts away. It will be fine. Everything will be fine. “Lillian, it was wonderful meeting you.”

  “As you.” She pulls me into a tight embrace.

  I Scratch Bel behind the ear and then march over to Luka and Aurora. “I love being in the center of your quarrel and all, but would you mind if we go now?”

  Aurora turns her hateful glare on me. “Fine, but you’re no longer welcome in my home.” She spits at me with her acidic tone as she marches to the portal.

  “Rora.” Luka pleads with her. Tension rolls off him as he chases after her. Lillian stops him with a firm hand against his shoulder and whispers something into his ear before releasing her grip. He glances at Aurora and then back at me. Aurora passes through the portal without a second glance.

  Luka holds his hand out for me and I quickly grab it. He guides us through the large portal and back to earth.

  The white coven’s portal room is dark and empty. Aurora is nowhere to be seen and Luka looks fearful as we make our way down the steps. He stops and I bump into him. He spins and grips my shoulders. His eyes are filled with terror.

  “Shit, Ri.” His eyes dart over me and then around the room.

  “What?” I panic, not knowing what’s wrong. My pulse skyrockets and the muscles around my chest tighten.

  “You’re too powerful now that you’re fully awakened.” His voice trembles.

  Lillian’s warning echoes through my
mind. “Luka, what do I do?” My voice shakes. His wings are gone. No sign that he’s half fairy. His eyes no longer glow, but mine, I’m sure are like a beacon. My tail flicks behind me to mirror my agitation. One look at me and everyone will know what I am.

  “I need to get you somewhere safe without anyone seeing you.” He curses under his breath and pushes his hands through his hair. To my surprise I can see his movement perfectly in the dark room. Before I left earth, I still had trouble finding my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night without tripping over something or running into a door. “Come here.” He demands with a rough tone. He embraces me before a sudden burst of blue and gold surrounds us and the familiar push of a portal touches my skin.

  On the other side of the portal he releases me and runs off into the darkness. The sound of curtains closing, and doors being flung open. Is this his old apartment? This must be his bedroom. Huh, his furniture is still here. I wonder why he didn’t take any of it with him.

  Luka’s breathing is heavy and erratic as he approaches me from the doorway. “Ri?” I meet his eyes. They’re glowing. “Are the gods the reason I want to risk everything for you?” His voice is raw and emotional.

  “I don’t think the gods would remove our free will.”

  “But the prophecy,” he presses his palm to my face, “We have marked souls that are meant to join.”

  “Luka, there was nothing in there about love or hate or of any emotional attachment.” His chest rapidly rises and falls with each erratic breath. “I don’t think they’re controlling our feelings.”

  “How do you know?” He breathes.

  “I don’t, but so far I’ve been given options. I didn’t have to go to the oracles, I wanted to. I wanted to know what the goddess meant. The gods didn’t force me to like Jake and they didn’t force me to like you.” I place my palm on his bare chest. His skin is hot and clammy. “These are my feelings and emotions. My decisions that I have made. Mine.” His eyes seem to glow even brighter now. “Look, I don’t want to get between you and Aurora.”


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