Copper (Hell's Handlers MC Book 4)

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Copper (Hell's Handlers MC Book 4) Page 29

by Lilly Atlas

  Copper growled through the pain. Blood spurted from the wound in pulses like a faucet with air in the line.

  Wouldn’t take long for him to bleed out at this rate. Damn, he wished he had even thirty seconds to kiss his woman goodbye.

  Rusty straightened and smiled. “It’s been fun, Cop,” he said, tossing the knife on the bed. “Can’t say I’ll miss ya, though.”

  Copper opened his mouth then snapped it shut again. He strained his ears. Was that…fuck yes, it was. The low rumble of a motorcycle. He’d know that fucking sound anywhere.

  “Game over, Rusty,” he said, mustering a smirk as evil as his brother’s.

  Chrome cavalry had arrived.


  SHELL JAMMED ON the brakes and winced as the car screeched to a stop in front of her childhood home. Hopefully, the element of surprise wasn’t crucial because she’d just killed that.

  Hands shaking, she shoved the door open and darted out of the car without bothering to close the door.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Zach called out as his bike coasted to a stop. Another five motorcycles and one monster-sized black pick-up pulled in behind him.

  Shell blew by him, charging for the front door. Three days ago, her mother left for her cruise. She wasn’t due back for another ten days. If Rusty needed a private location to do God knows what to Copper, this was the place.

  “No fucking way, Shell,” Zach said as he tossed his helmet in the grass.

  A large hand wrapped around her upper arm, yanking her back when she was halfway to the door. She spun, prepared to fight and claw her way to her man, but stopped cold when she saw Zach’s expression. Second time in as many days she encountered Zach The Enforcer.

  Scary as shit.

  “You’re not going in there, Shell,” he growled down at her.

  “Zach, let me go. We’re wasting time. Copper could be hurt. Please, I need to get to him.”

  The others climbed off their bikes eyeing her and Zach. Mav seemed to be running the show behind her as he ordered the men to circle the perimeter and report back.

  “Sweetie,” Zach said, tone much calmer. “We don’t know what we’re going to find in there. What kind of condition your man will be in, who is with him, or if he’s even fucking in there. We need to play this smart.”

  A whimper escaped. Part of her appreciated Zach for giving it to her straight, but the thought of Copper suffering was killing her. “I’m not staying out here.” Chest heaving, she clenched her fists at her sides. “I’m not staying out here. Not while he’s in there. You’ll have to tie me to your bike. Even then I’ll find a way out.”

  Zach stared at the sky then blew out a breath. “Fuck! Okay, you stay behind me the entire time. You hear me?”

  “Yes, I promise. Behind you.”

  “Copper’s gonna shred my fuckin’ patch for this,” he grumbled then turned as Mav called his name.

  “Think they’re in the back room, right side of the house. Seems to be the only light that’s on,” Mav said. Energy crackled from each of the men. They were ready for action.

  Ready for blood.

  “My old room,” Shell said. “Rusty used to tell me he fantasized about Copper walking in on us…you know. That he’d love to see the look on his brother’s face when he caught us.” God, how embarrassing. She stared at the grass unable to meet the brothers’ eyes. “It’s what made me think to come here.”

  Mav reached for her hand, entwining it with his inked one. After a reassuring squeeze, he said, “Hey, no shame, sweetie. I don’t know how it all went down, but I know you don’t have to be ashamed of a damn thing. Now, let’s go get your man so he can kick all our asses for letting you in the house.”

  Their support meant everything to her. This time, admitting to some of her past didn’t seem as traumatizing. She nodded and fell in step behind Zach as he barked orders at men to stand guard and others to join them. Looked like he wasn’t going for subtle because he booted the door open and ignored the flying splinters of wood that pelted his face. With a gigantic black gun hovering at eye level, he resembled some kind of badass mercenary.

  If Rusty was in the house, he had to be aware they were there. None of them were quiet. Was he just waiting with his hostage? Was he actively hurting Copper? She refused to even entertain the idea that Copper wasn’t alive.

  Zach at her front and Rocket behind her, they stormed down the hallway. Both men appeared focused and lethal, one hundred percent at ease with rifles in their arms. She’d known these men for years, yet apparently still had a lot to learn about them.

  Zach lifted a hand and came to a dead stop. “Game fucking over, Rusty. You know how many guys we got here? You don’t stand a fucking chance.”

  Laughter sounded behind the closed door. The kind of laugh that had Shell’s blood running cold. High-pitched, insane, out of control. “Please tell me you have Shell with you,” Rusty said. “There’s someone here who’d love to see her.”

  Her eyes widened. Zach turned and met her gaze with his narrowed one. She shook her head. No. She wasn’t walking out. Even if it gave Rusty a sense of satisfaction to see the horror on her face when she laid eyes on Copper. She wasn’t leaving. Zach was right, Rusty didn’t stand a chance here tonight. So even if the smug devil-smirk was present, it wouldn’t last long.

  Zach shook his head. He turned back to the door, repositioned the rifle, then held up three fingers, then two, then one. As that last finger disappeared, he slammed his boot into the door. As the front door had done, this one splintered around the knob then shot open.

  Shell couldn’t see a damn thing around Zach’s bulk.

  “What do you think of your president now, Zach?” Rusty asked.

  “Rocket, get her the fuck outta here,” Zach yelled.

  “You fucking brought her?”

  Jesus, was that weak, thready voice Copper’s?

  A thick arm banded across her waist and yanked her back against a hard chest. “No!” she cried out.

  “You don’t want to see this, Shell,” Rocket whispered in her ear. “Promise we’ll get your man out of there. Just wait by the bikes.”

  Rusty’s laughter could be heard over Zach’s voice. That sound, that high pitched, crazed sound had a shiver racing down her spine. Her feet left the ground as Rocket started to drag her down the hallway. “No! Please.” She writhed and kicked with all her might. One of her heels connected with something that had Rocket jolting and cursing. His arm loosened for a fraction of a second, but it was enough for her to slip from his grasp.

  “Fuck!” he shouted. “Z, incoming.”

  Shell ignored the men, focused on getting to Copper. By now, Zach had stepped into the room and braced, feet wide with the rifle snuggled against his shoulder. Ready for action.

  Shell slipped into the room and stuttered to a stop to the left of Zach. “Oh, my God.” Her hand flew to her mouth. “Copper,” she whispered.

  “Goddamn it, woman,” he said, but the words held no bite. Blood was everywhere. The dark red substance ran down his stomach, dripped from his split lip and swollen nose, and spurted at an alarming rate from his inner thigh. One leg was purple and bent at an unnatural angle below the knee. But the most horrifying sight was Rusty on his knees behind Copper. He’d propped Copper into a sitting position, mostly hidden behind Copper’s bulk. His arms hung at his sides, cuffs dangling off each wrist. Deep gouges ringed each wrist, beginning to split the skin. He wasn’t bound to the bed at the moment, but the evidence clearly showed he’d been restrained

  Where could Zach even shoot?

  “Shell, go outside. Get her the fuck out of here, Zach,” Copper said, then coughed a horrible wet cough. Where the hell had that come from? He wasn’t sick yesterday morning. Now he sounded like someone dying of pneumonia.

  “No!” she cried as Rocket joined them, flanking her other side. “I’m not leaving you.” Weaponless and without the physical strength of any of the men in the r
oom, she wasn’t able to fight, but she could still help. She could distract, maybe give Zach or Rocket a chance to maim the bastard.

  Rusty threw back his head and laughed. “This is fucking priceless. The bitch stays.” His crazy-eyed gaze shifted to her, but the knife never moved. It remained lodged against Copper’s exposed throat. “Good times in this room, huh, Shell?”

  Her insides trembled like a gale force wind was ripping through. She swallowed, locked her knees, and dug one fingernail into her palm to keep from showing fear on the outside. Whatever was going to happen in his room, it wouldn’t be with her cowering and begging for Rusty’s mercy. No matter how the horrifying memories affected her.

  She didn’t beg back then, and she wouldn’t do it now.

  “Not sure I’d call being blackmailed into sleeping with you good times, but to each his own.”

  “Shit, Rusty,” Zach said. “That the only way you get a woman to take your dick? You gotta force it? Fucking pitiful man. See you got Louie there. Thanks for bringing him. I look forward to cracking him over your skull.”

  She could practically smell the smoke rising from Rusty’s ears. His ego would be his downfall for sure.

  “Fuck you, bitch. You loved every second of my cock in you.” He jerked his arm. The knife nicked Copper’s skin, causing yet another trail of blood.

  Shell snorted. She forced her gaze away from the blood. If she looked at Copper, she’d lose her shit, and it’d be game over.

  Play on his weaknesses.

  “You call that thing between your legs a cock? Always thought of it more as a cocktail weenie. Now, your brother,” she said, letting her lips curl into a satisfied smile. One she usually reserved for Copper. “Now there’s a man with a cock. Knows how to use it, too. Maybe he can give you some pointers.” Her cheeks flamed. Under normal circumstances, the guys would never let her hear the end of a comment like that.

  Nothing about this was normal.

  “Thanks, baby.” Copper chuckled weakly. It quickly turned into another round of hacking coughs.

  “You know you’ll never be what he is, right, Rusty? Not in bed or in life,” Shell said. “You’ll always be second best.”

  On her left, Rocket remained silent. His intense focus and control were almost creepy. But the silence served its purpose. As they goaded Rusty, Shell almost forgot he was there, waiting, watching.

  “Shut the fuck up, bitch,” Rusty said. He dug the knife a little deeper.

  Shell swore her heart stopped. Was this a huge mistake? Was she provoking Rusty into killing Copper?

  “He ain’t even second best,” Zach piped in.

  Shell shuddered out a breath. He was on board with her plan.

  She prayed they weren’t making the ultimate mistake. “You’re right, Z. Every man in the club looks up to Copper. Respects him. Hell, you guys would follow him straight into hell and back again. Wouldn’t you?”

  Zach grunted.

  “Bet you wouldn’t follow Rusty into the kitchen.”

  Beside her, Rocket shifted so subtly, she almost missed it. Something was going to happen. Rocket could sense it.

  “I said shut the fuck up, bitch!” Rusty screamed. Eyes shooting sparks, he rose higher on his knees, jerking Copper’s abused body.

  Copper grunted.

  A loud pop sounded to her left.

  Her left ear rang.

  Blood sprayed.

  Shell was shoved to the right.

  Rusty screamed.

  The knife fell.

  Rocket and Zach charged forward. Zach dragged Rusty from behind Copper as though the man was Beth’s size instead of a six-foot man.

  It all happened so fast, Shell could do nothing but stand there, trembling as the blood pounded in her head.

  “Shell…Shell, baby, look at me.” Copper’s faint voice had her jerking her gaze from the man lying on the floor to her man lying on the bed.

  “Copper,” she said on a gasp. Her legs kicked into gear and she rushed to his side. Shit, he looked awful, full of bruises and blood. “I don’t want to touch you.”

  “All right, brother, this is gonna fucking hurt,” Rocket said as he worked his black canvas belt from his pants.

  Shell glared at him. “What are you doing to him?”

  “Saving his fucking life.”

  Copper took her hand in a weak grip. “It’s okay.”

  She stared, slack-jawed as Rocket worked the fabric under Copper’s thick thigh. Right at the top, pretty much in his groin. “Ready, Prez?”

  Copper gave a small nod. “Just fuckin’ do it,” he replied. “Give me those eyes, gorgeous.”

  Shell looked away from the mess of Copper’s leg and into his pain-filled eyes. She held his gaze as he clenched his teeth and growled a wounded-animal sound. His grip tightened beyond the point of discomfort, but it had to be nothing compared to what he was enduring.

  “Done. Let’s get you the fuck outta here,” Rocket said.

  “Thanks, brother.”

  Shell risked a glance at Copper’s leg. Rocket had secured the belt so tightly around Copper’s upper thigh, the blood slowed to an ooze.

  Her breath came a little easier.

  She moved off to the side as a few more of the club members entered the room. It took five of them, but they managed to lift Copper and carry him out. A sharp hiss was the only indication he was in pain, but the jostling had to be agony.

  It was then Shell realized Rusty was no longer in the room. She looked at Screw who’d come from outside. His white T-shirt was speckled with dots of blood. Rusty’s?

  “What will happen to him?”

  Screw stared at her, as though trying to decide how much to tell her. Then he sighed, running a hand through his hair. When he’d first prospected, he’d been a constant jokester, a real screwball. With the passage of time and increased responsibility, he was turning into a different man. One packed with new muscles and a new respect for his obligations. “We’ll hold him in the box until Prez is released from the hospital.” He shrugged. “Up to the boss man after that.”

  Jigsaw stuck his head in the room. “Hey, Shell, we’re getting ready to cart the big guy’s ass to the hospital. He’s refusing to go unless you’re with him.”

  Oh, yes, she wanted, needed to be with him. “Thanks, Jig. What are we going to tell them at the hospital?”

  “We’ll take care of it. You’re going to just play dumb. You know nothing. We picked you up on the way to the hospital because Copper asked for you. All you know is he was injured. Play up the club not telling you shit, huh?”

  She nodded and speed-walked across the lawn to keep up with Jig’s long stride. “Okay. That’s easy enough.” Thank God. She wasn’t sure she had the mental capacity to recall a complicated story after all she’d been through the past twenty-four hours.

  “Yeah, we wanted to keep you out of it as much as possible.”

  “Where is he?” She looked around but didn’t see Copper anywhere. Panic had her grabbing Jig’s arm. “Did they take him already?”

  “Nah.” Jig pointed to the massive black pick-up. “They got him lying in the bed of the truck. You can ride back there with him. Stay low. We got some blankets back there so you shouldn’t be too cold.”

  “Thanks, Jig.” Shell took off toward the truck. Zach helped her climb into the back. Copper was lying on a thick stack of folded blankets with another covering his body.

  Shell lowered to her knees and crawled over to him. As carefully as possible, she laid down next to him. Comfortable wouldn’t exactly be the word she’d use to describe the set-up, but she’d lie on broken glass to be next to Copper.

  “Closer,” he mumbled, eyes closed.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Need to feel you.” His slurred words had worry skittering across Shell’s nerve endings. Copper was a steel pillar, and those should never crumble. Seeing him in such a weakened state was unnerving, to say the least.

  She inched her way clo
ser until her body was pressed along his side. Gently, she rested her arm across his chest. “Better?”

  He grunted.

  “We’re done, Shell, you hear me?”

  Her heart stopped. Literally died. “W-what?” He was breaking up with her? Tears spilled down her cheeks.


  “Done with this bullshit. Soon as I’m on my feet, we’re getting fucking married.”

  Shell couldn’t help it, she laughed. “Copper, you’ve lost a lot of blood. I think you’re delirious.”

  “Not fucking delirious,” he muttered. “Say yes.”

  “You didn’t ask me a question.”

  “Goddammit, woman.”

  Shell bit her lip to keep from laughing again. God, she loved this man. Some of the intense anxiety she’d been experiencing since he went missing abated. He was going to be just fine if he could still goddammit her.

  Might as well agree. It wasn’t like he was going to remember it come morning. “Yes, Copper.”

  He just grunted.

  The rest of the trip was made in silence, but with a smile on her face.

  It was over. Whatever the club decided to do with Rusty, Shell had no doubt it was over. He’d never bother her again. She no longer had to hand over half her salary to Joe each month. Copper knew her secrets and still loved her.

  Once he was healed, everything would be perfect.


  “BABE, WHAT’S IT gonna take to get you to go home and catch a few hours’ sleep?”

  Shell glanced up from her phone where she’d been reading about tibial fractures. She blinked at Copper. “Huh? I told you. I’m not leaving until you do.” She bounced her knee and went back to her reading. Turned out there were a few ways to repair a tibial fracture depending on where the actual break was. And the type of surgery determined the restrictions and rehab course.

  Huh, she’d have to remember to question the orthopedic surgeon next time he came around. Since they dragged Copper back to surgery, she’d been doing everything she could to learn about his injuries, how best to care for him, and what to expect recovery-wise. Drumming her fingers on the armrest of the most uncomfortable chair she’d ever sat in, she scrunched her forehead.


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