Alphas, Airships, and Assassins

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Alphas, Airships, and Assassins Page 1

by Frost Kay

  Alphas, Airships, and Assassins

  Aliens and Alchemists Book Two

  Frost Kay


  Also By Frost Kay

  I. Cyan Toxin

  1. You’re Not that Beautiful

  2. Misery Loves Company

  3. Perfecting Avoidance

  4. Busybodies and Probes

  5. Friends or Foes

  6. Strong Girls Don’t Faint

  7. Monsters Belong in Cages

  8. Tricked Out Rust Buckets

  II. Onyx Elixir

  9. Scaly Man Fish

  10. Dying is Not Sexy

  11. Come at Me Bro

  12. Snakes… Eve Should’ve Known Better

  13. Back Biters and Back Stabbers

  14. The Clumsy Femme Fatale

  15. Never Make a Deal with the Devil

  16. Creepers Be Creepin

  17. Elvish Cosplay

  18. Give Me Sleep or Give Me Death

  19. Big Beds are Better

  III. Indigo Alloy

  20. Missing Mate

  21. Kinky Cuffs

  22. Gag Me with a Spork

  23. Money Talks

  24. It’s all about presentation

  25. Frankenstein and Stripper Heels

  26. Perfecting the Art of Domesticity

  27. Bless Your Heart Doesn’t Mean What You Think

  28. Sea Monsters and Failed Escape Attempts

  29. Always Resort to the Fetal Position

  30. Is This a Dream?

  31. Tying Up Loose Ends

  32. Don’t Be a Scaredy-Cat


  Let’s Chat!


  Alphas, Airships, and Assassins

  Copyright © 2020 Renegade Publishing, LLC

  First Edition

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  For information on reproducing sections of this book or sales of this book, go to

  Cover by Amalia Chitulescu

  Editing by Oceans Edits

  Proofread by Holmes Edits & Pauline Creeden

  Formatting by Renegade Publishing

  Created with Vellum

  Also By Frost Kay


  (Dark Epic Fantasy)

  Rebel’s Blade

  Crown’s Shield

  Siren’s Lure

  Enemy’s Queen

  King’s Warrior

  Warlord’s Shadow

  Spy’s Mask

  Court’s Fool


  (Post Apocalyptic Fantasy)

  The Stain

  The Tainted

  The Exiled

  The Fallout (2020)


  (Sci-Fi Fantasy)

  Amber Vial

  Emerald Bane

  Scarlet Venom

  Cyan Toxin

  Onyx Elixir

  Indigo Alloy


  (Epic Fantasy/Fairytale Retelling)

  The Hunt

  The Rook

  Part I

  Cyan Toxin


  You’re Not that Beautiful

  She’d expected him to ravage her. He didn’t. Slovan slowly coaxed her mouth to dance with his and pressed closer. Allie forced herself to stay upright. There was no way in heck he was getting her on her back. That would only lead down one path, one she refused to go down.

  Catching her breath, she turned her head to the side, staring blankly at the paintings on the wall as he ran his mouth down her cheek and neck. She shuddered as he inhaled heavily.

  “You smell so good.” She stiffened at how his voice had turned to more of a growl. She’d heard that sound before. Panic infused her veins. The truth serum was supposed to work immediately, but how long was she supposed to stick around? Her mind went blank. She couldn’t remember what Lev had told her to do. All the instructions were forgotten.

  Sloven lifted his head and met her gaze, his breath puffing across her sensitive lips. “You’re uneasy.”

  Of course, she was uneasy. She was trying to seduce a cretin. A nervous giggle slipped out of her. “Contrary to belief, I’ve never done this before.”

  He blinked slowly at her. “Done what?”

  She opened her mouth, and then closed it, distracted by the hand creeping up her thigh and underneath her dress. Her fingers curled around his hand and pulled it away. “This.”

  His gaze dropped to his hand now resting on her knee and back to her face, eerily blank. “Are you untouched?”

  The question was soft and quiet, but it didn’t put her at ease. If anything, it put her on high alert. It was like the quiet that came before a raging storm.

  Allie cleared her throat. “It’s part of my culture to stay that way until married.”

  A feral look crossed over his face, and his smile turned shark-like. “I must admit, that pleases me immensely.” He leaned closer and twirled a blond curl around his finger.

  “I didn’t do it to please you,” she said haughtily, pushing her shoulders back.

  A rumble began in his chest as he nuzzled her neck. “What a pleasing little mate you are.”

  Ice filled her veins. Mate? No way. It was time to get out of here. She slid off the couch and snatched her shoes off the floor. “Thank you for showing me your collection of art, but I think it’s time for me to be going,” Allie said as she backed away.

  Sloven unfolded from the couch like the predator he was, an amused expression on his face. “I didn’t take you for a runner.”

  “I may not have been on this planet for a long time, but I’ve heard the word ‘mate’ thrown around a bit. Y’all feel like it’s a forgone conclusion when you like the smell of a person. I happen to like making a choice. And my choice is to leave.”

  His laugh was one-part sin and one-part menace. She didn’t dare look back at the door behind her for one second. “Oh, Miss Allie Sai, you were mine the moment you walked into my home.”

  Her skin flashed hot and cold. He knew her real name. Her name. Allie twisted and lunged for the door. Her fingers curled around the old-fashioned knob, and she got one good yank before a body slammed into her from behind, knocking the wind from her lungs.

  “Never turn your back on the predator,” he whispered hotly. “And never run from your mate.” His arms wrapped around her waist and began to pull her from the door. Allie screamed and slammed her feet against the door. Sloven lost his balance and stumbled a few steps, but he didn’t fall.

  “Let me go!” Her nails raked at his arm, but he didn’t budge. She threw her head back, clipping his chin.

  “Please keep fighting,” he groaned. “I love a good fight.”

  The room began to spin as her anxiety ratcheted up a notch. No. She couldn’t have a panic attack now. It would leave her too vulnerable. Allie focused on her breathing and fought with everything she had as he walked her back toward the couch.

  Her necklace slithered across her hand as she tugged at his forearm.

  The necklace.

  Her right hand curled around the necklace as she bit down on his arm.

  A growl rumbled from behind her. “So, that’s how it’s going to be.”

  She got one scratch in
with the necklace before she flew through the air and slammed down onto the coffee table. Tears stung her eyes, and she fought for breath, but there wasn’t any. Her back screamed like someone had stabbed her. Sloven stood above her, his hands on his hips as he stared at her. He licked his bloodied lip and smiled.

  “I always knew my mate would be feisty.” He scanned her as she labored to breathe. “I just never expected her to be so…Human.” He smiled wickedly. “I’ll overlook your weakness, because your breeding cycle is something to be desired. I do need heirs.”

  She began to shake as bile burned the back of her throat. He wouldn’t be getting heirs from her. He straightened and began to smooth out his shirt and then strode to the bar. Allie twisted and fell to the floor. Her palms stung as they met glass, but she didn’t pause to look at them as she crawled toward the door, her back crying out with each movement.

  “Help,” she whispered. Lev had to hear her.

  “There’s no one to hear you, sweet one.” Sloven tossed back a shot of something and moved toward her.

  She had to get out of here. He chuckled and bent to reach for her. Allie flipped on her back and slammed her heel into his groin. His red eyes narrowed in pain, and he sank to his knees. She scrambled back like a crab, despite the pain throbbing through her body.

  A scream flew from her lips as his hand locked around her ankle and yanked. The carpet burned across the back of her legs and butt. When the hell was the paralytic supposed to take effect?

  “That wasn’t nice,” he growled, pressing her into the plush rug.

  Allie’s fingers curled around her pump on the floor. She smashed the heel of her shoe into his neck. She gagged as it sank in. Her eyes widened in horror as he slowly moved her hand from the shoe and flung the offending object across the room. Glass crashed, but she didn’t look to see what it was. She didn’t take her eyes from the man lying on top of her.

  Blood dripped down his neck. He pressed her into the floor. “I’ll give you that one,” he whispered. “But strike me again, and I won’t hold back.”

  This was him holding back?

  A small sob slipped through her lips as his attention moved to her ripped dress. A shiver worked through her at the greedy, hot look he gave her. He liked the violence. His gaze wandered back up to her face and lines appeared between his brows. Sloven blinked slowly.

  “What in the…the hell?” he slurred, his red eyes unfocusing. “Wha—what did…did you do?”

  She was shaking so badly, she couldn’t say a thing. His eyes focused for a moment, and one side of his mouth curled up. He reached a hand up and ran his finger along her lips.

  “I’ll be seeing you soon, sweet one. I’m the only one who can fix what’s broken.” His eyes rolled into his head, and he slumped against her.

  Allie shoved at his shoulders and wriggled out from underneath his heavy weight, each movement beyond painful. Sobs burst from her chest as she rolled on her belly to crawl away from the king, spots dotting her vision. Her bloody shoe lay in a pile of broken mirror glass that covered the floor like a million glittering stars. She glanced over her shoulder at Sloven and shuddered. One of his hands was outstretched toward her, like, at any moment, he’d animate and grab her.

  “Lev,” she whispered. “I need you.”

  The black doors crashed open, and she dove behind the couch. Her back burned at the movement, and something slick dripped down her spine. Allie pressed her shaking fist to her mouth to keep quiet.

  “Oh, hell,” a familiar voice breathed. “We need backup.” A pause. “Allie?”

  “Here,” she croaked.

  The Kanji swung around the couch and cursed. “We need medical.”

  He reached for her, and she shied away. Kale froze, his hand hovering in the air. “It’s okay, love. I got you. You’re safe.”

  “What the hell is happening?” Lev barked in her ear, but his voice echoed like he was far away.

  “She’s hurt badly.”

  “How badly?” a deep voice asked.

  Kale stared at her. “It looks worse than it is.”

  Allie swayed toward him, shivering so hard her teeth clacked together. It couldn’t be that bad. She held her shaking hand up in the air, her arms strangely cold. She couldn’t feel any of the pain now.

  “She’s going into shock,” Kale said, edging closer. “Allie, I need to help you. Tell me where it hurts.”

  “It doesn’t hurt,” she mumbled through cold lips.

  “Not good.” Kale shook his head. “You should not come into this—”

  Another set of footsteps stomped through the door. Allie looked at the man who halted in his tracks when he spotted her. An Av. Another bloody Av. She held a hand out defensively and curled into the velvety couch. “Don’t touch me.” All she could see were blood-red eyes.

  “You need to step back.”

  “But she needs—”

  “I know what she needs, Blade, and it’s not you.”

  The hair rose at the nape of her neck at the feral growl.

  “You’re scaring her.”

  The sound abruptly broke off.

  “I want to go home,” she said.

  “I’ll take you home.”

  Hands slipped under her legs and behind her back. The room spun as Kale stood.

  Allie blinked at the scene. Nausea slammed into her. “I’m gonna…” She heaved and vomited the tiny bit of fluid and bile in her stomach all over Kale’s arm and the floor. “Sorry,” she cried, tears leaving tracks down her face.

  “Don’t worry about it. Close your eyes. We’ll be home before you know it.”

  Allie tried to close her eyes, but it wasn’t possible. All she could do was stare at the destruction of the room. A team of Locks swept into the room, all in black. She gazed at them without recognition as they tied Sloven’s hands behind his back.

  She glanced to the side, almost as if drawn there. Black eyes filled with concern met hers. Blade. A Lock. This was his fault. Their fault. Rage and bitterness like she’d never experienced before welled up inside her.

  “I hate you,” she whispered as Kale carried her from the room. She hated them all.


  Misery Loves Company

  Allie stared out the window into the darkness. People moved around her in a blur. Once the initial adrenaline wore off, the pain slammed into her, then came blessed numbness.

  Jer held her hand, rubbing her thumb across the top of her hand. Normally, her friend’s clammy fingers would’ve bothered her—hell, maybe Allie was the one with the clammy hand—but, at that point, most of the feeling in her body had left her in a cool rush, thanks to Eve.

  “That’s the last bit of it,” Eve said softly. Her cool fingers smoothed something wet over her back. “All the glass has been removed, and I’ve stitched the deeper cuts.”

  Allie should’ve said thank you, but she couldn’t find it in herself to say it. Eve was a traitor like the rest of them. They’d all lied.

  Her gaze dropped to her drooping floral dress, and a flicker of sadness swept through her. Dried blood spattered the skirt, along with smudges of dirt. A long tear ran up her thigh, its edges jagged. It looked like how she imagined her heart to look like at the moment.




  One tear slipped from the corner of her eye and plopped onto the ruined fabric. It was a stupid thing to cry over. Her mama would have smacked her on the butt and told her to buck up. It was just fabric.

  Allie ran her hand along the soiled fabric and tried not to sob. It was more than just fabric. It held memories. She’d never see her papa again. It felt like part of him was gone now.


  It was difficult to lift her gaze from the morbid flower pattern on her dress, but she dispassionately followed the voice to Eve, who stared at her with concern. Her purple hair slid across her face as she leaned closer and shone a light in her eyes again. Allie blinked at the sudden light and shu
ddered as a memory rose unbidden to her mind. Pain and fear caused her to stiffen as Sloven once again stood over her.


  She blinked again and turned to Jer. Her friend’s face looked like it was carved from stone, but her eyes burned like blue fire. Anger. Why was Jer angry? Allie wasn’t even angry. She was numb.

  Jer’s lips thinned, and her gaze moved over Allie’s shoulder. “How long does she need to stay here?”

  “I don’t want to stay here,” she whispered, her throat dry. It hurt to speak. She’d screamed herself hoarse. “I want to go home.”

  Zune entered her vision and knelt before her. His large hand reached for her other hand and hesitated as she stiffened. He pulled his hand back, fingers curling into a fist. “You need to stay here until we’re sure you’re okay. You’ve been through a trauma.”

  Trauma. She’d heard the word before and felt pity for those who experienced it themselves. It was only six letters, but those six letters had changed her entire life. Yet she found herself saying, “I’m fine.”

  “You’re the farthest thing from fine,” he rumbled softly, his cinnamon eyes sad. “That’s okay, though.”

  She didn’t like the sadness in his gaze. Allie shifted, uncomfortable. A cool hand touched her shoulder.


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