Copper (Hell's Handlers MC Book 4)

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Copper (Hell's Handlers MC Book 4) Page 15

by Lilly Atlas

  He’d seen it though. A quick flicker of sadness in her eyes. For whatever reason, Shell didn’t believe this would last long term.

  Was it him? Did she doubt him? Or was it some ghost lurking in her past that kept her from going all in?

  All good questions, but the biggest of all bounced around in his head like a ping pong ball. When the fuck had he started thinking in terms of forever?


  SHELL WOKE BEFORE the sun even thought about lighting the sky, unused to an enormous naked man heating her bed to the boiling point.

  Both literally and figuratively.

  Careful not to jostle Copper, she nudged the comforter down, allowing some much-needed cool air to wash over her nude body. Of course, fifteen seconds later, she was shivering and pulling the blankets back up to her chin once again.

  She rolled to her side and closed her eyes. Might as well snag a few more hours of sleep. Her Sunday morning diner shift didn’t begin until eight which meant she had about another two hours to sleep before she needed to get ready.

  Like that was going to happen. With a sigh, she opened her eyes and stared at Copper’s sleeping form. It wasn’t often, or ever really, she had the opportunity to study him so closely without his knowledge. His body was just so…big. It was a tiny word, but nothing else described him more accurately. Big hands, big feet, big in stature, big muscles, big…other things. She’d fallen asleep surrounded by him. The feeling of safety and security that came with slumbering next to a powerful man wasn’t something that could be matched. No alarm system, pistol in a nightstand, or barking dog compared to the knowledge that another human had her and would do whatever it took to keep her safe.

  Shell wanted to hold on to that feeling, permanently. She was so tired of always being in charge, always making important decisions, always bearing the burdens. That wasn’t to say she didn’t value being an independent woman. Knowing she was capable, able to handle the challenges of life on her own was imperative. She’d proven to the world—and especially her mother—that she was self-sufficient, responsible, and trustworthy. She didn’t need anyone. Especially not a man. She was surviving on her own, raising a happy and healthy daughter.

  And she hated every second of it. Feminists everywhere would probably cringe, but it was what it was. She was sick and tired of doing it alone. She didn’t need a man, but she wanted one. Not to remove her independence or take over her established roles, but to share life. Complement each other, comfort each other, support each other, and to kill the soul-crushing loneliness of going to bed solo each night.

  And she didn’t just want any man. Only the one lying six inches away, his chest rising and falling with the gentle rhythm of sleep. Copper was strong. Tough enough to swing at whatever curveballs life threw his way and smash them out of the park.

  She sighed. How had what started out as her gawking at his sexy tattooed body turned into such a maudlin reflection on her existence?

  Well, lying there for the next few hours was pointless. Might as well get up and make a hearty breakfast for her and Copper to share before she had to run off to work. Without a sound, she slid out of bed, shivering as her toes hit the cold wooden floor. She shoved her feet in the slippers that lived next to her bed then went in search of her clothes. At least, that was the plan until she spotted Copper’s T-shirt dangling from the edge of her bed. Wearing the oversized cotton tee that had been absorbing Copper’s essence all night seemed like a much better option.

  She slipped it over her head then padded into the kitchen, flicking on lights as she passed. Copper was a fan of waffles in the morning, and she had a fantastic buttermilk waffle recipe handed down from her grandmother. One of the few things she actually received from her mom.

  And she had a waffle iron…somewhere. Shell stood in the center of the kitchen, scratching her head. During her last attack of organization, she’d stowed the thing in a perfectly logical spot so the next time she needed it, it’d be accessible… right?

  That showed just how often she whipped up breakfast. Working at a diner kinda squashed the desire to cook in the morning. She spun on one heel. Was it in the pantry? The low cabinet with the pots and pans? Maybe up high…

  It hit her then…she’d stashed it pretty much in the highest spot in the kitchen. Of course. Being five-two on a good day, she couldn’t reach the fourth shelf of her cabinets if her life depended on it. Luckily, she had a lifetime of practice scaling countertops.

  With a small grunt, she hefted herself up onto the counter. If only she could recall which cabinet she’d stuck the damn thing in. Starting closest to her sink, she pulled the door open and rose onto her tiptoes. Even with the extra few inches, she had a hard time seeing onto the top shelf, so she reached her hand in. A serving bowl…a table cloth…oh that vanilla cupcake candle she’d been looking for. But no waffle iron.

  “Come on, where the hell are you hiding?” she murmured as she closed the cabinet and moved on to the next. “Are you in here?” She ran her hand along the top shelf, smacking into a small appliance. “Ah ha! Victory.”

  “Now that is a damn pretty sight to see first thing in the morning.”

  Shell shrieked and wrenched her neck looking over her shoulder. Still stretching to reach the top cabinet, her jaw dropped. Holy shit, Copper stood in the doorway, arms folded across his inked chest and shoulder resting against the door frame. Besides the ink, he only wore a beard and a sexy smirk. Lordy, that was one impressive naked man.

  “Hi,” she squeaked as she started to lower her heels.

  One eyebrow slowly crept up his forehead as the gleam in his eye grew predatory. He unfolded his arms and prowled forward.

  She started to lower her arm.

  “Nu-uh,” he said with a shake of his head. “Stay just like that. You have any idea how fucking edible this ass looks peeking out the bottom of my shirt?”

  It was then she realized standing on her toes with an extended arm had caused the borrowed shirt to ride high on her ass. Copper had an up close and personal view of her uncovered butt. Which, if the expression on his face was any indication, he quite enjoyed.

  “Come down off your toes, but leave your arms up. Face the cabinet,” he said from right behind her.

  She lowered to completely flat feet raised her second hand to the shelf, gripping it for support. He had something up his non-existent sleeve, and it would no doubt involve an orgasm or two for her. Hopefully, she wouldn’t rip the damn cabinet right off the wall.

  “Wh-what are you going do to?” A tremor of excitement raced down her spine. Not being able to see him or feel him sent the thrill of anticipation through the roof.

  “Whatever the fuck I want. Got any objections?” His tone was harsh, the words practically growled.

  “N-no, no objections.” Who did that breathy, sultry voice belong to?

  The next thing she knew, two huge hands cupped her ass. Shell groaned and let her head fall forward. His hands were warm, and her ass filled them to capacity. He squeezed, kneading the soft flesh until wetness began to ease from her core.

  “You have any idea just how smokin’ hot you are, do you, babe?” Hot breath wafted across her cheeks leaving a million goosebumps in its wake.

  She giggled. Hearing those words from him was a dream come true.

  “Ain’t playing. I mean it, Shell.”

  “I know you do.” And she did. He meant every word he said. Always. Copper didn’t feed anyone a line of bullshit.

  He slid his hands around her hips then down to grip the front of her thighs. Next, his lips landed on her ass. She gasped and tried to pull away, but he anchored her firmly in place. He kissed and licked over the globes, occasionally placing a sharp nip here and there. She gripped the shelf hard and locked her knees to keep from buckling. This treatment kept up until Shell’s arms ached and wetness trickled down her thighs. Who knew her ass was so sensitive and a little attention to it could work her into such a frenzy?

” she whispered just as he trailed a finger between her cheeks. That was an area that had never been explored before. She’d never been interested, apprehensive if she was honest, but at that moment she could have begged Copper to go further.

  “Last night that sexy mouth sucked me off so good I nearly passed out. Now my name falls from those same lips. Fuckin’ heaven, baby. I’m in fucking heaven.”

  “Think I’m the one in heaven here, Aiden.”

  He let out a rough chuckle. “Not yet, but you will be.” He continued to slide his finger forward until it encountered the arousal coating her lower lips and upper thighs.

  “Jesus,” he whispered. “All this cream for me, Shell?”

  “Uh huh.” She couldn’t even speak with his blunt fingertip rimming her entrance.

  Teeth scraped across her ass cheek once again. “You like this, don’t you? Me playing with this plump little ass?”

  The finger moved back again, toward that untested spot she’d never been more aware of than she was in that moment. When he pushed his finger against the tight hole, she tensed for a second then relaxed as pleasure moved through her. Shit, he hadn’t inserted so much as a fingertip and the sensation was already more intense than she could have imagined. How would she survive it if he wanted his cock in there?

  Another chuckle. “Yeah, you fuckin love it. But you’re not ready for more yet. We’ll get there.” Then he groaned. “Though your pussy is so tight I barely survive it squeezing the fuck outta my dick. Might kill me once I get that fucker in this ass.”

  It was her turn to chuckle, but it turned into a frustrated groan when all of a sudden, his touch disappeared.


  “Turn around,” he barked. “I’m fucking hungry.”

  Disappointment lanced through her. She’d been seconds away from demanding he fuck her and he wanted to eat? Maybe she’d built his attraction to her up in her head, making it more than it was.

  If so…that was embarrassing.

  “Oh,” she said as she lowered her arms then rolled her stiff shoulders. She slowly turned and gazed down at him. Deep, dark green eyes stared back at her. He sure gawked at her like he wanted her. “That’s why I’m up here. I was looking for the waffle mak—”

  His hands landed on her inner thighs, shoving them wide. “Not what I’m fucking hungry for.”

  Shell squeaked as her legs were forced apart so hard, she almost lost her footing. “Then wha—oh, my God.”

  He took a long lick up her thigh, gathering all the wetness that had spilled from her. He cleaned her thoroughly, driving her crazy as his tongue traveled closer and closer to her sex without actually touching her. Then he kissed up and down one thigh. Really kissed it, like he kissed her neck or even her mouth. Deep, harsh, sucking kisses that were sure to leave marks all over her. More wetness poured out of her, eliciting a deep growl from him.

  “Copper,” she said. “Please…” Her head fell back, thunking against a shelf behind her.

  “Please what?” he asked against her skin.

  “Please touch me. You’re making me crazy.”

  “Hmm. Think I like you crazy.”

  “Copper…” She said it as a warning, in much the same tone she used to scold Beth.

  He just laughed then said, “This better?” as he took a long swipe up her pussy and straight to her clit.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said, panting. “Much better.”

  “How about this?” He circled her clit a few times with his tongue, then before she had time to process the change, he sucked her lower lips into his mouth.

  She cried out, hands landing on his head. Her hips jerked against his face before she had the sense to try and still them. Last thing she wanted was for him to stop because he thought she was too forward and ramming his face against her pussy.

  He released her, hands moving to her ass and giving a hard squeeze. “Go ahead,” he said.


  “Don’t hold back. You let me fuck your mouth last night. What makes you think I’m going to deny you fucking my face? Go ahead, gorgeous, let loose and rub that sexy pussy all over me.”

  If she survived this, letting him go would kill her. So she might as well enjoy it. Have some memories to take with her when her life exploded.

  She tightened her grip on his hair and moved her hips, testing her options. Copper growled and went back to work, alternating light and hard licks with soft and firm pressure suction on her clip, labia, and even thighs.

  He was a freaking oral master. All sides of his tongue were used to turn her into a quivering mess. He flattened it, then extended it, using every trick in the book. When he finally shoved his tongue deep into her pussy, she screamed and lost all sense of self-preservation. Shell ground herself wildly against his face, completely lost in the insanity of Copper’s mouth on her sex.

  She could barely think, barely breathe, but she could damn well chase that orgasm. His mouth was wide as he fucked her with his tongue and each time she thrust forward, his upper lip—or maybe it was his nose, who the hell knew—bumped her clit. Whatever it was, it was working for her. Shell’s legs began to tremble. Within seconds, they were full on shaking. The only thing holding her up was the strength of Copper’s hands on her ass.

  “Please, please,” she said on a moan as the room grew fuzzy. “I’m going to come. Oh God, everything’s tingling.” Her grip on his hair loosened as the pins and needle sensation in her fingers grew too strong to control the digits. Then, before her arms dropped to her sides, her muscles seized. Her hands fisted yanking hard on the red strands.

  Copper grunted and fucked her even harder with his tongue.

  The orgasm crashed into her like a five-car pileup. She cried out with a few profanities she usually avoided and ground herself against Copper’s face. The entire room spun for a good few minutes as her body rode the high and took its sweet time settling.

  Eventually, the world calmed, and she blinked her eyes open to find Copper watching with an expression no less hungry than he’d had before he blew her mind. His beard glistened with the evidence of his recent activity. Never would Shell have guessed she’d find it hot, but knowing he was so into eating her out that he was covered in her juices, made her pussy clench with need all over again.

  Hands still on her ass, he drew her forward and into his embrace. With a gasp, she wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his shoulders.

  He spun, took three steps, then squeezed her ass. “Legs down,” he said, and she obeyed at once. After making sure she was steady on her legs—or at least stable enough not to land in a heap at his feet—he roughly spun her.

  “Bend over,” he said at her ear. “Tits on the table.”

  Shit. She’d just come harder than she ever had before and one gruffly spoken order from Copper had her body craving him as though she hadn’t had him in years. She stared at her round table just as his heavy hand pushed the center of her back.

  “Tits on the fucking table. Need in that pussy. You have no idea how jealous my dick is of my tongue right now.”

  She laughed right before a sharp slap on her ass had her jolting into action. Palms flat on the table, she bent over until her breasts rested against the wood surface. As her nipples hit the cold surface, she hissed out a breath.

  Copper stepped in behind her, wasting no time. His hips butted against her and he ran his dick through her juices. “Fuuuck,” he said. “Pill?” Seemed the man wasn’t capable of a complete sentence anymore.


  “I’m clean.”

  “Me too,” she said.

  “Haven’t been with anyone since you moved back.”

  “I believe you, Copper.” No one? Holy shit. Over a year and no women. That was big, wasn’t it?

  “Good. Hope you’re fucking ready for me, Shell, because this is going to be fast and fucking hard.” He was already breathing like he just hopped off a treadmill.

  “I’m always ready for you, Aide
n.” She smiled at the deep rumble her words elicited from him, but the grin quickly turned into a yelp as he slammed in her to the hilt with one mighty thrust.

  There was no waiting. No giving her time to adjust to his healthy girth as he’d done the other time. The was just straight, hard, fucking.

  He powered in and out, grunting each time he bottomed out. Shell was helpless to do anything but receive what he chose to give. And that was a lot. His hands completely controlled her hips, slamming forward and back on his dick so many times she couldn’t keep track. Every time he moved her, her nipples dragged against the firm surface of the table. The sensation was just shy of painful, an intense pinching sensation that shot to her pussy each time. Her hip bones banged into the table with every thrust. Tomorrow they’d be sore as hell, but for now, she felt nothing but the buildup to another orgasm rushing toward her at a hundred miles per hour.

  High pitched whimpers and cries mixed with the low grunts and groans of Copper. She came hard, harder than she had moments ago, and before she was prepared for it.

  “Aiden,” she screamed as molten pleasure coursed through every cell in her body. One more thrust had her lower body jammed against the table, then a loud roar above her signaled Copper’s orgasm.

  He held her pinned for a long moment as they both took their time weathering the storm.

  “Shit, Shell,” he said as he stepped back and slipped out of her body. She almost cried from the loss of connection even as her sore body thanked her for the reprieve.

  Gently, in complete contrast to the rough sex, Copper helped her upright and spun her to face him. He dropped to his knees and ran his fingers over the red splotches on her hip bones.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. You’re going to be bruised as hell tomorrow. I was so hot for you, I completely lost control. I was like a fucking animal.” He pressed his lips to the tender spot, and she jumped. “Fuck. Is it that sore?”

  Smiling down at him, she ran a hand through his hair. “No, Copper, it’s not bad at all. You just tickled me. I’m fine, trust me. If I had enough energy, I’d bend back over and beg you to do it again.”


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