I Dated a Hot Assassin (Blind Date Corporation Book 2)

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I Dated a Hot Assassin (Blind Date Corporation Book 2) Page 15

by Viola Grace

  Torenne cuddled Khytten to her. “I like the silk; Salat likes the leather. Khytten wears both very well.”

  “That is just because all my regular clothes exploded. I normally like jeans and button-down shirts when I’m not at work.” She sighed. “And sneakers. I love sneakers.”

  Torenne chuckled. “Not on our watch.”

  “How about boots with no high heels?” She murmured a compromise.

  “We will run some designs past you and see what we all agree on.”

  Salmet smiled. “You have to get dressed by committee?”


  “You have your own money?”


  “So, go shopping?”

  “Great. You hold Torenne and Salat, and I will go get some comfy clothes.”

  Torenne whispered, “That won’t work.”

  Jennela smiled. “Right. Out onto the patio so that the staff can get things together.”

  Halko came in and walked right up to Khytten and kissed her on the cheek.

  Khytten leaned back and asked Torenne, “What is going on?”

  “There is a weird rivalry between our families. We have been stuck together for generations. Right now, they are competing for the highest estimation in the daughter-in-law’s eyes. It is rather fun to watch.”

  Halko smiled. “We met you first, and we have you in our house.”

  Khytten nodded. “Right. Which way to the patio?”

  Torenne took her hand and hauled her out.

  “Um, Torenne...”

  “Yes, Khytten?”

  “Are you getting taller?”

  Torenne laughed. “Yes, I am. I am guessing that you prefer your partners tall, so I am gaining height. You did the same thing to Salat, by the way. He got taller and broader.”

  “Oh. Sorry.”

  “When you are focused on sex, you focus on what you want and how you see us. If we are silly enough to drink from you at that time, we get remade in the ideal you have in your thoughts. It’s our own fault, really. But, if you could ever let me shift shape into a male again for a few minutes, I would appreciate it. I think it would freak out my parents to no end.”

  “You want to be male?”

  “No, I just always wanted it to be a choice. I like the silks, the chiffons, the shoes, that kind of thing.” She grinned. “Even the breasts are fun now that you have shown me what they can do, and everything else is amazing. I think if I changed now, it wouldn’t be a good thing. I would be far behind Salat physically, so that would be a bad thing. We are good the way we are. I can actually deal with my patients on a different basis than if I was presenting as masculine. Folks tell me more. There is no false bravado.”

  “Yeah, you turn into everybody’s mom or auntie.” Khytten grinned at her.

  Torenne pulled her into a corner, and there was a sting on her backside. “I am not your mom, nor your auntie.”

  Khytten’s smile was mischievous, but she cuddled in close, rubbing her hips against Torenne’s. “I know who you are. You are my friend, lover, and healer. In that order.”

  “I think the lover comes first.”

  Khytten leaned in. “Not anymore. You have made amazing progress.” The sharp swat to her backside made her go up on her toes.

  “You are a naughty kitten. And you have forgotten that my mother can hear everything.”

  Khytten’s face went pale, and then, a gradual heat flowed up her cheeks. “Yeah, that did slip my mind.”

  A quick glance over at Jennela showed her laughing her ass off in her husband’s arms at the other end of the patio.

  “Great choices with the in-laws. One sees too much; one hears too much. I am fucked.”

  Torenne leaned in and whispered, “As soon as I can get you alone.”

  Khytten shivered and leaned up to brush her lips against her friend’s. “Oh, I am sorry about the height. I didn’t realize I had a preference or that it was this glaring.”

  Torenne stroked her neck. “It is fine. My wardrobe is being altered accordingly. In fact, it will give me a chance to try some new styles.”

  They cuddled together until a no-nonsense woman announced, “Dinner is served.”

  “They are going to break us up for dinner. Just remain calm, and don’t let Riko pass you the salt. He’s a sneaky bastard.”

  Jennela looked at them with amusement, and everyone went in. Hands were washed on the way in, and it was the first warning that this was a traditional Aksalla meal. Hands were going to be the instruments of consumption.

  The dining room had an Aksallan food pit. The table was slightly elevated, and the diners slid their legs under it and under the floor level. Each seat had a cushion, and Jennela set Khytten at her side. “You and I have a lot to talk about.”

  “Can’t you hear me from across the table?”

  “Funny, Khytten.”

  Salmet took the other side of her, and she sat sandwiched between two matriarchs. Dinner was served, and Salmet and Jennela both put bits on her plate. “Uh, is there some Aksallan ritual about stuffing me until I explode?”

  Salmet snorted. “Salat has already told me that you can take anything. So... eat.”

  Jennela asked, “So, what is the difference between the milk you shipped and when you were there at the hospital?”

  “I can tailor it to the baby when I can see them, touch them, hold them. I guess that Baby Acudan is three months early?”

  Salmet nodded. “My daughter has had trouble carrying to term. This is the first child out of five pregnancies to make it to birth. We have all been holding our breath.”

  “Is she active?”

  “Not traditionally, no. she has a calculating adaptation but nothing physical.” Salmet took more shreds of pork and set them on Khytten’s plate. “Now, how much can you eat?”

  “You know how much Salat ate as a teen? Probably that much.”

  Salmet took a deep breath and nodded. “Right. Here we go then.”

  Khytten’s plate was never empty. They were halfway through dinner when Torenne mentioned, “You know what they are doing is part of the engagement rituals around here?”

  Riko and Halko were snickering and watching with amusement.

  Khytten froze with her next mouthful halfway up. “They are doing what now?”

  Jennela patted her leg. “Don’t worry about it. You look hungry, and you have expended a lot of energy today.”

  “I don’t look hungry. I never look hungry.” She snorted and kept eating.

  Salmet smiled. “But you are so pale. Let’s put some colour in those cheeks.” More food arrived.

  “I have only seen her pink when she was mad or...” A dumpling struck Torenne in the middle of her forehead.

  Torenne looked down at her plate, picked up the dumpling, and ate it. “Thanks, Khytten. These were all on your side of the table.”

  “You are welcome.”

  They laughed, and the meal continued until the last course was served.

  Khytten heard a crackle on her internal com. She looked at Torenne. “What do you see?”

  There was an explosion, and she clapped her hand over her ear, screaming. “Salat!”

  She got up and ran upstairs.

  * * * *

  Salmet looked to Torenne, “What is it; what is going on?”

  “We need Salat’s coordinates. He’s in trouble.”

  “Where did she go?”

  “She’s getting changed. She needs her suit for this. Now, Prefect. Where is he?”

  Jennela paused and then focused. “By the docks. If you take the aircraft...”

  Torenne looked up as Khytten came in with her bodysuit to her waist. “Torenne, I need help with this. My hands are shaking.”

  Torenne helped her into the suit and got everything lined up. “Are you good?”

  “I am good. Calming down. Do you have a med kit?”

  The housekeeper
appeared and handed it to Torenne. “Thanks, Imira.”

  “Go. If that boy needs help, he needs it now.”

  Torenne nodded. Khytten had a canister on her thigh. “What are you loading?”

  “Extreme healing. His breathing is ragged.”

  Salmet walked to them. “I am coming with you.”

  “Fine, but have a car meet us. The aircraft only seats three, and I will need the space for Salat and his healer.”

  “Not a problem. Emergency crews are on the way. There are other lives at stake.”

  Khytten waved that away and ran out to the aircraft.

  Torenne watched her run to do pre-flights and said, “She will leave without us, Salmet.”

  They both ran to the landing pad and strapped in. The moment the last click was heard, they shot straight up and out, just over the treeline. There was no time wasted in getting altitude, and Salmet was on a com getting them a flight corridor through domestic airspace.

  They were across the city in four minutes, gliding silently to the docks and landing in front of a burning building. Khytten calmly unlatched from the harness and looked at Torenne. “You wait here. I will get him out.”

  Salmet said, “We will get him out.”

  Khytten asked, “Can you do any heavy lifting?”

  “I definitely can.”

  “Great. Then, I will finish what started.”

  * * * *

  Khytten got the briefing as they ran into the burning building. Based on the fact that he was trapped, he had to be near the centre of the collapse. The air burned her lungs. She took a sip of the canister she had just filled and handed it to Salmet. “Take a sip.”


  “It will stop your lungs from burning, but take only a sip.”

  Salmet took a sip and handed the canister back. “It’s sweet.”

  “Yeah, I hear that a lot.”

  Salmet blinked. “My lungs feel better. That’s... amazing.”

  “I hear that a lot, too. Come on. He’s this way.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I can hear what he hears, and the sound is coming from that portion of the building.”

  She set another canister to fill and pulled out her blasters, setting them high. Anyone she hit was not going to get up.

  She ran through a wall of flames and saw the wall collapse and the clear spot next to it. “Salmet, he’s stuck invisible. He’s under that rubble.”

  The rocks started flying at the slightest touch. She could hear her own voice through the link, and she kept talking. “Hey, baby. We made it. You just hang on, and we will have you out of here in no time.”

  The invisible hand squeezed hers. She kept talking. “Hey, I met your mother, and she seems like a bit of a badass. She’s digging you out. I should be able to get a solid feel for your damage.”

  There was a slurring voice. “Don’t want you to see. Face burned.”

  “I am after you for your massive cock. The face is for the public.”

  Salmet muttered, “The things I am happy to hear someone say to my son.”

  Khytten had the first canister ready when he laughed harshly, and she poured the milk down his throat. “Drink up, you pointy-eared bastard.”

  She felt the scorched edge of his lip that no longer covered his teeth. He drank, and she eased him to a sitting position, and she dumped it down him and reached for the second one.

  She rubbed her thumb over his mouth, and his burned lips were repaired. “Soft tissue is easier; time for the next canister.”

  He nodded, and he slowly came into view as he drank. She winced. His left leg was crushed mid-thigh and was slowly pulling into position. “You are going to need Torenne. She’s waiting outside.”

  She kissed him. “Thanks for getting me out of dinner with your mother.”

  He barked a laugh when he lowered the canister. “Empty.”

  “Give it a minute, and then carry him out. I will get the others.”

  Salat looked at her and sighed. “Through that door, on the left. Down a set of stairs, and the cages are lined up against the wall. There are children there, so minimize the cursing.”

  Salmet asked, “Did you get all the targets?”

  “Nine out of eleven. There are still two on the list at large.”

  Khytten smiled. “If I see ‘em. Down they will go.”

  “Good. Go get ‘em.”

  She left him with his mother as the woman pulled him into a fireman’s carry to manage him. Khytten headed into the depths of the burning building.

  The third canister was filling up fast. Her need was spurring on a lot of activity. It was a damned good thing she had had a huge dinner.

  “Talk to me, kitten.”

  “I can hear voices. High pitched. Panicked.”

  She picked up a fallen brick and smashed the lock on the door.

  “Laser blades. You need cutting weapons.”

  “Funny. How is your mom holding up?”

  “A team of agents are here. She is sending them in to take care of the hot chick in leather.”

  “Lovely, Ikan Salat.” She purred the words as she got the door open.

  “Hah. You seem to be doing well, Ikir Khytten.”

  “Huh. This country is messed up.” She headed down the steps, and when someone jumped out and raised their hand, she shot.

  “I agree. A perfect fit for you.”

  She rounded a corner and looked at the ranking of men and women, all young and most with visible, active status. “Hello, my name is Khytten, and I will be getting you out of here today.”

  “How is a blow-up doll going to help us?” A man sneered from the back.

  She called out, “Are there any heavy lifters here?”

  Two men and one woman held up their hands.

  She extended her arm and fired a stun pulse from her wrist band. “Good. Carry him. We don’t have time for assholes today.”

  “Are you here on behalf of Aksalla?” One young woman asked.

  “Do you know Salat?”

  They all nodded. The young woman said, “We know his voice.”

  “I am here on behalf of Salat.”

  “Nice one, kitten. Now, get them out of there. The structure isn’t stable.”

  He was a bossy bugger. She went to the controls, and the doors opened.

  “If you will follow me and someone pick up Mr. Lippy.”

  She kept two guns ready and led her troupe out of the basement and back into hell.

  One of the girls came forward and sprayed water.

  “We just used some water, so if you can triangulate the temperature difference, you will have a better idea of our location.”

  She calmly shot two men who were running at them, the manacles in their hands were dead giveaways.

  They were halfway through the building when they were face to face with the agents.

  “Password, Kitten Rocks.”

  Khytten nodded. “Yes, I do. Keep going. They are also in desperate need of hydration.”

  “They are moving me to hospital, kitten. I will see you there?”

  “If you are very good, you might. Just stay visible for the nice medical staff and tell Torenne to take a nap. You need fluids now. You nearly bled out.”

  “That is what she said.”

  Khytten was watching the rescued actives as they filed by. The pregnant woman leaned heavily on her for a moment and looked at her in consternation. “How can you be mother to thousands?”

  “Oh, a contact reader. Well, it is complicated, but it is sort of true. Come on. If you have a nice healthy baby, I will tell you about it. You are already in labour. Keep walking.”

  The heavy lifter behind her widened his eyes and lifted her. They were the last in the line. Khytten relaxed and exhaled. Her charges had been handed off. Time to finish the contract.

  She hummed to herself and walked to the main audience chamber of th
e makeshift throne room.

  The pressure on her mind started immediately. “Bow before me, you stupid co—”

  The blaster shattered his skull, and the second shot blew his torso apart.

  She calmly shot to the right and left of the large chair, tearing the duplicator into two—well—six pieces.

  “Contract complete. Khytten is on her way out.”

  She turned and ran for the door, jumping, clearing debris, and following the path of the agents.

  She burst out of the building and walked to her aircraft. “Okay, Salat, what is your status?”

  “Stable but sleepy. Torenne wants to know if you need any help.”

  “No, I think I am okay aside from the occasional abrasion. I am on my way to the hospital.”

  “I will have them clear the pad for landing.”

  “Thanks. I am willing to use the carpark, but I will bill your mother.”

  “Come to me, kitten. I have missed you.”

  She strapped in. “See you in five.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  A security officer met her on the roof and led her down to the ICU where they were keeping Salat. He was in a private room with guards on the doors. She was introduced, and the guards snapped to attention.

  Salat was asleep, so Khytten went to the bathroom to clean up. Her hair had been scorched to the scalp in several areas. She grimaced, unzipped her suit and drank, healing herself with rapid hair growth. She zipped up again and changed to her fourth canister. The third was completely full.

  She walked to his side and smiled at Torenne, asleep at his side, slumped over the bed.

  She quietly pulled up a chair and took Salat’s hand. “You had me worried, big fella.”

  She smoothed the sheet over his torso. “Here I was, wondering if your mother was going to hand feed me dessert and then you exploded. I hope this is not a theme in our association.”

  His lips moved, and he whispered, “I am rarely blown up.”

  “Where’s your mother?”

  “I hear I have a niece, and she looks to survive. I wonder how that happened.”

  “Don’t know. Must have been a strange wind blowing through the NICU.” She smiled and pressed her cheek against his hand. “You worried me.”


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